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      • Self-help & personal development

        Master Key Workbook, The

        A Complete Method of Self-mastery and Goal Attainment Based on The Master Key System, the legendary book by Charles F. Haanel

        by Anthony R. Michalski

        The Master Key System by Charles F. Haanel has changed the lives of millions of people. The Master Key Workbook will continue that proud practice. You have always dreamed about living a successful and rewarding life, both financially and emotionally. The Master Key Workbook will help you make all of your dreams come true and set you on the road to riches and self-mastery. Based on the timeless classic The Master Key System, this book combines motivational exercises that build your “thought muscles” with written worksheets to define and prepare you to attain your goals. Once you define your goals and are given the power to attain them, then you can accomplish anything! Some of the things you will learn from this book are… ▪ You will gain a complete understanding of the operation of the Universe and how your dreams can become reality. ▪ You will learn how to “train your brain” properly and efficiently, thus removing doubt and fear from your life. ▪ Putting your plans into action will be easier and results will come quicker than ever before. ▪ Goal-setting and goal-attainment will be a snap. ▪ You will magnetize yourself to opportunity and success. ▪ Your problems will seem to dissolve and your life will have fewer “speed bumps”. ▪ Your life will be fuller, richer, and more purposeful. Based on the tried and true knowledge and wisdom of Charles F. Haanel, written in an easy and approachable manner, and including many exercises that will both entertain and enlighten, The Master Key Workbook will set every man and woman on the path to a prosperous and meaningful life. Prepare yourself to attain all of your dreams!

      • Self-help & personal development
        November 2016

        The Happiness Perspective

        Seeing Your Life Differently

        by Diane Wing

        Are you longing for greater happiness, but you feel like it's just not possible? Have you heard that happiness is just a state of mind, but you don't know how to attain that state? Diane Wing, a teacher, personal transformation guide, and intuitive consultant, has unlocked the secrets that make happiness possible. This book is packed with methods to help you transform your thought processes, patterns, habits, and behaviors so you can experience greater happiness, peace of mind, and abundance. Discover in these pages the art of seeing life differently through such processes as: Turning regular household chores into meditation activities Reducing the noise in your environment so you can focus better Knowing who you truly are rather than trying to be everything to everyone else Saying no in effective ways that don't make you feel guilty Learning to do less and appreciate more Cleansing your thoughts to remove negativity and ground yourself Your personal evolution into greater happiness awaits you! Don't wait any longer. "The Happiness Perspective is a superb account of positive choices, exercises, and plenty of questions to ponder. I will be using it soon with my women's groups."--Barbara Sinor, PhD, author, Finding Destiny"Profoundly transformative, The Happiness Perspective is a brilliant, comprehensive blueprint for self-awareness, inner peace, and the attainment of ultimate happiness."--Dyan Garris, author, visionary mystic, and New Age recording artist"The Happiness Perspective is filled with tips and techniques that work to change your worldview and bring calmness into your life. I know because I've tried many of these techniques myself, learning how to do less and enjoy life more."-- Tyler R. Tichelaar, PhD. and award-winning author of The Children of Arthur seriesLearn more at

      • Health & Personal Development


        A book to help you do what you've always wanted to do, but haven’t done yet


        This book is an exceptional coaching manual for those who want to achieve great thingsand leave their mark; for those who do not accept being limited by fear, insecurity, lackof money, beliefs or the socio-economic status of their family; it is an effective response to the needs of those who do not want to rest content, and who are convinced that happiness and full self-realization belong in this world, for whom these are goals that tremble like horses raring to go.First of all, feel that intent, that vibrating aspiration within your body: it is the desire tochange something, to leave a mark, the need to express yourself and to be heard.Find that aspiration that vibrates within your body, do not let your mind steal it away andapply its own theories, begin to repeat it, to give it strength, power, space, breath and letgreat visions appear in you. Allow your aspiation to become an event, and this book willhelp you towards your goal.

      • Health & Personal Development

        Unbox Your Relationship

        How to draw people to you and build relationships that last

        by Tobias Beck

        Are you ready to have the best relationships of your life? Tobias Beck shows how you achieve them – at work and in your private life Thanks to our networked world, we have more relationships than ever before. We’ve never been in touch with so many people at any one time, and it’s never been so hard for us to open up to one another. We live in a world that strives for perfection and forgets that relationships are not a filtered Instagram selfie. Relationships exist alongside and because of us and, as such, are also like us: unique, flawed, and constantly changing. This is a good thing. Perfection is far too static a state for the colourful emotional world where our relationships reside. We need relationships to be happy, yet it is this unique emotional world that makes it so difficult for us to establish them in the first place. In this new book, Tobias Beck takes you on a journey aimed at achieving the best relationships of your life. As a first step, you must fall in love with yourself – because your relationship with yourself determines the standards of compassion, understanding, respect, and trust that is reflected in your relationships with others. Once you have learned to say goodbye to the beliefs that hold you back and to forgive the past and yourself, you will be able to intensively nourish good relationships and say goodbye to others. Your life deserves the best relationships you can foster. Tobias’ animal-based model of the four basic types of person - whale, shark, dolphin and owl - has already inspired millions online. It will help you figure out what the people around you feel and believe. What motivates them? What are the things they dream of? What scares them? In Tobias’ many humorous stories, you’ll recognise your partner, family, friends, colleagues and yourself, and thus learn to understand all these people better. By the end of the book, you’ll speak the language of the four animals and know why dolphins should never marry owls, why you should adopt a whale and what you should avoid so as not to be eaten by a shark.                Tobias will take you on a journey to yourself and the people you love – with empathy, poignancy and plenty of laughs along the way. About the Author: With more than 250,000 seminar participants and 5 million Podcast listeners Tobias Beck belongs to the most in demand speakers in the German-speaking countries. Tobias Beck motivates you, gives you concrete tips and shows you ways in which you can free yourself from everything that oppresses you, that keeps you small. Learn to think in terms of opportunities and possibilities instead of first seeing problems and risks in everything. Go your own way and let your dreams and visions guide you. And above all, look for people who support you, who let you grow and help you to move forward - this is how you live your own life successfully and authentically BEWOHNERFREI®.

      • Health & Personal Development
        May 2019


        by Bowie Tsang

        Do you feel awkward in social situations? Are you ever at a loss for what to say? Do you find yourself drained by conversations, even when sharing positive experiences? We all learn to speak in childhood, but real communication takes a lifetime to master. With twenty years of experience hosting talk shows and events, Bowie Tsang has the ability to engage guests from all walks of life. In her book, she shares the professional experiences  that left the deepest impressions on her, and teaches readers how to make conversations happen no matter what the setting, emphasizing that communication can be a powerful path of personal growth.   The first lesson of effective communication is “know thyself”. Only when we know our own passions and emotions can we begin to seek out points of resonance others. This is the prelude to learning how to have natural and flowing conversations. With this foundation, we can develop our own communication style and learn to better express our thoughts through storytelling practice, and reading a broad range of books.   Later, we can continue to improve our communication through two critical skills: the use of positive energy, and learning to see things through the eyes of others. Bowie Tsang believes that real conversations are co-creations. We find satisfaction and positive energy in conversations, and avoid feeling drained, by working together and giving good feedback. Good communication is a lifelong study that will help us find mutual understanding and develop greater tolerance for those around us.   Unlike other books on communication, Fifty Exercises for Better Conversations doesn’t promote conversational gimmicks. Drawing on twenty years of experience, Bowie Tsang teaches that good conversations don’t unfold according to the rules. Naturally flowing from topic to topic helps put participants at ease, encourages positive communication, and creates a space for healing. Lively and authentic, Bowie Tsang’s writing will leave readers savoring the warmth and intimacy of a heartfelt talk, and inspire them to go out and create healing conversations of their own.

      • Mind, Body, Spirit: thought & practice

        Tollbooth, The

        An Inspirational Story about One Man’s 40-Day Spiritual Journey

        by John Feloni

        A Meeting. A Journal. A Price to Pay. A Life to Gain. The Tollbooth follows the story of a business meeting between Mr. Robert Campbell, the CEO of a multinational conglomerate, and an employee who is looking for more. During this encounter, Mr. Campbell shares something he’s never shown to anyone: a hand-written journal. Within its pages, the employee learns invaluable life lessons, strategic business insights, and, most important of all, the secret to a transcendent life.   The Tollbooth is the second (and favorite!) of author John Feloni’s trio of books, which include “The Covenant Secret,” that propound and elucidate time-tested as well as contemporary philosophies on life and business. Each book is a modern-day exemplum, or parable, with the concepts presented in a riveting story that entertains as much as it educates. “Hollywood Digest” writes that Mr. Feloni “makes the giving and sharing of ideas and hard knocks feel effortless.” You will learn the secrets to life and business within the pages of The Tollbooth. How to enhance the power of prayer. The importance of believing before seeing. How to deal with the negative people who may be in your life. Uncover the time-tested way to capture the joy of doing. Discover when the right time to start is. Why your helping might not really be helping. The method to feel like you can conquer the world all the time. How you can make better decisions more frequently. The author, John Feloni, wrote this business exemplum more than thirty years ago. And the message is relevant today — more than ever. Learn the secrets to life and business today. The toll owed is small — and the rewards gained are mighty. CONTENTSMeetingNotebook: Days 1 to 3PrayingNotebook: Days 4 to 9FocusingNotebook: Days 10 to 12BelievingNotebook: Days 13 to 30AffirmingNotebook: Days 31 to 35SeeingNotebook: Days 36 to 40RevealingWhy 40 Days?Special AcknowledgmentAbout the Author

      • Mind, Body, Spirit
        October 2023

        Love Every Day

        365 Relational Self-Awareness Practices to Help Your Relationship Heal, Grow, and Thrive

        by Alexandra Solomon, PhD

        Redefine what it means to love and be loved. Love has the power to wound us . . . and the power to heal us. And modern love is complicated. Which is why the ability to cultivate healthy relationships is the key to joy, peace, and a meaningful life. In Love Every Day, relationship expert and best-selling author Dr. Alexandra Solomon offers 365 daily practices to cultivate a curious and compassionate approach to your relationships with others, as well as your relationship with yourself. Inspired by her popular Instagram feed (@dr.alexandra.solomon) and grounded in her life-changing approach to relationships―Relational Self-Awareness―each practice in Love Every Day will help you understand the impact of your past (and your partner’s past), get your needs met, enhance intimacy, improve communication, and address relationship problems. Whether you’re single, in a relationship, or between relationships, this book invites you to develop awareness, curiosity, and empowerment so that you can be seen and loved as your most authentic self―and heal from times when you weren’t.

      • Assertiveness, motivation & self-esteem
        March 2024

        This Book is Cheaper Than Therapy

        A No-Nonsense Guide to Improving Your Mental Health

        by Liz Kelly, LICSW

        Tired of feeling like shit but can’t afford therapy?Finding a good therapist is hard. Finding a good therapist you vibe with―and who won’t break the bank―is even harder. In This Book Is Cheaper Than Therapy, seasoned therapist Liz Kelly brings the therapy office to you. So even if money is tight, your insurance doesn’t cover therapy, you can’t find quality practitioners in your area, or you’ve been stuck on a therapist’s waitlist for months, you can still feel better now.With her cheeky humor, undeniable wit, and perfectly timed f-bombs, Liz has a talent for explaining complex mental health concepts in a way you can understand and can put into practice immediately. And don’t worry―at no point in this book will you ever hear the phrase “healing journey,” “your truth,” or any other over-used therapy platitudes.Instead, you’ll learn how to:• Practice real self-care when life feels overwhelming(and no, shopping doesn’t count)• Quiet and tame your inner critic(because, let’s be honest, you’re way too hard on yourself)• Manage all the feels(even the ones you pretend you can ignore)• Set boundaries and master the art of saying no(especially when it’s really, really hard)• Maintain healthy relationships and find your people(I promise, they’re out there!)• Cope with the pain of grief and loss(even when it feels like it'll never get better)• Prioritize your values to create a more meaningful, kick-ass life(because you deserve it!)

      • Assertiveness, motivation & self-esteem

        The Confident Creative

        Draw to Free Hand and Mind

        by Cat Bennett

      • Assertiveness, motivation & self-esteem
        March 2012

        101 Myths About Relationships That Drive Us Crazy

        How to Stop Them from Sabotaging Your Happiness

        by Tim Ray

        In this entertaining and thought-provoking book, Tim presents a revolutionary new way of looking at our relationships and why they can be so problematic and then he goes on to offer some refreshing, new advice as to what we can do about it. The book's basic premise is that most of us believe in a wide range of myths about men and women, love and relationships that we have never questioned. It is our unquestioned belief in these myths that confuses us and makes us unhappy in our relationships. To help readers understand the power of myths in our lives, Tim identifies some of our most common relationship myths. And then he shows us how we can free ourselves from them. The result is much greater clarity, joy and love in our relationships. Some of the myths Tim unveils are:· - A relationship can only work if you compromise - I need a partner to be happy - My happiness is dependent on my partner - If you love me, you'll do what I want - I'm more selfish than my partner if I don't do what my partner wants - I know what is best for my partner - It's better to be in a relationship than to be single - Strong sexual attraction means we're a good match Every time you believe that reality should be different than it is right now, you suffer. It's actually that simple." - Tim Ray "When it comes to relationships, there are self-help books all around the world, but I've never read anyone who has done so much research into 'what happens to the hero and heroine after they finally get each other' as Tim Ray" - Jane Aamund - Denmark's leading woman writer and author of countless bestselling books. "An entertaining and courageous book that shows us how we can experience more happiness in our relationships by questioning the traditional way of doing things. I warmly recommend this book to everyone who's interested in personal development" Joan 0rting Denmark's leading sexologist, couples therapist, TV host, and best-selling author.

      • Family & relationships
        February 2010

        Your Gay Friend's Guide To Understanding Men

        by Bo Sebastain

        Girlfriends, get ready for some straight-talk about straight men from a gay friend. What do men really want from women? How do you avoid Mr. Wrong in your search for Mr. Right? What kind of emotional baggage is likely to send a man packing? Is your heartthrob a deadbeat? Where are the best places to search for the man of your dreams? Explore all these questions and more with renowned Life Coach, Bo Sebastian. Find ways to make your life and relationships better. Nationally renowned Clinical Hypnotist and Life Coach Bo Sebastian is a member of the National Guild of Hypnotists and taught at the 2008 World Hypnosis Conference. He currently works with Green Hills Healing Arts and has a private practice in Nashville, Tennessee. Bo has appeared on The Learning Channel with his sound-enhanced, multilayered hypnotherapy.

      • Health & Personal Development
        November 2012

        The Cookie Book

        Celebrating the Art, Power and Mystery of Women's Sweetest Spot

        by Maritza Breitenbach

        This international award-winning book offers an intimate guide for women of all ages. It gently weaves through a number of areas such as hygiene, puberby, virginity, the G-spot, masturbation, pregnancy, childbirth and the menopause, while offering amusing snippets from ancient times. The book is written in a conversational and humorous style, and has more than 100 colorful, non-invasive, non-pornographic images and classical art works from the masters. It addresses all the intimate questions women often have, and are too embarrassed to talk about. This valuable book is a beautiful gift to all women and young girls. "Recognising the importance and profundity of the vagin ... philosophical and humorous ... a tome that admirably attempts to unravel and ponder the history, impact and beauty of the vagina." - Oliver Roberts, Sunday Times

      • Children's & YA
        July 2013

        Dear Daughter

        what i wish I'd known at your age

        by Roy Sheppard

        Includes a total of over 1,500 years of female wisdom from a collection of amazing women of all ages. This book is packed with practical, 'real-world' advice on what it is to be a woman in the 21st-century. What I wish I'd known about: being a woman looking after yourself improving the relationship you have with yourself; being genuinely happy in life with self-confidence, self-esteem and a healthy attitude relationships with others (friends and frenemies) sex-from 'the first time' onwards how to understand men spotting (and avoiding) the dangerous ones what no one tells you about marriage and divorce the secret 'rules' in the workplace what the rich know about money, the poor don't.

      • Health & Personal Development
        July 2013

        Dear Son

        what I wish I'd known at your age

        by Roy Sheppard

        With contributions from dozens of fathers, this book is packed with practical, 'real-world' advice and wisdom on what it is to be a man in the 21st-century. It includes: the unexpected differences between 'real' and 'pretend' men the secret 'rules' in the workplace impress women without looking as though you're trying to what the rich know about money, the poor don't what you need to know about love, marriage and divorce build a solid personal and professional reputation improve the relationship you have with yourself; being genuinely happy in life with self confidence, self-esteem and a healthy attitude relationship building with others confident conversations spot (and avoid) truly dangerous women what it takes to be a success and how to design your preferred future.

      • Business & management
        June 2017

        Mustard Seeds, Shovels, & Mountains

        How to Succeed Using Your Physio-Psychic Power

        by J.F. (Jim) Straw

        J.F. (Jim) Straw began his business career when he was nine years old. Since then, his business activities have generated over $500,000,000 in revenues. For the first time, Mr. Straw explains how he used what he calls “Physio-Psychic Power” to achieve such incredible success. If you learn nothing else from this book, learn that information only becomes knowledge when you use it and the information you have used or failed to use in the past is the reason you are where you are today. You can be your best friend — or your worst enemy. No one forces you to be what you are or do what you do (or don’t do). What you have today is a direct result of what you did yesterday. What you will have tomorrow will be a direct result of what you do (or don’t do) today. It’s up to you.

      • Advice on careers & achieving success

        Why Some People Succeed and Others Fail

        by Samuel A. Malone

        In this inspiring and remarkable book you will discover the principles of success that have directed and motivated many people to make a significant contribution and difference to the world. You will also uncover the pitfalls to avoid in your quest to become the best you can be. Success in any endeavour does not happen by chance. It happens through the application of sound principles and purposeful actions such as: Setting realistic goals Making worthwhile plans Practising good interpersonal relationships Having confidence and self-belief Being optimistic Developing self-esteem Being persistent and resilient Being highly motivated Developing the habit of lifelong learning and continuous improvement Practising good personal values.

      • Self-help & personal development

        The Smart Girl's Guide to Getting What You Want

        How to be Assertive with Wit, Style and Grace

        by Mary Hartley

        In this book, personal development coach Mary Hartley explains how women can discover the secrets of assertiveness in order to live happier, healthier and more fulfilling lives. Taking a fun and sophisticated approach, the book is designed to be appealing to students, career girls and yummy mummies. Mary begins by explaining what assertiveness is and why it matters. She goes on to help the reader identify common patterns of behaviour – aggression, passivity and manipulation – providing guidance as to why we sometimes behave in these ways and the problems such patterns of behaviour can cause. Mary shows how assertive behaviour brings about the best results in every aspect of your life – helping you achieve both your career and personal goals. By being assertive we can learn how to express our needs and views honestly, effectively and gracefully, without leaving a disaster in our wake. You will find tips on effective communication and body language, as well as guidance on how to handle common difficult situations, including: • Dealing with criticism • Giving an honest opinion • Coping with intimidation • Overcoming shyness

      • Assertiveness, motivation & self-esteem
        May 2014

        Motivating People

        Practical Strategies and Techniques for Support Workers

        by Robin Dynes

        In all types of support services and care situations one of the biggest challenges is motivating people to change their behaviour. It particularly applies to individuals who are difficult to motivate because they might lack insight, wilfully ignore or refuse to face their situation, are affected by depression or health problems or are victims of unfortunate circumstances or fear of failure. The task may be to motivate someone to improve their quality of life by participating in a group in a residential home, change a lifestyle because of health reasons, address offending behaviour, learn a new skill to obtain a job or complete an anxiety management programme. The strategies and techniques will help: · Arouse their interest in making changes · Encourage the consideration of change · Support their planning for change · Mentor the person through planned actions · Ensure momentum is maintained · Guide the person in making positive use of any relapses · Make sure the change is successfully achieved This is an invaluable resource for support workers, social workers, health workers, youth workers, probation officers, employment services, tutors and carers. The techniques can be applied when working with individuals or groups in all types of settings including residential homes, day centres, probation, education or youth work.

      • Assertiveness, motivation & self-esteem
        March 2015

        Motivational Games and Activities for Groups

        Exercises to energise, enthuse and inspire

        by Robin Dynes

        How can you encourage people to be motivated? How can you create that sense of yearning to achieve or reach a goal? How can you energise and inspire group members? The exercises and activities in this resource will help you to motivate your team or the group with which you are working. The activities are organised in sections from which you can choose to meet particular group needs. These include: . Ice breakers and warm ups Trust building Building self-esteem Inspiring creativity Aligning values Creating an inspiring environment Becoming solution focused Perception Resilience Team building Visualising and setting goals Energy boosters Overcoming anxiety and fear Managing stress Stopping procrastination Using competition. Whether your group is small or large you will find something for any setting. Many of the activities can also be used on a one-to-one basis in supervision, with clients or students. The activities are interactive and fun. Trainers, youth leaders, counsellors, group leaders, team managers, teachers, care workers and probation officers will find the resource one in which they constantly dip for inspiration.

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