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      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        November 2017

        Critical theory and feeling

        The affective politics of the early Frankfurt School

        by Simon Mussell, Darrow Schecter

        This book offers a unique and timely reading of the early Frankfurt School in response to the recent 'affective turn' within the arts and humanities. Resisting the overly rationalist tendencies of political philosophy, it argues that critical theory actively cultivates a powerful connection between thinking and feeling, and rediscovers a range of often neglected concepts that were of vital importance to the first generation of critical theorists, including melancholia, hope, (un)happiness, objects and mimesis. In doing so, it brings the dynamic work of Walter Benjamin, Theodor Adorno, Ernst Bloch and Siegfried Kracauer into conversation with more recent debates around politics and affect. An important intervention in the fields of affect studies and social and political thought, Critical theory and feeling shows that sensuous experience is at the heart of the Frankfurt School's affective politics.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 2019

        Feeling the strain

        A cultural history of stress in twentieth-century Britain

        by Jill Kirby, Keir Waddington, David Cantor

        Examining the popular discourse of nerves and stress, this book provides a historical account of how ordinary Britons understood, explained and coped with the pressures and strains of daily life during the twentieth century. It traces the popular, vernacular discourse of stress, illuminating not just how stress was known, but the ways in which that knowledge was produced. Taking a cultural approach, the book focuses on contemporary popular understandings, revealing continuity of ideas about work, mental health, status, gender and individual weakness, as well as the changing socio-economic contexts that enabled stress to become a ubiquitous condition of everyday life by the end of the century. With accounts from sufferers, families and colleagues it also offers insight into self-help literature, the meanings of work and changing dynamics of domestic life, delivering a complementary perspective to medical histories of stress.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 2019

        Feeling the strain

        A cultural history of stress in twentieth-century Britain

        by Jill Kirby, Keir Waddington, David Cantor

        Examining the popular discourse of nerves and stress, this book provides a historical account of how ordinary Britons understood, explained and coped with the pressures and strains of daily life during the twentieth century. It traces the popular, vernacular discourse of stress, illuminating not just how stress was known, but the ways in which that knowledge was produced. Taking a cultural approach, the book focuses on contemporary popular understandings, revealing continuity of ideas about work, mental health, status, gender and individual weakness, as well as the changing socio-economic contexts that enabled stress to become a ubiquitous condition of everyday life by the end of the century. With accounts from sufferers, families and colleagues it also offers insight into self-help literature, the meanings of work and changing dynamics of domestic life, delivering a complementary perspective to medical histories of stress.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 2019

        Feeling the strain

        A cultural history of stress in twentieth-century Britain

        by Jill Kirby, Keir Waddington, David Cantor

        Examining the popular discourse of nerves and stress, this book provides a historical account of how ordinary Britons understood, explained and coped with the pressures and strains of daily life during the twentieth century. It traces the popular, vernacular discourse of stress, illuminating not just how stress was known, but the ways in which that knowledge was produced. Taking a cultural approach, the book focuses on contemporary popular understandings, revealing continuity of ideas about work, mental health, status, gender and individual weakness, as well as the changing socio-economic contexts that enabled stress to become a ubiquitous condition of everyday life by the end of the century. With accounts from sufferers, families and colleagues it also offers insight into self-help literature, the meanings of work and changing dynamics of domestic life, delivering a complementary perspective to medical histories of stress.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2024

        The politics of feeling in Brexit Britain

        Stories from the Mass Observation Project

        by Jonathan Moss, Emily Robinson, Jake Watts

        During Brexit, political questions were continually framed in emotional terms. The referendum was presented as a conflict between reason and resentment, fear and hope, heads and hearts. The Leave vote was interpreted as the triumph of passion over rationality, and its aftermath triggered concerns about the divisive impact of feelings on political culture. This book examines how these stories about feelings shaped public experiences and determined political possibilities. The politics of feeling uses first-hand accounts to explore how 'ordinary' people understand their own feelings about the referendum, and how they reacted to the feelings of others. It shows how they drew on public narratives, while also rejecting and reworking them. The authors highlight a dangerous contradiction whereby feelings were simultaneously understood as dangerous and illegitimate, and as an authentic reflection of our inner selves. This had its own political consequences.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2024

        The politics of feeling in Brexit Britain

        Stories from the Mass Observation Project

        by Jonathan Moss, Emily Robinson, Jake Watts

        During Brexit, political questions were continually framed in emotional terms. The referendum was presented as a conflict between reason and resentment, fear and hope, heads and hearts. The Leave vote was interpreted as the triumph of passion over rationality, and its aftermath triggered concerns about the divisive impact of feelings on political culture. This book examines how these stories about feelings shaped public experiences and determined political possibilities. The politics of feeling uses first-hand accounts to explore how 'ordinary' people understand their own feelings about the referendum, and how they reacted to the feelings of others. It shows how they drew on public narratives, while also rejecting and reworking them. The authors highlight a dangerous contradiction whereby feelings were simultaneously understood as dangerous and illegitimate, and as an authentic reflection of our inner selves. This had its own political consequences.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2021

        Feeling the strain

        A cultural history of stress in twentieth-century Britain

        by Jill Kirby

        Examining the popular discourse of nerves and stress, this book provides a historical account of how ordinary Britons understood, explained and coped with the pressures and strains of daily life during the twentieth century. It traces the popular, vernacular discourse of stress, illuminating not just how stress was known, but the ways in which that knowledge was produced. Taking a cultural approach, the book focuses on contemporary popular understandings, revealing continuity of ideas about work, mental health, status, gender and individual weakness, as well as the changing socio-economic contexts that enabled stress to become a ubiquitous condition of everyday life by the end of the century. With accounts from sufferers, families and colleagues it also offers insight into self-help literature, the meanings of work and changing dynamics of domestic life, delivering a complementary perspective to medical histories of stress.

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        March 2024

        The loneliness room

        A creative ethnography of loneliness

        by Sean Redmond

        This remarkably unique book takes the conceit of the loneliness room to show how everyday artistic practice opens up loneliness to new definitions and new understandings. Refusing to pathologise loneliness, the book draws on the creative submissions supplied by its participants to demonstrate that being lonely can mean different things to different people in differing contexts. Filled with the photographs, paintings, videos, songs, and writings of its participants, The loneliness room is a deeply moving account of loneliness today.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 2021

        Critical theory and feeling

        The affective politics of the early Frankfurt School

        by Simon Mussell

        This book offers a unique and timely reading of the early Frankfurt School in response to the recent 'affective turn' within the arts and humanities. Resisting the overly rationalist tendencies of political philosophy, it argues that critical theory actively cultivates a powerful connection between thinking and feeling, and rediscovers a range of often neglected concepts that were of vital importance to the first generation of critical theorists, including melancholia, hope, (un)happiness, objects and mimesis. In doing so, it brings the dynamic work of Walter Benjamin, Theodor Adorno, Ernst Bloch and Siegfried Kracauer into conversation with more recent debates around politics and affect. An important intervention in the fields of affect studies and social and political thought, Critical theory and feeling shows that sensuous experience is at the heart of the Frankfurt School's affective politics.

      • Self-help & personal development
        September 2015

        Rethink it!

        Practical ways to rid yourself of anger, depression, jealousy and other common problems

        by Cohen, Michael

        Rethink it gives practical advice on tackling destructive thoughts that lead to anger, rejection, shame, jealousy, fear and worry. Words affect the way we feel and act, and negative talk leads to fear, anxiety, depression and a ‘why bother’ attitude.

      • Psychology

        My Father... Who I Hate!

        Reflections on Healing from Parental Abuse and Childhood Traumas

        by Dr. Emad Rashad Othamn

        We did not ask for much. Our only aspiration was to feel okay. And to feel good enough. To feel that we deserve love and to be loved… exactly as we are. It is a normal desire: to be accepted without any change. This book touches our old scars. The scars that did not take enough time to completely heal. The scars which were made by our own parents.

      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        October 2020

        The Science of Feelings

        What Psychological Research Tells Us About Our Emotions

        by Eugene Tee

        What are emotions and why do we experience them? In the last 50 years or so, psychological science has shed light on the essence of what makes us human—why we experience a range of feelings from joy to sadness, anger to fear, and compassion to contempt. Yet, the science of emotion remains mostly inaccessible to the curious reader and those outside academic circles.   This book is a story of our emotions; a story of why and how we feel as human beings. It is a tale of our emotions, told by philosophers, biologists, neuroscientists, sociologists, and economists. Drawing on the rich psychological research on emotions, this book invites you to revisit your emotions and to better appreciate and understand how feeling states define us and our humanity.   Click here for more information

      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        November 2019

        La magie de l'empathie

        Théorie et pratique

        by Dre Nicole Audet, M.D.

        Mon père détestait manger des pommes de terre non salées qu’il jugeait fades et sans goût. Comme lui, je reste sur mon appétit après une conversation superficielle et vide de sens. Pour mettre du piquant dans mes relations, j’ai dû y mettre de l’empathie, cette épice mystérieuse qui a le pouvoir de transformer ceux qui la maîtrisent.Dans ce livre, je vulgarise d’abord la théorie de la communication, puis je raconte des moments magiques où l’empathie a fait son œuvre dans ma vie et dans ma carrière. Enfin, je présente des recettes éprouvées pour se préparer à parler et à écouter avec cœur, authenticité et empathie. Ces compétences exigent des efforts de préparation, de concentration et d’ouverture vers l’autre, mais elles rapportent au-delà de toute espérance chez ceux qui les pratiquent et les maîtrisent. Après tout, pour être savoureuse, la patate a besoin de sel tout comme la communication a besoin d’empathie pour rehausser son goût. C’est magique!Mme Ruth Vachon, présidente et directrice générale du Réseau des femmes d’affaires du Québec signe la préface de ce livre.

      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        November 2019

        The Magic of Empathy

        Theory & Practice

        by Dr. Nicole Audet, M.D.

        So many of our relationships—including those most important to us are complicated by not listening: we are eager to speak, we talk over each other, or we unintentionally disregard the inner experiences of others. This is most notable in the working world, where a gap exists between professional efficiency and true human connection. In this heart-warming and radically honest book, Dr. Nicole identifies the remedy for resolving the pain and distance caused by miscommunication: empathy. Empathy, the ability to recognize and make space for another’s emotions without judgment, is both an action and a choice. Discovering the power of empathy to heal and create connections dramatically improved Dr. Nicole’s life, both as a mother and a doctor.The initial chapters demystify the theory of communication, focusing on empathy in theory and practice. Dr. Nicole also shares numerous powerful stories from her own life and career that reveal how empathy has led to authentic connections and long-term healing. Lastly, she provides the reader with proven exercises that will allow you to practice listening without judgment, honoring silence, responding with wisdom, and speaking from the heart. Such communication skills will open the doorsto moments of pure magic in your life.Foreword by Ruth Vachon, President and CEO of the Quebec Business Women’s Network.

      • Business, Economics & Law

        Go the Extra Inch

        By the inch its a cinch ... by the yard it's hard

        by Guy Arnold

        Go the Extra Inch is a simple powerful syatematic approach to continual improvement in systems, processes and behaviours, both at home and in the workplace. Using the principles of common sense, this process can help find solutions to life's most pressing problems, whilst at the same time reducing cost and stress.

      • Family history, tracing ancestors


        by Jan Prins

        This book outlines the lives of the Jewish woman Eva in time for World War II, fleeing for the Nazi `s, from Germany to the Red Light District in Amsterdam, and it ends up on the fringes of society, in the Life ended. A dramatic encounter with a namesake a result both shall live. Continue with a terrible secret their whole life continues in the spirit of this secret and the cause of suffering the consequences. From different points of this drama comes to life in this novel, and has a surprisingly end ---------------- In dit boek wordt het leven geschetst van de Joodse vrouw Eva die in de tijd voor de Tweede Wereldoorlog, op de vlucht voor de Nazi`s, vanuit Duitsland op de Wallen in Amsterdam terecht komt en daar aan de zelfkant van de maatschappij, in Het Leven, beland. Een dramatische ontmoeting met een naamgenoot heeft tot gevolg dat beiden met een verschrikkelijk geheim verder moeten leven. Hun hele verdere leven blijft in het teken staan van dit geheim en ook de oorzaak daarvan ervaart de gevolgen. Vanuit verschillende invalshoeken komt dit drama in deze roman tot leven en kent een verrassend slot.

      • Health & Personal Development


        Working with Emotion and Cognition

        by Philip Harland

        “Let my heart be wise. It is the gods’ best gift.”  Euripides Models of facilitation (therapy, counselling, teaching, coaching, health management, etc.) have rarely dealt with the inter-dependency of emotion and cognition. In the 1980s, NLP researchers developed the concept of the structure of emotion. Work in the 1980s on ‘Meta-States’ addressed the modulating of primary emotional states with cognitively-led meta-levels of feeling. Here Clean Language psychotherapist and NLP Master Practitioner Philip Harland explores the neuro-linguistic basis of Emotional Intelligence, relating recent work on the structure and relationship of emotion and cognition to innovative therapist David Grove’s work in Clean Language and Therapeutic Metaphor. Philip worked for many years with the late David Grove. They co-facilitated many clients together and ran seminars in Britain, France and New Zealand. Philip Harland is a Clean Language psychotherapist and NLP Master Practitioner. He is also the author of ‘Trust Me, I’m The Patient: Clean Language, Metaphor and the New Psychology of Change’; ‘The Power of Six: A Six Part Guide to Self Knowledge; and the two short Clean Language–related books ‘Resolving Problem Patterns with Clean Language and Autogenic Metaphor’ and ‘Possession and Desire: working with addiction, compulsion and dependency’; all published by Wayfinder Press. For more on these books go to Amazon or to

      • Health & Personal Development

        Feel Good Now

        Achieve Permanent Happiness and Positive Emotions—Be More Successful In Life

        by Diana Polska

        Anyone can achieve and mantain a high level of happiness, positive emotions, intelligence, confidence, and sociability which ultimately leads to a better life.  Learn to achieve permanent solutions to depression, anxiety, phobias, traumas, learning disabilities, as well as personality, and mental disorders. Based on solid scientific research, you will discover natural therapies that work.

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