Private Sector Tourism in Conservation Areas in Africa
by Susan Snyman, Anna Spenceley
In Africa's protected areas, tourism involves numerous stakeholders interacting in various partnerships and relationships. These stakeholders include governments, communities, NGOs, the private sector, and academics. Through the use of extensive case studies from throughout Africa this book presents guidelines to ensure optimal benefits for stakeholders as well as promoting the sustainability of tourism in Africa. It includes descriptions of the various models/options for the private sector to engage in tourism in conservation areas in Africa including, amongst others, pure private sector ownership, joint ventures, tripartite agreements and government leases. The processes used to develop these partnerships - from start to finish - are covered, as well as best practices for the private sector engaging in tourism. The book provides guidance on assessing what private sector tourism options are most suitable based on guidelines of conditions and desired outcomes promoting the long-term sustainability of African tourism in protected areas.
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Author Biography
Dr Susan Snyman joined Wilderness Safaris, a high-end ecotourism operator, in 2008 bringing with her over a decade of experience in the tourism industry in southern Africa, including guiding, community development and liaison, camp management and environmental impact assessments as an independent consultant. Sue is Vice-Chair of the IUCN WCPA Tourism and Protected Areas Specialist Groups (TAPASG) and Research Fellow at the Environmental Economics Policy Research Unit at the University of Cape Town. She is also Coordinator of the TAPASG Community Working Group with members working together on community engagement and benefit-sharing from tourism and protected areas. Having completed coursework at the University of Goteborg, Sweden, the focus of her PhD research measured the socio-economic impact of high-end ecotourism in remote, rural communities adjacent to protected areas, based on over 1 700 community surveys in six southern African countries.; Dr Anna Spenceley is a tourism consu
Copyright Information
Copyright year 2019
CABI (CAB International)
CABI (CAB International) is an international, non-profit body improving lives by providing information & scientific expertise to solve problems in agriculture & the environment.
View all titlesBibliographic Information
- Publisher CAB International
- Publication Date March 2019
- Orginal LanguageEnglish
- ISBN/Identifier 9781786393555 / 1786393557
- Publication Country or regionUnited Kingdom
- FormatHardback
- Primary Price 95 GBP
- Pages264
- ReadershipProfessional and Scholarly
- Publish StatusPublished
- Copyright Year2019
- Dimensions244 X 172 mm
- Reference Code4197
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