Humanities & Social Sciences

Konfliktmanagement und Mediation in Organisationen

Ein Lehr- und Übungsbuch

by Rudi Ballreich, Fritz Glasl


This comprehensive book combines mediation with organisational development and presents numerous concepts, methods and exercises for sustainable conflict management in organisations, which have proven themselves many times over in practice.

Part 1 Understanding organisational conflicts:

Field and system orientation in conflict diagnosis.
Metaphorical methods of conflict diagnosis.
Escalation stages of hot and cold conflicts.
The conflict dynamics in and between people.
Differentiated understanding of organisation as a basis for systemic conflict management.
Development crises of the organisation as conflict potential and as an opportunity.

The detailed case description together with the film scenes and practical exercises are ideal for training sessions with mediators, supervisors, organisational consultants and managers.

Conflict scenes on the accompanying film serve as examples to practice conflict diagnosis. Further scenes show key moments of mediation with the parties to the conflict and for working on organisational conflict potential.

Part 2. Dealing with organisational conflicts:

Situation-specific approaches to conflict management.
Dealing with conflicts between individuals and teams.
Solution-focused conflict moderation.
Transformative mediation.
System-therapeutic mediation.
Mediation as organisational development.
The design of complex organisational mediation.

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The License for the English-speaking market is available.

The English language translation will be done by us.

The Italian edition is sold.

Author Biography

Rudi Ballreich, M. A.
Born 1955 in Erdmannhausen, D. After an artistic education (acting) and theological and pedagogical studies, he worked for 14 years as a teacher and in school management. During this time he built up and managed a circus enterprise for 12 years. Training and further education in Gestalt psychotherapy, group dynamics, organisational development, systemic organisational consulting, conflict management and mediation (mediator and mediation trainer BM, BMWA). M.A. studies in mediation. Further training in various meditative traditions. Since 1994 working as organisational consultant, management trainer, mediator and mediation trainer. 1997 to 2020 member of Trigon Entwicklungsberatung. At the University of Witten/Herdecke conception and management of the CAS courses "Systemic Organisational and Business Mediation" and "Train the Trainer for Mindful Leadership" as well as the course "Leadership Competence through Mindful Leadership. Owner and managing director of Concadora GmbH.

Univ. Prof. Dr. Dr.h.c. Friedrich Glasl
Born in Vienna in 1941. After completing an apprenticeship as a typesetter, he completed his Matura as a student trainee and studied political science at the University of Vienna, as well as psychology and philosophy. 1967 doctorate in international relations and move to Holland. Worked in printing companies, editorial offices, city administration, UNESCO. From 1967 to 1985 senior consultant for organisational development and conflict management at the NPI Institute for Organisational Development (Zeist, NL). In 1983 habilitation for organisational sciences at the University of Wuppertal. 1985 Return to Austria, co-founder of Trigon Entwicklungsberatung. Taught at universities in Armenia, Austria, England, Finland, Germany, Russia, Switzerland, South Africa. Currently visiting professor at the State University of Tbilisi, Georgia. 2014 Socrates Mediation Award, 2015 DACH Mediation Award WinWinno, 2017 Life Achievement Award. Mediator and Mediation Trainer BM.
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Copyright Information

copyright © Concadora Verlag, Stuttgart 2019

Concadora Verlag

Concadora Verlag

Der Concadora Verlag steht für inspirierende Medien und Veranstaltungen zu den Themen Mindful Leadership, Organisationsbezogenes Transformationsmanagement, Kommunikation und Mediation für Führungskräfte, BeraterInnen und MediatorInnen. Ein Schwerpunkt unserer Veröffentlichungen sind Medien zum Konfliktmanagement und zur systemischen Mediation.

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Bibliographic Information

  • Publisher Concadora Verlag
  • Publication Date June 2011
  • Orginal LanguageGerman
  • ISBN/Identifier 9783940112163
  • Publication Country or regionGermany
  • FormatPaperback
  • Primary Price 48 EUR
  • Pages415
  • Publish StatusPublished
  • Original Language TitleDeutsch
  • Original Language AuthorsDeutsch
  • Editionfourth revised edition in preparation
  • Copyright Year2011
  • Page size24,2 x 16,8 cm (24,2 x 16,8) cm
  • Illustration85 Illustrations

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