Avatar. On the Nature of Duplication and Multiplicity
by Taras Liutyi
Humans are very fickle. On the deep psychological level, they are constantly reborn into the new surrounding circumstances, and trying to adapt to them. Some people are not thinking about the past or future at all, while others throw themselves into the whirlpool of scenarios, creating a lot of pain for themselves and others. When we think about probable and improbable scenarios of our life events, we technically create our own endless number of avatars. We duplicate ourselves. Why are some people cautious, some aggressive and some are completely resistant to the novelties? Why do we think we are complete, yet we constantly change? Why we sometimes marvel at something that is not available and finding it hard to appreciate our own talents and the talents of others? The book tries to find some answers to the questions of human mind. The book is devoted to the formation of a human personality, which cannot do without its own transformation, the experience of the Other and the Stranger, the bifurcation and maintenance of the unity of its self and many other aspects.