Short stories are always difficult to complete, because it is assumed that the author must describe or tell -within a short space and few letters-, the environments, circumstances, variables, situations and roles of the protagonists and their material and immaterial interactions, their abstract and concrete thoughts and dreams in such a way, that leaves a satisfying feeling to readers.
Manuel Giron has naturally achieved a combination of several literary elements, some universally influenced and others on his own, which make his short stories very entertaining, interesting, and often with quirky and unexpected conclusions or finales.
Manuel intrigue us by developing his stories and enriching them with expressions and impressions of language. A language that is national, international and global in understanding and range. The objects and subjects interact and intertwine in integrated, fragmented or parallel worlds. They exist within closed, narrow and specific environments or open, extensive and general environments. In his descriptions, there are points of convergence or divergence as the environments and atmospheres created through scenes, are featured around personal, societal and worldwide matters and affairs.
Manuel enjoys entering us into the absurd and contradictory nature of life, its existential, phenomenological, expressive and repressive, introspective, conscious and unconscious and culturally idiosyncratic contents and meanings. He skillfully presents the stereotypes game, the standards and conventions of society, while he immerses us in the natural spontaneous and the strangeness of the everyday situations. We intensively perceive individual and collective subjective realities, thoughts and dreams, which many of us hardly think about or pay any attention at times. Nevertheless, we embrace and grasp all of them as our own and plausible, when we read and see them reflected in his letters, they become a vital part of our transcendental and substantial reality.
This book consolidates Manuel Giron as a very talented writer and knowledgeable of the genre, with the creative tools to move and leave us thinking with humor, sarcasm and derision; with metaphysical smiles and sorrows of life and death, with animate and inanimate actions, behaviours and intentions within the universe around us; trapping and freeing us according to those environments and our minds.
Dr. Mario S. De Leon
Leeds University, Leeds, UK.
More Information
Bibliographic Information
- Publisher Editions Latines
- Publication Date July 2015
- Orginal LanguageEnglish
- ISBN/Identifier 9783905930290 / 3905930293
- Publication Country or regionSwitzerland
- FormatPaperback
- Primary Price 9 USD
- Pages80
- ReadershipTeenage/Young Adult
- Publish StatusPublished
- Original Language TitleSpanish
- Original Language AuthorsSpanish
- Edition1
- Copyright Year2015
- Page size12.5x20 (12.5x20) cm
- IllustrationYellow cover
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