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      • Editorial Albatros

        Editorial Albatros was founded in 1950 and since then, it has proven its track record bearing the hallmarks of a solid family company with international presence.The work team includes editors, special series managers, consultants on juvenile content and professionals of the publishing industry. The company specializes in "niche publications", i.e., the development of books with special emphasis in particular subjects and the production of clear contents and practical proposals in close proximity to the reader. The main objective is to build bridges between the book and the reader and this is achieved with strategic commercial presence. Great Milestones in an Intense History The First Series (the 70's): On pets. The Homeopathy Series (1980): Launch of the complete academic series which went far beyond the Argentine border and was also sold translated into other languages.  The Green Catalogue, Los que se van ("The Leaving Ones"). The Red Book on Argentine Nature (1994): Juan Carlos Chebez, together with the illustrator Aldo Chiape, created this work on species in danger of becoming extinct.  First Appearance of the Series for Children titled Tus maravillas ("Your Wonders") (1995): The beginning of a new series of books created for funny, practical and interactive learning. Books on Arts and Crafts, Gastronomy, Home and Welfare (1995-2007): Keeping up with the practical specialized contents, Albatros went on publishing books mainly intended to the active and modern woman.

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      • Trusted Partner
        Mycology, fungi (non-medical)
        January 1996

        Contribution to the Systematics of Cladosporium. c

        by Edited by J C David

        Mycological paper discussing a contribution to the systematics of Cladosporium.

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        Theory of Art
        September 2016

        Mixed messages

        American correspondences in visual and verbal practices

        by Edited by Catherine Gander, Sarah Garland

        Offering a major contribution to the field of American culture and aesthetics in an interdisciplinary frame, this collection assembles the cutting-edge research of renowned and emerging scholars in literature and the visual arts, with a foreword by Miles Orvell. The volume represents the first of its kind: an intervention in current interdisciplinary approaches to the intersections of the written word and the visual image that moves beyond standard theoretical approaches to consider the written and visual artwork in embodied, cognitive and experiential terms. Tracing a strong lineage of pragmatism, romanticism, surrealism and dada in American intermedial works through the nineteenth century to the present day, the editors and authors of this volume chart a new and vital methodology for the study and appreciation of the correspondences between visual and verbal practices.

      • Trusted Partner
        Animal husbandry
        March 1997

        Crop Residues in Sustainable Mixed Crops/Livestock Farming Systems

        by Edited by C Renard

        In many tropical areas the main constraint to increased output of livestock products is the inability of producers to feed animals adequately throughout the year. Yet opportunities exist to enhance ruminant livestock feed supplies by using crop residues, such as cereal straw and legume haulms. Greater emphasis is therefore now being placed on vegetative production in plant breeding research. Crop residues also play an important role in conserving soil moisture, preventing erosion and providing products such as fuel or thatch for smallholders. This book provides a multi-disciplinary perspective on crop residues, bringing together crop, animal and social scientists from six continents. It has been developed from papers presented at a workshop held in April 1996 at ICRISAT Asia Center, as part of the Systemwide Livestock Program of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) convened by the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), based in Africa. It will appeal to a wide readership in disciplines as diverse as agronomy, soil science, plant breeding, animal nutrition and socio-economics.

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2016

        Partners in suspense

        Critical essays on Bernard Herrmann and Alfred Hitchcock

        by Edited by Steven Rawle, Kevin J. Donnelly

        This volume of new, spellbinding essays explores the tense relationship between Alfred Hitchcock and Bernard Herrmann, featuring new perspectives on their collaboration. Featuring essays by leading scholars of Hitchcock's work, including Richard Allen, Charles Barr, Murray Pomerance, Sidney Gottlieb and Jack Sullivan, the collection examines the working relationship between the pair and the contribution that Herrmann's work brings to Hitchcock's idiom. Examining key works, including The Man Who Knew Too Much, Psycho, Marnie and Vertigo, the essays explore approaches to sound, music, collaborative authorship and the distinctive contribution that Herrmann's work with Hitchcock brought to this body of films, examining the significance, meanings, histories and enduring legacies of one of film history's most important partnerships. By engaging with the collaborative work of Hitchcock and Herrmann, the book explores the ways in which film directors and composers collaborate, how this collaboration is experienced in the film text, and the ways in which such partnerships inspire later work.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2023

        Lei Feng, the Spiritual Coordinates of Our Time

        by He Yuhong

        “Lei Feng, the Spiritual Coordinates of Our Time” is an original book by Hunan reportage writer He Yuhong, who reinterprets the spirit of Lei Feng from the perspective of this new era. This book is based on the four outstanding spiritual qualities of “faith”, “love”, “selflessness” and “advancement” as the theme of each chapter. The author has selected the stories that can show the characteristics of the spirit of Lei Feng, and presented them in a friendly and vivid language. This book has a distinctive theme, complete content and unique structure. This is a book with distinctive ideological characteristics and contemporary connotations on the theme of Lei Feng.

      • Trusted Partner
        The environment
        May 1997

        Phosphorus Loss from Soil to Water

        by Edited by H Tunney, P C Brookes, A E Johnston

        Phosphorus is an essential element for plant growth and its input has long been recognised as necessary to maintain profitable crop production. However, phosphorus inputs can also increase the biological activity of surface waters and this can lead to the destruction of such aquatic ecosystems. Advanced eutrophication of surface water leads to problems with its use for fisheries, recreation, industry and drinking, due to the increased growth of undesirable algae and aquatic weeds, and oxygen shortages caused by their death and decomposition. It is therefore important to have a good understanding of the causes and mode of phosphorus loss from soil to water, to enable the problems to be controlled and managed. This book has been developed from an international workshop held in Ireland in late 1995. It is the first comprehensive consideration of the topic, and many leading researchers in the area have contributed to it. It is essential reading for all soil scientists and freshwater biologists, as well as for environmentalists, ecologists and agriculturalists concerned with sustainable land management and pollution. The book is also recommended to fisheries managers, fertilizer manufacturers and biologists working for water utilities.

      • Trusted Partner
        Agriculture & related industries
        November 1996

        Cereals Sector Reform in the Former Soviet Union and Central and Eastern Europe

        by Edited by Lawrence D Smith, Neil Spooner

        In most countries of the Former Soviet Union (FSU) and Central and Eastern Europe (CEE), cereals production constitutes a major proportion of agricultural sector output, and expenditure on cereals products represents a significant component of total household expenditure. Perhaps for these very reasons, cereals sector reform in many countries has tended to lag behind that of other sectors within agriculture, and of the liberalisation process in general. This lack of reform has prevented the countries of the region from realising the full productive potential of their cereals industries and threatens to undermine food security.This book is based on a workshop on cereals sector reform and food security in the Newly Independent States (NIS) and CEE, held in Kiev, Ukraine, in December 1995. It addresses the general issues involved in the reform process and also considers the progress made, and constraints encountered, in specific countries in the region. Earlier chapters consider general features of the reforms, and the later chapters are concerned with country-specific issues. The workshop was held as part of a broader initiative by ICERC to create a framework for cooperation on the critical issues of economic transition in this region: to revitalise trade, to stimulate investment, to increase food production, to develop and conserve resources, and to take effective action on environmental problems.

      • Trusted Partner


        by Ted Barr

        What are the boundaries of evil? What is the meaning of life on the verge of arbitrary sudden death? Is it worth living behind an electric fence? Frau Gruber's Camp is a thrilling allegory about the faith of mankind in its darkest times, strongly reminiscent of George Orwell's masterpiece Animal Farm. A world that sustains people like Frau Gruber, Herr Schickl, and their morbid associates is not the same one we live in. Although in many ways their world appears to be similar, it is more of a parallel universe removed from the reality we know. However, at times the reader may overlook the differences and be drawn in. In this surprising and enigmatic novel, the reader is gently and slowly submerged into an imaginary micro-cosmos – a fantastic world that is both poetic and terrible, sometimes heart-wrenching and at other times horrifying, where life is but a transparent commodity. The roosters as human beings are just momentary visitors in a much larger play, whose meaning they are too short-sighted to comprehend (except the old rooster Ba Ba Loop that, like ancient prophets, has the eyes to see but does not possess the power to change). The only way to give meaning to such dreadful times is by committing it all to memory, which is the framework on which this novel is founded: human faith, forgetting, remembering, and the essence of life during an impossible epoch. Though taking off from a mainly conjured description of Adolf Hitler's early childhood, Frau Gruber's Camp does not stop at relating a story parallel in many ways to European Jewish history. Rather it evolves into a fable on overall human experience in the twentieth century, written through twenty-first century eyes as a contemporary bravado. The author, Ted Barr, 54, has a master’s degree in economics and varied areas of interest, including German history, symbolism, battalion and divisional tactics, and astronomy. Barr is a renowned artist, specializing in galaxies and other celestial elements. The author has developed a unique painting technique, which he teaches in workshops around the world. Barr is the founder of the Current Art Group, and his artistic activity can be viewed at his art site, . A Hebrew edition of Frau Gruber’s Camp was published in Israel in 2006, following Barr’s first book, Krombee, a children’s book first published in 1990. 116 pages, 14.5X21 pages

      • Trusted Partner


        by Ted Barr

        EL CAMPO DE FRAU GRUBER El manifiesto de las cenizas del gallo, de Ted Barr   ?Cuáles son los límites del mal? ?Qué significado tiene la vida, a un paso de una muerte súbita arbitraria? ?Vale la pena vivir detrás de una cerca eléctrica? El Campo de Frau Gruber es una alegoría apasionante acerca de la fe humana en sus momentos más oscuros, que recuerda mucho la obra maestra de George Orwell, Rebelión en la granja.Un mundo que sostiene a gente como Frau Gruber, Herr Schickl y sus insanos asociados no es el mundo en el que vivimos. Aunque en muchos aspectos parece ser similar, es más bien un universo paralelo, desconectado de la realidad que conocemos.No obstante, a veces el lector puede no prestar atención a las diferencias. En esta novela sorprendente y enigmática, el lector se ve sutil y lentamente sumergido en un microcosmos imaginario, un mundo fantástico a la vez poético y terrible, a veces conmovedor y otras horrendo, en el que la vida no es más que una mercancía sin valor.Los gallos como seres humanos son solo actores momentáneos en una obra mucho más grande, o sea demasiado miopes para entender —con la excepción del viejo gallo Ba Ba Lup, que, como los antiguos profetas, tiene ojos para ver pero no tiene el poder para cambiar.La única manera de otorgar un significado a tiempos tan terribles es guardarlo todo en la memoria, que es el marco en el que esta novela se basa:la fe humana, el olvido, el recuerdo y la esencia de la vida durante una época imposible. A pesar de partir de una descripción mayormente improvisada de la infancia de Adolf Hitler, el Campo de Frau Gruber no se limita a relatar una historia en muchos sentidos paralela a la historia de los judíos en Europa. Antes bien, evoluciona hasta transformarse en una fábula sobre el aspecto general de la experiencia humana en el siglo XX, escrita a través de los ojos de un espectador del siglo XXI, como un acto de bravura contemporáneo. El autor, Ted Barr, de 54 años, posee una maestría en Economía y tiene diversas áreas de interés, entre otras, historia alemana, simbolismo, tácticas de batallón y de división y astronomía.Barr es un afamado artista, que se especializa en galaxias y otros elementos celestiales.El autor ha desarrollado una técnica de pintura única, que enseña en talleres en todo el mundo.También es el fundador del Current Art Group y en el sitio de arte se puede ver el fruto de su actividad artística.   En 2006 se publicó por vez primera en Israel una versión hebrea de El Campo deFrau Gruber, tras la primera obra de Barr, Krombee, un libro para niños publicado en 1990.

      • Trusted Partner
        Forestry & silviculture: practice & techniques
        May 2007

        Cross-sectoral Policy Developments in Forestry

        by Edited by Yves C Dubé, Franz Schmithüsen

        Forest protection and forestry practices are closely linked to decisions that address measures on climate change, biodiversity and the institutional framework for sustainable development. This rich and multifaceted text documents the progress made in creating the political, economic and social conditions that are necessary for a sustainable and multifunctional use of forest resources.

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2003

        Intellectual Property Rights in Agricultural Biotechnology, 2nd Edition

        by Edited by Frederic H Erbisch, Karim M Maredia

        During the past twenty-five years, biotechnology has revolutionized agricultural research. The enormous potential, together with a landmark decision by the US Supreme Court to allow the patenting of genetically-engineered organisms has encouraged private sector companies to invest in agricultural biotechnology research programmes. This has contributed to a rapid growth in interest in intellectual property rights as applied to this subject.The first edition of this book was published in 1998. Now fully revised and updated it presents definitive information on intellectual property law in a simplified form (with a minimum of legal jargon). New chapters have been added which cover plant variety protection and farmers rights, and additional case studies.

      • Trusted Partner
        Animal breeding
        July 2004

        Poultry Behaviour and Welfare

        by Barry O Hughes. Edited by Michael C Appleby, Joy A Mench.

        This authoritative textbook provides an introduction and guide to poultry behaviour and welfare. It describes the origin and biology of the various species of bird that are of agricultural importance, as well as giving a succinct overview of their key behaviour patterns. There is careful discussion of the many factors that influence their welfare, and detailed consideration of the ways in which legislation and commercial interests interact in an attempt to satisfy the many needs involved. The final chapters discuss possible future developments within the subject. The book is in part an update of a previous work, Poultry Production Systems: Behaviour, Management and Welfare (CABI, 1992), completely rewritten and with much new material added.

      • Trusted Partner
        Veterinary medicine
        December 2006

        Avian Gut Function in Health and Disease

        by Edited by Graham C. Perry

        Derived from the 28th Poultry Science Symposium of the World's Poultry Science Association (UK), this book focuses on the current interest of the phasing out of antibiotic use in poultry and covers in-depth interactions between the bird, its diet and potential pathogens. It also demonstrates the understanding of the gut health in the 21st century of commercial poultry and flocks and the ultimate safety of poultry product in the human food chain.

      • Trusted Partner
        Animal husbandry
        October 1998

        Response in the Yield of Milk Constituents to the Intake of Nutrients by Dairy Cows

        by P C Thomas, David E Beever, P J Buttery, J C MacRae, J D Oldham. Edited by Geoffrey Alderman.

        This report reviews the energy and protein requirement systems for dairy cows currently used in Britain and presents a new approach, along with the outline of a model for its implementation. Current systems give little consideration to the responses of the animal to changes in the nutrient supply, or to interactions between dietary constituents in their effects on digestion and metabolism. Neither do they predict any effect on the partition of nutrient use between milk and body, or changes in the yields of milk fat, protein and lactose, which determine the commercial value of the milk. Therefore the systems, although not inaccurate, lack relevance to the current needs of UK milk producers. Models which embody concepts of nutrient supply and utilization are reviewed and their development as viable alternatives is considered. It is concluded that a new diet formulation system for dairy cows should aim to predict voluntary feed intake, the partition of nutrient use between milk production and tissue deposition, and the short and long-term of effects of nutrition on fat, protein and lactose yields. The physical and biological characteristics of the cow must also be recognized and incorporated into any model for response prediction. The report is also published in Nutrition Abstracts and Reviews - Series B: Livestock Feeds and Feeding. It is an authoritative review for advanced students, research workers and advisors in animal nutrition and in dairy science and technology.

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2016

        The Beautiful Daily Life of Chef Huang

        by Huang Lei

        The Beautiful Daily Life of Chef Huang is a collection of essays in which Huang Lei shares with the readers his memories as a gourmet and his secret recipes. In his nostalgic account, he tells about the delicacies his parents prepared and how he cooked each meal for his wife and children when he grew up. The passage of time has enabled Huang Lei to transform into Chef Huang and to share with the readers his private recipes and the emotional memories associated with them. He is trying to tell the readers that the kitchen harbors happiness and that food brings joy and expresses the life philosophy of “leading a simple but rich life”.

      • Trusted Partner
        Veterinary medicine
        April 2014

        Dilemmas in Animal Welfare

        by Edited by Michael C Appleby, Peter Sandøe, Daniel M Weary.

        There are many ongoing debates within and about the subject of animal welfare. This book distils some of the major themes of current debate into one volume, edited by internationally known names in the field of animal welfare. Each chapter is written by one or more leading experts who discuss, in an even-handed way, a provocative topic that will be of interest to anyone concerned with animal welfare. Issues covered include tail docking, farm animal production, neutering of feral cats and the need to conserve habitats of native wild animals in the face of threats from non-native species. Chapters address the different values and priorities involved in dealing with these issues, including scientific and more explicit ethical approaches. Each chapter ends with questions for discussion that may help readers to engage with these dilemmas.

      • Trusted Partner
        The environment
        January 2000

        Invertebrates as Webmasters in Ecosystems

        by Edited by David C Coleman, Paul F Hendrix

        The purpose of this book is to review and assess our current understanding of invertebrates in terrestrial and terrestrially-dominated (i.e. lower-order stream) ecosystems. It emphasises the centrality of the activity of invertebrates, which influence ecosystem function far out of proportion to their physical mass in a wide range of situations, particularly at the interface between land and air (litter/soil), water and land (sediments) and in tree canopies and root/soil systems. Consisting of 16 chapters by authors from the USA, Canada, Europe and Australia, the book is essential reading for ecologists and invertebrate biologists.

      • Trusted Partner
        Agricultural science
        December 1995

        Progress in Dairy Science

        by Edited by Clive J. C. Phillips

        Many advances have recently taken place in dairy science and this book provides timely reviews of a number of such key topics. The subject matter is divided into five sections, covering: nutrition and physiology; breeding and reproduction; health maintenance and control; milking and milk technology; and the environment and ethics. All chapters have been specially commissioned for this volume from international authorities from Europe, North America and Africa. The book represents an important update of the literature for research workers, lecturers, advisers and advanced students in many areas of animal science as well as veterinarians concerned with bovine medicine.

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