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      • Trusted Partner
        January 2022

        COVID-19 and Other Coronaviruses, Second Edition

        by Patrick G. Guilfoile, Ph.D.

        In December of 2019, the first reports came from Wuhan, China of a new respiratory infection that was causing serious illness. The cases were initially associated with a market where live animals were being sold for food. By tracing the outbreak, cases were retrospectively identified as early as November 17, 2019 and some undetected cases may have occurred even prior to that time. The first death from this new illness was reported on January 11, 2020. Since then this disease has spread across the globe achieving pandemic status and disrupting contemporary life. This new volume in the Deadly Diseases and Epidemics series, COVID-19 and Other Coronaviruses, Second Edition, traces the history of coronaviruses, past outbreaks of coronavirus-related illnesses, such as SARS, and explains the nature of SARS-CoV-2, the virus behind COVID-19. It also includes a new chapter dedicated to the emerging SARS-CoV-2 variants that are appearing. Other chapters include: History of Coronaviruses Testing for and Diagnosis of Coronavirus Infections Transmission of Coronavirus Diseases Molecular Biology and Immunology of Coronavirus Diseases Prevention of COVID-19 and Other Coronavirus Diseases Outlook for COVID-19 and the Potential for Future Coronavirus Pandemics

      • Trusted Partner

        Covid Vaccination

        Guidance tools for the pharmacy

        by Martina Schiffter-Weinle,Dr. Dennis A. Effertz (eds.)

        The new SARS-CoV-2 virus appeared in December 2019. It caused a pandemic, whose consequences will certainly continue for a long time to come. The vaccines, developed in record time, proved the most effective tool in alleviating the acute, hazardous situation. Since the beginning of 2022, pharmacies have also been able to offer COVID-19 vaccinations and contribute to the collective protection strategy. With this guide, everything is ready for COVID-19 vaccination in the pharmacy.

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2020

        The Way You Look Like: To Every Chinese who fights against COVID-19

        by A group of writers

        We select 100 example-figures who fights against COVID-19 in this battle, from doctors and nurses to ordinary people. Each one of them is brave and always shows up in the most dangerous areas to save people’s lives without risking their own life. It shows the unity and national spirit of China during disasters.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        Different Spring Festival

        by Gao Jing

        The story happens in an ordinary Chinese family. It features the extraordinary scene of the Chinese Lunar New Year in 2020 under the sudden attack of the COVID-19 pandemic, answering the question asked by the little protagonist, "Why can't we hang out?" The book is both informative and humanistic, for it not only incorporates COVID-19 pevention knowledge into the story, such as what the novel coronavirus is, how it spreads, and what control and prevention measures should be implemented to fight against it, but also touches readers' heart by demonstrating family affection, friendship, and true love among people with elegant watercolor images. It guides children and even their parents to develop a sense of cherish and respect for the ordinary lives.

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        May 2024

        Adaptation and resilience in the performing arts

        The pandemic and beyond

        by Pascale Aebischer, Rachael Nicholas

        This book offers insights into some of the digital innovations, structural adaptations and analogue solutions that enabled live performance in the UK to survive through the COVID-19 pandemic. It provides evidence of values-led policies and practices that have improved the wellbeing of the creative workforce and have increased access to live performance. Through sections that address digital innovations, workforce resilience and programming live performances outdoors and in community settings, this book provides practical insights into the challenges live performance faced during the pandemic. It shows how, in order to survive, individuals and companies within the sector drew on the creativity and resourcefulness of its workforce, and on new and existing networks. In these accounts, the pandemic functioned as catalyst for technological innovations, stock-taking regarding exploitative industry structures, and a re-valuing of the role of live performance for community-building.

      • Trusted Partner
        Business, Economics & Law
        May 2024

        Governance, democracy and ethics in crisis-decision-making

        The pandemic and beyond

        by Caroline Redhead, Melanie Smallman

        This book is a powerful addition to a developing literature informed by arts and humanities research carried out during the COVID-19 pandemic. Investigating the impacts of crisis governance and decision-making on people and populations, the book brings together microbial organisms and humans, children and data, decision-making and infection prevention, publics and process, global vaccine distribution and citizens' juries. Through its eight chapters, the book stimulates broadly-drawn discussions about exceptional executive powers in an emergency, the role of trust, and the importance of the principles of good governance - such as selflessness, ethics, integrity, accountability and honesty in leadership. The lessons drawn out in this book will support future decision-makers in both ordinary times and extra-ordinary emergencies.

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2024

        Creative approaches to wellbeing

        The pandemic and beyond

        by Victoria Tischler, Karen Gray

        A compilation of case studies illustrating the use of arts, culture and other community assets individuals and communities used to cope and develop resilience during the Covid-19 pandemic, demonstrating valuable lessons that might help us develop resilience in similar future crises.

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        September 2022

        Tourism Planning and Development in Eastern Europe

        by Hania Janta, Konstantinos Andriotis, Dimitrios Stylidis

        Three decades ago, the hypermobility of tourists from the days before the global pandemic was truly unthinkable in Eastern Europe. The borders were closed and the region isolated from the rest of the world. Despite an extraordinary transformation of tourism in the area since, Eastern Europe remains under-explored in tourism studies. This book fills the gap by outlining contemporary strategies for tourism development in post-socialist countries, considering the opportunities and challenges as well as the initiatives and approaches to sustainability. Reviewing tourism development and planning across Albania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czechia, Estonia, Latvia, Poland and Romania, this book: - Offers a contemporary and insightful outlook of Eastern Europe tourism, with a wide range of case studies from inter-disciplinary and single-disciplinary perspectives; - Uses varied methodological approaches and research methods, including in-depth interviews, focus groups, informal conversations, document analysis, netnography, questionnaires and secondary data, to form an interesting and diverse treatise; - Considers post-COVID tourism and the significant role of tourism stakeholders in its re-development. Illuminating the various economic, socio-cultural and environmental impacts that tourism has created, this book is a valuable reference for researchers and students of tourism and related disciplines, as well as anyone interested in the development of Eastern Europe.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        September 2024


        The COVID-19 crisis and the future of the NHS

        by Hugh Pym

        Reporting from the front lines of the pandemic, celebrated BBC journalist Hugh Pym takes readers on a gripping journey to the heart of the UK's COVID-19 crisis. He unearths shocking revelations about the failings of the British state and the Whitehall machine, shedding light on the consequences of woeful unpreparedness and misguided policies. This hard-hitting exposé draws on untold stories from the corridors of power, providing an insider's perspective on the drama, personalities and critical decision-making processes. Going beyond individual accounts, it presents a comprehensive assessment of the UK's preparedness, lockdown measures and response strategies. A tale of resilience and devastating consequences, Unfit challenges the very foundations of the UK's response to the pandemic, leaving no stone unturned in its quest for truth. Finally, it looks ahead to ask what is in store for the future of the NHS.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        February 2022

        Britain alone

        by Liam Stanley

      • Trusted Partner

        Covid, Influenza and more

        How do I strengthen my immune system?

        by Uwe Gröber and Prof. Dr. med. Michael F. Holick

        Many patients are confused in the coronavirus crisis and ask what they can do to prevent themselves and their family from contracting the SARS-Cov-2 virus. There are now several studies that prove the influence of micronutrients such as zinc, selenium and various vitamins on the immune system and specifically on the course of viral diseases. In this brochure, successful author Uwe Gröber, pharmacist and head of the Academy for Micronutrient Medicine in Essen, has compiled his recommendations for strengthening the immune system. Here you can learn -why micronutrients may be considered for combatting the coronavirus, -how the micronutrients are dosed and applied, and -what effects micronutrients have on the immune system. This strengthens the immune system in the fight against the coronavirus!

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2022

        Freiheit oder Leben?

        Das Abwägungsproblem der Zukunft

        by Klaus Günther, Uwe Volkmann

        Die Covid-19-Pandemie hat zu einer moralischen und rechtlichen Kontroverse über das Verhältnis von Freiheit und Leben geführt, wie es sie in dieser Schärfe bisher nicht gegeben hat. In den beiden zentralen Fragen ist dabei bis heute keine Einigkeit erzielt worden: Kommt dem Leben ein prinzipieller Vorrang gegenüber der Freiheit zu? Und: Wie tief darf der Staat zum Schutz des Lebens in individuelle Freiheiten eingreifen? Bei der Bewältigung des Klimawandels – so zeichnet sich bereits ab – werden sich diese Fragen erneut stellen. Der vorliegende Band diskutiert mögliche Leitvorstellungen aus den Perspektiven von Rechtswissenschaft, Philosophie und Soziologie. Eingeleitet wird er durch einen Essay von Jürgen Habermas.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2007


        Ein Stück

        by Tankred Dorst, Ursula Ehler

        Worpswede am Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts. In der Künstlerkolonie lebt eine Gruppe von Malern und Dichtern um Heinrich Vogeler, Paula Modersohn-Becker und Rainer Maria Rilke. Die Atmosphäre der Kreativität wird bald gestört, die Künstler gehen ihre eigenen Wege. In seinem neuen Stück, das im Februar 2008 in Bremen uraufgeführt wird, verfolgt Tankred Dorst das Schicksal des bekennenden Kommunisten Vogeler. Dabei nimmt er eines seiner großen Themen wieder auf: Ist es für den Menschen wichtiger, über die eigene Grenze hinauszustreben, oder soll er alles Bemühen darauf richten, bei sich selbst zu bleiben?

      • Trusted Partner
        March 1985

        Die Aktualität der Arbeiterbewegung

        Beiträge zu ihrer Theorie und Geschichte. Herausgegeben von Joachim Perels

        by Wolfgang Abendroth, Joachim Perels

        Die hier gesammelten Studien von Wolfgang Abendroth behandeln exemplarisch den Aufstieg der deutschen Arbeiterbewegung im 19. Und beginnenden 20. Jahrhundert, ihre Rolle in der Weimarer Republik, im Widerstand gegen die Diktatur des Dritten Reiches und ihren Neubeginn nach 1945. Komplementär zu den historischen Analysen verstehen sich die Porträts von Theoretikern gesellschaftlicher Emanzipation (Lukács, Bloch, Adorno, Marcuse). Durch Abendroths historisch-konkrete Zugangsweise wird die widerspruchsreiche Fülle seines Gegenstands lebendig, die sich jedem Dogmatismus entzieht. Die geschichtliche Analyse bestimmter Richtungen der Arbeiterbewegung orientiert sich daran, wie weit ihre Praxis auf gesellschaftliche Selbstbestimmung gerichtet ist. Abendroths Untersuchungen wenden also den Blick in die Vergangenheit, um strategische Erfahrungen der Arbeiterbewegung und Erkenntnisse der Marxschen Theorie für die Gegenwart fruchtbar zu machen – für Perspektiven einer freien Gesellschaft.

      • Trusted Partner

        Strangers at Home

        by Ezzat El-Kamhawi

        The novel brings together residents of a multi-story building. In a world besieged by COVID-19, Ezzat El-Kamhawi’s new novel places its main characters in a fictional world dominated by isolation and obsessions, where people are forced to surrender to a crushing flood of memories.   FROM THE SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE: “The novel explores the pandemic and its impacts on social life in Egypt, by presenting examples of the people who suffered from the disease. Structurally, it interacts with other literary genres and combines realism and fantasy.”

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2022

        Das Long Covid Selbsthilfe-Buch

        Symptome erkennen, bewältigen und ins Leben zurückfinden

        by Post Covid Clinic, Oxford

      • Trusted Partner
        October 1984

        Schach von Wuthenow

        Erzählung aus der Zeit des Regiments Gensdarmes

        by Theodor Fontane, Benno Wiese

        In »Schach von Wuthenow«, zwischen 1879 und 1882 entstanden, nimmt Fontane ein für Preußen wichtiges historisches Ereignis des Jahres 1806, die Schlacht bei Jena, und ein scheinbar privates Ereignis aus dem Jahr 1815 zum Anlaß, das psychologische Porträt eines preußischen Elite-Offiziers zu liefern. In dieser Erzählung verschränken sich historisches und gesellschaftliches Erzählen. Schach von Wuthenow, aus altem preußischen Adel stammend und Offizier im Elite-Regiment Gensdarmes, begeht unmittelbar nach der Hochzeit mit Victoire von Carayon Selbstmord. Er weigert sich, aus Gründen der honnêteté, eine Scheinehe mit ihr einzugehen, zu deren Abschluß er sich durch königliches Wort gezwungen sah, nachdem bekannt geworden war, daß er ein Verhältnis mit Victoire gehabt hatte. Aus »Furcht vor dem Ridikülen«, der schöne Schach und die blatternarbige Victoire, ist er in den Tod gegangen. »So fällt denn mit Schachs Selbstmord das grelle Licht der Zeitkritik auf das Preußen zu Beginn des 19. Jahrhunderts, seine falschen Ehrbegriffe …« »Benno von Wiese«

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