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        April 2022

        Tourism Planning and Development in Western Europe

        by Konstantinos Andriotis, Carla Pinto Cardoso, Dimitrios Stylidis

        For many decades, Western European countries have undertaken diverse pathways in tourism development and planning. Most have experienced fast or even unlimited growth, resulting in overtourism and, now, the introduction of policies that respect the limits of communities and the sustainability of their resources. Focusing exclusively on tourism development, planning and policy, this book draws together new voices to discuss issues across Belgium, Denmark, Faroe Islands, Finland, France, Germany, Greenland, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Malta, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden and the UK. It: - Provides both successful and unsuccessful case studies to illuminate real, practical solutions, developed by tourism scholars who are experts in their researched context countries. - Adopts a range of methodological approaches to cover diverse and less-covered areas such as industrial tourism, saltpans, natural and cultural heritage, and micro-destinations. - Considers post-COVID tourism and the significant role of tourism stakeholders in Western Europe's re-development. An invaluable collection for policy-makers, researchers and academics, this book is also an insightful source of engaging contemporary case studies for use in the classroom.

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        Business, Economics & Law
        July 2018

        Degrowth in Tourism

        Conceptual, Theoretical and Philosophical Issues

        by Konstantinos Andriotis

        The modern-day world faces a hostile climate, depleted resources and the destruction of habitats. The dream that growth will lead to a materialistic utopia is left unfulfilled by a lack of ecological and economic capacity. The only choice is to find alternatives to increased growth, transform the structures and institutions currently shaping the world, change lifestyles and articulate a more credible vision for the future and lasting prosperity. As a reaction to the problems accrued by capitalism, new development approaches such as the concept of degrowth have evolved. Degrowth in Tourism explores newly-emerging development and philosophical approachesthat provide more equity for host communities and offer a low-carbon future by looking at alternatives to the classic models of development and applying the concept of degrowth in a tourism context. Proposing that we need to shift tourism research from models which prioritize commodified tourism experiences to those that offer alternative decommodified ones, this book: - Provides topical analysis and illustrates the key themes of degrowth; - Discusses the relationship between tourism and degrowth from both a historic perspective and through contemporary patterns of activity; - Includes international examples and case studies to translate theory into practical new approaches. A comprehensive review of the subject, this book will be of great interest to researchers and practitioners within tourism, development, environment and economics, as well as those specifically studying degrowth.

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        Business, Economics & Law
        March 2021

        Issues and Cases of Degrowth in Tourism

        by Konstantinos Andriotis

        The expansion of mass tourism is becoming highly unpopular and 'tourism-phobia', often expressed in the form of anti-tourism marches, is spreading across various destinations. In light of this, there is a paradigm shift from 'tourism growth' to 'tourism degrowth' through a desire for a drastic transformation of the tourism industry. Degrowth is a key strategy to balance tourism growth. It works to ensure that the direction of institutional change and the orientation of technological development are controlled and in harmony with the environment. Degrowth involves people whose use of personal time enhances the richness of the experience through traveling less, more slowly and using low carbon options, taking time to support the environment, the local economy and to explore the local culture. This book addresses the paucity of combined research on tourism and degrowth by presenting emergent knowledge and research on this increasingly important concept. In this book: - The core theme of degrowth from a tourism perspective is outlined. - Content is enriched with contributions from multi-disciplinary academics from around the World. - Theory is put in to practice via international case studies. Due to the multidisciplinary nature of the book, the contents will appeal to researchers and postgraduates studying tourism, environmental studies, geography, planning and development and other related disciplines.

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        November 2021

        Tourism Marketing in Western Europe

        by Nikolaos Boukas, Dimitrios Stylidis

        Tourism is characterized by diversity, enormous growth, and multidimensional impacts on several levels. In the current turbulent environment, tourism destinations need, on the one hand to maintain and enhance their products in the tourism map, and on the other hand, to protect their resources' integrity for future generations, based on sustainability premises. This is more evident for traditional destinations in Western-Europe, as many of them face the consequences of over-growth, unsustainable development, and lack of service quality. In this respect, attention in the literature needs to be given to how destinations in the region can conceptualize and mitigate their weaknesses as well as capitalize on their competences in order to plan, develop and manage tourism products that could lead them to sustainable competitiveness in the long-term. The collection of cases in this book: · Considers global trends and forces in order to understand the marketing environment of a wide number of countries and the appreciation of the sustainable competitive development of destinations. · Explores specific marketing strategies in Western-European countries' destinations. · Is authored by scholars who have performed extensive research on tourism in the countries documented. The book is of significant interest to those researching and working within the area of tourism marketing, but also of interest to students who are seeking wider reading on the topic.

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        August 1989

        Um zu bleiben

        Liebesgedichte. Griechisch und deutsch

        by Konstantin Kavafis, Michael Schroeder, Michael Schroeder, David Hockney

        Michael Schroeder, geboren 1954 in Trier, studierte Klassische Altertumswissenschaften, forschte in Süditalien, Griechenland und Syrien. Er ist Lektor, Autor und Herausgeber sowie Übersetzer der Gedichte von Konstantinos Kavafis. Zuletzt erschienen: 'Die schönsten Liebesgedichte der Antike' (it 3163) und 'Sappho von Lesbos – Europas erste Dichterin. Biographie' (2008) Michael Schroeder, geboren 1954 in Trier, studierte Klassische Altertumswissenschaften, forschte in Süditalien, Griechenland und Syrien. Er ist Lektor, Autor und Herausgeber sowie Übersetzer der Gedichte von Konstantinos Kavafis. Zuletzt erschienen: 'Die schönsten Liebesgedichte der Antike' (it 3163) und 'Sappho von Lesbos – Europas erste Dichterin. Biographie' (2008)

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        May 2004


        Ein Reisebegleiter

        by Barbara Yurtdas

        Istanbul ist eine Literaturstadt. Barbara Yurtdas führt in acht Spaziergängen durch die Gassen und Basare, Paläste und Bäder, zu den Prinzeninseln und ans Ende des Bosporus, in Moscheen, Kneipen und Bordelle. Der Leser erlebt die faszinierende Stadt mit den Augen der Schriftsteller, besucht das plüschig-luxuriöse Pera Palas Hotel, in dem Agatha Christie ihren Mord im Orientexpreß schrieb, oder den Friedhofshügel in Eyüb, wo Pierre Loti sein Liebesnest mit der schönen Aziyadeh ansiedelt. Für europäische und amerikanische Autoren wie Umberto Eco, Stefan Zweig, Gerd Heidenreich, Barbara Frischmuth, Konstantinos Kavafis, James Lovett, Graham Greene und viele andere war Istanbul ein poetischer Ort. Durch ihre Texte ebenso wie durch die Romane, Erzählungen und Gedichte türkischer Schriftsteller bekommt die Topographie der Stadt eine ganz andere Dimension, ein geheimes Leben.

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        March 2001

        Gefärbtes Glas

        Historische Gedichte. Griechisch und deutsch

        by Konstantin Kavafis, Michael Schroeder, Michael Schroeder

        Weil im Zentrum des dichterischen Werks von Konstantinos Kavafis (1863–1933), Begründer der modernen griechischen Dichtung, gleichberechtigt neben den Liebesgedichten die historischen Gedichte stehen, tritt neben Um zu bleiben, den erfolgreichen Band mit Liebeslyrik (BS 1020; Radierungen von David Hockney), eine Auswahl der historischen Gedichte – wiederum in Übertragungen von Michael Schroeder.In den historischen Gedichten umkreist Kavafis, der in Konstantinopel und Alexandria lebte, Betrug und Täuschung, Fallen und tapferes Ausharren, Angst und Vermessenheit, stolze Erwartung und vergebliche Mühe – den sicheren, nie aber konkret absehbaren Untergang des Bestehenden. Die Dramaturgie der Personen und Ereignisse ist dicht, auf der Bühne befinden sich die hellenistische Welt und das sterbende Byzanz, Kleinasien, Syrien, Ägypten, der »melting pot« des östlichen Mittelmeers, die Zentren des Durcheinanders: Alexandria, Antiochia, Konstantinopel. Nicht Sternstunden der Geschichte, sondern den vergänglichen Augenblick hält Kavafis fest. Illusionslos, ohne Klage, mit melancholischer Ironie umfahren seine Gedichte die persönliche Wunde: den unwiederbringlichen Verlust einer großen Vergangenheit.

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        November 1997

        Verselbständigte Verwaltungseinheiten als Adressaten staatlicher Sonderbindungen.

        Eine rechtsvergleichende Untersuchung am Beispiel der Grundrechte.

        by Gogos, Konstantinos

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        September 1980


        Zur Rekonstruktion der philosophischen Sprache

        by Dimitrios Markis

        Markis expliziert den Begriff der »Protophilosophie« anhand einer dialektischen Rekonstruktion der philosophischen Sprache. In diachronischer Sicht erörtert er die Konstitutionsaporien der »prima philosophia« von drei »Knotenpunkten« ihrer Geschichte – Aristoteles, Kant und Quine – aus; in synchronischer Sicht und in systematischer Absicht sucht er jenseits der dogmatischen, »einsprachigen« prima philosophia und der skeptischen »aphatischen« Metakritik derselben, den Ort einer »vielsprachigen« Protophilosophie freizulegen, die sich als linguistische Transformation der Dialektik versteht.

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        August 2003

        Das System der Haftung der Banken bei Aktienemissionen über die Börse.

        Von den börsenrechtlichen Grundlagen zur Haftung aus ungeregelten Informationsdienstleistungen (IPO-Studie, Unternehmenspräsentation).

        by Liappis, Dimitrios

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        Sport & leisure industries
        October 2006

        Adventure Tourism

        by Ralf C Buckley

        Adventure tourism is a new, rapidly growing area at both practical and academic levels. Written at an introductory level, Adventure Tourism provides a basic background and covers commercial adventure tourism products across a range of adventure tourism sectors.

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