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      • Editorial Drakul, S.L.

        Editorial Drakul is an independent, privately owned company, founded in June 2006 and dedicated mainly to the publication of novels and comics, but also children's literature.

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      • Crimson Dragon Publishing

        Crimson Dragon Publishing carries books that encourage readers of all ages by sparking the imagination. While we focus on the fantasy and science fiction genres, we also carry illustrated books for young readers that focus on social-emotional skills development and fictionalized non-fiction.

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      • Graphic novels

        Death Row

        by Marc Sans, Oscar Perales

        A viral outbreak leaves the Wolverstone Penitentiary incommunicado. The prison's security force manages to take control of the building, which is stalked by hundreds of victims turned into living corpses. They soon discover that they cannot survive on their own. To stay alive, they must forge alliances with the inmates, join forces, and together avoid the threat from the outside. Death row is conceived as a unique and self-contained work divided into 14 chapters.

      • Relationships
        February 2021

        The Adventures of Little Gustavo

        by Sr Curri, Santi Girón

        Gustavo is a child with a lot of imagination, a big heart and very few lights, who thinks that putting a sweater on his shoulders gives him super powers. Manoli, his mother, goes out of her way to help him, but that doesn't stop her from also being aware of everything that is going on around him, including the affairs of her husband Matías, a man from another era, from the cave era to be precise, who devotes himself to something that nobody knows very well what it is, but that has all the appearance of being illegal. Gustavo is secretly in love with his cousin Macarena, a vitalist girl, proud and a bit conceited, who doesn't keep track of her boyfriends. Anthony, Macarena's teenage brother, doesn't stop picking on Gustavo. Luckily, he gets along with Emilio, his other cousin, a very joking boy who doesn't know who his father is, but who looks suspiciously like the neighborhood priest. In addition, his neighbor Santi and his cat Cervecita will make Gustavo's life very entertaining.

      • Adventure
        April 2020

        Yumi and her Band

        by J. Olloqui

        Yumi is ten years old. She wants to be a drummer in a rock band to be rich and famous. Now I play drums in a band with my friends. We're not famous yet, and I don't understand why, because we're so cool. Apart from my band, I have Alimaña, who's my best friend, although he's pretty dumb. Besides, my parents spend their lives scolding me, my older sister has a disease called adolescence, and my little brother is a criminal mind locked up in the body of a two-year-old. A children's book similar to Diary of a Wimpy Kid. This book won the November 2021 Spanish National Pop Eye Award in the category of children's and young adult literature.This title is one of the 9 children's titles selected by the panel of German experts for the "Buchtipps unserer Experten" section as being the most suitable for translation and marketing in German-speaking countries on the portal in 2021. New Spanish Books ist ein Projekt des spanischen Außenhandelsinstituts ICEX in Kooperation mit dem spanischen Verlegerverband FGEE. Es soll Verlagen aus dem deutschen Sprachraum den Zugang zu neuen Büchern aus Spanien erleichtern und ihnen eine Entscheidungshilfe bei der Auswahl übersetzungswerter Titel geben. New Spanish Books is a project of the Spanish Foreign Trade Institute ICEX in cooperation with the Spanish publishers' association FGEE. It is intended to make it easier for publishers from the German-speaking world to gain access to new books from Spain and to help them decide which titles are worth translating. A second volume entitled "Yumi and her Band. Vermin Superstar" has also been published (ISBN: 978-84-121692-7-0).

      • Short stories

        Sympathy for the Story

        by Various authors

        Julián Hernández (Siniestro Total), Enrique Villarreal (Barricada), Rubén Pozo (Pereza), Carlos Pina (Panzer), Juan Abarca (Mamá ladilla)... and so up to thirty-two Spanish musicians come together to create this anthology of stories written by rockers.A rock musician writing a story? This book aims to be a meeting point between literature and rock & roll where musicians dare to tell stories of all genres: rock and roll, biographical, erotic, even children's... Each new story is a surprise. Some are writing for the first time a story for this anthology, some are authors with several works published, others wrote and kept their stories in a drawer, which now they open exclusively... All are attracted by literature and often the lyrics of their songs betray them. The writers Esteban Gutiérrez "Bacø" and Patxi Irurzun have been responsible for coordinating this project published by Editorial Drakul

      • Children's & YA

        Mihal, the Warrior

        by Javier Ortiz

        Mihal cannot read or write, but he handles the sword like no one else. He looks like a child of only ten years old and instead he speaks like an adult. Who is Mihal? Why is his body full of scars or does he wear that strange necklace around his neck? But above all, where does he come from?

      • Children's & YA

        The Castle of the Seven Eyes

        by Marisa Gragera, Alejandro Segura

        Legend has it that in a very distant time, at the top of a mountain there was a very special castle. It was known among the local people as The Castle of the Seven Eyes. The castle was ruled by Queen Zyla and King Hiasy, who together with their son Prince Arniel, had to ensure that the powers kept in the castle were used in a correct and responsible way. The problem arises when the young prince Arniel decides to make use of them without notifying his parents. In his adventures you will find dragons, spells, mermaids and magic books. Dare to join him!

      • Graphic novels
        December 2020

        Uncle Gorio and Aunt Pulía of Gabriel y Galán

        by Juan Luis Iglesias, José Cruz de Cruz

        Uncle Gorio, originally published on 18 November 1901 in El Adelanto, is one of the few stories written by the poet José María Gabriel y Galán.Juan Luis Iglesias and C. de Cruz, scriptwriter and cartoonist, both from Extremadura, adapt this work representative of Galán's universe to the language of comics with an original approach. Gabriel y Galán becomes the narrator and protagonist of his story by interacting with his own characters, Uncle Gorio and Aunt Pulía, a couple united by love and convenience. An entertaining comic strip that takes place during a literary gathering between Emilia Pardo Bazán, Benito Pérez Galdós and Gabriel y Galán, where we are shown the vision the poet had of his countrymen, between criticism and affection, while the writers reflect on literary art and recall intimate anecdotes.A tribute to José María Gabriel y Galán, the poet of the Castilian and Extremaduran soul, on the 150th anniversary of his birth.

      • Graphic novels
        January 2019

        The Violet

        by Juan Sepúlveda, Antonio Mercero, Marina Cochet

        Valencia, 1955. Bruno falls into a trap set by the police at the Ruzafa cinema to arrest homosexuals under the law of social danger. His entry into prison at the age of eighteen, and the pressure of his family, will force him to make decisions that will mark the rest of his life. The violet is a graphic novel about the persecution suffered by homosexuals during Franco's regime in Spain, and the coexistence of the women who married them. A story that brings to light the concentration camps for homosexuals that the regime created and that historically are being forgotten. It is a unique and self-concluding work. Marina was nominated as the best Spanish cartoonist in the Heroes Comic Con Valencia 2019 for this work. Antonio Santos Mercero, one of the two writers of the graphic novel EL VIOLETA, has won on Friday, October 15, the Planeta 2021 Award for the novel LA BESTIA, co-written with two other writers (Jorge Díaz and Agustín Martínez) under the pseudonym Carmen Mola. The Planeta 2021 Prize was presented by King Felipe VI to the winners and is endowed with 1 million euros. It is currently the literary prize with the largest financial endowment in the world, above the Nobel Prize for Literature. Antonio Santos Mercero is the author of four other novels: El final del hombre, La cuarta muerte, La vida desatenta and El caso de las japonesas muertas. He is also the scriptwriter of television series such as Hospital Central, Lobos and MIR. This title is one of the few selected by the ICEX panel of experts for the U.S. and Brazilian markets. New Spanish Books is a project of the Spanish Foreign Trade Institute ICEX in cooperation with the Spanish publishers' association FGEE. It is intended to make it easier for publishers from the world to gain access to new books from Spain and to help them decide which titles are worth translating. See and

      • Children's & YA
        November 2020

        The Shadow of Sarah

        by Andrés Mauleón

        Ten years have passed since the terrible events with which the world discovered the existence of the Immortals. Since then, Humanity is looking for a way to face them if they attack us again.But life goes on, and this uncertainty does not worry young people too much. Natalia has only one thing in mind after changing schools: to find out who is the girl that, again and again, appears in her dreams. She doesn't know that everyone's fate is linked to her strange quest.Third part of the saga started with Sarah and the Emissary and Sarah and the Snake.

      • Graphic novels: history & criticism

        Torpedo 1936. History of a Gangster without a Soul

        by Javier Mesón

        Torpedo 1936: The story of a soulless gangster, tells the story of the hitman Luca Torelli and the origins of the character. Javier Mesón explains through statements and interviews with its creators how the comic began, its dazzling success, the characters, the closure of the magazines and the tours around France. Without forgetting his publications, the cinematographic influence, the censorship of his stories, the use of black and white and color, the editorials where the character was featured or the end of the artistic collaboration between Enrique S. Abulí and Jordi Bernet. It contains an original script by Enrique Sánchez Abulí, unpublished photographs, covers of his editions outside Spain, Loquillo's song, and its adaptation to theater and animation. The book has a prologue by Antoni Guiral and exclusive texts by Hernán Migoya, Federico Fazioli, José Luis Córdoba, Juan Maldonado, Marcelo Miralles, and Enrique Sánchez Abulí. Everything you always wanted to know about a comic book that became one of the most popular inside and outside Spain.

      • Fiction

        Betamax. A Comedy with Super Powers

        by J. Olloqui

        Welcome to the world of Max Betamax, a grumpy, selfish, apathetic and somewhat macho porn photographer. Max suspects that his girlfriend is having an affair with his boss, and shares an apartment by force with his friend Junior, a social misfit. But it turns out that Max has superpowers, so he's the only one who can save the world from a major threat. A threat that, by the way, he himself has helped to create.What would happen if an ordinary guy acquired superpowers overnight? J. Olloqui describes a story where epic deeds, heroic acts, exotic supervillains, or tight suits are rare. On the contrary, there are many petty and lazy individuals who seek their own interests or avoid their responsibilities, which makes Betamax, a superpowered comedy much more realistic, but also infinitely more fun.Promotional video:

      • Children's & YA

        Chronicles of Némeldren. The Day of the Dragon

        by Francisco Javier Maldonado Franco, José Luis Expósito González

        The friendship between two girls, the human Andrea and the elf Indril, will be used to provoke a new war between humans and elves. Will the inhabitants of Wallberg, with their modern weapons, face the old armour and spears of the elven knights of Némeldren? The times of the dragon are back!CHRONICLES OF NEMELDREN: Némeldren is an elven village in the middle of the forest, close to the small human village of Wallberg. Both elves and humans know about the existence of both races but for centuries there has been a great distrust between them which has already led to serious confrontations in the past. This does not prevent friendship between a human and an elf from arising from time to time.

      • Children's & YA

        Sarah and the Emissary

        by Andrés Mauleón

        Sarah has lived with her two aunts since the death of her mother. Her father abandoned them before she was born. She studies in a private school, always surrounded by her faithful friends, Sonia and Firas, while she fights with the most popular classmate for Javier, her ideal boy.After years of instability, things have begun to improve but some strange nightmares are beginning to disturb her rest. A threat hangs over everyone, and in her dreams and her past lies the key to avoiding it.The world is heading for the apocalypse and the only one who can prevent it is a fourteen year old girl. Six intense days that will change everything forever.

      • Adventure

        The Olive at the Banquet

        by Alex Ordiales

        Damien feels his desires and feelings for Mauro, his new roommate in Chueca, grow. Although it seems unattainable for him, his love affair may not be doomed to failure. Hope lies in his neighbor, obsessed with discovering the dark arts of seduction of an ancient secret society, jealously guarded over the centuries. But this elusive and elite club is willing to do anything to erase his trail, and when Damien sets out on his quest he will find himself involved in a dangerous adventure of orgies, drug dealers and hit men.

      • Graphic novels
        September 2018

        The Violet

        by Juan Sepúlveda / Antonio Mercero / Marina Cochet

        Valencia, 1955. Bruno falls into a trap set by the police at the Ruzafa cinema to arrest homosexuals under the law of social danger. His entry into prison at the age of eighteen, and the pressure of his family, will force him to make decisions that will mark the rest of his life. The violet is a graphic novel about the persecution suffered by homosexuals during Franco's regime in Spain, and the coexistence of the women who married them. A story that brings to light the concentration camps for homosexuals that the regime created and that historically are being forgotten. It is a unique and self-concluding work. Marina was nominated as the best Spanish cartoonist in the Heroes Comic Con Valencia 2019 for this work. Antonio Santos Mercero, one of the two writers of the graphic novel EL VIOLETA, has won on Friday, October 15, the Planeta 2021 Award for the novel LA BESTIA, co-written with two other writers (Jorge Díaz and Agustín Martínez) under the pseudonym Carmen Mola. The Planeta 2021 Prize was presented by King Felipe VI to the winners and is endowed with 1 million euros. It is currently the literary prize with the largest financial endowment in the world, above the Nobel Prize for Literature. Antonio Santos Mercero is the author of four other novels: El final del hombre, La cuarta muerte, La vida desatenta and El caso de las japonesas muertas. He is also the scriptwriter of television series such as Hospital Central, Lobos and MIR. This title is one of the few selected by the ICEX panel of experts for the U.S. and Brazilian markets. New Spanish Books is a project of the Spanish Foreign Trade Institute ICEX in cooperation with the Spanish publishers' association FGEE. It is intended to make it easier for publishers from the world to gain access to new books from Spain and to help them decide which titles are worth translating. See and

      • August 2019

        Und ewig lockt das Blut - Der Vampir in Aberglaube und Literatur

        by Hagen Röhrig

        Im Jahr 1997 feierte der wohl berühmteste aller Vampire - Graf Dracula - einen runden Geburtstag: Er wurde 100 Jahre alt. Bram Stokers RomanDracula erschien 1897 und war seither zumindest in Großbritannien nie 'out of print'. Manche Wissenschaftler sagen sogar, es sei "[...] nach der BIBEL das meist verkaufte Buch der Welt [...]"1. Dies mag vielleicht übertrieben sein, doch trifft es sicherlich zu, dass der untote Graf zum Prototyp des Vampirs geworden ist. Eine Abhandlung über Vampire. Sicherlich ist dies immer noch kein alltägliches Thema, auch wenn seit den 1970er Jahren vermehrt über die Blutsauger geschrieben wird. Nicht zuletzt die auf Horror und Sadismus reduzierten Verarbeitungen des Vampirmotives, die vor allem auf Bram Stokers Roman Draculabasieren, haben dazu beigetragen, dass den Vampirgeschichten und -filmen der Hauch der Zweitklassigkeit anhaftet. Oft zurecht, wenn man sich beispielsweise an die Vampirfilme der britischen Hammer-Production erinnert, in denen Christopher Lee die Rolle Graf Draculas verkörperte. Bis auf den ersten Teil dieser Vampirfilmreihe, der sich eng an Bram Stokers Buch hielt und auch dessen Name trägt, lassen die Fortsetzungen, wie etwa Dracula jagt Mini-Mädchenoder Frisches Blut für Dracula, die verschiedenen Sinnebenen der ursprünglichen Dracula-Geschichte Stokers vermissen. Für die meisten von uns ist der Vampir durch diese und andere Verarbeitungen des Sujets zu einem reinen Horrorwesen verkommen, das kaum eine tiefere Bedeutung hat und einzig und allein seine Existenzberechtigung in Literatur und Film daraus bezieht, uns zu erschrecken und das Gruseln zu lehren. Aber der Vampir ist mehr. Viel mehr. Die Absicht dieses Buches ist es, die Figur des Vampirs tiefer zu beleuchten und seine ihm inhärenten Bedeutungsebenen aufzuzeigen. Dazu bedarf es einer groben Zweiteilung der zu untersuchenden Bereiche. Zum einen muss der Vampir als Figur des Aberglaubens genauer betrachtet werden, denn hier liegen seine Ursprünge und von hier aus eroberte er sich seinen Platz in der Literatur und in den anderen Kunstformen. Zum anderen soll dann gezeigt werden, wie das Vampirmotiv in der Literatur Verwendung fand. Hierfür wird, wie weiter oben bereits angesprochen, der wohl bekannteste Vampirroman herangezogen: Bram Stokers Dracula. Dementsprechend widmet sich das folgende zweite Kapitel dieser Arbeit zunächst dem Vampir des Volksglaubens. Es wird darauf eingegangen, wer potentiell als Vampir enden kann und wie sich die Menschen des Balkans den Vampir vorstellten. Daran schließt sich ein Abschnitt über Abwehr- und Tötungsmechanismen an. In diesen Kapiteln wird bereits deutlich werden, dass der Vampirismus des Volksglaubens einen wesentlich differenzierteren Charakter aufweist, als es die Klischeevorstellungen erwarten lassen. Mit den Abschnitten über die Deutungsversuche der Vampirfigur taucht das Buch dann ein in die medizinisch-naturwissenschaftlichen Grundlagen, die zu einem solchen Aberglauben geführt haben könnten, sowie in die psychogenen und sexualpsychologischen Erklärungsversuche. In diesem Zusammenhang wird auch auf den großen Einfluß der Kirchen einzugehen sein, der deutliche Spuren im Glauben an die Vampire und sogar in der Figur der Untoten selbst hinterlassen hat. Das dritte Kapitel wendet sich dann dem literarischen Vampir zu. Auf den zu besprechenden Roman Draculahinarbeitend, werden zunächst dessen literarische Vorgänger sowie deren Einflüsse auf diesen Roman vorgestellt. Schließlich soll versucht werden, die Bedeutungsebenen des Vampirmotives im Roman aufzuzeigen. Trotz einiger Überschneidungen mit den Sinnebenen des Vampirs aus dem Aberglauben stößt man hier auf Modifizierungen des Sujets, die Stoker bewusst in seinen Roman einbaute um so, mit Hilfe der Vampirfigur, beispielsweise Sozial- und Gesellschaftskritik zu üben. ObwohlDraculasicherlich ein Höhepunkt des Sujets sein dürfte, hört die Verarbeitung des Vampirmotives nach 1897 nicht auf. Das junge Medium Film nimmt sich der Untoten an, und ebenfalls in der Literatur spielt der Vampir weiterhin eine Rolle, wenn das Sujet auch bis Anne RicesInterview With the Vampire(1976) und - im Bereich der Kinder- und Jugendliteratur - Angela Sommer-Bodenburgs Der kleine Vampir(1979) warten muss, bis es einen neuen Höhepunkt erreicht. Diesem Themenkomplex ist das abschließende Kapitel gewidmet, das die Betrachtung des Vampirmotives abrunden soll. 1 Pütz, Susanne: Vampire und ihre Opfer, Bielefeld, 1992, S. 29.

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