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        September 2008

        Tratsch im Treppenhaus

        Hörfassung der Fernsehaufführung von 1966

        by Herausgegeben von Ohnsorg-Theater

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        September 2008

        Verteufelte Zeiten

        Hörfassung der Fernsehaufführung von 1968

        by Herausgegeben von Ohnsorg-Theater

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        The Arts
        July 2024

        Theatre, activism, subjectivity

        Searching for the Left in a fragmented world

        by Bishnupriya Dutt, Silvija Jestrovic

        Through the lens of performance and politics, this collection zooms in on the context-specific dimensions, analogies, and micro-histories of the Left to better understand the larger picture. It proposes a search for the Left not from totalising Leftist ideological positions and partisan politics but from ethical dimensions through smaller-scale Left-leaning struggles; not from the political to the aesthetic, but from the potentiality of art to offer new political imagination and critique; not from the individual subordinated to the collective, but from the dialectics of subjectivity and collectivity. This is not an attempt at a sweeping global overview of Leftist cultures either, but a collection that brings together culture-specific and comparative perspectives. This book searches for fragments of and on the Left, past and present, through which to rethink and patch a fragmented world.

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        The Arts
        May 2014

        The Centennial History of Chinese Art (1900-2000)

        by Yin Hong, Ling Yan, etc.

        This book series contain 5 volumes: The Centennial History of Chinese Cinematography (1900-2000) The Centennial History of Chinese Fine Arts (1900-2000) The Centennial History of Chinese Dancing (1900-2000) The Centennial History of Chinese Drama (1900-2000) The Centennial History of Chinese Music (1900-2000) A period historical works of the Chinese Art for the last hundred years (1900-2000),offering a profound analysis of the underlying interaction between the development of the centenial history of fine arts and society, economy, thoughts and cultural vicissitudes through the narration of the conditions of the development of Chinese art.

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        Happy Fine Art Class

        by Children's Art Education

        Happy Fine Art Class is a fine art class that "creates happiness"! Here, a “Happy Fine Art Class” is being created. What is happiness? How to get happy? What is a happy fine art class like? Let us lead you to feel the happiness created by the Happy Fine Art Class of the Central Academy of Fine Arts. As an educator, the understanding and love for children is the foundation of art teaching. In this way, we can face every child who is full of ideas with a heart of tolerance and encouragement, and let them feel the warmth of helping and sharing with each other under the collaboration of the group.How to get happy? In fact, happiness is in the process of painting and other artistic creations.

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        April 2021

        Unswerving and Brave Divisional Commander Chen Shuxiang

        by Zhi Zaifei, originally named Jiang Zhifei, is a writer, playwright, lyricist, and party history worker. He has published or released nearly 4 million words of various types of writings.

        Based on the spirit of Xi Jinping's speech at the 2014 Political Work Conference of the People's Liberation Army, the author, in the pursuit of the ideal, meticulously collected historical materials on Chen Shuxiang, the commander of the 34th Divisionof the Central Red Army's Rear Guard, and spent several years crafting this historical novel.

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        Biography & True Stories
        November 2024

        Walking in the dark

        James Baldwin, my father and I

        by Douglas Field

        A moving exploration of the life and work of the celebrated American writer, blending biography and memoir with literary criticism. Since James Baldwin's death in 1987, his writing - including The Fire Next Time, one of the manifestoes of the Civil Rights Movement, and Giovanni's Room, a pioneering work of gay fiction - has only grown in relevance. Douglas Field was introduced to Baldwin's essays and novels by his father, who witnessed the writer's debate with William F. Buckley at Cambridge University in 1965. In Walking in the dark, he embarks on a journey to unravel his life-long fascination and to understand why Baldwin continues to enthral us decades after his death. Tracing Baldwin's footsteps in France, the US and Switzerland, and digging into archives, Field paints an intimate portrait of the writer's life and influence. At the same time, he offers a poignant account of coming to terms with his father's Alzheimer's disease. Interweaving Baldwin's writings on family, illness, memory and place, Walking in the dark is an eloquent testament to the enduring power of great literature to illuminate our paths.

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        June 2022

        Mogao Grottoes Art in Dunhuang

        by Chang Shuhong (1904–1994), the author, was a famous artist and researcher on the art of Dunhuang. As the founder of Dunhuang Studies and a pioneer of Dunhuang cultural undertakings, he was honored as "the guardian of Dunhuang."

        Mogao Grottoes Art in Dunhuang is general reading material about the art of Dunhuang grottoes, and it’s the ingenious work of Mr. Chang Shuhong, the pioneer of Dunhuang Studies in China.

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        How the Cherry Orchard Was Cut Down, or the Long Road from Bad Ems

        by Oksana Zabuzhko

        This book commemorates Oksana Miyakovska-Radysh (1919–2020), a long-term archivist of the Ukrainian Free Academy of Sciences (UVAN) in New York. Her greatness lies in serving her cause with absolute freedom from complexes imposed by Russia and its culture. Reading this book is like flipping through an old family album in Miyakovska-Radysh's company. The book reveals numerous secrets. It turns out that Chekhov's Three Sisters were not just a figment of the writer's imagination. Moreover, Chekhov himself was a young man from then Ukrainian Taganrog, fond of his native Ukrainian language, theatre and one of the three sisters. The book also explores the connection between the "new woman" in Russian literature and the 19th-century Ukrainian women's movement and looks into the past mistakes that still have repercussions for Ukrainians today.

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        Dietetics & nutrition
        October 2002

        Nutrition and Immune Function

        by Edited by Philip C Calder, Catherine J Field, Harsharnjit S Gill

        This book provides a review of the roles of specific nutrients in maintaining the immune response and host protection against infection. It also considers the influence of various factors, such as exercise and ageing, on the interaction between nutrition and immune function. The main emphasis is on humans, but comparative mammalian data are also presented.The contents include methods for studying nutrient-immune function interactions, the impact of undernutrition on immune function and infection, the influences of fatty acids, amino acids, antioxidant vitamins, and various minerals on immunity, immunological effects of changes throughout the life cycle, and public health policy implications.

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        March 2023

        Chinese Martial Arts

        by Born in Changsha, Hunan Province, He Dun is a member of the China Writers Association, vice chairman of the Hunan Writers Association, vice chairman of the Changsha Federation of Literary and Art Circles, and a representative writer of "New Realism".

        Chinese Martial Arts is a literary work that recreates the spirit of the times and the fate of the characters with realistic creative techniques. Liu Qirong, the hero, had been ailing since childhood. In order to keep fit, he began learning martial arts at the age of eight and continued to practice throughout his life.

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        History of art & design styles: from c 1900 -

        Art Nouveau. The Ukrainian Art Styles of 20th century

        by Iryna Mahdysh

        The twentieth century saw an outbreak of new styles in world art, among which Art Nouveau was the first chronologically. Ukraine absorbed all-new European creative ideas, filling them with Ukrainian meanings and forms. For those unfamiliar with Ukrainian art, this book will be a handy and attractive starting entry point to the world of Ukrainian visual culture. Art experts will be able to look at their field from a new angle: to see images of rare works of Ukrainian art nouveau from regional museums and trace the links between national and world trends in the art of the twentieth century.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        May 2016

        Working men’s bodies

        by John Field

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        January 2021

        Everyone is amazing-Xiaoxiang Family Letters 2020

        by Xiaoxiang Family Letters Activity Organization

        In the context of the "Xiaoxiang Family Letters" activity carried out across the province, the organizing committee extensively collected family letters and selected 100 family letters to show the spirit of the people in the new era. The main content of the letter includes the gratifying changes in the fight against poverty in Sanxiang, the affectionate concern of the wandering children and the fathers and elders in the hometown, the home and country feelings of heroes and the most beautiful people, and the silent persistence of various industries in specific positions, and so on. The structure of each chapter of the book is divided into two parts: introduction (mainly including the information of the writer and recipient, refer to "Anti-epidemic") and the main text. The structure of the whole book includes the preface, table of contents, main text, and postscript. Further reading or content links. The structure is characterized by conciseness, conciseness and conciseness.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2016


        Die Welt unserer Vorfahren

        by Beyerlein, Gabriele / Illustriert von Field, James

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