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      • Mainstream United

        I'm representing modern Israeli Russian-speaking writer Jonathan Vidgop. This author's first book was granted fund of Israeli president and received recognition in Israel in 1999. The author writes rarely. There are two very different books offered. One, a result of 20 years of collecting historical material, is a collection of more than 100 very funny short stories of sexuality and attitude to Jews of famous personalities of different countries and times. The other book, very recent, is a a grotesque phantasmagoria, novel "Testimony", whose style, if any, can be compared to Susskind's Perfume. See description of the books below.

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      • mairisch Verlag

        mairisch Verlag is an an independent publishing house founded in 1999 and located in Hamburg. Whether fiction, non-fiction, illustrated children's books, audio books, graphic novels or music, mairisch Velag exclusively publishes books, CDs and LPs we really care about. In 2013 mairisch Verlag invented Indiebookday.

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      • Trusted Partner
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        February 2007

        Europäische Geschichte erzählt von Manfred Mai

        Mit einer kleinen Länderkunde der europäischen Staaten

        by Mai, Manfred

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        Insecticide & herbicide technology
        December 2004

        Western Corn Rootworm

        Ecology and Management

        by Edited by Stefan Vidal, Ulrich Kuhlmann, C R Edwards

        Western Corn Rootworm, Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte, has been a major economic pest of maize in the Americas for many years. However, since the early 1990's it has become an increasing threat to crops in Europe and is expected to spread to all maize growing areas of the continent. This book provides a comprehensive review of current knowledge of the biology and ecology of this insect pest and how it might be managed in order to limit its damage as it spreads into new agroecological areas. Cultural, biotechnical, and biological control measures are addressed, as are ecological baseline data such as population dynamics, economic thresholds and aspects of its behaviour. The book also examines the potential of plant protection techniques currently used in North America to be applied in Europe.

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        Science & Mathematics
        November 2017

        Maize Kernel Development

        by Brian A Larkins, Philip Becraft, Jim Birchler, Ljudmilla Borisjuk, Prem S. Chourey, Joanne Dannenhoffer, Matthew Evans, Sherry Flint-Garcia, José Gutiérrez-Marcos, Jeff Habben, Curt Hannah, Tracie Hennen-Bierwagen, Gregorio Hueros, Gwyneth Ingram, Shawn Kaeppler, Karen Koch, Brian A Larkins, Fangfang Ma, Don McCarty, Jo Messing, Alan Meyers, Keith Roesler, Hardy Rolletschek, Paolo Sabelli, Jeff Schussler, Bo Shen, Bill Sheridan, Rentao Song, Erik Vollbrecht, Thomas Widiez, Yongrui Wu, Ramin Yadegari, Junpeng Zhan

        This is an authoritative book that acts as a guide to understanding maize kernel development. Written by a team of experts, it covers topics spanning pre- and post-fertilization events, embryo and endosperm development, grain filling and maturation, and factors influencing crop yield. It explores the significance of maize and other cereal grains, existing hypotheses and research, and important gaps in our knowledge and how we might fill them. This is a valuable resource for researchers of maize and other cereals, and anyone working on basic or applied science in the fields of seed development, plant genetics, and crop physiology.

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        Cereal crops
        October 2009

        Insect-resistant Maize

        by Jürg Bürgi

        Many farmers in sub-Saharan Africa suffer heavily from crop losses due to stem borer pests. Insecticides are often unaffordable; therefore, maize plants must be made resistant to pests. The 'Insect Resistant Maize for Africa' (IRMA) project in Kenya was aimed at developing new maize varieties both by conventional methods and by biotechnologically incorporating the ?-endotoxin produced by the soil bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis. The author gives an impartial and chronological account of this exemplary project between 1999 and 2008, supplemented by discussions of agricultural development policy and descriptions of Kenyan smallholders and the project team. Taking critical and rational positions on the use of modern plant breeding techniques, biotechnology and development policy, this book is of interest to researchers and students, development agencies, NGOs and biotechnology companies.

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        June 1998

        Maize Technology Development and Transfer

        A GIS Application for Research in Planning in Kenya

        by Edited by R M Hassan

        Scientists at the Kenya Agricultural Research Institute (KARI) have developed powerful new tools to improve the effectiveness of their maize research, enabling the rapid development and successful transfer of maize technology in Kenya. The Kenya Maize Data Base Project (MDBP) was established in 1992 with the help of the Rockefeller Foundation, the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT) and the US Agency for International Development. This has allowed scientists to use advanced technology to prioritize and evaluate maize research options more effectively, by taking into account such variables as climatic effects and the socioeconomic conditions of farmers. This book describes in detail the development and application of the MDBP, which uses spatial analysis to integrate data from Geographical Information Systems (GIS) with the results of biological experiments, socioeconomic statistics (including interviews with farmers) and agroclimatic information. This provides a powerful planning tool for targeting new technology to the needs of farmers. The book contains sections on survey methods, ex ante research evaluation and priority setting, and patterns of maize technology diffusion and the impact of research. It concludes with a synthesis of the MDBP results and assessment of future choices. This book is essential reading for maize agronomists, crop modellers, agricultural and development economists, extension workers and planners.

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        March 2020

        Ein Wort allein für Amalia

        by Christoph Hein, Rotraut Susanne Berner

        Anfang Februar 1781 reist Gotthold Ephraim Lessings Stieftochter Maria Amalia von Wolfenbüttel, wo die Familie lebt, nach Braunschweig zu Lessing, der schwer erkrankt ist. Es steht nicht gut um ihn. Amalia tut, was sie kann, um ihm beizustehen, doch kann sie kaum noch zu ihm durchdringen, verliert er sich doch zusehends im Fieberwahn, verwechselt Amalia mit ihrer Mutter, seiner verstorbenen Ehefrau Eva, und sinniert über Spinoza und seinen »Derwisch«, den er als letzten großen Wurf zu Papier bringen wolle . Was hat Lessing am Ende umgetrieben? Welche Gedanken gingen ihm kurz vor seinem Tod durch den Kopf? Christoph Hein erzählt eindringlich von den letzten Tagen des bedeutendsten Dichters der Aufklärung.

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        Mais pourquoi moi ?!

        by Noga Marron

        Mais pourquoi moi ?! par Noga Marron Concernant l'édition originale en hébreu de Mais pourquoi moi ?!, qui a déjà été publiée avec six réimpressions, il a été positivement établi qu'elle aide vraiment les jeunes lecteurs à rehausser leur propre estime en soulignant que personne n'est parfait et que « l'herbe n'est pas forcement plus verte de l'autre côté de la barrière ». De nombreux éducateurs utilisent ce livre dans des ateliers et, au moyen de lectures dirigées, aident leurs élèves à surmonter leurs problèmes personnels. Le livre contient vingt scénarios, consacrés chacun à un enfant différent. Dans ces scénarios, l'enfant, en dépit de ses avantages personnels, est préoccupé par une certain difficulté personnelle et il, ou elle, envie l'enfant de la scène suivante. Dans le dernier scénario, on rencontre un enfant qui voudrait bien être l'enfant du premier scénario… Avec son texte en rimes et ses amusantes illustrations, le livre réussit à affronter gaiement le sujet sérieux qu'il attaque. Depuis 1987, Noga Marron, née à Jérusalem, a publié un total de 32 livres, surtout adressés aux écoliers et aux jeunes adultes. Elle a travaillé pendant de nombreuses années dans l'enseignement, professeur puis directrice et membre du Comité Directeur de l'Association des Enseignants en Israël. Mme Marron a une licence en littérature et éducation de l'Université Bar Ilan.

      • Family & home stories (Children's/YA)
        February 1905

        Little Women

        by Louise May Alcott

        Little Women "has been read as a romance or as a quest, or both. It has been read as a family drama that validates virtue over wealth", but also "as a means of escaping that life by women who knew its gender constraints only too well".[6]:34 According to Sarah Elbert, Alcott created a new form of literature, one that took elements from Romantic children's fiction and combined it with others from sentimental novels, resulting in a totally new format. Elbert argued that within Little Women can be found the first vision of the "All-American girl" and that her multiple aspects are embodied in the differing March sisters.

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        July 2021

        Molecular Breeding in Wheat, Maize and Sorghum

        Strategies for Improving Abiotic Stress Tolerance and Yield

        by Mohammad Anwar Hossain, Mobashwer Alam, Saman Seneweera, Sujay Rakshit, Robert Henry

        The global population is projected to reach almost 10 billion by 2050, and food and feed production will need to increase by 70%. Wheat, maize and sorghum are three key cereals which provide nutrition for the majority of the world's population. Their production is affected by various abiotic stresses which cause significant yield losses. The effects of climate change also increase the frequency and severity of such abiotic stresses. Molecular breeding technologies offer real hope for improving crop yields. Although significant progress has been made over the last few years, there is still a need to bridge the large gap between yields in the most favorable and most stressful conditions. This book: - Provides a valuable resource for wheat, maize and sorghum scientists working on breeding and molecular biology, physiology and biotechnology. - Presents the latest in-depth research in the area of abiotic stress tolerance and yield improvements. - Contains the necessary information to allow plant breeders to apply this research to effectively breed new varieties of these crops. It provides a consolidated reference for plant breeders and crop scientists working on the challenges of enhanced crop productivity and climate change adaptability.

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        Mind, Body, Spirit

        May the Loveforce Be With You

        Kali-Ki Reiki: Healing Through Divine Mother & Yogic Wisdom

        by Rajashree Maa

        May the Loveforce Be With introduces a new lineage in energy healing, Kali-Ki ReikiTM, that was revealed to the author, Joni Dittrich, Ph.D. (Rajashree Maa), in a series of mystical encounters with the Divine Mother appearing as the goddess Kali Maa. The book brilliantly tells the stories of these encounters and presents the healing symbols that She revealed, explaining how these symbols can be used both for mind-body healing and spiritual awakening, or what Rajashree Maa calls "wisening." While traditional reiki systems also use symbols to transmit healing energy, the symbols introduced in Kali-Ki Reiki are seen as unique, three-dimensional, active, intelligent forms of light that tap into certain universal energy frequencies that are particularly attuned to the evolving conscious awareness as well as the personal and societal dilemmas of our current times. The fact that these symbols were revealed by Divine Mother to a woman in this era points to a need in today's world to re-establish our connection with the feminine forces of nature and spirit. The healing energy transmitted through these symbols is called Loveforce, which is considered to be the manifesting, creative, and healing power of the Limitless Love that is the Source of all that is.

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