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      • Publishing House Nova Knjiga

        Nova knjiga insists to create good connection between comercial and elite.We pay close attention to all aspects of the publishing business according to the highest standards and criteria always taking care of the high quality of the translation, covers and textblock.Publishing sectors: fiction, non-fiction, classics, children books. Nova knjiga has a network of own bookstores in biggest towns which covers Montenegrin market. Beside the publishing we have great developed network of wholesale and we are main suppliers of the books in Montenegro. We provide to all companies in Montenegro and region easy way to buy all our editions and editions of other publishing houses.

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      • Editora Trinta Zero Nove

        Editora Trinta Zero Nove is an independent press based in Maputo, Mozambique. It was started in 2018. This year the press debuted a kid lit and young adult collections translated from Arabic, Italian and English into Portuguese in print and braille.

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      • Trusted Partner
        October 2019

        Impassive Rivers

        by Akram El Kebir

        “In any case, when you decide to try harga, it's because you no longer expect anything from life. Or that you expect a lot!” (Akram El Kebir) The summer of 2018 was particularly deadly in Oran, as the discovery of harraga corpses being fished out of the Mediterranean was commonplace. That same summer saw the commissioning of a water cab, the Rossinante II, which made the daily shuttle between Oran and the small seaside town of Aïn El Turk. A cafe owner in a small estaminet in Sidi El Houari, Zaki, at the age of 24, led a dull, boring life, with no prospects for the future other than to cherish the hope of one day attempting the harga. It was only the fear of ending up eaten by fish that dissuaded him. That said, as soon as he heard about the water cab, an absurd idea occurred to him: what if he hijacked the boat and headed for the Iberian coast? He won't be alone in this crazy adventure, as his neighborhood friends Okacha and Anis, and other outcasts, are sure to follow him. But these modern-day Don Quixotes shouldn't claim victory too soon! They'll learn the hard way that hijacking an entire ship is no picnic. They'll have to face up to the Italian crew, as well as the rest of the passengers. Passionate debates ensue, in a sort of impromptu Citizens' Assembly, where all issues affecting society are discussed. On the eve of the February 22nd Revolution, Zaki has eyes only for one of his hostages, the impetuous Nafissa...

      • Trusted Partner
        February 2020

        Ru Lin Wai Shi

        by Wu Jingzi

        A long satirical novel depicting a group of intellectuals. It depicts the absurdities and hypocrisies of the Confucian scholars who were poisoned by the Eight Sticks, deprecates and satirises the fake Confucian scholars and famous scholars, and criticises the corrupt worldly atmosphere of the time. It is an example of ancient Chinese satire, pioneering the use of fiction as a direct commentary on real life.

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        Graphic novels: true stories & non-fiction

        A Brief History of Ukrainian Feminism. Graphic novel

        by Mykola Yabchenko

        Feminism is a living phenomenon, but its history can and should be recorded. A number of serious works on the history of the women's movement and feminism have been published in Ukraine, but it is only recently that the history of Ukrainian feminism appeared in the form of a graphic novel. This book is our humble attempt to try and cover the vast history of Ukrainian feminism on a moderate number of pages. We have mentioned many outstanding personalities, but we have not mentioned even more names, for which we immediately apologise - after all, a lot has happened in 150 years and it’s hard to fit all into a relatively small graphic novel. This book may be of interest to those who have only recently become interested in feminism, as it is a brief introduction to the history of Ukrainian feminism. More experienced readers will be delighted to notice some additional details and stories to what they already know.

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        June 2017

        Terry Gilliam

        by Peter Marks

        Terry Gilliam presents a sustained examination of one of cinema's most challenging and lauded auteurs, proposing fresh ways of seeing Gilliam that go beyond reductive readings of him as a gifted but manic fantasist. Analysing Gilliam's work over nearly four decades, from the brilliant anarchy of his Monty Python animations through the nightmarish masterpiece Brazil to the provocative Gothic horror of Tideland, it critically examines the variety and richness of Gilliam's sometimes troubled but always provocative output. The book situates Gilliam within the competing cultural contexts of the British, European and American film industries, examining his regular struggles against aesthetic and commercial pressures. He emerges as a passionate, immensely creative director, whose work encompasses a dizzying array of material: anarchic satire, childhood and adult fantasy, dystopia, romantic comedy, surrealism, road movie, fairy tale and the Gothic. The book charts how Gilliam interweaves these genres and forms to create magical interfaces between reality and the illuminating, frightening but liberating worlds of the imagination. Scrutinising the neglected importance of literature and adaptation in Gilliam's career, this study also observes him through the lenses of auteurism, genre, performance, design and national culture, explaining how someone born in Minnesota and raised in California came to be one of British television and film's most compelling figures.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        November 2021

        The gothic novel in Ireland, c. 1760–1829

        by Christina Morin

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        Central government policies
        December 2009

        Candide en Dannemarc, ou l’optimisme des honnêtes gens


        by Mike Thompson, Edouard Langille

        Published in Rouen in 1767 and reprinted two years later, Voltaire's Candide en Dannemarc, ou l'optimisme des honnêtes gens wraps up the adventures of Candide. Turning his back on both Voltairean satire and scepticism, the novelist proposes a moralistic fable - the focal point of which is a rehabilitation of Leibniz's Theory of Optimism. The main body of the novel tells the story of Candide and his new wife, the noble Zénoïde, in their sumptuous Copenhagen townhouse. Before achieving this happy state, however, the couple endures various trials and tribulations reminiscent of the newly minted gothic genre. Candide en Dannemarc also features a satirical portrait of Jean-Jacques Rousseau. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        June 2017

        Candide en Dannemarc, ou l’optimisme des honnêtes gens


        by Edouard Langille

        Published in Rouen in 1767 and reprinted two years later, Voltaire's Candide en Dannemarc, ou l'optimisme des honnêtes gens wraps up the adventures of Candide. Turning his back on both Voltairean satire and scepticism, the novelist proposes a moralistic fable - the focal point of which is a rehabilitation of Leibniz's Theory of Optimism. The main body of the novel tells the story of Candide and his new wife, the noble Zénoïde, in their sumptuous Copenhagen townhouse. Before achieving this happy state, however, the couple endures various trials and tribulations reminiscent of the newly minted gothic genre. Candide en Dannemarc also features a satirical portrait of Jean-Jacques Rousseau.

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        July 2021

        International Division of the Young Communist Party 2·Young Heros

        by Zhou Fei,Song Chunhua

        International Division of the Young Communist Party is a long novel about young people's growth created against the historical background of the establishment and development of the Young Communist International Division of the Chinese Workers and Peasants Red Army during the Second Domestic Revolutionary War. The work is in four volumes, using a combination of reality and fiction, with the growth of fictional teenage heroes such as Yin Jie as the main line, interspersed with Chen Guang, Xiao Hua and other typical characters of the International Division of the Young Communist Party, to tell the glorious revolutionary history of this period. These teenage heroes were enthusiastic, resourceful, brave, decisive and righteous, and made outstanding contributions to the cause of national and ethnic liberation.

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2021

        International Division of the Young Communist Party 1·Iron Fists

        by Zhou Fei,Song Chunhua

        International Division of the Young Communist Party is a long novel about young people's growth created against the historical background of the establishment and development of the Young Communist International Division of the Chinese Workers and Peasants Red Army during the Second Domestic Revolutionary War. The work is in four volumes, using a combination of reality and fiction, with the growth of fictional teenage heroes such as Yin Jie as the main line, interspersed with Chen Guang, Xiao Hua and other typical characters of the International Division of the Young Communist Party, to tell the glorious revolutionary history of this period. These teenage heroes were enthusiastic, resourceful, brave, decisive and righteous, and made outstanding contributions to the cause of national and ethnic liberation.

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2021

        International Division of the Young Communist Party 4·The Road to Glory

        by Zhou Fei,Song Chunhua

        International Division of the Young Communist Party is a long novel about young people's growth created against the historical background of the establishment and development of the Young Communist International Division of the Chinese Workers and Peasants Red Army during the Second Domestic Revolutionary War. The work is in four volumes, using a combination of reality and fiction, with the growth of fictional teenage heroes such as Yin Jie as the main line, interspersed with Chen Guang, Xiao Hua and other typical characters of the International Division of the Young Communist Party, to tell the glorious revolutionary history of this period. These teenage heroes were enthusiastic, resourceful, brave, decisive and righteous, and made outstanding contributions to the cause of national and ethnic liberation.

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2021

        International Division of the Young Communist Party 3·Turning Iron to Steel

        by Zhou Fei,Song Chunhua

        International Division of the Young Communist Party is a long novel about young people's growth created against the historical background of the establishment and development of the Young Communist International Division of the Chinese Workers and Peasants Red Army during the Second Domestic Revolutionary War. The work is in four volumes, using a combination of reality and fiction, with the growth of fictional teenage heroes such as Yin Jie as the main line, interspersed with Chen Guang, Xiao Hua and other typical characters of the International Division of the Young Communist Party, to tell the glorious revolutionary history of this period. These teenage heroes were enthusiastic, resourceful, brave, decisive and righteous, and made outstanding contributions to the cause of national and ethnic liberation.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        October 2016

        Lexicon of Intimate Cities

        by Yurii Andrukhovych

        "Lexicon of Intimate Cities" is the biggest novel of Yuriy Andruhovych so far. A tireless traveler across Ukraine, Europe, and America, the author tells us 111 stories about 111 cities with which he was lucky enough to experience happy and not so happy, but always intimate, in the broadest sense of the word, moments.Arranged in the alphabetical order according to the geographical names of the locations, these diverse texts – from essays and short stories to prose poems together form an autobiographical atlas of the writer's world. In addition, each "lexical" adventure is clearly inscribed in time space coordinates, which allows the reader to follow the author in 111 private-historical leaps from the mid-60s of the last century to the present day.It is hardly worth expecting objective characteristics of Kyiv and Lviv, Moscow and Warsaw, New York and Yenakiyiv from this atlas, this extremely subjective "manual of geopoetics and cosmopolitics". But you can definitely find more artistically important things in it: the atmosphere, mood, images, smells and tastes of favorite cities and places, as they were imprinted in the author's memory. As well as momentary observations and deeper reflections, lyricism and sadness, irony and sarcasm - that is, everything that makes our communication with the world to resemble true intimacy.

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        Historical fiction

        Roksolana. Union with the Jagiellonians: a historical novel: book. 1

        by Oleksandra Shutko

        The novel covers the events in the life of the Ukrainian Roksolana (Hürrem Sultan) - the wife of Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent, which took place in 1540-1551, when she was at the zenith of glory and power. This woman had a significant influence on the policy of the Ottoman Empire. She mediated the Sultan's man to establish good neighborly relations with the Polish Jagiellonian dynasty, Queen Isabella of Hungary, her mother Bona Sforza, and her brother, King Sigismund II of Poland. The novel is based on Roksolana's love and diplomatic correspondence, archival documents, reports of European ambassadors in Istanbul, Ottoman chroniclers, and information from thorough investigations by Turkish, Polish, Ukrainian, German, Italian, and American historians. In the novel, not only the events and characters are real, but even their dialogues, which history has preserved to this day.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2024

        Sexual politics in revolutionary England

        by Sam Fullerton

        Sexual politics in revolutionary England recounts a dramatic transformation in English sexual polemic that unfolded during the kingdom's mid-seventeenth-century civil wars. In early Stuart England, explicit sexual language was largely confined to manuscript and oral forms by the combined regulatory pressures of ecclesiastical press licensing and powerful cultural notions of civility and decorum. During the early 1640s, however, graphic sex-talk exploded into polemical print for the first time in English history. Over the next two decades, sexual politics evolved into a vital component of public discourse, as contemporaries utilized sexual satire to reframe the English Revolution as a battle between licentious Stuart tyrants and their lecherous puritan enemies. By the time that Charles II regained the throne in 1660, this book argues, sex was already a routine element of English political culture.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        August 1996


        Ben Jonson

        by Tom Cain

        Set in Ancient Rome, "Poetaster" offers one of the first and most subtle statements in English of the Augustan cultural ideal. Jonson contrasts Augustus' wise rule with an English polity dominated (like the stage) by malice, intrigue and envy. This text examines these different strands so skilfully interwoven by Jonson, and argues for a reassessment of "Poetaster" as one of the most ideologically interesting of all early modern plays. The accompanying explanatory notes guide the reader through the personal and political illusions which gave the play its immediate satirical impact. ;

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        November 2024

        Women and madness in the early Romantic novel

        Injured minds, ruined lives

        by Deborah Weiss

        Women and madness in the early Romantic novel returns madness to a central role in feminist literary criticism through an updated exploration of hysteria, melancholia, and love-madness in novels by Mary Wollstonecraft, Eliza Fenwick, Mary Hays, Maria Edgeworth, and Amelia Opie. This book argues that these early Romantic-period novelists revised medical and popular sentimental models for female madness that made inherent female weakness and the aberrant female body responsible for women's mental afflictions. The book explores how the more radical authors-Wollstonecraft, Fenwick and Hays-blamed men and patriarchal structures of control for their characters' hysteria and melancholia, while the more mainstream writers-Edgeworth and Opie-located causality in less gendered and less victimized accounts. Taken as a whole, the book makes a powerful case for focusing on women's mental health in eighteenth- and nineteenth- century literary criticism.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2022

        Comic empires

        Imperialism in cartoons, caricature, and satirical art

        by Richard Scully, Alan Lester, Andrekos Varnava

        Comic empires is a unique collection of new research exploring the relationship between imperialism and political cartoons, caricature, and satirical art. Edited by leading scholars across both fields (and with contributions from contexts as diverse as Egypt, Australia, the United States, and China, as well as Europe) the volume provides new perspectives on well-known events, and illuminates little-known players in the 'great game' of empire in modern times. Some of the finest comic art of the period is deployed as evidence, and examined seriously, in its own right, for the first time. Accessible to students of history at all levels, Comic empires is a major addition to the world-leading 'Studies in Imperialism' series, as well as standing alone as an innovative and significant contribution to the ever-growing international field of comics studies.

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