A Brief History of Ukrainian Feminism. Graphic novel
by Mykola Yabchenko
Feminism is a living phenomenon, but its history can and should be recorded. A number of serious works on the history of the women's movement and feminism have been published in Ukraine, but it is only recently that the history of Ukrainian feminism appeared in the form of a graphic novel. This book is our humble attempt to try and cover the vast history of Ukrainian feminism on a moderate number of pages. We have mentioned many outstanding personalities, but we have not mentioned even more names, for which we immediately apologise - after all, a lot has happened in 150 years and it’s hard to fit all into a relatively small graphic novel. This book may be of interest to those who have only recently become interested in feminism, as it is a brief introduction to the history of Ukrainian feminism. More experienced readers will be delighted to notice some additional details and stories to what they already know.
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Rights Information
Rights manager Liliia Omelianenko, lomelyanenko@gmail.com
Contact of the Ukrainian Book Institute: ubi@ubi.org.ua
Author Biography
Mykola Yabchenko is a international journalist and communication specialist. A Short History of Ukrainian Feminism is his first book.
Bibliographic Information
- Publisher Vydavnytstvo Vydavnytstvo
- Publication Date 2021
- Orginal LanguageUkrainian
- ISBN/Identifier 9786177818426
- Publication Country or regionUkraine
- Pages84
- ReadershipGeneral
- Publish StatusPublished
- Original Language TitleІсторія українського фемінізму. Графічна адаптація
- Original Language AuthorsЯбченко Микола