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      • The Shoestring Publisher

        The Shoestring Publisher is an independent publisher of illustrated books on India’s history and cultural heritage, with a particular focus on the visual arts including architecture, fine art, design, film, photography and textiles.   Founded by Meera Ahuja in 2006, it has received the Indian Tourism Award for Excellence in Publishing for its panoramic limited editions The Monumental India Book (acclaimed as one of the world’s ten best coffee-table books of 2009) and The Sacred India Book. Its most recent publications are America: Films from Elsewhere (2019) and the monograph Mrinalini Mukherjee, published in conjunction with the exhibition “Phenomenal Nature: Mrinalini Mukherjee” at The Met Breuer, NY, in 2019.   Shoestring’s numerous international co-editions include The Monumental India Book (Citadelles & Mazenod, 2007; Schirmer Mosel Verlag, 2008; The Vendome Press, 2008; and Constable & Robinson, 2008), Western Artist and India: Creative Inspirations in Art and Design (Thames & Hudson, 2013) and Mughal Architecture and Gardens (Antique Collectors’ Club, 2011; and Éditions de La Martinière, 2013).

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      • The Authors Show ®

        We present during this event a handful of authors who appeared on our show, and who have expressed an interest in selling the international rights to their work.

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      • Trusted Partner
        August 2006

        Bist du meine Mama?

        by Sandra Grimm, Christiane Hansen

        In "Bist du meine Mama?" begibt sich ein frisch geschlüpftes Küken auf die Suche nach seiner Mutter und trifft dabei auf verschiedene Tiere des Bauernhofs, die ihm bei der Suche helfen. Durch das Öffnen von Klappen entdecken die kleinen Leserinnen und Leser gemeinsam mit dem Küken, welche Tiere sich dahinter verbergen, und lernen deren Laute kennen. Diese liebevoll gereimte Geschichte fördert nicht nur die Sprachentwicklung, sondern auch die Feinmotorik durch das interaktive Element der Klappen. Die Suche endet schließlich erfolgreich, und das Küken findet seine Mama. "Bist du meine Mama?" ist ein entzückendes Buch für Kinder ab 18 Monaten, das zum Mitsprechen, Mitraten und Entdecken einlädt. Interaktives Erlebnis: Dank zahlreicher Klappen zum Öffnen wird die Neugier der Kinder geweckt und die Feinmotorik spielerisch gefördert. Tierlaute lernen: Das Buch bietet eine wunderbare Möglichkeit, Kindern die Laute verschiedener Bauernhoftiere näherzubringen und somit ihr Verständnis für die Tierwelt zu erweitern. Sprachförderung: Die gereimte Erzählweise und das wiederholende Element "Bist du meine Mama?" unterstützen das Sprachverständnis und regen zum Mitsprechen an. Liebevolle Illustrationen: Die detailreichen und kindgerechten Bilder laden zum Betrachten und Entdecken ein und machen das Buch zu einem visuellen Vergnügen. Emotionaler Mehrwert: Die Geschichte vermittelt Werte wie Hilfsbereitschaft und Zusammenhalt und stärkt das Verständnis für familiäre Bindungen. Gelistet bei Antolin.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2021

        Der kleine Dino sucht seine Mama

        by Carla Häfner, Larisa Lauber

        Ein Dino-Liebling für die Kleinsten. Krick, krack. Der kleine Brachiosaurus schlüpft aus seinem Ei. Nanu, wo ist denn nur seine Mama? Sie ist nirgendwo zu sehen. Der kleine Dino folgt ihren Fußspuren und begegnet auf seinem Weg vielen anderen Dinos, doch keiner davon ist seine Mama. Da ertönt ein Rufen aus dem Wald und ein langer Hals erhebt sich aus den Blättern – Mama?

      • Trusted Partner
        February 1994

        Klar, dass Mama Ole lieber hat / Klar, dass Mama Anna lieber hat

        by Kirsten Boie, Silke Brix

        "Klar, dass Mama Anna/Ole lieber hat" von Kirsten Boie beleuchtet humorvoll und einfühlsam die alltäglichen Streitigkeiten und Rivalitäten zwischen Geschwistern aus beiden Perspektiven. Anna, fast sieben Jahre alt und Erstklässlerin, ist genervt von ihrem kleinen Bruder Ole, der noch nicht einmal vier ist und gerade erst in den Kindergarten gekommen ist. Sie empfindet ihn als ständige Quelle der Irritation, sei es durch das Essen ihrer Schokolade aus dem Adventskalender oder sein Drängen, bei ihren Spielen mitmachen zu dürfen, wobei sie glaubt, dass ihre Mutter stets Oles Seite ergreift. Ole hingegen fühlt sich von Anna ausgeschlossen, bekommt nie etwas von ihren Süßigkeiten ab und wird von der Mutter geschimpft, wenn er aus Frustration handgreiflich wird, sodass er überzeugt ist, dass seine Mutter Anna bevorzugt. Trotz dieser Konflikte zeigt Boie, dass Geschwister in Momenten der Angst und Unsicherheit auch Trost und Sicherheit im Beisammensein finden können, etwa wenn in der Dunkelheit "gefährliche Räuber" lauern, was die komplexe und letztlich liebevolle Beziehung zwischen Geschwistern unterstreicht. Fängt die realistischen Spannungen und Rivalitäten zwischen Geschwistern ein, wodurch es sich besonders für Familien mit mehreren Kindern eignet. Kirsten Boie beschreibt mit Humor und Verständnis die täglichen Herausforderungen im Geschwisteralltag, was das Buch sowohl amüsant als auch lehrreich macht. Beleuchtet die Geschichte aus beiden Blickwinkeln der Geschwister, wodurch Kinder lernen, Empathie für die Gefühle und Sichtweisen anderer zu entwickeln. Ideal für Geschwisterkinder, um Eifersucht zu thematisieren und den Liebesverlust der Eltern aus verschiedenen Perspektiven zu verstehen. Auch nach mehrmaligem Vorlesen bleibt die Geschichte interessant für Kinder und Erwachsene, dank der lebhaften Sprache und der detailreichen Handlungen. Für Kinder ab 4 Jahren ansprechend illustriert von Silke Brix.

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2019

        The King's Shoes

        by Tang Sulan, Ishan Trivedi

        The King's Shoes is according to the folktales of Pakistan. A long time ago, when humans had not invented shoes, everyone could only walk barefoot. Whether one were a queen or a civilian, one must be with barefoot. Through a king's tone, the book tells an interesting story of how shoes were invented.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        My Mommiest Mommy

        by Halyna Kyrpa (Author), Grasya Oliyko (Illustrator)

        This book is about an everyday mommy. Perhaps she could have been a queen if she hadn't overslept on New Year's night, the night when miracles happen. Who knows? This book is also about the most ordinary of girls who talks about her love for her mommy, her daddy, her small baby brother in her mommy's tummy, and everything that is truly important in her life.   From 3 to 6 years, 2120 words Rightsholder: Nargis Gafurova and Anna Tiurina,

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner

        Pancake Flowers

        by Ma Ruifang

        The book Pancake Flowers tells stories of a family in northern China over a century. The several generations of this family experienced very different lives, which reflected the ever-changing and tough situation before and after the birth of New China. In the book, author Ma Ruifang tells stories about her grandparents, parents, brothers, and sisters and incorporates the love for the country and families, and friendship into the stories of every character. The book is full of life wisdom and selfless love, which are deeply moving.

      • Trusted Partner
        February 2011

        Die liebste Mama der Welt!

        by Susanne Lütje, Eleni Livanios

        In "Die liebste Mama der Welt!" von Susanne Lütje werden die liebevollen Beziehungen zwischen Müttern und ihren Kindern in der Tierwelt sowie bei Menschen auf herzerwärmende Weise dargestellt. Jedes Tierkind, sei es das Eichhörnchen, das von seiner Mama geschaukelt wird, der Eisbär, dem die Mama heißen Tee kocht, oder der kleine Fuchs, dessen Schmerz die Mama wegbläst, empfindet seine Mama als die allerliebste auf der Welt. Diese universellen Momente der Fürsorge und Liebe enden mit einer Szene, in der ein kleines Mädchen von ihrer Mama zugedeckt wird, betonend, dass jede Mama die liebste Mama der Welt ist. Durch liebevolle Reime und malerische Bilder ist das Buch das perfekte Pendant zu "Der liebste Papa der Welt" und ein wahrer Schatz für gemeinsame Lesemomente. Herzergreifende Momente: Erzählt Geschichten der unersetzlichen Beziehung zwischen Mutter und Kind. Lehrreich und unterhaltend: Fördert durch liebevolle Reime das Sprachgefühl und die emotionale Intelligenz von Kindern ab 2 Jahren. Malerische Illustrationen: Bezaubernde Bilder, die zum Betrachten und Entdecken einladen. Universelle Botschaft: Zeigt, dass unabhängig von der Spezies jede Mama die liebste Mama der Welt ist. Ideal zum Vorlesen: Kurze, kindgerechte Texte, die zum täglichen Vorlesen vor dem Schlafengehen einladen. Pädagogisch wertvoll: Unterstützt die emotionale Entwicklung und stärkt die Bindung zwischen Eltern und Kind. Perfektes Geschenk: Hervorragend geeignet als Geschenk zum Muttertag, Geburtstag oder einfach als Überraschung. Hochwertige Verarbeitung: Robuste Pappseiten, die auch von kleinen Händen gut umgeblättert werden können. Positive Resonanz: Begeisterte Kundenrezensionen bestätigen die Beliebtheit und Qualität des Buches.

      • Trusted Partner

        Mum is Hiding

        by Author: Qian MoIllustrator: Zhou Yi

        Key Points: Growth in the time of departure teaches children to face up to the difficulties,  harvest love, and make progress. Brief content Since her father works in Africa for the local construction assistance, only the little girl and her mother are at home. During a grocery shopping, her mother happens to have close contact with someone who is later confirmed as a COVID-19 case. The mother worries about the possibility that she might be infected by the virus, so she isolates herself in a small room in quarantine. On the one hand, there is the helpless little girl full of fear and worry; on the other hand, the mother has no choice but to try everything she can to patiently comfort her daughter. A short distance away, and yet poles apart. Fortunately, the community staff come to their aid in time. Reading Guidance Why does mom, who is there every day, now hide herself away? The title of this book proposes a question. After reading, it turns out that this is mom’s only choice under special circumstances. Through the action of "hiding", this picture book brings out love and bonds between parents and children. The change of the child's behaviors after the mother hides away shows courage and growth. The timely help of the community staff demonstrates the touching love in the world.   Copyright Sold to America, France, German, Lebanon, Turkey, Belgium, Tunisia, Vietnam, Nepal, India, Thailand, Mongolia, New Zealand, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Cambodia, Russia, Hungary, the UK ( 19countries)     For More Information of Big-eyes Heartwarming Series International Achievement, please refer to  (fetch code:9a53) Video of First Launch of Big-eyes Heartwarming Series in Gemany Version, please refer to  (fetch code: I9m7) Video of Germany Young readers reading Big eyes Heartwarming Series, please refer to         (fetch code: 9ptu) Promotion of Big eyes Heartwarming Series in Russian Version on Frankfurt Bookfair, please refer to  (fetch code: 0la4)

      • Trusted Partner

        Little Tadpoles Look for Their Mom

        One Story a Week

        by Chen Jiafei

        Frog mother laid eggs and swam away. Little tadpoles were hatched and started their journey looking for their Mom. They met different creatures in the pond and asked around, “where is our mom? Are you our mom? ” They got disappointing answers until they saw the frog that was looking for her children. She said “Hi, babies, I am your mother.” Tadpoles could not believe her because they do not look like her. But in the end, they believed that they found their mom and then happily swam with her till they grew up — yes, till they turned into the form of frogs!

      • Trusted Partner

        A practical manual for calligraphers and painters

        by Ma Dechun

        "Practical Manual for Calligraphers and painters (Revised Edition)" by the famous painter Ma Dechun and his wife for several years to compile, is a guide book to assist the majority of calligraphers, painters and painting lovers to create art. This book is divided into two parts, which "calligraphy and painting literature thought quote" fine escape of the first praise of the past dynasties, is the compilation of the content of the topic: "ink edge miscellaneous knowledge record" the calligrapher and painter often encountered and interested in the relevant knowledge made a carding excerpt, including traditional festival taboos, title title and modest words attached, Jijin name often deputy content."Practical Manual of Calligraphers and painters (Revised Edition)" by the famous painter Ma Dechun and his wife for several years to compile, is a guide book to assist the majority of calligraphers, painters and painting lovers to create art. This book is divided into two parts, which "calligraphy and painting literature thought quote" fine escape of the first praise of the past dynasties, is the compilation of the content of the topic: "ink edge miscellaneous knowledge record" the calligrapher and painter often encountered and interested in the relevant knowledge made a carding excerpt, including traditional festival taboos, title title and modest words attached, Jijin name often deputy content.

      • Trusted Partner
        Biography & True Stories
        February 2025


        The true story of Hannah Beswick, the Manchester Mummy

        by Hannah Priest

        The macabre tale of an eighteenth-century woman immortalised in folklore as the 'Manchester Mummy'. In 1835, the Manchester Natural History Society opened the doors of its museum. Taking pride of place in its collection were three mummies: one was Egyptian, one was Peruvian and one was a woman from Cheetham Hill. This is the first time the true story of Hannah Beswick, the so-called 'Manchester Mummy', has been told. Over the years, explanations for the Manchester Mummy have ranged from the chilling - Hannah's fear of being buried alive - to the downright bizarre - the legend of her buried gold - but the truth is more complex. Exploring this fascinating episode from museum history, Unburied sheds light on the Victorian turn to the macabre and changing attitudes to the display of human remains. It debunks the legends and asks what Hannah Beswick can tell us about death and dying, mummies and museums.

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2020

        Ma Liang and His Magic Painting Brush

        by Hong Xuntao, Yang Yongqing

        Ma Liang with a magic paint brush is a classic character created by the fairy tale master Hong Xuntao. The picture book "Ma Liang and His Magic Painting Brush" created by the famous painter Yang Yongqing is also an immortal classic -- it exbibits Ma Liang's spirit as diligent and kind, and fearless towards violence.

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        September 2017

        100 Best Photographic Places in Western Hunan: A Photography Collection

        by Ma Shujun

        This book is an excellent photography collection of "Mysterious Xiangxi" Top 100 Tourism Photographic Places. The book contains 100 best photographic spots in western Hunan (Fenghuang County, Jishou City, Yongshun County, Longshan County, Guzhang County, Huayuan County, Luxi County, Baojing County) selected in this event. Each photo is presented with a brief description to the content of the photo, highlighting the history, humanities, and natural beauty of western Hunan.

      • Trusted Partner

        Songs of Mama Shamana

        by Yana Mori

        This book is a soft blanket enveloping readers in the embrace of 61 enchanting stories about Mama Shamana. Each page is a separate story about the same character who is a woman but also a demigoddes. Each story is decorated with colorful illustrations.

      • Trusted Partner
        Picture books, activity books & early learning material

        Mom is Back

        by Oksana Lushchevska

        Lynx is an amazing and mysterious animal that lives in Carpathian mountains, Polissia and other regions of Ukraine. It is a true predator, even though its life is full of dangers. When the Lynx has babies it is always on alert. Are you ready to have a sneak peek on caring Mom Lynx and its joyful babies? Interesting story and facts, bright illustrations can help children and their parents to know more about astonishing world of nature and its inhabitants.

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        January 2021

        There is no soundtrack

        Rethinking art, media, and the audio-visual contract

        by Ming-Yuen S. Ma

        There is no soundtrack is a study of how sound and image produce meaning in contemporary experimental media art by artists ranging from Chantal Akerman to Nam June Paik to Tanya Tagaq. It contextualises these works and artists through key ideas in sound studies: voice, noise, listening, the soundscape and more. The book argues that experimental media art produces radical and new audio-visual relationships challenging the visually dominated discourses in art, media and the human sciences. In addition to directly addressing what Jonathan Sterne calls 'visual hegemony', it also explores the lack of diversity within sound studies by focusing on practitioners from transnational and diverse backgrounds. As such, it contributes to a growing interdisciplinary scholarship, building new, more complex and reverberating frameworks to collectively sonify the study of culture.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA


        A sentimental and heartfelt story about a happy little Button and his big and cozy feeling of HOME. A kind book about the pain of loss and the joy of rediscovering one’s true self, about a tiny ray of hope and compassion that are often met along the way.

        by Author — Slava Svitova, Illustrator — Halyna Verheles

        5+   This magically crafted story is here to remind us all that home is where our heart is. The Button had a home and lived a simple, happy life surrounded by the music of his native language and the voices of those he loved, the warm cosiness of the house, and many other details that made his life complete. Until one day he got lost. He travelled from someone’s pocket into a beautiful treasure box, and met a lot of people, and buttons, along his way. All the time during his sentimental journey, he only had but one wish — to be back home. One day, a little girl found him in the vintage shop and asked her mom to take him. This was the moment when the Button had found friends. And cried a happy tear for he had finally realized he was where he had to be and became the symbol of home for those who desperately needed it.The story of a little and brave Button will tug at the heartstrings of those who once had to abandon home for various reasons, and unexpectedly found home within themselves.   Selling points: □ The story teaches empathy and compassion, trust and resilience, it also shows that no matter where we go and what happens to us in life, there will always be good people along the way. □ In any language, the book will still have the same core values: the feeling of home and safety, the treasures that are hidden in one’s heart, the healing memories that never fade with time, the music of one’s native language, and the road that unfolds to teach us who we truly are. □ The book evokes questions and promts the answers gently inspiring young readers to discover the magic of a simple story and the unexpctedness of life. □ This story is perfect for familiy readings where children and parents sit together in a safe and comfortable circle.

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