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        January 2019

        Mein großer Arena Malblock. Pferde und Ponys

        by Be-bop

        Mit tollen Motiven einzigartige Kunstwerke schaffen! Im Stall, beim Ausritt und auf dem Springturnier - viele pferdestarke Ausmalmotive im extragroßen Format für kleine und große Pferdefans. So entstehen wunderschöne Bilder zum Aufhängen, Sammeln und Verschenken. Durch das Ausmalen wird ganz nebenbei Kreativität, Konzentration und Motorik gefördert.

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2006

        Politik als Wissenschaft.

        Festschrift für Wilfried Röhrich zum 70. Geburtstag.

        by Herausgegeben von Take, Michael

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        Limnology (freshwater)
        November 2001

        Waste Composting for Urban and Peri-Urban Agriculture

        Closing the Rural-Urban Nutrient Cycle in Sub-Saharan Africa

        by Edited by Pay Drechsel, Dagmar Kunze

        Rapid urbanization has created a major challenge with regard to waste management and environmental protection. However, the problem can be ameliorated by turning organic waste into compost for use as an agricultural fertilizer in peri-urban areas. This is especially significant in less developed countries, where food security is also a key issue. This book addresses these subjects and is based on papers presented at a workshop held in Ghana by the International Board for Soil Research and Management (IBSRAM, now part of the International Water Management Institute) and FAO. Special reference is given to Sub-Saharan Africa, with acknowledgement to experiences from other parts of the world. Contributing authors are from several European, as well as African, countries.

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        April 2003

        Bedroom Feng Shui

        Das richtige Bett - Erholsamer Schlaf

        by Englebert, Clear / Deutsch Schulte, Sabine

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        June 2000

        Staat, Nation und Demokratie in Europa

        by Stein Rokkan, Elisabeth Fix, Paul Flora

        Im Mittelpunkt des Werks steht der Versuch, ein »Makromodell der politischen Entwicklung Europas« zu entwerfen. Das Ziel ist, die Vielgestalt Europas aus den unterschiedlichen historischen Prozessen der Staaten- und Nationenbildung und der Demokratisierung zu erklären. Flora fügt veröffentlichte und unveröffentlichte Schriften Rokkans zu einem konsistenten Ganzen zusammen und präsentiert mit dieser Ausgabe einen der wichtigsten Beiträge zum Verständnis des heutigen Europa und seiner zukünftigen Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten.

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        Agricultural science
        December 1997

        Temperate Forage Legumes

        by J Frame. Edited by J F L Charlton, A S Laidlaw.

        The major temperate forage legumes are of global importance in the sustainable productivity of ruminant feed in the developed world. This book brings together in one volume all aspects of their basic biology and associated production practices. Emphasis is placed on the importance of understanding plant characteristics and their consequences in terms of forage output, quality and utilization by livestock. Recent research advances are reviewed and put into context and several recently commercialised species are also covered. The introduction considers the history, current extent, benefits and limits of temperate forage legume usage. Subsequent chapters are dedicated to a comprehensive examination of each forage species in turn, dealing with their origin, morphology, physiology, ecology, nitrogen-fixing capability, cultivars, seed production, nutritive value and productivity. The key factors for optimal management are identified and the prospects for the future outlined, including the potential arising from the use of biotechnology. This book is essential reading for degree and postgraduate students of plant science, agronomy and animal production. Additionally, students and researchers in ecology and environmental science will also find it a valuable resource. The management sections will be of particular value to grassland advisers, consultants and progressive land users.

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        Agricultural science
        October 2003

        Biology of Seeds

        Recent Research Advances

        by Edited by Gregorio Nicolas, Kent J Bradford, Daniel Come, Hugh W Pritchard

        This book presents edited and revised papers from the seventh International Workshop on Seeds, held in Salamanca, Spain, in May 2002. The key topics addressed include seed development, germination and dormancy, as well as desiccation, seed ecology and seed biotechnology.

      • Trusted Partner
        February 1999

        Der Mönch und der Philosoph

        Buddhismus und Abendland. Ein Dialog zwischen Vater und Sohn

        by Revel, Jean F; Matthieu, Ricard

      • Trusted Partner
        May 1990

        Die Herrschaft der Lüge

        Wie Politiker und Medien die Öffentlichkeit manipulieren

        by Revel, Jean-Francois / Französisch Dumreicher, Heidi

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