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      • Locus Publishing Company

        Locus Publishing Company offers a wide-ranging selection of titles to suit varied tastes:1) Fiction:including literary and genre, in Adult, YA/Crossover categories;2) Business and Trends;3) True Stories:including memoirs, biographies, and travelogues;4) Self-Help:especially those about personal growth;5) Illustrated books and creative works;6) General interest:including historical, philosophical, and social topics;7) Lifestyle:including but not limited to art, design, and photography;8) Health:everything about the wellness of mind and body;9) For Her:lifestyle and day-to-day inspirations as well as light literature designed for femalereaders.

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      • Trusted Partner
        November 2014

        The Rule of Law and Its Local Resources

        by Su Li

        Taking an interdisciplinary view and starting from plain social legal issues, this book discusses a series of important theoretical issues in China’s contemporary law and jurisprudence, such as legal circumvention and legal pluralism, legal localization, legal specialization, substitution between market and law, and jurisprudential methodology. In order to demonstrate the inseparable relationship between law and other disciplines, the author pioneered in introducing interdisciplinary thoughts to the jurisprudential study of China and integrated it into Chinese jurisprudence.

      • Trusted Partner

        The Barefoot Doctor

        by Can Xue

        The novel tells of the story about the growth of a barefoot doctor in a village. By means of the experiences of Sister Yi the barefoot doctor, Mi Yi, Hui Ju and other characters, the author manages to expose the real dependence relationship between man and nature, and between man and man, so as to construct a new kind of relationship in the future world from a brand-new perspective with lots of astounding descriptions. The scenes depicted in the novel belong to the future world, the plots, however, firmly stick to the reality. Thus the real and free conceptions in the novel are both down-to-earth and overwhelmingly shocking, from which every ordinary reader can find resonance and gain strength for life in it. Once again, the outlook of philosophy and nature of Can Xue has delicately and simply stood out in the novel in a literary way.

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      • Trusted Partner
        July 2019

        Differential Diagnosis in Small Animal Cytology

        The Skin and Subcutis

        by Francesco Cian, Paola Monti

        Illustrated with numerous high-quality photomicrographs, Differential Diagnosis in Small Animal Cytology: skin and subcutis is a comprehensive, up-to-date, single resource for identifying on cytology the most common cutaneous and subcutaneous diseases of dogs and cats. With key points describing the main clinical and cytological features of each lesion, the book also provides lists of differential diagnoses and interesting additional information with the dedicated box of pearls. The book is also enriched by chapters on the correct use and maintenance of the microscope, techniques of collection and preparations of cytological specimens.

      • Trusted Partner
        Business, Economics & Law
        December 2017

        Transforming Travel

        Realising the potential of sustainable tourism

        by Jeremy Smith

        Transforming Travel combines stories from leading companies, interviews with pioneers and thinkers, along with thorough analysis of the industry's potential to make lasting, positive change. - A unique collection of case studies and stories of the most successful, inspirational, impactful and innovative travel businesses in the world. - A vital presentation of the latest research and statistics on the positive impacts and potential of transformative, sustainable tourism, - A positive and realistic vision of the scope of tourism to promote sustainable development at a time when travel and interaction with foreign cultures is facing numerous existential challenges. Written in a highly engaging style Transforming Travel presents an urgent argument for transforming tourism so it might reach its potential to promote tolerance, restore communities and regenerate habitats, while providing a vital guide for anyone looking to develop the successful sustainable tourism enterprises and destinations needed to do so.

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        Tourism industry
        May 2016

        Heritage Tourism Destinations

        Preservation, Communication and Development

        by Edited by Maria D. Alvarez, Atila Yüksel, Frank Go

        Heritage tourism is tied to myth making and stories; creative content that can be shared, stored, combined and manipulated, but that depends on a unique cultural or natural history. A significant section of the wider phenomenon that is cultural tourism, heritage tourism is a demand-driven industry that continues to be a subject of heated debate in academic circles. Beginning with an overview of the subject, this book considers the conservation and revitalization of heritage destinations, as well as the role local communities have in supporting an attraction. It then discusses product development and communication around the world, using new techniques such as social media and examples from food tourism and sporting events, before a final section reviews the planning and institutionalisation of heritage spaces. A timely conclusion subsequently considers the implications of developments such as globalisation, technological improvement and climate change upon these unique destinations. A valuable addition to the literature, this book is the first to bridge the gap between theory and practice, including the latest research and international case studies for researchers and practitioners in tourism and destination management.

      • Trusted Partner
        Nature, the natural world (Children's/YA)
        March 2020

        Earth Takes a Break

        by House, Emily

        From children's book author Emily House comes a wonderful story that re-connects us with our planet. A modern fable inspired by recent events, Earth Takes a Break is a touching picture book jam-packed with fun illustrations and woven together with a message of hope. When Earth feels unwell, she goes to the doctor to ask for help. What the doctor prescribes seems impossible to Earth, until she wakes the next day to find a surprising change!

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2024

        Space Alarm 2. Roboter außer Kontrolle!

        Aufregende Leseabenteuer mit Oetinger SPLASH

        by Patrick Fix, Patrick Fix

        Die Roboter sind los! Auf Proxima Centauri steht die alljährliche Klassenfahrt an: Sammy Supernova düst mit seiner Klasse zum Zelten auf einen Waldplaneten. Auf dem Weg dorthin wird das Schulraumschiff in ein Schwarzes Loch gezogen und am anderen Ende des Universums kaputt wieder ausgespuckt. Die Kinder können den SPACE-BUS gerade noch rechtzeitig mit Rettungskapseln verlassen. Sammy und seine Freunde landen auf einem scheinbar unbewohnten Planeten. Dort türmt sich der Weltraumschrott haushoch. Inmitten der Müllberge finden sie einen kleinen Roboter. Mit seiner Hilfe finden und reparieren sie den SPACE-BUS. Doch kaum ist er wieder startklar, gibt es eine Explosion. Das kann doch kein Zufall sein! Wer treibt auf dem Schrottplaneten sein Unwesen? Der zweite Band von Space Alarm ist ein interaktives Weltraumabenteuer für Lesemuffel ab 8 Jahren, mit wenig Text und vielen lustigen Illustrationen. Eine coole Geschichte voller Humor, Freundschaft und Action! Space Alarm: Spaß, Spannung und Freundschaft im Weltall Galaktisches Lesevergnügen: Ein rasantes Weltraumabenteuer voller Humor und Freundschaft für Kinder ab 8 Jahren. Hochaktuelles Thema: Sind Roboter cool, gefährlich – oder beides? Ideal für leseungeübte Kinder: Mit kurzen Kapiteln und überschaubarer Textmenge. Riesenspaß für Lesemuffel: Interaktives Buch mit vielen Rätseln und witzigen Illustrationen. Abenteuer, Action, Freundschaft und Weltall: Der SPLASH-Score auf der Rückseite zeigt, wie viel davon im Buch steckt. Das rasante Weltraumabenteuer Space Alarm ist ein riesengroßer, interaktiver Lesespaß für Leseanfänger und Lesemuffel ab 8 Jahren. Eine geniale Geschenkidee für Eltern und Großeltern, die nach dem richtigen Lesestoff für ihre Kinder und Enkel, besonders für Jungs, suchen.

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2023

        Space Alarm 1. Mit Hyperschall durchs All

        Aufregende Leseabenteuer mit Oetinger SPLASH

        by Patrick Fix, Patrick Fix

        Ein intergalaktisches Abenteuer! Eines Morgens findet Sammy Supernova findet ein seltsames Hologramm in seiner Müslipackung. Es ist eine Botschaft aus dem All! Seine Eltern sind interstellare Geheimagenten. Sie werden zu einer wichtigen Weltraum-Mission gerufen. Der Weltraumpirat Grimmlin Graubrot ist aus dem Gefängnis ausgebrochen und nimmt Kurs auf die Erde. Er sucht den unendlich wertvollen Edelstein „Das Herz der Sonne“. Dummerweise befindet sich dieser im Küchenschrank von Sammys Familie. Für Sammy beginnt ein neues Leben. Er zieht mit seinen Eltern nach Proxima Centauri, dem Hauptquartier der Weltraumagenten. Wird es ihnen gelingen, „Das Herz der Sonne“ in Sicherheit zu bringen? Auf Sammy und seine neuen Freunde wartet ein rasantes, intergalaktisches Weltall-Abenteuer bei dem Sammy über sich hinauswachsen wird… Spaß am Lesen mit SPLASH! Galaktisches Lesevergnügen: eine rasantes Weltall-Abenteuer voller Humor und Freundschaft. Starkes Thema: So mutig sind schüchterne Kinder. Neue Reihe Oetinger SPLASH: spannende Leseabenteuer für Kinder ab 8 Jahren. Riesenspaß für leseungeübte Kinder: kurze Kapitel und überschaubare Textmengen. Maßgeschneidert für die Zielgruppe: interaktiv mit vielen Rätseln und Illustrationen. Ob Abenteuer, Action, Freundschaft oder Rätsel: Der SPLASH-Score auf der Rückseite zeigt, was im Buch steckt. „Space Alarm 1 – Mit Hyperschall ins All“ ist ein rasantes Weltraum-Abenteuer voller Spaß, Spannung und Freundschaft. Ein interaktiver Lesespaß für leseungeübte und lesefaule Kinder ab 8 Jahren. Ein geniales Geschenk von Eltern und Großeltern für Wenigleser und Kinder, die bereits selbst lesen möchten.

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2022


        by Cat S.

        Are you going somewhere, Big Bear? Way Way Out There is where big things reside. They're so big - they cast shadows impossible to ignore. It's a long way away, but sometime big things come to shore on White Cliff to watch fascinating little things. Jules is an aspiring Big Bear born in White Cliff. He's been dreaming big from an early age, but has yet to figure it out. How does one grow Big? Where does one find directions? Who do you listen to? Can one so small really get There? To take one giant's advice--you'd have to see it for yourself. Way Way Out There.A wonderful fable told from the point of view of a small mind mapping out a path that would lead to something beautiful, good and true.

      • Trusted Partner
        Picture storybooks
        October 2021

        Somanth Hore: Wounds

        by Likla Lall, Kripa Bhatia

        Have you ever had a wound you couldn’t look away from? Did you become obsessed with its ever-changing colours? Did the constant itch take over your mind? Somnath Hore carried an itch like this. He saw the wounds of the world, and they moved him. This is the story of how these wounds became the heart of his art. Find out about the life of celebrated artist Somnath Hore in the Art Exploration Series.

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2018

        The Language of Go Chess

        by Chu Fujin

        This is a story about Chinese Go chess.The protagonist Xiao Wang lives in the North Lane. Go chess connects his life with other chess players such as Jiang Chong, Liu Yun, Tao Song, Chen Xiaodong and Chang Shuo. Through this novel, we see the modern life, the modern psychology and the modern society of China.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2018

        Good Morning ABC

        by Lan Shan

        The Creative Thinking, Development, and Enlightenment Book Series consists of two volumes, which are a set of cognition enlightening books with context meant to help children from 1 to 3 years old to learn characters and numbers. The series of books doesn't contain the boring sense of cramming but combining simple storylines with creative expressions to meet the kids' basic cognitive needs at this age. This set of books uses a childlike illustration style, which is in line with what kids like at that age. Also, the book associates emotions with color and cognitive knowledge and develops kids' ability to read, observe, imagine and create while reading with fun. Good Morning ABC links 26 English letters into a story with the theme of Good morning. The story contains words and phrases related to each letter of the alphabet, so that children can learn letters more vividly.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2025

        Local government and democracy in Britain

        by Neil Barnett, J. Chandler

        Local government in the UK is in crisis. It is now neither local in terms of the geography and populations of its principle units, nor does it truly govern in these areas. As this book reveals, over the previous 200 years local government has moved from a system in which local interests held governance over localities to one in which central government and national and multi-national agencies such as corporate businesses hold governance over local and community decision-making. These changes seriously undermine the important role that local government can play in liberal democracy in the UK. The book explains the nature of local government today and asks if there is any possibility of change.

      • Trusted Partner
        Business, Economics & Law
        January 2012

        A Comparative Study of Judicial Review Systems

        by Zhang Qianfan,BaoWanchao, Wang Weiming.

        This is a comparative study of judicial review systems of various countries, analyzing the history and characteristics of constitutional protection systems while taking into consideration the basic features of Chinese constitutional system. Offering some insights into existing problems and some constructive countermeasures, the research results of this book have significant practical value.

      • Trusted Partner

        The Sky Always Bright--Short and Medium Works Collection

        by "Dream Round 2020" Theme Literary Essay Activity Office

        This book is a collection of short and medium works in the series, including short and medium stories, short and medium reportage, prose, poetry and children's literature. These works are rich in the characteristics of the times and the breath of life. They show the moving deeds of Hunan's targeted poverty alleviation and targeted poverty alleviation, and demonstrate the spirit of people's struggle towards a well-off society. The theme is clear and prominent, the tone is positive, portraying and praising the most beautiful people and typical models participating in poverty alleviation and development, praising the true feelings of the world and transmitting positive social energy.

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