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      • Infinity Books

        Infinity Books is the publishing division of Infinity Education.  We currently publish over 85 titles across a range of subject areas – covering specialised admissions tests, examination techniques, personal statement guides, plus everything else you need to improve your chances of getting on to competitive courses such as medicine and law, as well as into universities such as Oxford and Cambridge. Our books are currently all written by authors who have been through the admissions process and have scored within the top ten per cent of applicants.  We have put together fully worked answers to thousands of questions across many subjects, as well as providing hints and tips on essays and time-saving techniques, and an exhaustive collection of past papers.   Outside of publishing we also operate a highly successful tuition division, UniAdmissions.  This company was founded in 2013 by Dr Rohan Agarwal and Dr David Salt, both Cambridge Medical graduates with several years of tutoring experience.  Since then, every year, hundreds of applicants and schools work with us on our programmes. Through the programmes we offer, we deliver expert tuition, exclusive course places, online courses, best-selling textbooks and much more. With a team of over 1,000 Oxbridge tutors and a proven track record, UniAdmissions have quickly become the UK’s number one admissions company. Visit and engage with us at: Books website: Books Twitter: @infinitybooks7   Programmes website:

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        Infobase Publishing

        For 80 years, Infobase has created and curated exceptional through Imprints such as from Facts on File, Bloom's, Chelsea House, Fergusons and Omnigraphics.

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        July 2023

        Space Alarm 1. Mit Hyperschall durchs All

        Aufregende Leseabenteuer mit Oetinger SPLASH

        by Patrick Fix, Patrick Fix

        Ein intergalaktisches Abenteuer! Eines Morgens findet Sammy Supernova findet ein seltsames Hologramm in seiner Müslipackung. Es ist eine Botschaft aus dem All! Seine Eltern sind interstellare Geheimagenten. Sie werden zu einer wichtigen Weltraum-Mission gerufen. Der Weltraumpirat Grimmlin Graubrot ist aus dem Gefängnis ausgebrochen und nimmt Kurs auf die Erde. Er sucht den unendlich wertvollen Edelstein „Das Herz der Sonne“. Dummerweise befindet sich dieser im Küchenschrank von Sammys Familie. Für Sammy beginnt ein neues Leben. Er zieht mit seinen Eltern nach Proxima Centauri, dem Hauptquartier der Weltraumagenten. Wird es ihnen gelingen, „Das Herz der Sonne“ in Sicherheit zu bringen? Auf Sammy und seine neuen Freunde wartet ein rasantes, intergalaktisches Weltall-Abenteuer bei dem Sammy über sich hinauswachsen wird… Spaß am Lesen mit SPLASH! Galaktisches Lesevergnügen: eine rasantes Weltall-Abenteuer voller Humor und Freundschaft. Starkes Thema: So mutig sind schüchterne Kinder. Neue Reihe Oetinger SPLASH: spannende Leseabenteuer für Kinder ab 8 Jahren. Riesenspaß für leseungeübte Kinder: kurze Kapitel und überschaubare Textmengen. Maßgeschneidert für die Zielgruppe: interaktiv mit vielen Rätseln und Illustrationen. Ob Abenteuer, Action, Freundschaft oder Rätsel: Der SPLASH-Score auf der Rückseite zeigt, was im Buch steckt. „Space Alarm 1 – Mit Hyperschall ins All“ ist ein rasantes Weltraum-Abenteuer voller Spaß, Spannung und Freundschaft. Ein interaktiver Lesespaß für leseungeübte und lesefaule Kinder ab 8 Jahren. Ein geniales Geschenk von Eltern und Großeltern für Wenigleser und Kinder, die bereits selbst lesen möchten.

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        March 2024

        Space Alarm 2. Roboter außer Kontrolle!

        Aufregende Leseabenteuer mit Oetinger SPLASH

        by Patrick Fix, Patrick Fix

        Die Roboter sind los! Auf Proxima Centauri steht die alljährliche Klassenfahrt an: Sammy Supernova düst mit seiner Klasse zum Zelten auf einen Waldplaneten. Auf dem Weg dorthin wird das Schulraumschiff in ein Schwarzes Loch gezogen und am anderen Ende des Universums kaputt wieder ausgespuckt. Die Kinder können den SPACE-BUS gerade noch rechtzeitig mit Rettungskapseln verlassen. Sammy und seine Freunde landen auf einem scheinbar unbewohnten Planeten. Dort türmt sich der Weltraumschrott haushoch. Inmitten der Müllberge finden sie einen kleinen Roboter. Mit seiner Hilfe finden und reparieren sie den SPACE-BUS. Doch kaum ist er wieder startklar, gibt es eine Explosion. Das kann doch kein Zufall sein! Wer treibt auf dem Schrottplaneten sein Unwesen? Der zweite Band von Space Alarm ist ein interaktives Weltraumabenteuer für Lesemuffel ab 8 Jahren, mit wenig Text und vielen lustigen Illustrationen. Eine coole Geschichte voller Humor, Freundschaft und Action! Space Alarm: Spaß, Spannung und Freundschaft im Weltall Galaktisches Lesevergnügen: Ein rasantes Weltraumabenteuer voller Humor und Freundschaft für Kinder ab 8 Jahren. Hochaktuelles Thema: Sind Roboter cool, gefährlich – oder beides? Ideal für leseungeübte Kinder: Mit kurzen Kapiteln und überschaubarer Textmenge. Riesenspaß für Lesemuffel: Interaktives Buch mit vielen Rätseln und witzigen Illustrationen. Abenteuer, Action, Freundschaft und Weltall: Der SPLASH-Score auf der Rückseite zeigt, wie viel davon im Buch steckt. Das rasante Weltraumabenteuer Space Alarm ist ein riesengroßer, interaktiver Lesespaß für Leseanfänger und Lesemuffel ab 8 Jahren. Eine geniale Geschenkidee für Eltern und Großeltern, die nach dem richtigen Lesestoff für ihre Kinder und Enkel, besonders für Jungs, suchen.

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        June 2000

        Staat, Nation und Demokratie in Europa

        by Stein Rokkan, Elisabeth Fix, Paul Flora

        Im Mittelpunkt des Werks steht der Versuch, ein »Makromodell der politischen Entwicklung Europas« zu entwerfen. Das Ziel ist, die Vielgestalt Europas aus den unterschiedlichen historischen Prozessen der Staaten- und Nationenbildung und der Demokratisierung zu erklären. Flora fügt veröffentlichte und unveröffentlichte Schriften Rokkans zu einem konsistenten Ganzen zusammen und präsentiert mit dieser Ausgabe einen der wichtigsten Beiträge zum Verständnis des heutigen Europa und seiner zukünftigen Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten.

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        March 2019

        Just to meet you

        by Qiao Qiao

        This book unveils the mystery of "test tube baby", a kind of assisted reproductive technology, and opens a more concrete and detailed real world for the infertile and infertile people. In it, we can see their pain and helplessness when they bear the pressure of infertility, their doubts and tangles when they choose test tube baby technology to assist pregnancy, and their endurance and strength in the whole treatment process However, we can also see their joy and happiness after the successful conception and delivery.

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      • Fiction

        That Other Orphanhood

        by Gabriela Couturier

        That Other Orphanhood speaks to that deeply dissatisfied inner self who feels trapped in a life that is very different from the one we intended to live.  It is, also, a novel about a coming of age of sorts: the main character stands at the threshold of mid-life, and while she is a successful career woman with a good marriage and a seemingly enviable life, she knows the decisions she makes from now on will have ever more permanent consequences. Changing course to pursue a long-coveted dream might endanger not only everything else she has achieved but the very foundations of her life. And the insistent beckoning of maternity feels more like a question than an answer in her orderly world.  With her struggle against the increasingly common nightmare of infertility as a leitmotiv, That Other Orphanhood reflects on the contradictions that threaten the harmony between our ambitions, the expectations of society and our very essence.

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        Technology, Engineering & Agriculture
        September 2020

        Equine Reproductive Physiology, Breeding and Stud Management

        by Mina C G Davies Morel

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        Medical parasitology
        October 1998

        Sexually Transmitted Infections and AIDS in the Tropics

        by Edited by Om P Arya, Charles A Hart

        Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI) are a major public health problem both in their own right and because of their link with HIV infection. This has elevated their control to an absolute priority throughout the world. In developing countries, which account for approximately 75% of the easily curable STI, as estimated by the WHO, and where sexually transmitted HIV infection has reached epidemic proportions, the need is most acute. Here AIDS is claiming hundreds of thousands of lives and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. In addition, because of inadequate resources, the sequelae of STI (e.g. infertility and some cancers) contribute greatly to ill-health in the tropics. This book written by acknowledged experts working or with experience in tropical countries, gives clear, concise and up to date knowledge and understanding on all aspects of Sexually Transmitted Infections. It should be useful for all those involved in the appropriate management and control of STI in various settings, ranging from peripheral and rural and urban health care centres to large hospitals. It will also be invaluable for students of tropical medicine, medical microbiology and genito-urinary medicine.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2020

        Pelvic Inflammatory Disease, Second Edition

        by Alan Hecht, D.C., Judith A. O’Donnell, M.D., and Steven P. Gelone, Pharm. D.

        Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is a sexually transmitted disease seen in women, and is usually caused by gonorrhea or chlamydia. PID most often occurs in adolescent and young women, and can be a silent infection that may go undetected for years. Undiagnosed and untreated, PID leads to many potentially severe and devastating health consequences in women of reproductive age, including infertility.Pelvic Inflammatory Disease discusses the epidemiology of PID, as well as outlines the epidemiology of gonorrhea and chlamydia in the United States. It highlights, through one young woman’s personal story, the severity, the symptoms, and the consequences of PID. Although effective medications have been available for decades, the disease continues to occur and can result in several health complications in young women.

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2020

        The "Danger" and "Operation" of Human Reproduction

        by Liu Ximing

        This book integrates environmental protection, reproductive physiology, reproductive health, integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine treatment, and assisted reproductive technology. It explains the various harms caused by environmental pollution, sexually transmitted diseases and bad lifestyles to human reproduction, and introduces the main assisted reproduction methods today. Technology and its development prospects, as well as some frontier information of medical science and technology at home and abroad, aim to awaken people's awareness of the "danger" and "opportunity" of human reproduction. This is a popular science book that is both scientific, practical and interesting. It can be read by married young people and married and unborn couples, and can also be used as a reference for medical students majoring in reproductive medicine or medical staff engaged in this profession. It helps people to gain in-depth understanding of infertility and improve the knowledge of reproductive medicine.

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        July 2023

        Germs and governance

        The past, present and future of hospital infection, prevention and control

        by Anne Marie Rafferty, Marguerite Dupree, Fay Bound Alberti

        Germs and governance brings together leading historians, practitioners and policy makers to consider the past, present and future of hospital infection control. Combining historical case-studies with practitioner experiences, this volume offers a new understanding of the emergence of theories of germ transmission and containment and how these theories played out in real-world environments, networks and professional organisations. Exploring the historical context in which technologies like gloves were developed and popularised, as well as how relationships between communities and hospitals, doctors and nurses, and the emerging role of hospital bacteriologists have shaped infection control practices, the collection emphasises the diverse contexts in which ideas about germs, infection and safety circulated. The volume also addresses the historical neglect of the critical role of nurses in the development and success of infection control measures.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2017

        The divorce of King Lothar and Queen Theutberga

        Hincmar of Rheims's De divortio

        by Rachel Stone, Charles West

        In the mid-ninth century, Francia was rocked by the first royal divorce scandal of the Middle Ages: the attempt by King Lothar II of Lotharingia to rid himself of his queen, Theutberga and remarry. Even 'women in their weaving sheds' were allegedly gossiping about the lurid accusations made. Kings and bishops from neighbouring kingdoms, and several popes, were gradually drawn into a crisis affecting the fate of an entire kingdom. This is the first professionally published translation of a key source for this extraordinary episode: Archbishop Hincmar of Rheims's De divortio Lotharii regis et Theutbergae reginae. This text offers eye-opening insight both on the political wrangling of the time and on early medieval attitudes towards magic, penance, gender, the ordeal, marriage, sodomy, the role of bishops, and kingship.The translation includes a substantial introduction and annotations, putting the case into its early medieval context and explaining Hincmar's sometimes-dubious methods of argument.

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