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      • Fiction
        July 2020

        El sonido de un tren en la noche

        by Laura Riñón Sirera

        Clementina had the story of her life written before she was even born and it seemed happy, fortunate and privileged. Born into a family of the Madrid nobility she was always a happy child. But her grandmother, the spiteful, had already warned those around her, when she heard them talk about how the little girl didn’t cry, that “if she wasn’t crying now, she would do so in the future”. She had just turned sixteen when everything her family had planned for her was frustrated by the quirks of fate and her only way out was to escape. The first chapter of her new life starts here, already changed into a new person. A story of acceptance of her new self, of reconciliation with a solitude that will accompany her around the maps where she chooses to get lost, Madrid, Valencia and the United States. This is then story of a never-ending journey of a woman that could’ve had it all and was forced to forget her past to become a different person, one she had to embrace. Life teaches her a valuable lesson: in the escape the coward shows his courage. Clementina tenía los renglones de su historia escritos antes de nacer, y su vida se auguraba feliz, afortunada y privilegiada. Nacida en el seno de una familia de la nobleza madrileña, fue una niña alegre desde su nacimiento. Pero su abuela, la Rencorosa, ya lo advirtió a su entorno cuando oía comentarios sobre lo poco que lloraba la pequeña, «lo que no llore ahora, lo llorará cuando sea mayor», gruñía entre dientes.Apenas había cumplido los dieciséis años, cuando la vida que su entorno había planeado para ella se vio truncada por los caprichos del destino, y su única salvación fue la huida. Comienza entonces a escribir el primer capítulo de su segunda vida, ya convertida en otra persona. Una historia de búsqueda y de aceptación de su nueva identidad y de reconciliación con la soledad junto a la que se desplazará por los mapas en los que elige perderse, Madrid, Valencia y Estados Unidos.Esta es la historia del viaje interminable de una mujer que pudo tenerlo todo y que se vio obligada a olvidar su pasado para convertirse en otra persona, con la que tuvo que aprender a convivir. Una mujer a la que la vida enseñó que en la huida el cobarde demuestra su valentía.

      • February 2020

        El cine de Terrence Malick

        La esperanza de llegar a casa

        by Alzola Cerero, Pablo

        Las películas que el cineasta estadounidense Terrence Malick ha realizado hasta la fecha, desde Malas tierras (1973) a Vida oculta (2019), no son muchas, pero todas han dejado una huella singular en la historia del séptimo arte. ¿Cuál es esa singularidad que ha despertado en el público tanta admiración como rechazo? El cine de Malick expresa, mediante un lenguaje audiovisual muy característico, preocupaciones que atañen a todo ser humano tales como la búsqueda de la propia identidad, la distancia o cercanía con los otros y el hallazgo de un hogar. Tomando la última cuestión, el hogar, como punto de partida, este libro plantea un acercamiento a la filmografía del cineasta de enfoque amplio e interés humano, en el que destacan dos grandes referentes: la tradición bíblica y el pensamiento de Stanley Cavell, un filósofo tan cinematográfico como americano. Al final, se descubre que tanto los mundos y personajes creados por Malick como la vivencia en la que se sumerge el espectador confluyen en un mismo anhelo: la esperanza de llegar a casa.

      • Children's & YA

        The Guest and Other Sinister Stories

        by Dávila, Amparo

        Through a selection of thrilling and exciting illustrated stories, Mexican author, Amparo Dávila, and Argentinian illustrator, Santiago Caruso, create a fascinating reading spectrum for young audiences. This set combines classic tales of the author: “Petrified trees” and “Concrete music”, alongside with fantastic stories as “The guest”, the story of an ordinary woman hunted by an unknown creature; “High kitchen”, a short story where miniature beings confront their inevitable fate, among others.

      • Graphic novels
        May 2017

        Freehand Robbery

        by Lundi, Javier Ara

        "Being a cartoonist is suicide these days if you have to raise a family, but what is really tragic is being the widow of a cartoonist. Robbing a bank may be your last option. Let me explain in my graphic novel how I did it." Lundi drew this work during the last years of his life, when he was already aware of his fatal illness. In order not to leave his daughter and his wife abandoned with debts and without resources, he came up with a seemingly crazy solution: robbing a bank. What was unknown until now is that Lundi had drawn this comic to explain to her daughter Elisa the reasons why he decided to rob the bank. However, the handwritten work that Elisa received when she came of age was unfinished, and the author in a posthumous note asked Javier Ara, the draftsman who was his assistant to fix his drawings for years, to finish it. Javier Ara accepts the task, but his hatred of Lundi makes him embark on a much larger undertaking: expanding the comic by unmasking Lundi and finding out whether the bank was actually robbed. This work is a longseller that has already sold out its third edition and we are preparing the fourth edition. A short animated film by Javier Ara, author of this comic Freehand Robbery, but also of Dark Investment  and The Great Battle of the Gusis, has gone viral in 2022 and has tens of millions of views on social networks.More than 43 million views on TikTok: youtube it already has more than 1.5 million views: the number of views is growing every day.

      • Gender studies: women
        June 2012


        by ALMELA BOIX, Margarita; GUZMÁN GARCÍA, Helena; SANFILIPPO, Marina; GARCÍA LORENZO, María Magdalena

        Mujeres a la conquista de espacios es el cuarto libro del Seminario sobre Literatura y Mujer (siglos XX y XXI) y está dedicado a la representación de los espacios físicos y simbólicos de las mujeres. Hasta el siglo XIX, los espacios en la literatura eran simplemente un lugar de paso, una realidad más o menos formal, pero con los cambios sociales y los nuevos enfoques de pensamiento de los siglos XX y XXI, el espacio pasará a ser entendido desde otro punto de vista: ocupar un espacio define nuestro estar en el mundo, conseguir una realidad espacial significa ocupar un lugar en el tiempo, con todo lo que comporta ejercer algún tipo de poder o sufrir alguna pérdida.




        Tras el término de la Guerra Civil de 1891, el desierto del Norte Grande chileno se ha convertido en tierra fértil para la llegada de aventureros, contrabandistas y bandoleros, todo en busca de un solo objetivo: obtener la riqueza que yace bajo el suelo atacameño. Allí, en medio de la pampa, las historias del Flaco, la Rubia y el Indio se entrecruzan, mientras la oficina salitrera Santa Fe se alza como el escenario perfecto para una trama marcada por la cuestión social, los engaños, la rapidez del gatillo y la sed de venganza

      • Children's & YA
        September 2021

        Disidentes | Dissidents

        by Rosa Huertas

        Ada lives in a perfect world and leads a perfectly organised life in Sector 7. Everything there is aseptic: there are no wars or diseases, and history and art are unnecessary. Things seem to be under control, until one day Ada’s world falls apart. She flees to the polluted city, a Madrid in ruins where she is to discover a reality that will make her doubt her deepest convictions. A dystopian novel that addresses the issues of our times: freedom, truth, disease and social control.

      • August 2021

        La luz y la montaña

        by Soledad Urquia

        A woman goes to live together with her husband and their little daughter in a village nestled between mountains and streams. A while before, she set out on a spiritual journey of yoga and the study of Eastern texts. She meditates every morning and keeps a diary where she records those moments, her breathing techniques, where her thoughts and desires wander, and her day-to-day life in the valley.  With a voice that echoes Natalia Ginzburg and Emmanuel Carrére but in her uniquely uncertain and gentle tone, each entry in this diary is a revelation.

      • June 2020

        Caja continua de voces

        by Pablo Martín Ruiz

        Essays, travel journals, reflections, epigrams, visual poetry, lists, notes, paradoxes, compilations, critiques, stories, outlines, translations, palindromes, these are all the bricks with which, in the manner of a certain Chinese encyclopedia, a sort of epistemology of restriction and of the unusual is built. A necklace where no two pearls are alike: the bet, of course, is centered on the thread that ties them together. It gives the impression that the author, owner of a playful, penetrative gaze, is concerned with the poetic dimension of the pure forms of language and that absolutely nothing is alien to him.The result is an absolutely singual, stimulating, and highly entertaining book, which makes us gratefully abandon the place of our comfortable ideas. Luis Sagasti

      • Children's & YA

        The Gnawed

        by Cadena, Agustín

        The putrid flesh beings and the black tar coming from open wounds, the ones that are not alive but are not dead either, those ones called the gnawed are the ones that are eating all the people at the town. That’s where Cristina, Esteban, and Arturo live, the ones who survived this pandemic after their parents died, since, due to some reason, it does not affect children nor teens. To make things worse, Natalia, Cristina’s sister, goes missing without a trace. Over time, the town’s isolation, the lack of food, and the increase of attacks from the gnawed force the three friends to make the difficult decision to either stay to resist at home or undertake the trip to “the island”, a place that is rumored could be a refuge to the survivors of the gnawing.

      • Modern & contemporary fiction (post c 1945)
        March 2020

        Shadows of the past

        by Miguel Ángel Puente

        Son of an Iranian father and a Spanish mother, Fa’iq Shabazz is a child from Cadiz who suddenly sees his pleasant existence shocked by his parents harrowing death. This fact completely transforms his life and conditions his future forever. Forced to leave for Iran, where he will be taken care of by his paternal uncle, the new reality he will have to live shapes a personality completely different from that of the child he once was. His anger dominates his mind and body, and numb to the suffering of others, he quickly throws away every stage of his life in the middle of the Iranian army and ends up being one of the most lethal secret agents the world has known. Fed up of obeying other’s orders and taking a decision as little meditated as rash, which almost costs his life, he decides to become a soldier of fortune to end up being the organizer of the biggest terrorist attack in history: the 11-S attack. Back in Spain and after a severe disease, he’s taken care of by an old Spanish priest and university professor who shapes a person totally different from the former one. However, little after getting married, his past comes back haunting him, revealing little by little a surprising scenario full of spurious plots and hidden interests, which has not much to do with the scenario he believed he had lived. Reality and fiction mixed in this exhilarating thriller that aims to unveil some of the mysteries behind the 11-S terrorist attack.

      • October 2016

        Crónicas de melancolía eufórica

        by Mario de Andrade / Rosario Lázaro Igoa / Martín Verges

        Las crónicas de Mário de Andrade (1893-1945), dan cuenta tanto de un paisaje exterior como de una mirada íntima. No se trata del registro que podría realizar una cámara objetiva dispuesta a explorar la realidad del mundo visible, sino de una experiencia privada que se proyecta sobre todas las cosas como una luz indirecta y reveladora. Así, el cronista se sube a un ómnibus en Sâo Paulo o a una barcaza que lo llevará a remontar el Amazonas, y su viaje siempre es doble, a la vez hacia afuera y hacia lo profundo, y no es posible diferenciar uno del otro. De Andrade es un finísimo observador capaz de perderse en ensoñaciones ensimismadas, ideas febriles, alucinadas, que repentinamente adquieren una brillante lucidez. El obsequio que cada uno de los textos seleccionados y reunidos aquí nos ofrece es participar de la forma en que una sensibilidad poderosa, delirante y lúdica permite que las fuerzas de la vida la atraviesen, eufórica y melancólicamente a un tiempo, sin contradicción alguna.

      • Children's & YA

        Sirenia #1

        The Power of the Magic Seashell

        by Tyna Waterfall, Luján Fernández

        Lulaby, Triton and Actea are three inseparable mer- folk. Together with Hipo, their pet, they love to have fun in Salty City, where they live. During a field trip to the city park, they accidentally leave the group and come across some seaweed thieves. They want to destroy the sea?s source of oxygen! But after finding a magic pendant, everything will change. Once our merfolk get magic powers, no one will be able to stop them. Become a supermermaid and save the ocean!

      • Health & Personal Development
        August 2014

        Orientación inicial


        by Guadalupe Baeza Gómez, Rafael Enríquez Raya

        Did you know that the brain is the most important organ in the human body? as the center of the nervous system it controls all the functions of the organism, both executive and autonomous, and all bodily processes are based on its proper functioning. For this reason, it is necessary to preserve it in the best possible way, since with the passing of time it tends to deteriorate and, therefore, to diminish its faculties. At the moment guide we will explain everything about this wonderful organ, we will deepen in the knowledge of its different functions; we will also indicate how to use the CDs that are part of the system and that contain the didactic exercises for hone your mental processes related to memory, attention, reasoning as well as skills increase verbal and visuospatial. Exercise in each of cognitive areas with exercises shows that here They offer, in addition to a guide to nutritional care to nurture good your brain. It is convenient that, as an introduction, do a preconception assessment (what you think about something or know of a certain topic), to achieve a greater understanding how this system works brain training, for that we will use a didactic material called table C-Q-A, which a Here we introduce you.

      • Fiction
        January 2020


        by Aro Sáinz de la Maza

        Milo Malart, detective of the Catalan State Police, faces a particularly cruel and complex case. Monday at dawn a young man shows up at the police station covered in blood from head to toe. "Everyone is dead," he whispers before fainting. Analysis of his clothes confirms that the blood belongs to at least three people. Are the police looking at yet another victim, the survivor of a massacre? But why does he remain silent when he regains consciousness? There is another possibility: that he is the murderer. However, everyone describes him as a docile boy, unable to hurt a fly. Who is Lucas Torres really?

      • Children's & YA


        by Ana Roux

        The Atlantic Ocean, 1805. Thousands of metres above thesea, the British and Napoleonic air forces battle it out to takecontrol of Europe. The ship Lionheart is under the commandof Captain Fellowes. Following a tough battle, Lionheartmakes a landing on an island populated by castaways, amongthem the captain’s daughter, Ellen. Far from civilisation, shehas discovered freedom. Both groups agree to work together,overcoming their differences, surviving pirate attacks andreturning to England. But the foundations of this alliancebegin to crack when a strange murder changes everything.Lionheart is the first exciting volume in a two-part series setin the 19th century, but not as we know it: boats can fly andmagic impregnates every echelon of society. And with moreat stake than just an empire, secrets can be dangerous.

      • Lifestyle, Sport & Leisure
        June 2021


        by Antonio Agredano

        “In a world of winners, defeat is a kind of dissidence. Losing is not a romantic exercise, it hurts like a stepfather, but you learn. All victories are alike, but each defeat is similar in its own way; There are many ways to cry, but everyone drinks champagne the same way. This is not a football book. Not only. Because in football there is room for a life”. Julián Bellón, at the age of 40, returns to Córdoba due to the death of his father. That loss will drag him to his childhood, to his neighborhood, to the bars and to the people who saw him grow up, the last place of armored happiness before his life twisted and fell into a spiral of self-destruction. The boy who became a goalkeeper still dreaming of scoring a goal, the young man who later became a professional goalkeeper, today is a broken man cornered by memories of him. Is there time for redemption before the final whistle?

      • Geography & the Environment
        November 2021

        Shout out what is silenced

        A young eco-social activist gives voice to what the Climate Summits silence.

        by Alejandro Quecedo del Val, Marina Garcés

        "Alejandro Quecedo del Val points to the need for a reform of being and feeling that connects us again with nature." - foreword by Marina Garcés   Gritar lo que está callado (Shout out what is silenced) is written by a 19-year-old who has attended climate summits representing Spain.   It is not just another book about climate change, it is a book that reveals what is on the fringes of the climate summits, what prevents the fight against climate change from progressing. The invited and silenced young people are the example of the smoke screens that are created in the information of the disaster, for example with the Greta Thunberg phenomenon.   Under the slogan Uniting the world to tackle climate change, the next United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) — held in Glasgow (United Kingdom) from November 1 to 12, 2021— brought together representatives of around 200 governments with the aim of accelerating climate action to comply with the Paris Agreement.   In a recent article, Alejandro Quecedo pointed to the disappointment of a large part of the activist sector, after learning about the withdrawal of permits and funding for citizen and scientific initiatives, with the excuse of not "excessively politicizing the summit", a fact to which was added the leak to the media that certain lobbies had pressed to amend the latest report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), in order to deny the evidence of an increasingly imminent catastrophe and blind public opinion with half-truths, sweetened.   The author has been interviewed by the most important media in Spain, all interested in his position: to ask for a change of sensitivity in order to stop the eco-social crisis.

      • Esclavos de ceniza

        by Carlos Moya Chinillach

        When the Devastating Sun took place, there was nothing left. The cataclysmic event erased magic, life and hope from the face of the earth. Now, only a few signs of the former order remain in a vast wasteland that reaches as far as the eye can see, and in which the last survivors try to find their path. A princess trying to redeem herself. A guardian who promised to protect her. A freedom-loving murderer who’s forced to serve someone else’s desires. A vulturelike man wanting a change. A King of ashes. A raven. And hope for a better future...


        by Rafaél Salmerón

        Hiroshima, 1945: Ichiro and Masuji  play in the streets just minutes before the atomic bomb is dropped on the city. Present-day Hiroshima: Sakura, a teenager who was born with a malformed hand, struggles to cope with the cruel taunts of her classmates and the lack of affection and communication within her family. She believes that her mother doesn’t love her, and barely sees her workaholic father. Aiku, her virtual friend, lives in a different city and it’s not easy for them to meet in person. Her dream is to become a Manga artist, but she knows that this will never be. However, Sakura’s life takes a turn when she crosses paths with little Tetsuo and an elderly survivor of the bombing who hides an important secret.

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