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Promoted ContentBusiness, Economics & LawJune 2020
Field Guide to the Forest Trees of Uganda
For Identification and Conservation
by James Kalema, Alan Hamilton
This book is a guide for the identification of the indigenous forest trees of Uganda. It will be useful for those who wish to contribute towards the conservation of the forests or to plant indigenous trees. Information is provided on how to propagate and cultivate about 80 of the most valuable species. Indigenous trees provide numerous resources useful for welfare and development. They include many types of timber and non-timber forest products, such as craft materials, foods and medicines. The proximity of indigenous forest helps to moderate the local climate, making it more suitable for agriculture. Indigenous forests protect springs, therefore safeguarding water supplies more effectively than exotic trees such as pines and eucalyptus. All 450 known indigenous tree species from the forests are included. Both scientific and local names are provided, the latter in 21 languages. Local names facilitate access to knowledge and values traditionally attached to the species, useful when planning pathways of development firmly rooted in local culture. The book will be invaluable for botanists, foresters, rural development workers and members of the general public concerned about contributing to conservation and sustainable development in Uganda. Many of the species grow in neighbouring countries, so the book has relevance there too.
Promoted ContentMarch 2021
International Trade in Forest Products
Lumber Trade Disputes, Models and Examples
by G Cornelis van Kooten, Linda Voss
Because of the long-standing Canada-U.S. lumber trade dispute and the current pressure on the world's forests as a renewable energy source, much attention has been directed toward the modelling of international trade in wood products. Two types of trade models are described in this book: one is rooted in economic theory and mathematical programming, and the other consists of two econometric/statistical models--a gravity model rooted in theory and an approach known as GVAR that relies on time series analyses. The purpose of the book is to provide the background theory behind models and facilitate readers in easily constructing their own models to analyse policy questions that they wish to address, whether in forestry or some other sector. Examples in the book are meant to illustrate how models can be used to say something about a variety of issues, including identification of the gains and losses to various players in the North American softwood lumber business, and the potential for redirecting sales of lumber to countries outside the United States. The discussion is expanded to include other products besides lumber, and used to examine, for example, the effects of log export restrictions by one nation on all other forestry jurisdictions, the impacts of climate policies as they relate to the global forest sector, and the impact of oil prices on forest product markets throughout the world. This book will appeal to practising economists and researchers who wish to examine various policies that affect international trade, whether their interest is local or international in scope. Because the book provides the theoretical bases underlying various models, students and practitioners will find this a valuable reference book or supplementary textbook.
Trusted PartnerNovember 2021
The Forest of the Future – A New Reality
Understanding the ecosystem
by Hans Jürgen Böhmer
What happened with forest dieback? The predictions of the 1980s that forests would be in decline across Europe have not come true. Currently, attention again focuses on the doom scenarios of the loss of entire forests and cultural landscapes in an emotional and sometimes hysterical debate. Biogeographer Hans Jürgen Böhmer refers to updated case studies and his 30 years of research experience on global ecosystems to demonstrate extremely complex interrelations of the natural world that various actors monitor in contrasting ways and characterized by different times and ideologies. Böhmer advocates to embed the sustainability debate more strongly in the living environment, rather than relying exclusively on model calculations.
Trusted PartnerGeography & the EnvironmentOctober 2021
Key Questions in Hydrology and Watershed Management
A Study and Revision Guide
by Leon Bren, Patrick Lane
This book provides a series of exercises of various types covering matters of hydrology and watershed management. The exercises include true/false questions, multiple choice questions, and numeric, graphical, and analytical exercises. The questions draw on the basic disciplines of hydrology and physics, with some stress placed on correct or appropriate units. The questions reflect the authors' many years of teaching watershed management at undergraduate and graduate levels. Questions cover: 1. Terminology and measurement of flow (and units) 2. Quantifying stream networks 3. Concepts of water balance and evapotranspiration 4. Slope recharge, groundwater hydrology, and water-table/phreatic aquifers 5. Single and paired watershed experiments 6. Impacts of fires on watersheds 7. Concepts and measurements of water quality 8. Flooding forests 9. Valuation of water 10. Protection of forest stream by buffers 11. Urban watershed concepts The book is self-contained, and designed to be used at any time in any place, either for revision or as source material for teaching. The work is graded so that easier questions are presented early, followed by harder questions. Answers are concise but contain enough information to help students study and revise on a topic-by-topic basis. The book concludes with suggestions for student exercises and projects and is an invaluable resource for both students and instructors.
Trusted PartnerForestry & related industriesJune 1998
Tropical Moist Forest Silviculture and Management
A History of Success and Failure
by H C Dawkins, Michael S Philip
Silviculture in tropical forests has a long history going back many centuries and active management for timber production began about two hundred years ago. There is therefore a considerable body of evidence regarding both sustainable and destructive forestry practices in these forests, the future of which is the subject of one of the great scientific and public debates of the late twentieth century. Based on fifty years experience by each author and extensive research of the literature, this book provides information, much of which was previously not widely available, on the development of silvicultural systems in tropical moist forest (a broad term which encompasses many forest types). The book begins by tracing the early history and goes on to describe the later, more technical phases and the growth of global exploitation. Examples from many countries are described in detail, considering all aspects including the economic, ecological and social implications. It is the aim of the authors to demonstrate that sustainable timber production in many of these forests is not only possible, but the techniques necessary have been known to foresters for many decades. This book is essential reading for forest managers in the tropics, advanced students and researchers in forestry and ecology concerned with natural resource management and will also be of interest to economists, policy makers and environmentalists
Trusted PartnerBusiness, Economics & LawFebruary 2018
Sustainable Bamboo Development
by Zhu Zhaohua, Jin Wei
This book presents over 40 cases of bamboo development across 22 major bamboo-industry countries and explores the knowledge gained from their successes and failures. It synthesises experiences and exchanges with country experts from international training courses and consultations, study tours, and seminars. Each case includes observations and summaries of discussions related to the development of bamboo-based industries in a healthy, sustainable way, and the facilitation of strategic and balanced development of bamboo in different global regions. Industrial and artisanal bamboo growing and processing is expanding worldwide and this book brings together key experiences to help inform future developments. This book provides an analysis of bamboo plant features, including strong renewability, fast-growing, and high biomass production. It also reviews important ecological functions of bamboos, such as water and soil conservation, carbon sink and storage, and adaptation to climate change, as well as addressing the diversified culture of bamboo and key issues affecting the sector. Sustainable Bamboo Development: - Is authored by an internationally recognised leading expert in the growth and use of bamboo - Takes a holistic view, covering technical, socio-economic, policy, cultural and business development - Provides practical knowledge to guide the development of bamboo sectors - Gives a clear idea and rich examples of what has been attempted in many countries - Acts as a roadmap for using bamboo as a poverty reduction and environmental security tool Highly illustrated and in full colour throughout, this book is an essential resource for all those interested in bamboo, from private sector investors to governmental and development agencies, academic researchers and students.
Trusted PartnerForestry & related industriesMay 1999
Japan and World Timber Markets
by Peter Blandon
Two thirds of Japan is covered with forest that is rapidly reaching maturity and could be felled in the near future. This would dramatically increase domestic timber supply and have implications, not only for Japan, but also the main timber exporting nations of the world. However, Japanese domestic supply has been stagnating and forest management has become less intensive. At the same time, timber suppliers to Japan are themselves coming under various pressures which are likely to lead to reductions in their timber harvests and export potential. This book examines these issues and looks at what would happen if Japan were to utilise this resource within the next two decades, from both a domestic and international point of view. Primarily aimed at advanced students of forestry, economics and business, this book will also be of interest to government research agencies, timber processors and exporters of timber to Japan.
Trusted Partner2022
The Forest
by Sebastián Ilabaca
This large-size wimmel-boardbook in leporello format can be opened to a length of nearly three-and-a-half metres. It invites you on an immersive journey through the woods. On the one hand you will find the secret life of a forest populated by flora and fauna that seem enchanted. A journey to the depths of the forest where we observe how dozens of animals coexist, walking, exploring, singing, playing, running, playing instruments, dancing, bathing, hugging and taking care of each other. On the other side, a farm with inhabitants who love their environment and cultivate it. 10 flaps to discover hidden animals. Back cover brings a quote from the painter Henri Matisse. Awards: Fundación Cuatrogatos, USA, 2022; “The Best of Banco del Libro”, Venezuela, 2022; Colibrí Medal 2023, Ibby Chile; Best Picture Book 2023, Ministry of Culture, Chile
Trusted PartnerForestry & silviculture: practice & techniquesDecember 2000
Forests and Landscapes
Linking Ecology, Sustainability and Aesthetics
by Edited by Eric Wajnberg, John K Scott, Paul C Quimby
Forests are an important component in the visual appeal of landscapes. There is an increasing recognition of the importance of this subject among foresters and environmental scientists. Increasingly, forest resource managers must consider both the aesthetic consequences of timber harvesting operations and management plans and public perceptions of the sustainability of forest eco-system management.Written by world class authorities this book is the first to address this subject area. It consists of 17 chapters and is divided into six parts. The interdisciplinary nature of the book brings together not only foresters and ecologists, but also landscape architects, psychologists and philosophers. Contributors are leading research workers in their subjects, from Canada, the USA and UK.
Trusted PartnerForestry & related industriesDecember 1998
Forest Policy
International Case Studies
by Edited by Bill Wilson, G C van Kooten, Ian Vertinsky, Louise Arthur
Forest policy involves a complex balance of governmental, social and industrial objectives in an environment where the forests and the institutions are also constantly changing. Across the various forestry jurisdictions there is a wide variety of policy models that have evolved in response to specific societal demands, institutional structures and forest environments. This book is an examination of forest policy in a selection of major forestry jurisdictions, primarily the major competitors in world softwood markets. These include the United States, British Columbia, Alberta, New Zealand, Sweden, Finland, Chile and Russia. These regions represent systems operating with natural forests, plantation forests, initial forest endowments, second/third generation forests, public forestland ownership, private forestland ownership, open markets, highly structured markets, and various responses to sustainability. For each jurisdiction a brief overview to the economy, the contribution of forestry, the resource base, the composition of the forest industry and the major stakeholders is provided. The policy discussions include forest management, timber pricing and export policy, environmental standards, land ownership and use, and the institutional setting relating to government agencies, taxation, labour and capital. Comment is provided on the evolution of the existing policy structure and the chapters finish with an evaluation and prognosis for the jurisdiction. This book is a valuable reference source for forest policy practitioners, students of forestry and political economy and industrial decision-makers seeking to position their business in global forestry.
Trusted PartnerApril 2021
The value of the forest
by Zhao Wenying, Jiang Tianyi
This book systematically introduces the multiple values of forests from the perspective of combining science and culture. Including forest environment adaptation, population self-regulation, community survival and development, system harmony and unification laws of the jungle, forest purification of air, adjustment of hydrological climate, soil conservation, maintenance of biodiversity and other ecological service values, the main forest products, wood products and wood environment value , The development value of forest food, medicinal materials, industrial and agricultural raw materials, landscape and other non-wood forest products, the health value of forests to promote human health, the forest inherits human civilization, breeds ecological ideas, and forms the value of cultural signs such as landscapes, trees, flowers, and animals , The aesthetic value of the forest from the form, color, dynamic, etc., and so on. This book creatively intersperses the classic evaluations of many celebrities and scholars on the forest, discusses the comprehensive value of ancient and famous trees, and realizes the organic integration of ideology, knowledge and interest.
Trusted PartnerTechnology, Engineering & AgricultureNovember 2023
Farmer Innovations and Best Practices by Shifting Cultivators in Asia-Pacific
by Malcolm Cairns
This book, the third of a series, shows how shifting cultivators, from the Himalayan foothills to the Pacific Islands, have devised ways to improve their farming systems. Using case studies collected over many years, it considers the importance of swidden agriculture to food security and livelihoods, and its environmental significance, across multiple cultures, forest and cropping systems. There is a particular focus on soil fertility and climate change challenges. It is a 'must read' for those who realize that if the lives of shifting cultivators are to be improved, then far more attention needs to be directed to the indigenous and often ingenious innovations that shifting cultivators have themselves been able to develop. Many of these innovations and best practices will have strong potential for extrapolation to shifting cultivators elsewhere and to farming systems in general. This book: - Highlights innovations of shifting cultivators. - Combines solid science with accessible language and outstanding artwork. - Provides a collection of case studies unprecedented in its scope. This book will be suitable for students and researchers of agriculture, anthropology, sociology, agricultural economics, human ecology, ethnobotany, forestry, agroforestry, agronomy, soil science, farming systems, geography, environmental science and natural resource management.
Trusted PartnerChildren's & YAOctober 2004
Through the forest. Across the sky. On the water. Trilogy
by Serhii Oksenyk
Book 1. The Bald Man. When a twelve-year-old boy has to take on his young shoulders a burden of responsibility for others, when the whole forest is against him, when he is the only one to decide what is good and what is bad, every step of a dangerous journey might be the last… will the hero be able to reach the goal of his journey? Will he manage to save people and not to turn into a werewolf? Will it help him that he is a teenager or it will be an obstacle? Book 1. The Bald Man. When a twelve-year-old boy has to take on his young shoulders a burden of responsibility for others, when the whole forest is against him, when he is the only one to decide what is good and what is bad, every step of a dangerous journey might be the last… will the hero be able to reach the goal of his journey? Will he manage to save people and not to turn into a werewolf? Will it help him that he is a teenager or it will be an obstacle?Book 1. The Bald Man. When a twelve-year-old boy has to take on his young shoulders a burden of responsibility for others, when the whole forest is against him, when he is the only one to decide what is good and what is bad, every step of a dangerous journey might be the last… will the hero be able to reach the goal of his journey? Will he manage to save people and not to turn into a werewolf? Will it help him that he is a teenager or it will be an obstacle?Book 1. The Bald Man. When a twelve-year-old boy has to take on his young shoulders a burden of responsibility for others, when the whole forest is against him, when he is the only one to decide what is good and what is bad, every step of a dangerous journey might be the last… will the hero be able to reach the goal of his journey? Will he manage to save people and not to turn into a werewolf? Will it help him that he is a teenager or it will be an obstacle? Book II. LelyaCould be there anything more frightening than when The Bald Man and The Barefoot come to the village? Who steals magic stuff from kids? How to transform yourself into a flying old witch whose name is Baba Yaga? Where does the last way of the werewolves end? You will find the exciting answers to all these questionsin this new novel about the adventures of Lelya, The Bald Man and their friends in horrible world where almost nothing good and bright left…But there is no other world! Book III. AN ENGINEER. Looks like we have already found out what is that evil Force that wants to destroy all people and all living creatures on the Earth but nobody knows how to overcome it. The Bald Man proposed a plan, which looked so hopeless, terrifying, and adventurous that nobody liked it - nor Marichka, neither Lelya or The Beard Man, but yet all our heroes and even the rooster named Falkon agree to participate and to help. It is scary even to imagine how the story might end. And yet – where did this dark underground Force came from? Why is it so hostile to everything alive? The answers to these questions probably are hidden in the fate of another character, who called himself an Engineer. The last book of a trilogy “Through the forest. Across the sky. On the water” is as full of fantastic adventures and adventure fiction as the two previous ones: “The Bald Man” and “Lelya”.
Trusted PartnerForestry & silviculture: practice & techniquesSeptember 2009
Planted Forests
Uses, Impacts and Sustainability
by James B. Carle, J. B. Ball, Alberto Del Lungo, D. A. Neilson, L. P.B. Holmgren. Edited by Julian Evans.
Planted forests, although only seven per cent of the world's forest resources, have superseded naturally regenerating forests as the principal source of industrial wood products. Lessening the pressure for wood production, tree planting has released natural forests to be managed for other purposes - carbon sinks, soil and water protection, conservation of biological diversity, recreation and amenity. Representing a complement, but not an alternative, to natural forests, planted forests have become increasingly important for reducing worldwide deforestation, loss of forest ecosystems and forest degradation. Examining the significance of this rapidly emerging world resource, chapters consider the strengths and weaknesses of planted forests, management objectives for their use and aspects of ownership and policy. Data from key production countries are used to evaluate the implications and sustainability of planted forests as a source of forest products as well as social and ecological issues.
Trusted PartnerForestry & related industriesJuly 2000
Forest Conservation Genetics
Principles and Practice
by Edited by Anthony Young, David Boshier, Timothy Boyle
Effective management of forest genetic resources is a key element in future forest conservation. Genetic diversity is essential for both the long-term stability and the short-term productivity of forest ecosystems. Hence there is a great need for information on forest conservation genetics. The book consists of 22 chapters and is divided into five parts integrating genetic, ecological and socioeconomic information. It also includes, as a CD-ROM, the population genetics software package POPGENE. Contributors include international authorities from the USA and Canada, Europe, South-East Asia, Australia and New Zealand.
Trusted PartnerForestry & related industriesJanuary 2000
Forest Tourism and Recreation
Case Studies in Environmental Management
by Edited by Dr Xavier Font, John Tribe
The demand for ecotourism and outdoor recreation is increasing, and the pressures on land use are becoming more obvious. A large part of the experience of ecotourism and recreational landscape depends on the maintenance of forested land. Effective management of tourism and recreation in forests can provide extra income to help offset the costs of sustainable timber production and encourage biodiversity conservation.This multi-author book considers the compatibility between tourism, forestry and conservation, the management of natural resources and the involvement of stakeholders and the community. Issues are presented through case studies from a range of countries and topics covered include National Parks, peri-urban forestry and wilderness management, as well as practitioner-oriented contributions.
Trusted PartnerForestry & silviculture: practice & techniquesNovember 1995
Forestry, Economics and the Environment
by Edited by Wiktor L Adamowicz, P C Boxall, M K Luckert, William E Phillips, William White
Global interest in forest conservation, biodiversity preservation, and non-timber values has risen while pressures on the forest as a source of income and employment have also increased. These demands are often conflicting, making forest planning, allocation and policy formation very complex. This volume explores theoretical and applied issues surrounding forest resource allocation. The book is divided into three main subject areas: tropical forests - environment, economics and trade; non-timber valuation - theory and application; and ecosystem management. The first of these focuses on tropical forests, reflecting the fact that global environmental concerns surrounding these regions are often in conflict with local economic objectives. The second section examines non-timber values, which are important in planning and policy decisions, but are also very controversial. The third group of chapters consider ecosystem management, a concept that promotes the use of forest harvesting practices that mimic natural disturbance patterns. Overall, the book will be of interest to readers in forestry and environmental economics.
Trusted PartnerBusiness, Economics & LawSeptember 2016
Forest Hydrology
Processes, Management and Assessment
by Devendra Amatya, Thomas Williams, Leon Bren, Carmen de Jong
Forests cover approximately 26% of the world's land surface area and represent a distinct biotic community. They interact with water and soil in a variety of ways, providing canopy surfaces which trap precipitation and allow evaporation back into the atmosphere, thus regulating how much water reaches the forest floor as through fall, as well as pull water from the soil for transpiration. The discipline "forest hydrology" has been developed throughout the 20th century. During that time human intervention in natural landscapes has increased, and land use and management practices have intensified. This book: - Presents cutting edge thinking and assessments in forest hydrology across all latitudes and terrains, including state-of-the-art modelling techniques and methodologies - Describes the latest challenges facing forest hydrology, such as increased occurrence of disturbance, due to extreme floods, drought, disease, and fire, potentially caused by climate change - Is written by an internationally renowned team of scientists, engineers, and managers to give a well-rounded review of the subject The book will be useful for graduate students, professionals, land managers, practitioners, and researchers with a good understanding of the basic principles of hydrology and hydrologic processes. ; This book presents cutting edge thinking and assessments in forest hydrology across all latitudes and terrains, including state-of-the-art modelling techniques and methodologies. It describes challenges facing forest hydrology such as extreme floods, drought, disease, and fire, and is written by an internationally renowned team. ; 1: An Introduction to Forest Hydrology 2: Forest Runoff Processes 3: Forest Evapotranspiration: Measurement and Modelling at Multiple Scales 4: Forest Hydrology of Mountainous and Snow Dominated Watersheds 5: European Perspectives on Forest Hydrology 6: Tropical Forest Hydrology 7: Hydrology of Flooded and Wetland Forests 8: Forest Drainage 9: Hydrological Modeling in Forested Systems 10: Geospatial Technology Applications in Forest Hydrology 11: Forests Cover Changes and Hydrology in Large Watersheds 12: Hydrologic Effects of Forest Management 13: Hydrology of Forests after Wildfire 14: Hydrologic Processes of Reference Watersheds in Experimental Forests, USA 15: Applications of Forest Hydrologic Science to Watershed Management in the 21st Century 16: Hydrology of Taiga Forests in High Northern Latitudes 17: Future Directions in Forest Hydrology
Trusted PartnerBusiness, Economics & LawOctober 2016
Europe's Changing Woods and Forests
From Wildwood to Managed Landscapes
by Tibor Hartel, Keith Kirby, Thomas Ranius, Charles Watkins, Peter Buckley, Peter S Savill, Chris Quine, Matthias Bürgi, John Fletcher, Robert Hearn, Martin Hermy, Diego Moreno, Tomasz Samojlik, George Peterken, Xavier Rochel, Per Angelstam, Jim Latham, Emma Goldberg, Roberta Cevasco, Clive Potter, Juha Siitonen, Robert Fuller
Our understanding of the historical ecology of European forests has been transformed in the last twenty years. Bringing together key findings from across the continent, Europe's Changing Woods and Forests: From Wildwood to Managed Landscapes provides a comprehensive account of recent research and the relevance of historical studies to our current conservation and management of forests. Combining theory with a series of regional case studies, this book shows how different aspects of forestry play out according to the landscape and historical context of the local area, with broad implications for woodland history, policy and management. Beginning with an overview of Europe's woods and forests, the book reviews a variety of management techniques (including wood-pastures, coppicing, close-to-nature forestry and the impact of hunting), describes how plants and animals respond to changes in woodland and forest cover, and includes case histories from around the continent. It concludes with a discussion of how lessons learned from the past can help in the future. This book is both a vital resource and an interesting read for foresters, conservationists, landscape historians, geographers and ecologists. ; This book provides a comprehensive account of the relevance of historical studies to current conservation and management of forests. It combines theory with a series of regional case studies to show how different aspects of forestry play out according to the landscape and historical context of the local area. ; I: ContributorsII: PrefaceIII: AcknowledgementsPART 1: Introduction and Overview1.0: Overview of Europe’s woods and forests1.1: Introduction1.2: The current state and composition of European woods and forests1.2.1: European forests in a global context1.2.2: Variation in forest cover across the continent1.2.3: Variation in forest composition1.3: Forestry policy and cooperation at a European level 01.3.1: Forestry policy1.3.2: Conservation measures1.3.3: Landscape and amenity conservation.1.3.4: Certification as an approach to sustainable forestry management1.3.5: Forest research cooperation across Europe1.4: Conclusion1.5: References2.0: Methods and approaches in the study of woodland history2.1: Introduction2.2: Oral history2.3: Photographs and drawings2.4: Biological indicators2.5: Historical records2.6: Preserved wood and dendrochronology2.7: Lidar and GIS2.8: Applying archaeological insights to ecological issues2.9: Pollen and charcoal analysis2.10: Conclusion2.11: References3.0: The forest landscape before farming3.1: Where to begin?3.2: A cold open continent3.3: Trees spread back after the ice3.3.1: Forming a canopy 53.3.2: The wood beneath the trees3.3.3: Molecular markers for re-colonisation routes.3.4: A holey blanket of trees3.5: The role of large herbivores, particularly bison, wild horse and aurochs3.6: People in the landscape: the trees in retreat3.7: References4.0: Evolution of modern landscapes4.1: Introduction4.2: The emergence of woodland management4.3: Changes in forest extent and distribution4.3.1: Reductions in forest cover4.3.2: Increases as well as decreases4.3.3: Patterns of clearance and survival4.3.4: The ecological consequences of a patchy landscape4.4: Changes in structure and composition through management4.5: Deliberate modification of the tree and shrub composition of forests4.6: Other species gains and losses4.7: Changes to the fire regime4.8: Changes to the forest soil4.9: Forests and atmospheric pollution4.10: Climate change4.11: Conclusion4.12: ReferencesPART 2: The variety of management across European woods and forests5.0: Wood-pastures in Europe5.1: Introduction5.2: Wood-pasture: a multi-purpose system5.3: Historical development of wood-pastures in Europe5.3.1: Forest grazing and pasturing in ancient times5.3.2: Driving the livestock out of the forest (18th-19th centuries)5.3.4: New recognition for wood-pastures?5.4: National inventories of wood-pastures5.5: Wood-pastures as multi-functional landscape elements: past and present5.6: Threats to wood-pastures5.6.1: Management changes5.6.2: Policy mismatch5.6.3: Decline of old, hollowing or dying trees5.6.4: Lack of regeneration5.7: Conclusions5.8: Acknowledgements5.9: References6.0: Coppice silviculture: from the Mesolithic to the 21st century6.1: Introduction6.2: The physiological and evolutionary significance of coppice6.3: Historic development of coppice silviculture6.4: The rise and fall of coppice as an industrial resource6.5: Surviving and neglected coppice in Europe: the extent of the forest estate6.6: Coppice silviculture6.6.1: Cutting methods6.6.2: Time of cutting6.7: Conversion to high forest6.7.1: Coppice versus high forest yields6.8: Reinstating coppice management6.9: Future drivers of change6.10: References7.0: High forest management and the rise of even-aged stands7.1: Introduction7.2: Changing from coppice to high forest systems7.3: The need for new administrative tools7.4: Silvicultural systems7.5: The rise of plantations7.6: Increased use of conifers and introduced species7.7: How forestry is changing7.8: Future high forest and natural forest structures7.9: References8.0: Close-to-nature forestry8.1: Introduction8.2: Roots and pre-requisites8.3: Developments in the 20th century8.4: Ecological implications8.5: Conclusion8.6: References9.0: The impact of hunting on European woodland from medieval to modern9.1: Introduction9.2: Early impacts of hunting9.3: Meat or merit?9.4: Medieval hunting reserves9.5: Early modern hunting parks in Europe9.6: Hunting and the wider landscape9.7: Modern hunting9.7.1: The influence of driven pheasant shoots on British woodland9.7.2: The influence of modern hunting enclosures on Spanish woodland9.8: Conclusion9.9: ReferencesPART 3: How plants and animals have responded to the changing woodland and forest cover.10.0: The flora and fauna of coppice woods: winners and losers of active management or neglect10.1: Introduction10.2: The diversity of coppice10.2.1: Plants10.2.2: Birds10.2.3: Invertebrates10.2.4: Deadwood and associated species10.2.5: Mammals10.3: Impacts of deer browsing on flora and fauna in coppice10.4: Conservation strategies10.5: Short Rotation Coppice10.6: Conclusion10.7: References11.0: The importance of veteran trees for saproxylic insects11.1: Introduction11.2: What are saproxylic species11.3: Veteran trees in past and present landscapes11.4: Important structures and associated species in old trees11.4.1: Microhabitat diversity11.4.2: Tree cavities and their invertebrates11.4.3: Other microhabitats11.5: Effects of environmental factors on the invertebrate fauna11.5.1: Effects of tree characteristics on species assemblages11.5.2: Effects of surrounding landscape on species assemblages11.5.3: Catering for the needs of the adult as well as the larvae11.5.4: Survey methods11.6: Current situation in Europe11.7: How to preserve the specialized saproxylic species?11.7.1: Management for increasing habitat amount and quality11.7.2: Management for securing spatio-temporal continuity11.8: Future prospects11.9: References12.0: The changing fortunes of woodland birds in temperate Europe12.1: Introduction12.2: The birds of the early Holocene12.3: The birds of the wildwood: alternative models of forest dynamics12.3.1: Largely closed forest – ‘closed canopy’ scenario12.3.2: Open mosaic landscape – ‘wood pasture’ scenario12.3.3: Forest-dominated, but more varied – ‘closed but varied’ scenario12.4: Fragmentation of the wildwood12.5: Effects of the historical emergence of management12.6: The age of managed pasture woods and coppice12.7: The shift towards high forest12.8: Woodland birds today12.8.1: Population trends12.8.2: Influences of agriculture12.8.3: Forestry intensification12.8.4: Birds and afforestation12.9: Recent trends12.10: Conclusions12.11: References13.0: Evolution and changes in the understorey of deciduous forests: lagging behind drivers of change13.1: Introduction13.2: Background13.3: What sorts of plants occur in forests?13.4: Comparing ancient and recent forests13.5: Colonization of new forests13.6: Dispersal and recruitment limitation13.7: Changing ancient forests13.7.1: Management effects13.7.2: Effects of environmental changes13.7.3: Effects of grazing13.7.4: Effects of invasive non-native species13.8: Conserving and expanding forests: does it work?13.9: References14.0: Gains and losses in the European mammal fauna14.1: Introduction14.2: Aurochs14.3: The carnivores14.3.1: Wolf14.3.2: Brown bear14.3.3: Lynx14.4: The Beaver14.5: A species that has done too well14.6: The decline and rise of wild boar and deer14.6.1: Wild boar14.6.2: Deer14.7: Conclusion14.8: References15.0: The curious case of the even-aged plantation: wretched, funereal or misunderstood?15.1: Introduction15.2: What is an even-aged plantation?15.3: A brief historical overview of Atlantic spruce forests15.3.1: The dominance of Sitka spruce15.3.2: Breaking up the conifer blanket15.4: Species composition of spruce plantations15.5: Ecological implications of stand dynamics15.5.1: Precursors - the creation of woodland through afforestation (Stage 0)15.5.2: Stand initiation (Stage 1)15.5.3: The impact of stand development – canopy closure and mortality (Stages 2 and 3)15.5.4: Prolonging the rotation and developing multiple storeys (Stage 4)15.5.5: Resetting the woodland through disturbance15.6: Forest design15.7: The landscape setting15.8: Where next?15.9: Conclusions15.10: ReferencesPART 4: A variety of woodland histories.16.0: Historical ecology in modern conservation in Italy16.1: Introduction16.2: Background16.3: The spread of an historical ecological approach in European conservation thinking16.3.1: Forestry versus Woodmanship16.3.2: Woodland or land-bearing-trees16.3.3: The need for an inter-disciplinary approach16.3.4: The role of historical ecology16.4: Integrating Historical and Local Knowledge into Management Strategies16.4.1: An introduction to the case studies16.4.2: Trees and Woodlands Producing Leaf Fodder16.4.3: Trees, woodland and soil fertility16.4.4: The collection of litter16.4.5: Trees invading bogs: an experiment in applied historical ecology16.5: Conclusion16.6: References17.0: Bialowieza Primeval Forest: a 2000-year interplay of environmental and cultural forces in Europe’s best preserved temperate woodland17.1: Introduction17.2: Previous studies17.3: A new palaeo-ecological record for Bialowieza Primeval Forest17.3.1: Methods17.3.2: Results17.4: Archaeological evidence17.5: Archival studies17.5.1: Royal forest of Polish kings17.5.2: Under Russian rule17.5.3: World War I to the present17.5.4: Changes in land use extent and character17.6: Dendro-chronological analyses of fire dynamics17.7: Interplay of natural and cultural forces17.7.1: The Iron Age17.7.2: The Migration Period, mediaeval and early modern times17.7.3: The seventeenth and eighteenth centuries17.7.4: The nineteenth to mid-twentieth centuries17.7.5: The recent decades17.8: The role of large herbivores in shaping BNP17.9: Conclusions17.10: Acknowledgements17.11: References18.0: Woodland history in the British Isles - an interaction of environmental and cultural forces.18.1: Introduction18.2: Outline of British woodland history18.3: Historical stages and processes of change18.4: Regions18.4.1: Pre-Neolithic wildwood18.4.2: Exploited wildwood18.4.3: Traditional woodland management18.4.4: Parks, Forests and wooded commons18.4.5: Improved traditional management18.4.6: Plantations18.4.7: Revival and restoration of native woodland18.5: Some consequences of differences in regional history18.6: References19.0: Forest management and species composition: an historical approach in Lorraine, France19.1: Introduction19.2: The study of forest history in France19.3: Historical forest uses and their consequences on forest management19.4: The making of the technical and legislative framework19.5: The consequences of forestry policies on forest composition in woodlands of Lorraine19.6: The modern forest - conclusion19.7: References20.0: Barriers and bridges for sustainable forest management: the role of landscape history in Swedish Bergslagen20.1: Introduction20.2: The European scale20.3: The regional scale20.4: Bergslagen – an introduction20.5: Forests, forest ownership and land use dynamics20.6: Barriers to sustainability20.6.1: Ecological sustainability20.6.2: Economic sustainability20. 6.3: Social and cultural sustainability20.7: Bridges towards sustainable forest management20.8: Discussion20.8.1: From forest history to history of forest landscapes20.8.2: Landscapes with different histories: using space for time substitution20.9: ReferencesPART 5: Lessons from the past for the future?21.0: The development of forest conservation in Europe21.1: Introduction21.2: Why conserve forests?21.2.1: As a spiritual place21.2.2: As a place for the Chase21.2.3: As a source of raw materials and a barrier against the elements21.2.4: For a new form of communing with the forests21.3: Type and extent of Protected Forest Areas21.4: Selection of protected areas21.5: Developing a European perspective21.6: Forest protection and conservation as part of land-use practice.21.7: Rewilding and forest conservation21.8: From the past to the future21.8.1: Conservation for people?21.8.2: What sorts of woods and forests will be conserved in future?21.9: References22.0: The UK’s Ancient Woodland Inventory and its Use22.1: Introduction22.2: Developing the ancient woodland concept22.3: The creation of the ancient woodland inventory22.4: Developing and using the inventories22.4.1: England: the ‘Red Queen’ dilemma22.4.2: Wales22.4.3: Scotland22.4.4: Northern Ireland22.5: Testing the limits of the English inventories22.5.1: Uncertain evidence22.5.2: What is a wood?22.5.3: How small can an ancient wood be?22.6: Conclusion22.7: References23.0: Tree and forest pests and diseases: learning from the past to prepare for the future23.1: Introduction23.2: Background23.2.1: Dutch Elm Disease, Ramorum blight and Ash Dieback23.3: The Dutch Elm Disease outbreak23.4: ‘Sudden Oak Death’ (ramorum blight) in the UK23.5: A landscape without ash?23.6: The lessons from history23.7: References24.0: Reflections24.1: Introduction24.2: Ways of exploring and understanding woodland histories24.3: Issues for the future historian24.4: From cultural landscapes back to wildwood?24.5: Europe’s woods and forests: the future?
Trusted PartnerForestry & related industriesSeptember 2013
CABI Encyclopedia of Forest Trees
by Nick Pasiecznik, CABI
The CABI Encyclopedia of Forest Trees provides an extensive overview of 300 of the world's most important forest trees. Tropical, subtropical, temperate and boreal trees of major economic importance are included, covering tree species used in agroforestry practices around the world. Many of the species covered are considered to be ‘multipurpose’ trees with uses extending beyond timber alone; the land uses such as watershed protection or provision of windbreaks, and non-wood uses such as the production of medicines, resins, food and forage, are also listed. Comprehensive information is presented on each tree's importance, with a summary of the main characteristics of the species, its potential for agroforestry use and any disadvantages it possesses. The tree’s botanical features such as habit, stem form, foliage, inflorescence, flower and fruit characters and phenology are covered in detail with over 70 colour plate pictures to aid identification. Also included are specific sections devoted to pests and diseases, distribution and silvicultural characteristics and practices, including seed sowing, nursery care, planting, thinning, and harvesting. In addition to the wealth of information detailed, based on datasheets from CABI’s Forestry Compendium, selected references for further reading are provided for each entry, making this book an essential reference work for forestry students, researchers and practitioners.