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      • Eyewear Publishing

        The Black Spring Press Group consists of Eyewear Publishing and Black Spring Press. An independent book publishing group based in London, UK. Our books have been recommended by such figures as Vicki Feaver, Stephen Fry, Gina Miller, Salman Rushdie, and The Rev. Jesse Jackson. Our books appear in major bookshops across the UK, Ireland Canada and the USA, distributed by Booksource, LitDistCo and SPD. We are represented by Quantum Publishing Solutions sales team. Our authors include a Poet Laureate of Canada, a TS Eliot winner, a Pulitzer winner, and the world’s leading expert on John Ashbery. Our renowned pamphlet series has been shortlisted for the prestigious Michael Marks Award, given each year at The British Library. Our novels have been optioned for film, and adapted for radio and broadcast on the BBC.

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      • Trusted Partner
        October 2020

        Turning Men into Pigs and Staying Safe from Such Trickery

        A Scientific Foray into the World of Ancient Greek Legends

        by Monika Niehaus, Michael Wink

        The adventures of Odysseus are not just a classic literary epic but also shine a light on intriguing questions for geography, archaeology and biology. Phenomena like the Cyclops and magic potions were only understood in recent decades thanks to phytochemical and pharmacological research that enabled new insights into the effect of plant substances on the mind and body. Monika Niehaus and Michael Wink embark on an enjoyable excursion in their book on a scientific foray for knowledge – from ancient myths to medieval drug excesses and the world of comics.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        Broken Heart

        by Alexander Asatiani

        Cracked Heart tells the entire life story of a heart-shaped jewel box that becomes more and more precious for the reader, the older it gets. Even though it breaks and loses some of its external beauty, it gains a different kind of aesthetic when it’s put back together.

      • Trusted Partner
        February 2021

        The Big Belly of A Bread Wolf

        by Pi Zhaohui

        In "The Big Belly of A Bread Wolf", many interesting stories happened. In a small bakery in Story Alley, Pete accidentally “eats” a mouse; Granny Goat’s cat got into Pete’s stomach to catch the mouse; Granny Goat walked in the same way into Pete's belly in order to save the kitten. The building of Granny Goat's house was also "eaten" into the belly... Eventually Pete's belly was broken by swallowing two many things. The grandpa had to help him fix his belly.

      • Trusted Partner
        Science & Mathematics
        June 2017

        Medicinal Plants of the World

        by Ben-Erik van Wyk, Michael Wink

        Medicinal plants and plant-derived medicine are widely used in traditional cultures all over the world and they are becoming increasingly popular in modern society as natural alternatives to synthetic chemicals. As more and more natural remedies are being commercialised, there is a need for a user-friendly reference guide to the plants and their products. The book gives the reader a bird's eye view of more than 350 of the best known medicinal plants of the world and their uses, in a compact, colourful and scientifically accurate reference text. It provides quick answers to the most obvious questions: Where does this plant originate? What does it look like? In which culture is it traditionally used? What is it used for? Which chemical compounds does it contain? How safe is it? What is known about its pharmacological activity? What evidence is there that it is effective? The authors also provide short overviews of the various health conditions for which medicinal plants are used and the active compounds (secondary metabolites) found in the plants and their modes of actions. This new edition has an additional 30 plant species, many new and improved photographs and the text has been fully updated to reflect the latest regulatory status of each plant.

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2023

        Bread Wolf Medical Checkup

        by Pi Zhaohui

        This book consists of a number of short fairy tales, each story is independent, but also coherent as a whole. Story Lane Primary School first-grade students for physical examination, the bread wolf Pete also came to check the body, but he is sometimes too high, sometimes too fat, blood pressure and heart problems, which can be the big ears of the doctor worried about bad. It turns out that Pete is a big bread, can not be measured by the standards of elementary school students, only the old grandpa can do the physical examination for him. After the examination, the old grandpa judged that Pete was not only a healthy big bread, but also a capable assistant.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        Children’s Eye

        by Huang Beijia

        The most anticipated entry in the series by Huang Beijia. It is the latest novel by Huang Beijia, following the style of her beloved work The Tenderest Eyes. It is a story of a group of kids growing up in a rather poor neighborhood in China during the 1970s. Though they have experienced much hardships and indifference in the process of growing up, those unforgettable and precious childhood memories give them the purest children’s eyes to view the world.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2012

        Rappen lernen

        by Mark Greif

        'Unsere Sprache kostet nichts. Sie gehört uns allen. Man kann sie nicht privatisieren.' 1989 beging Mark Greif einen großen Fehler: Er entschied sich für Indie-Rock – und gegen Hip-Hop. Als er 20 Jahre später versucht, selbst Rappen zu lernen, um dieses Versäumnis wiedergutzumachen, stößt er auf schier unüberwindbare Hindernisse: die anspruchsvolle Atemtechnik, das Wort 'Nigger', die Affinität zu Materialismus und Gewalt. In 'Rappen lernen' setzt Greif nicht nur dem Hip- Hop ein Denkmal, sondern er entwirft zugleich eine Kulturgeschichte von Schwarz und Weiß und erzählt davon, was es bedeutet, in neoliberalen Zeiten erwachsen zu werden.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        March 2023

        Sleep and its spaces in Middle English literature

        Emotions, ethics, dreams

        by Megan Leitch

        Middle English literature is intimately concerned with sleep and the spaces in which it takes place. In the medieval English imagination, sleep is an embodied and culturally determined act. It is both performed and interpreted by characters and contemporaries, subject to a particular habitus and understood through particular hermeneutic lenses. While illuminating the intersecting medical and moral discourses by which it is shaped, sleep also sheds light on subjects in favour of which it has hitherto been overlooked: what sleep can enable (dreams and dream poetry) or what it can stand in for or supersede (desire and sex). This book argues that sleep mediates thematic concerns and questions in ways that have ethical, affective and oneiric implications. At the same time, it offers important contributions to understanding different Middle English genres: romance, dream vision, drama and fabliau.

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2023

        Kiki Man Ray

        Kunst, Liebe und Rivalität im Paris der 20er Jahre

        by Mark Braude

        Man nannte ihn »Man Ray« und sie die »Königin von Montparnasse«: Emmanuel Radnitzky und Alice Ernestine Prin.Kiki de Montparnasse begeisterte als Sängerin in Nachtclubs, plauderte mit Jean Cocteau und Marcel Duchamp in den angesagten Cafés von Paris und saß Malern wie Modigliani, Calder und Soutine Modell. Ihre Autobiografie – mit einem Vorwort von Ernest Hemingway – kam in Frankreich ganz groß raus und in Amerika auf den Index. Und das alles noch vor ihrem dreißigsten Lebensjahr.Als Kiki und Man Ray sich kennenlernen, ist sie 20 und eine feste Größe in der Montparnasse-Bohème, er 31, ein namenloser Fotograf aus Amerika, gerade erst in Paris angekommen. Er fotografiert sie, sie werden ein Paar, es folgt eine acht Jahre währende stürmische Liebesbeziehung. Mit ikonischen Aufnahmen wie »Violon d’Ingres« und »African mask« – ihr Rücken, ihr makelloses Gesicht – begründet Man Ray seine Karriere, sie öffnet ihm die Türen zu Galeristen und Künstlern. Er ermuntert sie, selbst zu malen: Alltagsszenen, Erinnerungen an ihre Kindheit im Burgund. Aber als sie auch damit Erfolg hat, ist er eifersüchtig und macht sie klein. Wa war es, das diese junge Frau wie keine andere zur Verkörperung einer ganzen Ära machte? In seinem akribisch recherchierten, glänzend geschriebenen Buch versucht Mark Braude, dem Mythos Kiki auf die Spur zu kommen, das Rätsel ihrer Anziehungskraft zu entschlüsseln. Erstmals wird Kikis prägender Einfluss nicht nur auf Man Ray, sondern auf die gesamte Künstlerszene vom Montparnasse deutlich.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        August 2003

        Comrade heart

        A life of Randall Swingler

        by Andy Croft

        Tells the extraordinary story of the English poet Randall Swingler, godson of the Archbishop of Canterbury, communist, librettist, publisher, propagandist, poet and war-hero. Focuses on the Second World War and the story of the African and Italian campaigns, recorded uniquely through the eyes of the ordinary soldier. A case-study of the intellectual consequences of the Cold War in Britain, McCarthyism AND Zhdanovism. It is a book about poetry and music. And it is a love story. A wholly original contribution to an area of literary history which reclaims the lost history of the London literary Left. Differs from most other books about poetry and politics in Britain in the middle decades of the twentieth century by drawing on new and original sources. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2018

        Was du nicht erzählt hast

        Meine Familie im 20. Jahrhundert

        by Mark Mazower, Ulrike Bischoff

        »Das Familienmemoir eines großen Historikers und feinfühligen Schriftstellers mit dem Blick für die menschlichen Details.« Orhan Pamuk, Literaturnobelpreisträger Als sein Vater stirbt und er herausfinden soll, wie seine Großeltern bestattet wurden, tut Mark Mazower, was ein Historiker am besten kann: Er macht sich an die Archivarbeit. Schnell wird ihm klar, wie wenig er über seine Familie weiß. Und so beginnt Mazower, die bewegten Biografien seiner Vorfahren zu erforschen. Etwa die seines Großvaters Max, der als Mitglied des Allgemeinen Jüdischen Arbeiterbundes in Vilnius revolutionäre Schriften verbreitete, bevor er vor den Wirren des russischen Bürgerkriegs nach Großbritannien floh – der vier Sprachen beherrschte und später doch kein Wort über seine Vergangenheit verlor. Oder die von Max’ unehelichem Sohn, André, dem schwarzen Schaf der Familie, der mehrmals seine Nationalität wechselte, sich zeitweise im faschistischen Spanien niederließ und eine verschwörungstheoretische Abhandlung über die angeblichen Machenschaften eines jüdischen Geheimbundes verfasste. Mit großer Einfühlsamkeit zeichnet Mazower die Lebenswege seiner Angehörigen nach, die kreuz und quer über die historische Landkarte unseres Kontinents verlaufen: von der Sowjetunion während des Großen Terrors über das besetzte Paris bis in die neue Heimat im Norden Londons. Mit Was du nicht erzählt hast gelingt ihm etwas Außergewöhnliches: ein berührendes Familienmemoir, das zugleich die wechselhafte Geschichte eines ganzen Jahrhunderts erzählt.

      • Trusted Partner
        November 1995

        Verkehrsinfrastrukturpolitik in der Marktwirtschaft.

        Eine institutionenökonomische Analyse.

        by Wink, Rüdiger

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 2020

        The four dimensions of power

        by Mark Haugaard, Mark Haugaard

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        April 2021

        Die pinke Linie

        Weltweite Kämpfe um sexuelle Selbstbestimmung und Geschlechtsidentität

        by Mark Gevisser, Helmut Dierlamm, Heike Schlatterer

        Für wie viele Geschlechter sollte es Toiletten geben? Manche sehen in dieser Frage nur einen Karnevalskalauer, andere nutzen sie zur Inszenierung eines Kulturkampfes. Viele Menschen erinnert sie jedoch schlicht an tagtäglich erfahrene Demütigungen. Über Themen der Geschlechteridentität und der sexuellen Selbstbestimmung wurde in jüngster Zeit weltweit erbittert gestritten. Und während in einigen Ländern erhebliche Liberalisierungsfortschritte zu verzeichnen sind, schüren in anderen mächtige politische Akteure gezielt Stimmung gegen Lesben, Schwule und Transpersonen. Mark Gevisser zeichnet diese neue Konfliktlinie – die pinke Linie, wie er sie nennt – rund um den Globus nach. Er schildert, wie queere Paare und Familien für rechtliche Gleichstellung kämpfen und zu welchen Strategien Aktivist:innen greifen, um tradierte Geschlechtervorstellungen in ihren lokalen Kontexten zu überwinden. Er spricht mit von Diskriminierung Betroffenen in Kenia, Ägypten und den USA: Welche Probleme stellen sich ihnen im Alltag? Welche Pronomen verwenden sie für sich und warum? Welche Ziele verfolgen Dritte, die sich ihrer Sache annehmen? Einfühlsam, klug und in bestechender Prosa kombiniert Gevisser Reportage und Analyse und liefert ein ebenso faktenreiches wie bewegendes Standardwerk zu einem der prägenden Themen unserer Gegenwart.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        August 1999

        British Politics in an Age of Reform

        by Michael J. Turner, Mark Greengrass

        This work is a detailed examination of principal themes in the political history of late 18th- and early 19th-century Britain. It evaluates much recent research, links the politics of the elite with the politics of the people and seeks to explain significant developments with reference to both their long- and short-term causes. Among the issues addressed are the relative powers of crown, cabinet and parliament between 1760 and 1832; the impact on domestic politics of revolution and war abroad; the growth of radicalism and popular political activity; agitation for reform and the responses of government; the rise of party; the connections between extra-parliamentary pressure and instability; at the centre of power. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Business, Economics & Law
        August 2010

        Markets, rules and institutions of exchange


        by Stan Metcalfe, Mark Harvey, Mark Harvey

        This book is about how to understand the huge variety of markets and market organisation in contemporary economies through a dialogue between a group of UK and French scholars. It presents a critique and development of institutional views of markets, and 'puts markets in their place' in a wider political and social context. In the wake of the 2008 financial crisis in markets, the book makes a topical and significant contribution on the importance of the rules and regulations that constitute markets, and their broader political and legal frameworks. Moreover, the disruption of markets brings to the fore their interconnection with the broader economy, with production, distribution and consumption in a way often ignored at the height of market bubbles. Both theoretical and empirical, a wide range of markets are considered, capital markets for new technology and venture capital, for food, domestic services and scientific knowledge. The authors address how markets emerge and disappear, or indeed why they fail to appear, as well has how they become stable and institutionalised. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2018

        Appreciation of Cao Cao, Cao Zhi and Cao Pi’s works

        by Cao Cao, Cao Zhi and Cao Pi from the Caowei Dynasty

        This book incorporates poems by Cao Cao, Cao Zhi and Cao Pi from the Caowei Dynasty. Notes and appreciations are added to each poem. Readers can also listen to the recordings by scanning the QR code on the page.

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