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      • FTD Educação

        FTD Educação has been in the publishing market since 1902 and Literature is one of our main interests. Our catalogue is greatly diversified, around 680 titles from toddlers to Young Adult, including renowned Brazilian authors such as Ana Maria Machado, winner of the Hans Christian Andersen Award. In addition, our catalogue features notorious titles, that received important literary awards, such as the White Ravens, Jabuti (Brazilian Book Chambers) and the FNLIJ (the Brazilian section of IBBY). International partnerships brighten our catalogue even more.FTD Educação holds fourteen subsidiaries, nine distributors and ten service centers to ensure that our books reach the largest number of children and young people from every State of Brazil.

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      • January 2018

        Educação popular em saúde: Desafios atuais

        by Cruz, Pedro José Santos Carneiro

        A presente obra pretende ser uma contribuição para uma série de movimentos reflexivos por aqueles(as) que constroem a Educação Popular em Saúde no país em seus diferentes cenários e contextos, seja nos serviços de saúde, nos centros de ensino e pesquisa, nos movimentos sociais ou na gestão das políticas públicas sociais. No cenário contemporâneo é imprescindível perguntar: em que medida as práticas da Educação Popular em Saúde estão produzindo reflexões e atitudes concretas para a luta pelos direitos sociais e humanos em nosso país, de modo que eles não sejam diminuídos, nem extintos? Quais têm sido os obstáculos para que tais práticas possam lutar contra a instituição e implementação de políticas e leis que possam vir a comprometer, se não a retirar, direitos socialmente e historicamente conquistados pela classe trabalhadora e seus aliados nesse país, bem como combater iniquidades e injustiças sociais historicamente construídas em nosso continente? É então fundamental novas perspectivas e novos olhares para o campo da Educação Popular em Saúde e suas várias interfaces, compartilhando de outras experiências e desvelando as diferentes possibilidades e obstáculos que vão se revelando na prática. Isso deve ser pensado para que as práticas de EPS sejam permanentemente qualificadas e possam avançar consistentemente na construção de alternativas para os principais desafios colocados ao Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS).

      • Society & culture: general
        November 2019

        Pedagoginga, autonomia e mocambagem

        by da Rosa, Allan

        “Pedagoginga, Autonomia e Mocambagem" harmonizes with some very important spheres: the philosophical, historical and contextualized attention on what was conventionally called black cultures; the consistent implementation of the teaching of history and culture of these matrices from African sources and heads, black feet and hands, the sweaty dream of an autonomous popular education movement on the outskirts of São Paulo at the beginning of the 21st century. pillars, challenges and also contradictions, and with this perspective, he invites the reader to reflect on the educational practice, so the author presents a new pedagogical proposal, new but twisted to ancestral aesthetics and fundamentals, which implies the autonomy of educators and students , as well as a genuine commitment to Afro-Brazilian culture. Here is a book of reflections, doubts, slides and nin hos on a practice of years in Popular Education whose motto is the experience of organizing and implementing independent courses in our peripheries in São Paulo, focused on the black experience of yesterday, the future, today and that of so many lines, spirals and balls of the time that we weave. The book is part of the Insurgências Collection, which was born with the aim of sharing and revolving reflections and practices committed to different ways of thinking about the world, relationships, ways of learning and teaching.

      • January 2018

        Práticas lúdicas na formação vocal em teatro

        by Pereira, Eugênio Tadeu

        A formação vocal do estudante de teatro e, por extensão, a exploração dos recursos vocais de todos os que se interessam pelas artes da cena e pela educação estética e artística vêm à tona neste trabalho. Elementos centrais no fazer teatral, a escuta de si e do outro, a apropriação de parâmetros musicais, a relação entre o corpo como um todo e a emissão da voz são aqui focalizados detalhada e cuidadosamente. De modo original, a incerteza intrínseca ao lúdico é enfatizada pelo autor como caminho fértil para conduzir essa aprendizagem. O jogo tradicional, patrimônio cultural transmitido oralmente e partilhado pelas diferentes gerações constitui nesta obra o principal vetor da ampliação das capacidades vocais. A disponibilidade para o jogo abre as portas para a descoberta das possibilidades vocais de todos aqueles que se dispuserem a essa aventura.

      • January 2017

        Educação vegana

        Perspectivas no ensino de direitos animais

        by Organizador Denis, Leon

        Educação Vegana: Perspectivas no Ensino de Direitos Animais Como nós, seres humanos, nos relacionamos com as outras espécies? Por que nos relacionamos desta maneira? Como construímos ou aprendemos estas formas de relação? Em Educação Vegana, os autores apresentam estas relações na perspectiva do modo de vida vegano, propondo maneiras de trabalhar a problemática da ética animal e dos direitos animais nas aulas de Filosofia, Sociologia, Matemática e Literatura. É um livro para quem se interessa pelo estudo sobre relações humanas com outras espécies e, principalmente, para professores que queiram introduzir tais questões em suas aulas. Vegan Education: Perspectives in Animal Rights Teaching How do we, human beings, relate to other species? Why do we relate this way? How do we build or learn these forms of relationship? In Vegan Education, the authors present these relationships from the perspective of the vegan way of life, proposing ways to work on the issue of animal ethics and animal rights in Philosophy, Sociology, Mathematics and Literature classes. It is a book for anyone interested in studying human relations with other species and, especially, for teachers who want to introduce such questions into their classes

      • January 2018

        Corpo da multidão: Dança e políticas públicas

        by Moura, Gilsamar

        Num período no qual a Dança conquistava o valor de sua especificidade no Brasil, oportunizada pelo apogeu nas políticas culturais federais, Araraquara, cidade do interior Paulista, era cenário de mudanças profundas e transformadoras, caracterizadas por ações específicas do poder público, que resultaram em novas formas de relação entre Estado e Sociedade. Sob os preceitos da Democracia Participativa, agentes culturais e políticos promoveram a reorganização da Cultura na cidade e, a Dança, de forma transgressora, se efetivou como Política Pública. Este livro de Gilsamara Moura transcende a narrativa histórica-evolutiva dos projetos de dança implementados na cidade de Araraquara a partir da articulação de diversas redes amparadas pela Educação e pela Cultura. Ele é, sobretudo, um documento político de uma época, um replicador do desenvolvimento da dança, desde o lugar que habitamos. — Kranya V. Díaz-Serrano

      • Children's & YA

        Turning the Page

        by Leo Cunha and Tino Freitas

        A book written by eight hands. Indeed! Two writers and two illustrators bring to life 11 short stories full of humour, inviting the reader to think about life’s own “turning pages”. The characters are children enduring family, school and personal conflict situations. Amusing illustrations perfectly interact with the text, contributing to a relaxed reading which reveals that, sometimes, we should laugh at ourselves, dust ourselves off, turn the page on and move on.

      • Children's & YA

        Beyond the Rain

        by Michel Gorski and Fernando Vilela

        his book tells the story of four friends who get together and create inventions that will help to contain damages caused by summer storms in a large city. The text tackles the role every citizen can play to solve social environmental problems, besides encouraging autonomy and responsibility. Beyond the Rain has original stamp-base illustrations by the rewarded illustrator Fernando Vilela. Subjects as the environment and teen protagonism are elaborately worked out along with an informative text at the end of te book with real stories of children who created solutions to help preserving the environment.

      • Children's & YA

        Caterpillars and Butterflies

        by Monteiro Lobato (Original text) and Fernando Paz (Theater adaptation)

        Written by Monteiro Lobato, one of the most influential authors in Brazilian literature, Caterpillars and Butterflies tells the story of Mrs. Benta Ranch gang, who have a lot of fun with Viscount Corncob’s invention, the psicocaptor, a device that allows one to read the animals’ minds.  Through a playful narrative, the text stimulates the pleasure of reading and inspires us to reflect on the respect for fauna and flora. In the same volume the reader will find a text both in prose and in theatrical form, adapted by playwright Fernando Paz. You can cut out and mount the book’s characters to stage the play on the scenery-book.

      • Children's & YA

        Philosopher or Dog?

        A Graphic Novel Adaptation

        by Machado de Assis (Text) and Luiz Antonio Aguiar (Screenwriter)

        First published in 1891, Quincas Borba is Machado de Assis novel’s first adaptation to comic strips. The book recounts life in the Brazilian Court by the end of the XIX century, and the story revolves around a love and self-seeking triangle.  Adapted by Luiz Antonio Aguiar, the text becomes tridimensional in sets and characters illustrated by Verônica Berta with different perpectives. Lines, colors, lights, and shadows give birth to a perfect and original version of this Brazilian literature classic.

      • Children's & YA


        by Marcia Kupstas

        An unforgettable journey changes the way the protagonist Maurícia faces life, releasing her from her daily fears and anxieties.  The adventures and challenges the youth faces allow the reader to see himself/herself in the reference universe where the characters are inscribed, as well as share their spheres of action. The storyline takes us through the Brazilian Amazon and gets Machu Picchu, the ruins of the Inca city in Peru, involving Archeology and UFOs.

      • Children's & YA

        The Oil Stain is Coming

        by Guilherme Gontijo Flores

        The Stain portrays in a poetic way the greatest environmental disaster ever inflicted on the Brazilian coastline: the huge oil spill spread along Brazilian Northeastern and Southeastern beaches in 2019. The story goes beyond the actual incident to give an alert about any kind of threat to the environment, to citizenship, to democracy, and to life. Impacting illustrations by Daniel Kondo instigate the dialogue between form and content and move the readers.

      • Children's & YA

        Toad Luiz’s True Story

        by Luiz Ruffato

        Winner of Prêmio Jabuti, the most important Brazilian Literature award, this book brings us an amusing rereading of the princess and the toad story. The innovative fairy tale edition recounts two parallel stories: while the text presents Princess Juliana’s drama, the colorful and unusual illustrations tell the “Toad Luiz’s real story”. No spoiler, but the toad doesn’t become prince after the princess kisses him.  This is the first and only children book by Luiz Ruffato. More than just a fairy tale rereading, it invites the reader to reflect on how the unforeseen can be an opportunity for us to widen our worldview.

      • Children's & YA


        by Patricia Auerbach

        Who has never felt curious about how a youngest child feels towards his siblings? What about the responsibilities of the eldest? How about the middle child, might he be forgotten? This incredible book has come to satisfy our curiosity. With a very light hand, and a fun and creative approach, Siblings portrays the pleasures and displeasures that are typical of each age and the position occupied in the family. Texts and images work together harmoniously and are complemented by Roberta Asse´s rich illustrations, which use techniques such as collage, textures, high contrast photographs and lettering. What´s more: the enchanting graphic design splits the book into three parts of different heights, according to the size of each child, mounted in the shape of an accordion, which provides a tactile experience that will captivate children and improve the understanding of the content.

      • Children's & YA

        The Useless Heroes League

        by Alexandre de Castro Gomes and Luiz Antonio Aguiar

        Typical feelings from a teenager´s everyday such as bullying, abandonment, anxiety and rejection are found in this plot which engages with the comic book and superheroes world, with text and illustrations that are in perfect sync. Something that enhances the Reading is that the story is told in the first person and alternates voices in each chapter: each character is different from “normal” people and undergoes a period of physical transformation. This is a breathtaking adventure that will transport you into another universe.

      • Children's & YA

        Mapinguari: a Community Resisting in the Heart of the Amazon

        by André Miranda

        More than ever, environmental issues have taken over news headlines, conversation circles and classrooms. It is a reality that we must face, and we must think of behaviors that can revert the damage caused by humans´ intervention on the environment. Mapinguari, which focuses on contemporary issues such as sustainable development and the preservation of the environment, gives young readers an opportunity to reflect upon this subject.   This is a fiction story in the form of a comic book, in which the graphic design and illustrations interact with the text in a very creative way. The main character of the story is José, a young man who is faced with a dilemma when he finds out that his job threatens the community where he grew up. As he rediscovers his village, the main character discovers the history of his Family and the many local values that are at risk- Folklore, the rubber workers movement, indigenous culture,  and the wealth of the forest.

      • Children's & YA

        Ready, Rocket, Go!

        by Estevão Azevedo

        This is a book that uses childhood´s playful universe to tell a fun story, whose text, book design and illustrations provide the perfect mix of reality and fantasy. This is the story of little Iolanda who, in her backyard, with objects and furniture creates a universe of fantasy and imagination and experiences great adventures. Ready, Rocket, Go! subtly plays with the idea of accumulation as depicted in Ana Matsusaki´s illustrations, which show how Iolanda piles up objects one on top of the other to give life to a rocket. The book´s special touch lies in the representation of reality X fantasy: reality is portrayed by “real images” and “children´s drawings” in the daily illustrations, while fantasy is shown in the night pictures.

      • Children's & YA

        The Adventures of a Dog Named Petit

        by Heloisa Prieto

        Together we are stronger. Being able to count on a support network to overcome adversity is what makes us stronger and able to go further. The Adventures of a Dog Named Petit tells the story of sisters Olivia and Alice and of the family´s new pet dog, Petit. Told from Olivia´s point of view, the story shows how a family´s love, the school´s welcoming embrace and, particularly, the arrival of the dog, will help Alice grow and deal with the difficulties of autism.In a playful and subtle say, the book provides very important and deep reflections about emotions and the process of developing an identity, and how this relates to being different, and valuing human diversity to promote inclusion. Maria Eugênia´s illustrations are at once delicate and lively, just right for a text that addresses a serious theme such as that of children with special needs in a light and optimistic tone.

      • Children's & YA

        The Boy and The Maestro

        by Ana Maria Machado

        The award-winning Brazilian author Ana Maria Machado, winner of countless national and international prizes, includes a selection for the White Ravens Catalogue, reappears in our catalogue with a jewel in the form of a book.  Remember that book that captivates us, when it addresses a delicate issue in a sensitive and surprising way? The Boy and the Maestro is an exciting story of the friendship between a boy who lives in a low-income community in the city of Rio de Janeiro, and a conductor who, When he recognizes the boy´s talent, starts encouraging him to develop his musical gift.    Themes such as child labor, a child´s abandonment by his father, the discovery of individual talents and basic musical concepts are all treated with great care in the text and portrayed with an incredible mix of colors and perspective in Vinicius Sabato´s illustrations.

      • April 2019

        Teatro e universidade

        by Gonçalves, Jean Carlos

        Mikhail Bakhtin, filósofo literário, cujos estudos são geralmente associados ao Carnaval e ao Diálogo, foi uma figura solitária que trabalhou, sobretudo em seu ateliê. Jean Carlos Gonçalves nos apresenta um livro em que as ideias de Bakhtin sobre o Diálogo e a Educação são retiradas de um estúdio sombrio para um estúdio bem iluminado, e ali, são convidadas ao jogo. Bakhtin escreveu sobre ideias em interlocução na ágora (o fórum público), mas nesta obra vemos Jean Gonçalves propondo um espaço real, mais do que apenas teórico, onde ensino e aprendizagem se constituem enquanto acontecimento. De certo modo, o ateliê de Gonçalves nos leva de volta às raízes do ver e do pensar, do teatro e da teoria: no grego antigo, ??????? (theasthai) [olhar ou contemplar]. Aqui, nesse estúdio iluminado por vozes da cena e da pedagogia, nos é ofertada uma nova forma de olhar/contemplar o ensino e a aprendizagem no contexto de formação superior em Teatro. — DICK MCCAW, Professor do Departamento de Drama e Teatro da Royal Holloway, University of London

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