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      • minibombo

        Minibombo makes picture books characterized by clear images and solid colours, telling stories with a short text or no text at all. The books aim to create a participated reading process between adults and children and require a bit of creativity and cooperation on their part. Minibombo loves to explore different types of communication. This is why some of its paper stories have become the starting point for creating digital applications. The apps refer to the original stories in the books and develop them further by exploiting a different code. All the minibombo apps are available worldwide on the App Store and Google Play. Minibombo started in Reggio Emilia, Italy, in 2013. Since its beginnings, it has been highly appreciated both by readers and operators in the sector and has been awarded several prizes which have helped make its books known among a wide public. Its books are translated in more than fourteen counties worldwide.

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      • Trusted Partner
        March 2017

        Ageing selves and everyday life in the north of England

        Years in the making

        by Series edited by Alexander Smith, Cathrine Degnen

        Seeking to explore what it means to grow older in contemporary Britain from the perspective of older people themselves, this richly detailed ethnographic study engages in debates over selfhood and people's relationships with time. Based on research conducted in a former coal mining village in South Yorkshire, England, Cathrine Degnen explores how the category of 'old age' comes to be assigned and experienced in everyday life through multiple registers of interaction, including that of social memory, in a postindustrial context of great social transformation. Degnen argues that the complex interplay of social, cultural and physical attributes of ageing means that older people can come to have a different position in relation to time and to the self than younger people, unseating normative conventions about narrative and temporality.

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2022

        Ember Drachentochter

        Das Mädchen mit den unsichtbaren Flügeln

        by Heather Fawcett, Max Meinzold, Maren Illinger

        Die zwölfjährige Ember war ein Feuerdrache, bevor sie in ein Menschenkind verwandelt wurde. Geblieben sind ihr unsichtbare Drachenflügel und die Tendenz, in der Sommersonne unkontrolliert in Flammen aufzugehen. In der Londoner Hitze kann sie deshalb nicht bleiben. Sie wird zu ihrer exzentrischen Tante geschickt, die in der Antarktis auf einer Forschungsstation lebt. Hier im ewigen Eis gibt es die letzten wilden Eisdrachen. Doch auf die hat es Prinz Gideon mit seiner königlichen Winterjagd abgesehen. Um ihn aufzuhalten, nimmt auch Ember teil – und begibt sich mitten unter gefährliche Drachenjäger. Das irrwitzige Antarktis-Abenteuer für Kinder ab 10 Jahren jetzt im Taschenbuch. Feinste Fantasy, gemixt mit Witz, Charme und Tiefgang. Enthält große Botschaften zu Freundschaft, Naturschutz und zum Anderssein.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2014

        Ageing selves and everyday life in the north of England

        Years in the making

        by Cathrine Degnen

        Seeking to explore what it means to grow older in contemporary Britain from the perspective of older people themselves, this richly detailed ethnographic study engages in debates over selfhood and people's relationships with time. Based on research conducted in a former coal mining village in South Yorkshire, England, Cathrine Degnen explores how the category of 'old age' comes to be assigned and experienced in everyday life through multiple registers of interaction, including that of social memory, in a postindustrial context of great social transformation. Challenging both the notion of a homogenous relationship with time across generations and the idea of a universalised middle-aged self, Degnen argues that the complex interplay of social, cultural and physical attributes of ageing means that older people can come to have a different position in relation to time and to the self than younger people, unseating normative conventions about narrative and temporality.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2017

        Rückkehr stromauf


        by René Char, Peter Handke

        »Dichter des Aufruhrs und der Freiheit, der mühelos zugleich der Dichter der Liebe ist.« Mit diesen Worten beschrieb Albert Camus seinen Freund, den Schriftsteller und Résistance-Kämpfer René Char. Dessen Dichtung überschreitet die Grenzen der Poesie, ist vielmehr »Poesie der Poesie« (Maurice Blanchot), obgleich ihre Bezugspunkte stets fassbar sind: die Wirklichkeit als Ort begrenzter Wahlmöglichkeiten, die Diktate unserer Gegenwart, Vergänglichkeit und Porosität unseres Daseins sowie – als Gegenpol – Traum und Liebe, Jugend und Revolutionsdrang. Rückkehr stromauf versammelt von Peter Handke ins Deutsche übertragene Gedichte, die Char während der Jahre 1964 bis 1975 verfasste. Seine Aphorismen und Fragmente sind geprägt von Wahrnehmungen des Lichtes und der Dunkelheit, sie beschreiten Wege ins Undeutliche, Nicht-Greifbare, sie entziehen sich einer eindeutigen Auslegung und lassen gleichzeitig René Chars glühenden Drang zu Freiheit und Selbstbestimmung aufscheinen. Der mit André Breton und Paul Éluard befreudete Char zählte sich zunächst zum Kreis der Surrealisten und widmete sich später den philosophischen Schriften Heideggers, den er mehrmals nach Frankreich einlud. Er stand mit zahlreichen Malern in Kontakt und arbeitete mit einigen eng zusammen, so mit Henri Matisse, Juan Gris oder Georges Braque, die seine Gedichte illustrierten. 1983 wurde Chars Gesamtwerk in die prestigeträchtige Bibliothèque de la Pléiade aufgenommen, er gilt als einer der einflussreichsten Dichter Frankreichs.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 1997

        The new woman

        by Sally Ledger

        Sexually transgressive, politically astute and determined to claim educational and employment rights equal to those enjoyed by men, the new woman took centre stage in the cultural landscape of late-Victorian Britain. By comparing the fictional representations with the lived experience of the new woman, Ledger's book makes a major contribution to an understanding of the 'woman question' at the fin de siecle. She alights on such disparate figures as Eleanor Marx, Gertrude Dix, Dracula, Oscar Wilde, Olive Schreiner and Radclyffe Hall. Focusing mainly on the last two decades of the nineteenth century, the book's later chapters project forward into the twentieth century, considering the relationship between new woman fiction and early modernism as well as the socio-sexual inheritance of the 'second generation' new woman writers. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature: history & criticism

        Rebels: New woman and modern nation

        by Vira Aheieva, Iryna Borysiuk, Oksana Pashko, Olena Peleshenko, Olga Poliukhovych, Oksana Schur

        This book is about true rebels: late 19th and early 20th century Ukrainian female writers. They find their own voices in literature and start to defend theis own space, both private and public. 12 stories of life and work of Marko Vovchok, Lesia Ukrainka, Olha Kobylianska, Iryna Vilde, Sophia Yablonska and others.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        May 2004

        New woman strategies

        Sarah Grand, Olive Schreiner, and Mona Caird

        by Ann Heilmann

        Recent years have seen a rennaissance of scholarly interest in the fin-de-siecle fiction of the New Woman. New Woman Strategies offers a new approach to the subject by focusing on the discursive strategies and revisionist aesthetics of the genre in the writings of three of its key exponents: Sarah Grand, Olive Schreiner and Mona Caird. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA
        January 2019

        Octopus Woman

        One day in the life of a busy mother

        by Jacques Jabié (Author), Natalia Kudlak (Illustrator)

        The Octopus Woman wakes up early in the morning, puts a stocking on each of her legs, and then her crazy day begins! She needs to get the kids ready for kindergarten and school, feed the parrot and the cat, walk through half the city going to work, spend all day in the office, do a lot of things on her way home, and, in the end, read a bedtime story to the kids… How does she manage to do everything? And how can she do it so well? The secret of Octopus Woman is hidden in this vivid book!    From 3 to 6 years, 300 words Rightsholders: Alex Sharlai,

      • Trusted Partner
        Business, Economics & Law
        July 2024

        Undermining resistance

        The governance of participation by multinational mining corporations

        by Lian Sinclair

        Why do multinational mining corporations use participation to undermine resistance? Do the struggles of local communities, activists and NGOs matter on a global scale? Why are there so many different global standards in mining? This book develops a new critical political economy approach to studying extractive accumulation, drawing on three detailed Indonesian cases to explain how participatory mechanisms continuously reshape and are reshaped by community-corporate conflict. Findings highlight feedback between local social relations, conflict, transnational activism, crises of legitimacy and global governance. The author argues that corporate social responsibility, community development, 'gender-mainstreaming' and environmental monitoring are neither simple outcomes of corporate ethics nor mere greenwashing strategies. Rather, participation is a mechanism to undermine resistance and create social relations amenable to extractive accumulation.

      • Trusted Partner

        Iron Water

        by Myroslav Laiuk

        Have you ever tried to follow Lesya Ukrainka to the most remote Carpathian village? This 'weak and feeble girl' fearlessly had passed the mountain routes, on a par with everyone. The local people still tell legends about that. What other memories of her, Franko, or the Okunevsky family, apart from the contradictory testimonies were passed down from generation to generation? The novel unfolds a story related to the iconic woman of Ukrainian culture. A woman (the theater director) and a young man, who returns to his native land after a long time - how far are they ready to go in search of a unique letter that could shed light on one of the most mysterious and resonant stories in the history of Ukrainain literature? How did an unknown poetess, a simple hutsul girl, a plowman, and a Bernardine nun follow Lesya at the beginning of the last century? You will find out in the new novel by the author of 'Babornia' and 'The World Not Created', Myroslav Laiuk.

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        December 2024

        Addressing the other woman

        Textual correspondences in feminist art and writing

        by Kimberly Lamm

        This book analyses how three artists - Adrian Piper, Nancy Spero and Mary Kelly - worked with the visual dimensions of language in the 1960s and 1970s. These artists used text and images of writing to challenge female stereotypes, addressing viewers and asking them to participate in the project of imagining women beyond familiar words and images of subordination. The book explores this dimension of their work through the concept of 'the other woman', a utopian wish to reach women and correspond with them across similarities and differences. To make the artwork's aspirations more concrete, it places the artists in correspondence with three writers - Angela Davis, Valerie Solanas, and Laura Mulvey - who also addressed the limited range of images through which women are allowed to become visible.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2020

        Disability in industrial Britain

        A cultural and literary history of impairment in the coal industry, 1880-1948

        by Kirsti Bohata, Alexandra Jones, Mike Mantin, Steven Thompson

        This electronic version has been made available under a Creative Commons (BY-NC-ND) open access license. An electronic version of this book is also available under a Creative Commons (CC-BY-NC-ND) license, thanks to the support of the Wellcome Trust. Coalmining was a notoriously dangerous industry and many of its workers experienced injury and disease. However, the experiences of the many disabled people within Britain's most dangerous industry have gone largely unrecognised by historians. This book looks at British coal through the lens of disability, using an interdisciplinary approach to examine the lives of disabled miners and their families. A diverse range of sources are used to examine the economic, social, political and cultural impact of disability in the coal industry, looking beyond formal coal company and union records to include autobiographies, novels and existing oral testimony. It argues that, far from being excluded entirely from British industry, disability and disabled people were central to its development. The book will appeal to students and academics interested in disability history, disability studies, social and cultural history and representations of disability in literature.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies

        Order of the Silent Women

        by Kateryna Kalytko

        A portrait of a Ukrainian woman more often shows her being silent than speaking. However, without this silence there would be no voice that sounds in this collection. The voice that defends the right to speak sincerely about acute grief, generational traumas, the courage of love, and disappointment with emptiness behind masks. Since speaking out is the only way to remain oneself and to be the voice of hundreds speechless sisters.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2021

        Lady from Lviv

        by Yurko Sanhal

        Monologue writings, or from the horse's mouth, so to speak, are not so popular in fiction prose as they require the author fully understand his hero, absorbing all his experiences, thoughts, words, and behavior. This novel by the writer and publisher from Lviv meets these criteria. Foremost, this is a very positive, energizing reading in which the life of a Galician woman from Lviv - from the pre-war period to our time - appears in all possible truthfulness and whimsy, tragedy, and comedy. For a wide range of readers.

      • Trusted Partner
        Historical fiction

        Roksolana. Union with the Jagiellonians: a historical novel: book. 1

        by Oleksandra Shutko

        The novel covers the events in the life of the Ukrainian Roksolana (Hürrem Sultan) - the wife of Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent, which took place in 1540-1551, when she was at the zenith of glory and power. This woman had a significant influence on the policy of the Ottoman Empire. She mediated the Sultan's man to establish good neighborly relations with the Polish Jagiellonian dynasty, Queen Isabella of Hungary, her mother Bona Sforza, and her brother, King Sigismund II of Poland. The novel is based on Roksolana's love and diplomatic correspondence, archival documents, reports of European ambassadors in Istanbul, Ottoman chroniclers, and information from thorough investigations by Turkish, Polish, Ukrainian, German, Italian, and American historians. In the novel, not only the events and characters are real, but even their dialogues, which history has preserved to this day.

      • Trusted Partner

        The White Falcon

        by Salud Ochoa

        Helena Terreros is a renowned police woman detective especialized in crimes against women.Faced with the kidndapping of Paloma, an 11-year-old girl, Paloma deals with forgotten episodes of her childhood as well as with the broken social fabric in Mexico that allows terrible crimes to happen and to go unpunished.

      • Trusted Partner

        Ask Miechka

        by Eugenia Kuznetsova

        The story of “Ask Miechka” features four generations of women captured during one summer. Two sisters, Mia and Lilia, come to their “shelter”, their grandmother's old house where they have spent their childhood, in an attempt to put on hold their upcoming life-changing decisions: deciding on immigrating or staying, choosing between a reliable man or wild love. Their grandmother, Thea, is nearing the end of her life and her daughter and the sisters’ mother are fearful to take the place of the oldest woman in the family. The old house, overgrown with weeds, shrubs, and sprawling trees, seems to be frozen in time, lost in oblivion. Yet the sisters bring it back to life: new people come, new cats wander in, pumpkins are grown, and the porch is renovated. The house changes, along with the lives of the women who inhabit it as the summer nears its end. In her debut novel, Eugenia Kuznetsova told a deeply intimate story about the relations between sisters, mothers, and daughters. Vivid dialogues, when the most sensitive things remain unspoken, but somehow felt, define the atmosphere of the story, and highlight the unique ties existing between the generations of women in the family.

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2023

        I am Yustyna

        by Karina Savaryna

        Since February 24, thousands of women like Justyna have crossed the border every day. With children, pets, and sick parents, they ran away from the horrors brought by the Russian army into Ukraine. Justyna recently retired but hasn’t lost a taste for life. But the war changed everything. An intelligent and smart teacher, she becomes a refugee in Europe, along with thousands of other Ukrainian women. “Who are you?” “I am Justyna,” she would always answer the question that seemed to come from everywhere. Together with Justyna, readers travel through a long road toward the search for the self in the world that dramatically expanded and yet existed only at home, in Ukraine. Foregrounding the traumatic experience of becoming a refugee, the loss of home, and a reconsideration of a new life, the novel answers the question of who really is Justyna as well as every Ukrainian woman who lived through the experience of forced displacement.

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