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        Anthologies (Children's/YA)
        October 2022

        Vuvuzela Verses

        by Seele, Liza / Wallace, Stephen

        Vuvuzela Verses is Liza Seele's sequel to the nose snortingly hilarious Potjie Pot Poems, with belly laugh inducing illustrations from Stephen Wallace. Once again from the South African melting pot, Liza Seele brings children together under one banner: No more boring poems allowed at school! Dive into these childhood-friendly poems and join the boring textbook protest.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        November 2024

        Geoffrey Hill and the ends of poetry

        by Tom Docherty

        The idea of the end is an essential motivic force in the poetry of Geoffrey Hill (1932-2016). This book shows that Hill's poems are characteristically 'end-directed'. They tend towards consummations of all kinds: from the marriages of meanings in puns, or of words in repeating figures and rhymes, to syntactical and formal finalities. The recognition of failure to reach such ends provides its own impetus to Hill's poetry. This is the first book on Hill to take account of his last works. It is a significant contribution to the study of Hill's poems, offering a new thematic reading of his entire body of work. By using Hill's work as an example, the book also touches on questions of poetry's ultimate value: what are its ends and where does it wish to end up?

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        Poetry (Children's/YA)

        Santo remedio (Miracle cure)

        by Ernesto Lumbreras, Flavia Zorrilla Drago

        Miracle Cure is a collection of poems that echo popular traditions. Riddled with humor, they play with language, with its twists and turns, its sounds, and with different ways of putting syllables in place. The authors created a lyrical recipe book for saving ogres, lost souls, skeletons and other creatures in danger of disappearing from the contemporary imagination..

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        May 2020

        The Sea, the Sea, I Ask You-Liu Raomin's World of Nursery Rhymes

        by Sun Yunxiao, Liu Baoan, Cao Weihong

        Liu Raomin is a famous poet and nursery rhyme writer in Qingdao. His works have been selected by various elementary school Chinese textbooks many times. Such as "the sea, the sea, I ask you", "tick tick tick it rains", etc., are popular and enduring. But people remember these nursery rhymes, but often don't know the author of the nursery rhymes. Teacher Sun Yunxiao has a dream to recommend more poems by Mr. Liu Raomin to readers, so that everyone can learn more about poets and poetry stories. Thereby sublimating children's imagination and language ability. This book can also be read by adults who are still innocent.

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        Health & Personal Development

        Children with Behavioral Problems

        A Guide for Parents of Children with Rude, Angry, or Aggressive Behavior

        by Walter Matthys/ Christine Boersma

        Parents as well as those working with children can find themselves confronted with questions about children’s rude, angry, or downright aggressive behavior. This book seeks to inform parents, teachers, and other caregivers about behavioral issues, how to get to the bottom of the problem and evaluate whether external help should be sought. It provides practical tips that help reduce harmful behavior. This title can also be used in youth mental healthcare for psychoeducation.   Target Group: Parents, caregivers, teachers

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        Politics & government
        January 2021

        Subaltern Squibs and Sentimental Rhymes

        The Raj Reflected in Light Verse

        by Graham Shaw

        An anthology of light verse written during the British Raj in India

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        Children of the World Illustrate the Bible

        by Amos Rolnik

        Children of the World Illustrate the Bible It all began when we were looking forward to the fiftieth year Jubilee of the State of Israel. We were looking for a way, something unconventional, to bring Israel to the attention of hundreds of millions of people throughout the world. And so we came up with the idea, rather self-evident: The Bible. The Book of Books, which speaks to each and every one in dozens of countries and countless cultures. We asked ourselves: Who will bring this message? And then the idea came up: A worldwide competition among children to draw the stories of the Bible. We did not limit the subjects. Anything would be accepted as long as it was in line with the stories of the Bible. And wonder of wonders: Just like a fire in a field of thorns, the message went from country to country, from city to city, from school to school, from family to family: The children of the world are drawing the Bible. And the project reached 91 countries. Hundreds of thousands of drawings reached us. Only a handful of the thousands are brought in this album, which is the first in the series of titles flowing from the illustrations that were sent to Israel and were chosen by our staff of curators. And indeed from this handful we can already see their uniqueness. We all know the stories of the Bible, but here they materialize before our very eyes. As the children from five continents described them in their imagination, it seems that even the authors of the Bible themselves would not believe how alive and full were their heroes, as depicted with the brushes of these little children. Not only did we find a drawing of a story, but also a wide rainbow of emotions, notions, beliefs and outlooks of the world. And above all: Personal expression and riveting exposition without filters, analysis or criticism. We conducted the project throughout the world for three years, and at the end, when the thousands of drawings began streaming to the country, we were astounded by this enormous and absorbing crop. We could not avoid falling captives to the charm, strength of expression and intensity of experience that flowed from these drawings. It seems that thanks to the remarkable coming to the rescue by the children of the world, the stories of the Bible won an inspiring, artistic revival. Amos Rolnik This book was previously published by Mallmedia Publishing House& Rolnik Publishing, Something Different In 2002.  273 Pages, 25X32 cm, Color Illustrations,

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2017

        Children have an Unknown Power

        by Yongxin ZHU

        In this book, Mr. Yongxin Zhu selects to interpret the celebrated dictums of Montessori which are related to family education. Some of the celebrated dictums point out the importance of children education, some of them reveal the laws of children’s development, and more of them care how to educate children better. This book is of significance to the development of Chinese family education.

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        April 2009

        Verse auf Leben und Tod


        by Amos Oz, Mirjam Pressler

        Tel Aviv, ein stickiger Sommerabend: Ein bekannter Schriftsteller ist zu einer Lesung eingeladen. Was werden seine Leser, was wird sein Publikum ihn fragen? Das Übliche? Warum schreiben Sie? Sind Ihre Bücher autobiographisch? Was wollten Sie uns mit Ihrem letzten Roman sagen? Was wird er antworten? Das Übliche? Oder wird er sich den Erwartungen widersetzen? Amos Oz erzählt in seinem neuen Roman von einem bekannten Schriftsteller an einem stickigen Sommerabend in Tel Aviv, von der Liebesnacht danach, von den Menschen, die ihm begegnen, bis die Geschichten, die sie alle haben oder haben könnten, sich entfalten und miteinander verknüpfen, bis das, was sich ereignet, und das, was sich hätte ereignen können, ununterscheidbar werden. Verse auf Leben und Tod ist die unkonventionelle Antwort des großen Erzählers Amos Oz auf die Frage nach dem subversiven Wechselspiel von Leben und Literatur.

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        Health & Personal Development
        April 2016

        Learning with Children

        by Fabian Grolimund

        The school years are a major challenge, not only for your child but also for you as a parent. You may be asking yourself questions like: • How can I motivate my child to study and learn? • How should I handle homework conflicts? • How can I help my child to become more independent? • What learning strategies are appropriate for primary school children? • How can I help if my child has problems with math, reading, or spelling? Answers to these and many other questions about homework, learning, and studying can be found in this book. It describes practical methods and effective strategies, and shows how providing just a little support can be a big help to your child.   Target Group: psychologists, education specialists, parents.

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        April 2023

        Winterpoem 20/21

        Leipziger Buchpreis zur Europäischen Verständigung 2023

        by Maria Stepanova, Olga Radetzkaja

        Der Ausbruch der Covid-Pandemie setzte im März 2020 einem Aufenthalt Maria Stepanovas im britischen Cambridge ein Ende. Zurück in Russland, verbrachte sie die folgenden Monate in einem Zustand der Erstarrung – die Welt hatte sich vor ihr zurückgezogen, die Zeit war »ertaubt«. Als sie aus diesem Zustand auftauchte, begann sie Ovid zu lesen. Motive fanden zueinander, die lange in ihr gewartet hatten. Wie schon in Der Körper kehrt wieder verwandelt sie historische und aktuelle Kataklysmen in ein ungemein feingliedriges, bewegliches Gebilde aus Rhythmen und Stimmen. Das Poem, das in einer rauschhaften poetischen Inspiration entstand, spricht vom Winter und vom Krieg, von Verbannung und Exil, von sozialer Isolation und existentieller Verlassenheit. Stepanova findet grandiose Bilder für das Verstummen: wenn etwa Worte, die wir einander zurufen, in der Luft gefrieren und unser Gegenüber nicht mehr erreichen. Das Werk verwebt Liebesbriefe und Reiseberichte, chinesische Verse und dänische Märchen in eine vielstimmige Beschwörung der gefrorenen und langsam auftauenden Zeit.

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        Health & Personal Development

        Clinical Handbook of Psychotropic Drugs for Children and Adolescents

        by Dean Elbe, Kalyna Z. Bezchlibnyk-Butler, Adil S. Virani

        Quick and comprehensive information on psychotropic drugs for children and adolescents. The “Clinical Handbook of Psychotropic Drugs for Children and Adolescents” is a unique resource to help you make the right choices about psychotropic medications for younger patients. The ffth edition of this widely acclaimed reference has been fully updated and expanded. • Updated information on psychiatric disorders in children and adolescents • U nique comparison charts (dosages, side effects, pharmacokinetics, interactions …) that allow you to see at a glance which medication is the most suitable for each patient • Instantly recognizable icons in full color throughout, a llowing you to quickly fnd all the information you seek • G eneral information on medications, availability, and indications • D rug action, dosing, pharmacokinetics, and related areas• Warnings and precautions • P atient­related information, such as lab monitoring recommendations, nursing implications, and patient advice• Clearly written patient and caregiver information sheets as printable PDF fles

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        Picture books, activity books & early learning material

        El espacio entre la hierba

        by María José Ferrada, Andrés López

        This book object, composed of 30 cards, invites the reader to stop in the poetry that surrounds us.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        January 2019

        The art of The Faerie Queene

        by J. B. Lethbridge, Richard Brown

        The Art of The Faerie Queene is the first book centrally focused on the forms and poetic techniques employed by Spenser. It offers a sharp new perspective on Spenser by rereading The Faerie Queene as poetry which is at once absorbing, demanding and experimental. Instead of the traditional conservative model of Spenser as poet, this book presents the poem as radical, edgy and unconventional, thus proposing new ways of understanding the Elizabethan poetic Renaissance. The book moves from the individual words of the poem to metre, rhyme and stanza form onto its larger structures of canto and book. It will be of particular relevance to undergraduates studying Elizabethan poetry, graduate students and scholars of Renaissance poetry, for whom the formal aspect of the poetry has been a topic of growing relevance in recent years.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        September 2020

        The art of The Faerie Queene

        by Richard Danson Brown, Joshua Samuel Reid

        The Art of The Faerie Queene is the first book centrally focused on the forms and poetic techniques employed by Spenser. It offers a sharp new perspective on Spenser by rereading The Faerie Queene as poetry which is at once absorbing, demanding and experimental. Instead of the traditional conservative model of Spenser as poet, this book presents the poem as radical, edgy and unconventional, thus proposing new ways of understanding the Elizabethan poetic Renaissance. The book moves from the individual words of the poem to metre, rhyme and stanza form onto its larger structures of canto and book. It will be of particular relevance to undergraduates studying Elizabethan poetry, graduate students and scholars of Renaissance poetry, for whom the formal aspect of the poetry has been a topic of growing relevance in recent years.

      • Trusted Partner
        Poetry (Children's/YA)

        I Wish I Had a Little Horse!

        by Oksana Krotiuk

        Why does the giraffe wear a beautiful dress and nine necklaces, why does the leopard have spots, why ia the ocean called the Pacific? Curious kids will find answers to all these questions in the new book of Oksana Krotiuk's rhymes.

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        September 2020

        Learn Pinyin: A Pinyin Enlightenment Book

        by Zang Dongdong

        This set of books is a phonetic learning book for kindergarten and first grade children. There are six books in total, covering five themes of finals, initials, complex finals, overall recognition of syllables, and spelling. Each topic is divided into three stages of learning: basic, advanced and expanded. The basic stage is mainly the reading and writing of pinyin letters and syllables; the advanced stage is mainly the spelling exercises, according to the advanced system of the course, the transition from basic words to phrases and sentences spelling exercises; the expansion stage is mainly related to phonetic enlightenment He elementary school must memorize the accumulation of ancient poems. At the end of each book, a corresponding comprehensive testing training is arranged to sort out and practice the important and difficult points of the entire book. This set of books is dedicated to learning, practicing, and reviewing to consolidate the trinity of learning mode, with interesting illustrations, nursery rhymes and small games to make children's learning more interesting and effective.

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