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        Mais pourquoi moi ?!

        by Noga Marron

        Mais pourquoi moi ?! par Noga Marron Concernant l'édition originale en hébreu de Mais pourquoi moi ?!, qui a déjà été publiée avec six réimpressions, il a été positivement établi qu'elle aide vraiment les jeunes lecteurs à rehausser leur propre estime en soulignant que personne n'est parfait et que « l'herbe n'est pas forcement plus verte de l'autre côté de la barrière ». De nombreux éducateurs utilisent ce livre dans des ateliers et, au moyen de lectures dirigées, aident leurs élèves à surmonter leurs problèmes personnels. Le livre contient vingt scénarios, consacrés chacun à un enfant différent. Dans ces scénarios, l'enfant, en dépit de ses avantages personnels, est préoccupé par une certain difficulté personnelle et il, ou elle, envie l'enfant de la scène suivante. Dans le dernier scénario, on rencontre un enfant qui voudrait bien être l'enfant du premier scénario… Avec son texte en rimes et ses amusantes illustrations, le livre réussit à affronter gaiement le sujet sérieux qu'il attaque. Depuis 1987, Noga Marron, née à Jérusalem, a publié un total de 32 livres, surtout adressés aux écoliers et aux jeunes adultes. Elle a travaillé pendant de nombreuses années dans l'enseignement, professeur puis directrice et membre du Comité Directeur de l'Association des Enseignants en Israël. Mme Marron a une licence en littérature et éducation de l'Université Bar Ilan.

      • Trusted Partner
        Short stories

        Anyone but me

        by Halyna Kruk

        This collection of stories combines tender, intimate, and sometimes frightening experiences. The heroes of the book are the people who live among us, but these pages offer us a chance to read their minds. Here are the quarantine chronicles with the real anxieties and consolations that each of us had to go through. And the feeling of loss, when instead of a person there is only an old photo. The are telephone calls without responce because the subscriber cannot receive your call at the moment. Seductive, emotional, intimate - the stories in "Anyone but me" are about are our deep feelings. And, despite the name, they are about us.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2021

        Zhangjiajie•“Me and My Motherland”

        by Zhangjiajie•“Me and My Motherland”Editorial Board

        Zhangjiajie• is a book organized and edited by the Propaganda Department of the Zhangjiajie Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China. At the beginning of 2019, the Propaganda Department of the Zhangjiajie Municipal Party Committee learned about the news of Zhangjiajie, the birthplace of "My Motherland and Me", and then began a long period of time. Argumentation and planning, the book is composed of 4 chapters: "Birth", "Anthem", "Story" and "The Square". The work uses a large number of little-known song creation details, interesting stories and praises to the landscape and humanities of Zhangjiajie. It restores the creation process of the song "Me and My Motherland" for readers. At the same time, through a large number of incisive essays, multi-dimensional and multi-perspective presented Zhangjiajie people's praise of the motherland in all aspects.

      • Trusted Partner

        But Why Me?!

        by Noga Marron

        The original Hebrew edition of But Why Me?!, which has been published so far in six reprints, has been successfully established as a proven help for young readers to enhance their self-image by pointing out that nobody is perfect and that “the grass is not always greener on the other side of the fence”. Many educators are using it in workshops and via guided reading, to assist their students in coping with personal problems.  The book contains twenty scenarios, each focusing on a different child. In these scenarios, despite the child’s personal advantages he or she is preoccupied with a certain personal difficulty, and envies the child in the following scene. In the last scenario we meet a child who aspires to be like the one in the first… With its rhyming text and lighthearted illustrations, the book succeeds in coping cheerfully with this serious subject matter. Since 1987 Jerusalem-born Noga Marron has published a total of 32 books, mostly for grade school students and young adults. She has worked for many years as a teacher, a school principal, and board member of the Teachers’ Association of Israel. Ms Marron has a B.A. degree in literature and education from Bar-Ilan University. 48 pages, full-color hardcover, beautiful color drawings,14.5X21.5cm

      • Trusted Partner

        Warum ausgerechnet ich?!

        by Noga Marron

        Warum ausgerechnet ich?!  von Noga Marron Die hebräische Originalausgabe von Warum ausgerechnet ich?! erscheint bereits in der sechsten Auflage. Das Buch hat sich als Hilfestellung für junge Leser zur Steigerung ihres gesunden Selbstbewusstseins bewährt. Das Buch verdeutlicht, dass niemand perfekt ist und dass die Kirschen in Nachbars Garten auch nicht immer besser schmecken. Viele Pädagogen verwenden das Buch in Workshops und helfen ihren Schülern dabei, besser mit ihren persönlichen Problemen fertig zu werden. Das Buch schildert zwanzig verschiedene Szenarios, die sich jeweils auf ein bestimmtes Kind konzentrieren. In jedem dieser Szenarios wird ein Kind vorgestellt, das trotz seiner Begabungen ein Problem mit dem Selbstwertgefühl hat und das Kind in der nächsten Szene beneidet. In der letzten Szene lernen wir ein Kind kennen, das gern so sein möchte wie das Kind in der ersten Szene. Durch die gereimten Texte und fröhlichen Illustrationen führt das Buch auf leichte Weise in ein schwieriges Thema ein. Seit 1987 hat die in Jerusalem geborene Autorin Noga Marron 32 Bücher veröffentlicht, die meisten für Schüler an weiterführenden Schulen sowie junge Erwachsene. Sie hat viele Jahre lang als Lehrerin, als Direktorin sowie als Vorstandsmitglied der Teachers’ Association of Israel gearbeitet. Frau Marron hat ein B.A. in Literatur und Pädagogik von der Bar-Ilan University.

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        Children's & YA

        Pode me chamar de Dodô (You can call me Dodo)

        by Daniella Michelin

        Coexistence, harmony, respect, existence and resistance are central themes of the book Pode me chamar de Dodô, written by Daniella Michelin and illustrated by Elisa Carareto.

      • Trusted Partner
        Media studies
        June 2014

        Show me the money

        The image of finance, 1700 to the present

        by Edited by Paul Crosthwaite, Peter Knight and Nicky Marsh

        What does money really stand for? How can the abstractions of high finance be made visible? Show me the money documents how the financial world has been imagined in art, illustration, photography and other visual media over the last three centuries in Britain and the United States. It tells the story of how artists have grappled with the increasingly intangible and self-referential nature of money, from the South Sea Bubble to our current crisis. Show me the money sets out the history and politics of representations of finance through five essays by academic experts and curators, and is interspersed with provocative think pieces by notable public commentators on finance and art. The book, and the exhibition on which it is based, explore a wide range of images, from satirical eighteenth-century prints by William Hogarth and James Gillray to works by celebrated contemporary artists such as Andreas Gursky and Molly Crabapple. It also charts the development of an array of financial visualisations, including stock tickers and charts, newspaper illustrations, bank adverts and electronic trading systems.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        Yo no fui (It wasn't me)

        by Ana Palmero, Alejandra Acosta

        "It´s wasn´t me" is a book for little ones where humor, simplicity and everyday life remind us that there can always be a mischievous hand behind “mysterious things”. The characters in this book jauntily remind us of our own families. It is a story where Alejandra Acosta’s illustrations recreate everyday situations full of expressiveness and frankness that are also full of humor. Her casual and frank strokes accompany a text that hints at sweet mischief and that, with an unexpected twist, will show us that not only the youngest one in the house enjoys playing pranks.

      • Trusted Partner
        Biology, life sciences
        January 2022

        Concepts for Understanding Fruit Trees

        by Theodore M. DeJong

        Anyone who observes fruit trees may wonder how or why they behave in specific ways. Some trees grow upright whilst others are more spreading in habit. Some produce many flowers and small immature fruit only to drop most of the fruit later on; others grow more on their sunny side than their shady side. It is common to ascribe such behavior to the tree as a whole and state that trees preferentially "allocate" resources to specific organs. However, this is the wrong approach to understanding tree functioning and behavior. Trees are not in control of what they do. What trees do and how they function is shaped by the individual organs that make up the tree, not by the tree as a whole. The genetic code only indirectly determines the habit, structure and behavior of a tree by defining the behavioral and functional limits of the component organs, tissues and cells. Unlike animals that have a mechanism for collective control of the whole organism - a central nervous system - trees (and plants in general) are more appropriately considered as collections of semi-autonomous organs. These organs are dependent on one another for resources, such as water, energy and nutrients, but control their own destiny. This book presents a clear set of integrative concepts for understanding the overall physiology and growth of temperate deciduous fruit trees. The emphasis is on overarching principles rather than detailed descriptions of tree physiology or differences among the numerous species of fruit trees. Although the focus is on deciduous fruit trees many aspects apply to evergreen fruit trees and trees that grow naturally in unmanaged situations. Highly relevant for students and researchers in pomology, horticulture and plant sciences, the book is also suitable for practitioners, extension staff, and novice fruit tree growers.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        Believe me, I'm Not an Egret!

        by Hossein Ghorbani

        This story is a recreation of a fable originally written in “Kalila and Demna”, an ancient book with Indian roots. In the original story, an old egret tricks the fish into thinking that they are being taken to a safe lake, but they are in fact becoming the egret’s food. Until one day, the crab also asks the egret to take him to the lake and sees the remaining fish bones while riding on his back. He then returns and informs the others. “Believe Me, I’m not an Egret!” is a parody of the original fable, encouraging the children to think about and question what they hear.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2021

        Know Us 1. Know me again. June & Kian

        by Jette Menger, Moon Notes

        June ist aufgeregt und nervös zugleich: Kian, ihr bester Freund aus der Schulzeit, kehrt nach sieben Jahren aus Australien zurück und zieht zu ihr in die WG. Beide haben sich verändert – Kian ist nicht mehr der pummelige Junge von damals, sondern ein attraktiver Mann mit Muskeln und Tattoos, und June, die einst lebhaft und selbstbewusst war, ist nun schüchtern und zurückhaltend. Trotz der Zeit, die sie getrennt verbracht haben, und der Veränderungen, die sie durchgemacht haben, ist die Anziehung zwischen ihnen sofort spürbar. Doch es ist nicht einfach, dort weiterzumachen, wo sie aufgehört haben. Die Vergangenheit und ihre Geheimnisse werfen lange Schatten auf die Gegenwart, und June findet sich hin- und hergerissen zwischen ihren wachsenden Gefühlen für Kian und der Angst vor den Schatten, die ihre gemeinsame Vergangenheit auf ihre mögliche Zukunft wirft. Als Kian beginnt, sich in Junes Alltagsleben zu integrieren, flammen alte Gefühle wieder auf, und es entsteht eine zarte Romanze, die jedoch von Unsicherheiten und unausgesprochenen Wahrheiten belastet wird. Beide müssen lernen, mit ihren veränderten Selbstbildern umzugehen und herausfinden, ob ihre Beziehung stark genug ist, um die Geheimnisse der Vergangenheit zu überwinden. Ihre Reise ist geprägt von Momenten intensiver Nähe und Vertrautheit, aber auch von Missverständnissen und Konflikten, die aus dem mangelnden Mut resultieren, offen miteinander zu kommunizieren. June und Kian stehen vor der Herausforderung, nicht nur sich selbst und ihre Beziehung zueinander neu zu definieren, sondern auch zu entscheiden, wie viel sie bereit sind, für eine gemeinsame Zukunft zu riskieren. Fesselnde, emotionale Liebesgeschichte von June und Kian, die nach Jahren der Trennung wieder zueinanderfinden. Ihre neu entflammten Gefühle stellen sie vor große Herausforderungen und Entscheidungen. Erlebe, wie sich die Hauptcharaktere von ihrer Vergangenheit lösen und durch ihre Erlebnisse wachsen. June und Kian zeigen, dass wahre Liebe Mut zur Veränderung und Offenheit erfordert. Die Autorin Jette Menger entführt die Leser in eine Welt voller intensiver Gefühle, geheimer Wünsche und der Sehnsucht nach Verständnis und Akzeptanz. Spannendes Setting in der malerischen Stadt Bath bildet die perfekte Kulisse für diese berührende Geschichte, in der alte Freundschaften neu entdeckt und verborgene Geheimnisse aufgedeckt werden. Das ständige Hin und Her zwischen Annäherung und Rückzug hält die Spannung bis zum Schluss aufrecht und spiegelt die Komplexität menschlicher Beziehungen wider. Neben der Liebesgeschichte werden wichtige Themen wie Selbstfindung, Verarbeitung von Vergangenheitstraumata und die Bedeutung echter Freundschaft behandelt. Geschrieben aus zwei Perspektiven bietet die Geschichte einen tiefen Einblick in die Gedanken- und Gefühlswelt beider Protagonisten, was sie besonders authentisch und nachvollziehbar macht. Auftakt einer mitreißenden Reihe: "Know Us 1. Know me again" ist der Beginn einer Reihe, die Lust auf mehr macht und Leser*innen gespannt auf die Fortsetzungen warten lässt. Ideal geeignet für Leser*innen, die komplexe Charakterbeziehungen, emotionale Achterbahnfahrten und herzzerreißende Momente lieben.

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2017

        Wake Me Up at 9 AM

        by A Yi

        The title comes from a Borges interview, in which Borges planned to write a short story entitled Wake Me Up At 9 AM but he didn’t write it at last. A Yi borrowed this title. In A Yi’s story, looped in the night of his birthday, Hong Yang asks his wife Jin Yan to wake him up at nine AM the next morning, but he doesn’t wake up any longer. The book recalls how Hong Yang, an illiteracy who has been simply considered as an outlaw, becomes well known in the town by taking advantage of his violence and necessary schemes, with the narrative of a hurried and perfunctory funeral. Love, belief, brotherhood and affection have nothing to do with him. The novel makes a scroll-type portrayal of the vanishing village and people living in the village by virtue of him.

      • Trusted Partner
        Prose: non-fiction


        by Andrii Aliokhin

        Hello, I am Andrii Aliokhin. I have been an actor and a writer for many years living in two capitals: Kyiv and Paris. I was neither a tourist nor an immigrant. This allowed me to see our life and French life from a unique point of view. This book tells a story about what I had learned in France. Not from professional chefs or subtle connoisseurs of culinary delights, but from ordinary French men and women, who cook and eat in France. Real people who love, work, grieve, celebrate, raise children, walk dogs, and go to market in the course of their daily lives. So, you will find here my little stories about the French – memoirs and other nonsense, that actually is called life. In some way it is also a cookbook. Everything collected here are ordinary, simple, French recipes. All ingredients can be easily found on the shelvesof our stores. But this is not just a book about the kitchen. It’s about what I finally realized. I realized why the French are not getting fat. The book by Andre Aliokhin – the most famous and popular Ukrainian blogger. It’s bestseller in Ukraine. The German translation will be published soon.

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2021

        Follow Me in China:The Green Oasis

        by Hong Hong Luobo

        This is a set of geography science picture book, showing the geographic concept of China's vast territory, with a route that can reflect the different topography, customs and people with strong characteristics to show. The illustrations of each geographical node show the natural landscape, architectural features, and humanistic characteristics associated with this geographical node; the beautiful illustrations and warm images depict the magnificent rivers, mountains, and plains and deserts of China, giving readers a visual feast while increasing their knowledge of geographic science. This set of books starts from "Follow me in China", which can well attract the readers' exploration psychology, and the process of exploration together can subconsciously increase children's science knowledge about topography and landforms. Readers can follow the steps of the protagonist, visit the natural and humanistic landscapes of different regions, learn interesting knowledge about geography, and try unique games. The travel route chosen in this book is to ride a camel from the desert to the forest, showing China's efforts and achievements in disertification prevention and control.

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2021

        Follow Me in China:The Hexi Corridor

        by Hong Hong Luobo

        This is a set of geography science picture book, showing the geographic concept of China's vast territory, with a route that can reflect the different topography, customs and people with strong characteristics to show. The illustrations of each geographical node show the natural landscape, architectural features, and humanistic characteristics associated with this geographical node; the beautiful illustrations and warm images depict the magnificent rivers, mountains, and plains and deserts of China, giving readers a visual feast while increasing their knowledge of geographic science. This set of books starts from "Follow me in China", which can well attract the readers' exploration psychology, and the process of exploration together can subconsciously increase children's science knowledge about topography and landforms. Readers can follow the steps of the protagonist, visit the natural and humanistic landscapes of different regions, learn interesting knowledge about geography, and try unique games. The travel route chosen in this book is from Xi’an to Dunhuang, guiding readers to enter the Hexi Corridor and experience the historical and cultural road formed by the influence of the special geographical environment.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA
        January 2022

        My Dad and Me

        by Dmytro Kuzmenko (Author), Oksana Drachkovska (Illustrator)

        Who are the ghostinosours? What are clouds made of? How to prepare trubel and what may happen if you do not limit yourself and do everything you want? My Dad and Me’s main hero is about 4 years old and seeks to find answers to all these questions. His life is full of adventures: he is a dreamer and make-believer. He often disobeys his father and dislikes brushing his teeth. All in all, every young reader can find a bit of themselves in this little one. My Dad and Me is a treasure book of honest, warm-hearted stories about the close connection between father and son, about little things and great discoveries in the eyes of children, about trust and adventures they can share, and fundamentally, about mutual understanding. Even when someone can’t pronounce “r " yet!   From 6 to 9 years,  4883 words Rightsholders:

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        Humanities & Social Sciences

        You Can Always Come to Me

        by Stefanie Rietzler, Fabian Grolimund

        There are beautiful and difficult moments in the life of a little bear. Fortunately, his parents are always there for him! No matter whether the little bear gets frustrated with a difficult puzzle, is afraid of jumping into the swimming lake or gets angry because he has to accept a “no” from his parents, he is always experiencing the following: "My parents love me. I can trust them and feel their support." A secure bond between children and their caregivers is the foundation for a healthy self-esteem, a good handling of one's own feelings and resilience. Such a bond develops in many small everyday situations, whenever children experience that their parents see them, accept them and accompany them – even in difficult moments.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        One Year of Me and Tree

        An Invitation Letter from Nature

        by Xue Tao

        An Invitation Letter from Nature series is Xue Tao's first set of nature-themed picture books. Since childhood, Xue Tao has enjoyed getting along with the plants and animals in nature and felt the rise and fall of all beings with a sensitive heart. This set of picture books for nature and ecology education just pays tribute to nature, as well as to a vibrant childhood.   An Invitation Letter from Nature series focuses on the theme of nature in the form of transitions through the four seasons. It currently has five books: Epic of Mountain Forests, Day and Night of the Little Wooden House, One Year of Me and Tree, Missing Bugs and Grass, Birds and Little Beasts as Companions. Each book has its own theme, just like five different landscape paintings, presenting different life experiences.   One Year of Me and Tree takes one year as the timeline and presents the growth of the little boy and the tree. The tree adapts to the four seasons' changes and becomes one with the earth and the sky. The boy is also growing up joyfully day by day throughout the year and integrates with nature.

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