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      • Bach Doctor Press

        Darin Dance started his own publishing and photography business in 2014: The Bach Doctor Press after researching and taking photographs for many book projects while working collaboratively with fellow Ngāi Tahu writers.  He firmly believes that with the retrenchment of the main publishing houses back to Australia, America and Europe, our remarkable “Kiwi” voices and stories will be lost and unheard unless new publishing ventures are prepared to fill this void.  This has become his mission to promote our unique kōrero and pakiwaitara (stories and legends).

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        Formulation Plausibility Check

        In accordance with § 7 German Ordinanceon the Operation of a Pharmacy

        by Dr. Andreas S. Ziegler

        The Ordinance on the Operation of a Pharmacy states that a plausibility check must be undertaken for each new formulation. The tabular compilations of this book help pharmacists to complete this task quickly and reliably. All the information required for the check is clearly laid out and easy to find. New in the 6th edition: Many new active substance – ointment base combinations with demonstrated compatibility | more than 50 new ointment bases | 30 new active substances Bonus: The information about standard doses for paediatric dermatology enables pharmacists to also prepare paediatric formulations. | References to the Ziegler Rezepturbibliothek® (Ziegler Formulation Library), where completely formulated manufacturing instructions for the named active substance – ointment base – combinations can be found. This makes it even easier to supply patients with tested standard preparations. The set includes 50-sheet pads of the complementary form Plausibility Check. The form makes documentation easier and enables rapid and reliable navigation through the tables. This allows both the prescriber’s treatment concept and also possible incompatibilities to be checked in less than no time.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2006

        Der Idiot


        by Fjodor Michailowitsch Dostojewski, Hermann Röhl

        »Es war gegen Ende des November, bei Tauwetter …« Fürst Myschkin, wegen seiner Epilepsie und außergewöhnlichen Gutherzigkeit »Idiot« genannt, kehrt aus einem Schweizer Sanatorium nach Petersburg zurück. Noch auf der Reise gerät er, der stets an das Gute im Menschen glaubt, in ein Netz von Intrigen. Mit jedem Versuch, sich daraus zu befreien, verstrickt er sich und seine Liebe immer mehr darin … Die Blaue Reihe bietet große Klassiker der Weltliteratur zum kleinen Preis. Sorgfältig ediert, steht das blaue insel taschenbuch mit seinen schön gestalteten, vollständigen Ausgaben ganz in der Tradition des Insel Verlags.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2025

        Europeanisation as violence

        Souths and Easts as method

        by Kolar Aparna, Daria Krivonos, Elisa Pascucci

        The book offers a novel lens to situate Europeanisation as violence - through institutions and technologies of development, cultural heritage, and borders, among others - by bringing South and East within a relational frame. Through four inter-related sections, it foregrounds Europeanisation as infrastructural violence and colonial asymmetries, slow violence and the construction of stratified subalternities, epistemic dispossession, and border epistemologies.

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2003

        Küss mich, du Idiot


        by Alfredo Bryce Echenique, Matthias Strobel

        Alfredo Bryce Echenique wurde am 19. Februar 1939 in Lima als Sproß einer peruanisch-englischen Familie geboren. Ab 1957 studierte er in Lima an der Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos gleichzeitig Jura und Literaturwissenschaften. 1963 erlangte er seinen Titel als Anwalt und schloß 1964 sein literaturwissenschaftliches Studium mit einer Arbeit über Hemingway ab. Noch im selben Jahr reiste Bryce Echenique nach Paris, wo er an der Sorbonne neben Diplomen in klassischer und moderner französischer Literatur auch eine Doktorarbeit begann. Neben seiner Lehrtätigkeit an verschiedenen Universitäten Frankreichs, darunter Nanterre und Montpellier, war er ab 1975 auch für das »Suplemento Cultural« der mexikanischen Tageszeitung »El Sol« journalistisch aktiv. 1984 zog er nach Madrid, um dort als freier Schriftsteller zu leben und zu arbeiten. Erst 1999 kehrte er ins heimatliche Lima zurück. Gleich mit seinem ersten Roman, Un mundo para Julius, (1970), erlangte er großes Auf- und Ansehen; der Roman wurde in 10 Sprachen übersetzt und ist längst ein lateinamerikanischer Klassiker. Bryce Echenique hat seitdem an die zwanzig Bücher veröffentlicht: Romane, Erzählungen, Autobiographisches, Artikelsammlungen. In der spanischsprachigen Welt gehört er zu den bekanntesten und angesehensten lateinamerikanischen Autoren. 2002 erhielt er für "Küss mich, Du Idiot" den renommierten italienischen Premio Grinzane Cavour. 2002 Auszeichnung mit dem Planeta-Preis. Matthias Strobel, geboren 1967, ist seit 1999 als freier Übersetzer für spanischsprachige Literatur und seit 2005 auch als Agent für lateinamerikanische Autoren tätig.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2000

        Küß mich, du Idiot


        by Alfredo Bryce Echenique, Matthias Strobel

        Alfredo Bryce Echenique wurde am 19. Februar 1939 in Lima als Sproß einer peruanisch-englischen Familie geboren. Ab 1957 studierte er in Lima an der Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos gleichzeitig Jura und Literaturwissenschaften. 1963 erlangte er seinen Titel als Anwalt und schloß 1964 sein literaturwissenschaftliches Studium mit einer Arbeit über Hemingway ab. Noch im selben Jahr reiste Bryce Echenique nach Paris, wo er an der Sorbonne neben Diplomen in klassischer und moderner französischer Literatur auch eine Doktorarbeit begann. Neben seiner Lehrtätigkeit an verschiedenen Universitäten Frankreichs, darunter Nanterre und Montpellier, war er ab 1975 auch für das »Suplemento Cultural« der mexikanischen Tageszeitung »El Sol« journalistisch aktiv. 1984 zog er nach Madrid, um dort als freier Schriftsteller zu leben und zu arbeiten. Erst 1999 kehrte er ins heimatliche Lima zurück. Gleich mit seinem ersten Roman, Un mundo para Julius, (1970), erlangte er großes Auf- und Ansehen; der Roman wurde in 10 Sprachen übersetzt und ist längst ein lateinamerikanischer Klassiker. Bryce Echenique hat seitdem an die zwanzig Bücher veröffentlicht: Romane, Erzählungen, Autobiographisches, Artikelsammlungen. In der spanischsprachigen Welt gehört er zu den bekanntesten und angesehensten lateinamerikanischen Autoren. 2002 erhielt er für "Küss mich, Du Idiot" den renommierten italienischen Premio Grinzane Cavour. 2002 Auszeichnung mit dem Planeta-Preis. Matthias Strobel, geboren 1967, ist seit 1999 als freier Übersetzer für spanischsprachige Literatur und seit 2005 auch als Agent für lateinamerikanische Autoren tätig.

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      • Trusted Partner

        Interaction Trainer

        Over 100 cases with theory and practice

        by Dr. E. Schindler and A. Lunzner

        It‘s a match?! The interaction check plays a key role when it comes to drug therapy safety. These index cards offer a way of keeping track and familiarising yourself with a wide variety of active ingredient combinations. The standardised structure of the case studies helps you learn • to understand the mechanism of interaction, • to assess the clinical relevance, and • to implement any necessary measures. The 2nd edition has not only been updated, but also expanded to include new cases. Thanks to a handy booklet, users can refer quickly to the theoretical principles.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        May 2020

        Spain in the nineteenth century

        New essays on experiences of culture and society

        by Andrew Ginger, Geraldine Lawless

        The nineteenth-century Hispanic world was shattered to its core by war, civil war, and revolution. At the same time, it confronted a new period of European and North-American expansion and development. In these essays, authors explore major, dynamic ways that people in Spain envisaged how they would adapt and change, or simply continue as they were. Each chapter title begins with the words "How to...", and examines the ways in which Spaniards conceived or undertook major activities that shaped their lives. These range from telling the time to being a man. Adaptability, paradox, and inconsistency come to the fore in many of the essays. We find before us a human quest for opportunity and survival in a complex and changing world. This wide-ranging book contains chapters by leading scholars from the United States, United Kingdom, and Spain.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2019

        A Slow Train

        by Mei Zihan

        The writer's classic work is an excellent reading template for children. As the leading figure in promoting mass reading in China, Mei Zihan enjoys a high reputation and appeal in the minds of Chinese teachers and children. The Mei Zihan's Little Red Sail Phonetic Series is aimed at students from grades one to three in primary school. It is a simple, readable and humorous child growth story with a pinyin-assisted for helping self-reading. The story is well written and closely related to the rich and interesting elementary school life. All four books in the series differ in their difficulty levels, from easy to more challenging in order to nuture an advanced reading ability. The first and second volumes focus on the children's life and emotional experience, pay attention to the language rhythm, increase the proportion of poetry content, control the number of words and the length of the story, and focus on the short reading. Volumes three and four focus on imagination and expression, the content theme is set deeper. Reading instructions are available after each book.

      • Trusted Partner
        Business, Economics & Law
        February 2019

        Adventure Tourism and Outdoor Activities Management

        A 21st Century Toolkit

        by Ian Jenkins

        An essential resource for those wishing to understand the key factors behind the operation of an adventure tourism company and how to be able to deliver a profitable as well as a sustainable product. It discusses important factors such as how the use of technologies and the current importance of environmental impacts and climate change are areas that are key to adventure tourism firms. To remain profitable companies need to address these issues along with the important elements of risk and safety. Key features include: Industry Perspective case studies Sustainable Adventure Tourism Developments Management of Products and Customers Created from the author's experience in delivering adventure tourism courses over the last 20 years, this long-awaited book is aimed at both university courses on adventure tourism and outdoor recreation as well as those working within the industry.

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        Slow Disaster

        by Tania Ganitsky Baptiste

        Desastre lento wonders about the end of the world, its plasticity, myths and artificiality. The poems welcome images of animal reverie and fragmented materialities. In the razed or aged worlds, the gaze of the speaker is able to find vivid details. We present the third edition of the book of poems, corrected by its author, moved by the overwhelming sensation, contained in the book, that the end is part of our daily experience.

      • Trusted Partner
        Business, Economics & Law
        March 2021

        Issues and Cases of Degrowth in Tourism

        by Konstantinos Andriotis

        The expansion of mass tourism is becoming highly unpopular and 'tourism-phobia', often expressed in the form of anti-tourism marches, is spreading across various destinations. In light of this, there is a paradigm shift from 'tourism growth' to 'tourism degrowth' through a desire for a drastic transformation of the tourism industry. Degrowth is a key strategy to balance tourism growth. It works to ensure that the direction of institutional change and the orientation of technological development are controlled and in harmony with the environment. Degrowth involves people whose use of personal time enhances the richness of the experience through traveling less, more slowly and using low carbon options, taking time to support the environment, the local economy and to explore the local culture. This book addresses the paucity of combined research on tourism and degrowth by presenting emergent knowledge and research on this increasingly important concept. In this book: - The core theme of degrowth from a tourism perspective is outlined. - Content is enriched with contributions from multi-disciplinary academics from around the World. - Theory is put in to practice via international case studies. Due to the multidisciplinary nature of the book, the contents will appeal to researchers and postgraduates studying tourism, environmental studies, geography, planning and development and other related disciplines.

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      • Trusted Partner
        October 2000

        Slow Motion

        Doppelter Abschied

        by Shapiro, Dani

      • Trusted Partner
        February 2005

        Die SLOW CARB-Diät

        Dauerhaft abnehmen mit langsamen Kohlenhydraten und dem Plus an Eiweiß Sticker (eingedruckt): Mit 2-Wochen Diätplan

        by Hamm, Michael; Donhauser, Rose-Marie

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