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      • Cohete Cómics

        Cohete Cómics' catalog gathers transgressive works of sequential art in lines such as documentary comics, autobiography and fiction.

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      • Ellermann Verlag im Dressler Verlag GmbH

        A test company Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In venenatis iaculis leo, et ornare sapien. Praesent euismod ante libero, sodales feugiat nisi rutrum ac. Vestibulum ut tortor leo. Donec a lobortis elit. Nam elit ante, auctor non ante quis, viverra dapibus ipsum. Maecenas id facilisis orci, sed maximus urna. Vestibulum euismod vel orci finibus viverra. Suspendisse gravida rutrum erat, non ultrices dui sagittis vel. Etiam bibendum lacus vestibulum nisi fringilla blandit. Etiam ut ultrices mi. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Integer in dapibus leo, vel blandit urna. Vestibulum gravida mollis mattis. Fusce a maximus urna. Donec pretium dolor fermentum nunc commodo sollicitudin. Cras ac magna rutrum, ullamcorper enim in, condimentum lorem. Fusce sodales, nunc nec vestibulum ornare, ligula tellus mollis purus, fermentum fringilla nisl nibh sed mauris. Nullam auctor est euismod nibh pellentesque ultrices. Integer at arcu felis. Fusce condimentum suscipit ex faucibus viverra. Vivamus mauris ligula, ullamcorper id lectus eu, vestibulum iaculis mauris. Sed a libero vel nisl tincidunt sagittis sed a libero. Sed sit amet congue leo, non blandit risus. Duis aliquam, justo vitae tincidunt auctor, augue nunc pellentesque nibh, eu commodo erat tellus non risus. Ut elit turpis, fringilla et purus quis, suscipit lacinia velit. Etiam quis nunc nec mauris vulputate efficitur eget eget ante. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Morbi cursus, lacus at tincidunt condimentum, leo tortor gravida lacus, ac faucibus nisi lorem ac velit.

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      • Trusted Partner
        Language teaching & learning (other than ELT)
        January 2011

        Querido Diego, Te abraza Quiela by Elena Poniatowska

        by Elena Poniatowska

        by Nathanial Gardner

        One of the threads that runs through Elena Poniatowska's oeuvre is that of foreigners who have fallen in love with Mexico and its people. This is certainly the case of Querido Diego, te abraza Quiela - a brief novel (so short it was originally published in its entirety in Octavio Paz's literary magazine Vuelta). The Russian exile and painter Angelina Beloff writes from the cold and impoverished post-war Paris to Diego Rivera, her spouse of over ten years. Beloff sends these letters to which there is no response during a time when the emancipation of women has broken many of the standard models and the protagonist struggles to fashion her own. Elena Poniatowska has (re)created these letters and within them one finds the unforgettable testimony of an artist and her lover during the valuable crossroads of a new time when Diego Rivera was forging a new life in his native country. In this edition, Nathanial Gardner comments on the truth and fiction Poniatowska has woven together to form this compact, yet rich, modern classic. Using archives in London, Paris and Mexico City (including Angelina's correspondence held in Frida Kahlo's own home) as well as interviews from the final remaining characters who knew the real Angelina, Gardner offers a mediation of the text and its historical groundings as well as critical commentary. This edition will appeal to both students and scholars of Latin American Studies as well as lovers of Mexican Literature and Art in general.

      • Trusted Partner

        Shattered Crystal

        by Baruch Cohen

        A riveting historical novel about a Berlin family during World War II, whose members struggle to come to terms with conflicting parts of their identities. Widower Franz Kerner and his three grown children live their lives as loyal German citizens. With the Third Reich’s rise to power and subsequent war, they do their best for their beloved country, during those tumultuous times. Karl, the eldest, enlists in the Luftwaffe and becomes a pilot; Elsa, the middle child, works at a government office; and Helmut, the youngest, joins the infantry. But Franz harbors a deep secret, one that defines the Kerners’ identity. When he finally reveals the secret, their worlds are deeply shaken. Illustrating the characters’ inner struggles against the backdrop of the raging war, the author vividly recounts this intricate tale. The historical aspects in the novel are based on largescale, comprehensive research, and serve to shed light on major global events from a more intimate point of view, one that illustrates the repercussions of war for all of mankind. Baruch (Bobby) Cohen was born in Romania (1927) and, after previous unsuccessful attempts, immigrated to Israel in 1948 upon its establishment. The author served in the Israeli Navy, and later worked at the State Comptroller’s Office until his retirement as deputy director of inspection of Israel’s security forces. For his activities in helping the Romanian Jews between 1945-1947, Cohen was awarded the Decoration of State Warriors by the Israel Ministry of Defense. Shattered Crystal is Cohen’s second book. His first, The Decade of Tears, recounts the story of three young Jews in the newly-born State of Israel in the decade following WWII. An English-language North-American edition was published in early 2021 by Samuel Wachtman's Sons, Inc., CA. 242 Pages, 15X22.5 cm

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        September 2008

        Epicene, or The Silent Woman

        by Ben Jonson

        by Richard Dutton

        Epicene is now one of the most widely-studied of Johnson's plays. Brilliantly exploiting the Jacobean convention whereby boys played female roles, it satirises the newly fashionable and sexually ambiguous world of the West End of London, where courtly wit rubs shoulders with commercial values. This authoritative new edition, now in paperback, is based on a thorough re-examination of the earliest texts. The introduction analyses the play as originally written for the newly formed Children of the Queen's Revels, and performed at the little-known Whitefriars Theatre. Dutton discusses the composition of the play, which took place during a critical period in Jonson's life and career, when he was established as the principal writer of entertainments at the court. His relationships at this time, with ambitious wits such as John Donne, Sir Edward Herbert and the actor Nathan Field, are examined as models for the principal characters. This challengingly historicised text of Epicene will be essential reading for all serious students of early modern drama. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        January 2019

        Taste of theory

        by Zhao Qiang

        The author is Zhao Qiang, deputy editor-in-chief of Global Times. The manuscript features more than 30 political essays created by the author during his studies at the Party School of the Communist Party of China. For example, "Confidence in the system, how do you feel confident", "I really admire you, respect for truth from facts", etc .; "Theoretical study, not too utilitarian", "Popular, and then popular", etc., in-depth thinking on how to use the weapon of theory; The author changed the face of the theoretical article that was boring, hard and cold, and refused to be thousands of miles away. The reasoning was based on trivial matters, making the article have a strong sense of responsibility, the weight of the theory and the ease of the form.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 1994

        Revolutionen in der Naturwissenschaft

        by I. Bernard Cohen, Werner Kutschmann

        Wie konnte sich der Ausdruck ›Revolution‹, der ursprünglich immerhin ein Terminus für astronomische Vorgänge, Umläufe oder Umdrehungen von Himmelskörpern, gewesen war, in einen Begriff der politischen Macht- und Herrschaftsgeschichte verwandeln? Und wie kam es dazu, dass dieser gesellschaftspolitische Revolutionsbegriff wiederum auf die Naturwissenschaften und deren Erkenntnisgeschichte angewandt wurde? Ist es überhaupt legitim, den Begriff der politischen Revolution einschließlich all seiner machttheoretischen Konnotationen auf den Siegeszug einer naturwissenschaftlichen Idee, eines erkenntnisleitenden Paradigmas, zu übertragen, wie es uns die theoretische Wissenschaftsgeschichtsschreibung seit Th. S. Kuhn lehrt? Die sind die Fragen, mit denen Cohens Untersuchung über Revolutionen in der Naturwissenschaft anhebt. Cohen verfolgt einen Zeitraum von mehr als vier Jahrhunderten umspannt und nahezu alle wichtigen Bereiche der Naturwissenschaften erfasst – von der Astronomie bis zur Evolutionstheorie, von den Geowissenschaften bis zur Freudschen Psychoanalyse, von der Galileischen Kinematik bis zur Einsteinschen Relativitätstheorie und Atomphysik -, die historische Kariere eines Begriffs, der sich in mehreren Wandlungen und Metamorphosen durch die Naturwissenschafts- und Sozialgeschichte hindurchzieht, um letztlich als der entscheidende Begriff des mit Kuhn vollzogenen sociological turn in der Wissenschaftsgeschichtsschreibung eine neue Auferstehung zu erleben.

      • Trusted Partner

        Shattered Crystal: Ein historischer Roman

        by Baruch Cohen

        Ein spannender historischer Roman über eine Berliner Familie während des Zweiten Weltkriegs, deren Mitglieder sich mit widersprüchlichen Teilen ihrer Identität auseinandersetzen müssen.   Witwer Franz Kerner und seine drei erwachsenen Kinder leben ihr Leben als treue deutsche Staatsbürger. Mit der Machtergreifung des Dritten Reiches und dem anschließenden Krieg geben sie in diesen bewegten Zeiten ihr Bestes für ihr geliebtes Land. Karl, der Älteste, tritt in die Luftwaffe ein und wird Pilot. Elsa, das mittlere Kind, arbeitet in einem Regierungsbüro, und Helmut, der jüngste, schließt sich der Infanterie an.   Aber Franz birgt ein tiefes Geheimnis, das die Identität der Kerners definiert. Als er endlich das Geheimnis preisgibt, sind ihre Welten tief erschüttert.   Der Autor illustriert die inneren Kämpfe der Charaktere vor dem Hintergrund des tobenden Krieges und erzählt anschaulich diese komplizierte Geschichte. Die historischen Aspekte des Romans basieren auf umfangreichen Recherchen und dienen dazu, wichtige globale Ereignisse aus einer intimeren Perspektive zu beleuchten. So werden die Auswirkungen des Krieges auf die gesamte Menschheit veranschaulicht.   Baruch (Bobby) Cohen wurde in Rumänien (1927) geboren und wanderte nach früheren erfolglosen Versuchen nach seiner Gründung 1948 nach Israel aus.   Der Autor diente in der israelischen Marine und arbeitete später bis zu seiner Pensionierung als stellvertretender Inspektionsdirektor der israelischen Sicherheitskräfte im Büro des State Comptroller.   Für seine Aktivitäten zur Unterstützung der rumänischen Juden zwischen 1945 und 1947 wurde Baruch Cohen vom israelischen Verteidigungsministerium mit der Auszeichnung als Staatskrieger ausgezeichnet.   Shattered Crystal ist Cohens zweites Buch. Sein erstes, Das Jahrzehnt der Tränen, erzählt die Geschichte von drei jungen Juden im neugeborenen Staat Israel im Jahrzehnt nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2017


        Zeitgenössische Texte zu einer philosophischen Kontroverse

        by Philipp Schink

        Wie sieht ein überzeugendes Verständnis der Freiheit von Individuen in Gesellschaft und Politik aus? Welche philosophischen Traditionen helfen bei der Beantwortung dieser Frage? Welcher analytische Zugang ist geboten? Das in den 1990er Jahren wiedererwachte Interesse an einer theoretischen Reflexion der Freiheit hat seither zu einer Reihe von bahnbrechenden Studien geführt, die an einflussreiche Beiträge aus der zweiten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts anschließen, wie sie etwa Isaiah Berlin, Hannah Arendt oder Friedrich August von Hayek geliefert haben. Der Band versammelt sowohl diese Klassiker als auch diejenigen Texte, die im Zentrum der aktuellen Debatte stehen: von Charles Taylor, Philip Pettit, Quentin Skinner, Rainer Forst, Gerald Cohen, Nancy Hirschmann u. a. Er bietet so eine umfassende Einführung in eine der lebhaftesten und wichtigsten philosophischen Kontroversen der Gegenwart.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2020

        Alles unter dem Himmel

        Vergangenheit und Zukunft der Weltordnung

        by Zhao Tingyang, Michael Kahn-Ackermann

        Zhao Tingyang gilt als einer der bedeutendsten chinesischen Philosophen der Gegenwart. Mit diesem Hauptwerk liegen nun seine Überlegungen zu einer neuen politischen Weltordnung erstmals in deutscher Übersetzung vor. Sie basieren auf dem alten chinesischen Prinzip des tianxia – der Inklusion aller unter einem Himmel. In Auseinandersetzung mit okzidentalen Theorien des Staates und des Friedens von Hobbes über Kant bis Habermas sowie unter Rückgriff auf die Geschichtswissenschaft, die Ökonomie und die Spieltheorie eröffnet uns Zhao einen höchst originellen Blick auf die Konzeption der Universalität. Ein wegweisendes Buch, auch um Chinas aktuelles weltpolitisches Denken zu verstehen.

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2018

        Secret Records of Huanggang County

        by He Dun

        The novel has portrayed the images of Liu Shengzhi, a grass-roots cadre of Chinese Communist Party with strong faith, and many other people via the fate of the Lius in Huanggang County of Hubei Province over the century since the Republican period. Through the description of these characters and the development of the plot, the novel has dug deep into the cultural customs and historical profundity of Huanggang County, and interpreted the patriotic and cultural reasons for Huanggang County being the hometown of many generals and top scorers of college entrance examination. Liu Shengzhi, Brother Shi, is stubborn and unwavering. He has hardly contacted with Brother Shiyi, the best friend in his teenage days, just because he believes that Shiyi has betrayed him. He regularlyremits money to his wife who is retired and gets no more salaries, but tells nothing to her, so as to keep his faith. In face of the storm, he risks his life to dive into water and open the valve of the reservoir. He is also the first to move without any conditions to make room for the construction of Nanmen Bridge. Besides, the novel has also attentively described many other characters such as Uncle Wang Lang. As a brave soldier who had once carried the explosive package to blow up the city gate, Uncle Wang indignantly blocks the car of some greedy official at the street corner of the cross street during the Spring Festival. All these vividly-depicted characters have fully demonstrated the firm faith and integrity of the revolutionists of the older generation.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        June 2018

        Temperament of Public Opinion

        by Zhao Qiang

        What is public opinion? What does public opinion do with you? Does public opinion have a temper? The author joined hands with "public opinion" for more than two decades, and integrated many years of observation experience into the hotspots of public opinion, and wrote "How much is a catty for" false public opinion "," Who sacrificed for public opinion "," You liar "," Wu Hezhong ", etc. Twenty notes, using smooth texts to tell people: Public opinion is everywhere, no one can hide. These twenty notes are both academic and readable, and strive to be targeted and systematic. They will comment on public opinion events, popular science phenomena, analyze public opinion strategies, and discuss public opinion safety in as easy-to-understand manner as possible. These 20 notes, from shallow to deep, from the surface to the inside, can be ordinary readers to understand the phenomenon of public opinion, can also be used by public opinion workers to take stock of public opinion work, or experts and scholars to discuss the safety of public information.

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2018

        The Street of Happiness

        by He Dun

        The novel aims to depict the social reality. Being deft at describing the underclass and social outcasts, He Dun, the author, continues to take the underclass people as the main roles in the novel. Compared to The Street of Huangniportraying the youth full of vigor and hope from urban underclass, the protagonists of the novel are a gang of young people from a small town. Ranging from 1950s till now, the novel has narrated the experience of those young people during “the Cultural Revolution” and Working in the Countryside and Mountainous Areas in a chronological way, and also told of their stories during the Reform and Opening-Up.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2017

        Study on Literary Anthropology in Shen Congwen's Works

        by He Xiaoping

        This book takes the homogeneous, isomorphic, and mutual relationship of Shen Congwen's aesthetic thoughts, artistic thoughts and cultural anthropological thoughts as the starting point, and then explores the anthropological characteristics of Shen Congwen's works from the perspective of anthropological ontology, methodology and axiology. The following analyses focusing on the expression form, ideological root, and value and significance to literary creation and cultural construction are an extended study of Shen Congwen's cultural thought, aesthetic thought, artistic creation thought and value.

      • Trusted Partner
        February 2020

        Marshal's Daughter

        by He Jiesheng

        This book is a documentary work based on He Jiesheng's legendary childhood and adolescent experiences as the main narrative clues. It is also the first biographical literature where she uses herself as the protagonist to focus on her childhood and teenage experiences. As the daughter of Marshal He Long, as the youngest Red Army soldier, He Jiesheng's growth experience also reflects the difficult course of the Chinese revolution.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2023

        Lei Feng, the Spiritual Coordinates of Our Time

        by He Yuhong

        “Lei Feng, the Spiritual Coordinates of Our Time” is an original book by Hunan reportage writer He Yuhong, who reinterprets the spirit of Lei Feng from the perspective of this new era. This book is based on the four outstanding spiritual qualities of “faith”, “love”, “selflessness” and “advancement” as the theme of each chapter. The author has selected the stories that can show the characteristics of the spirit of Lei Feng, and presented them in a friendly and vivid language. This book has a distinctive theme, complete content and unique structure. This is a book with distinctive ideological characteristics and contemporary connotations on the theme of Lei Feng.

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2010

        Selling Bratwurst in Down Under

        Wie ich der Liebe wegen nach Australien auswanderte

        by Dutton, Annette

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2021

        Treating the People as His Mirror, a Man of Sincerity—Zhang Lan

        by Zhao Zunsheng

        Based on the life of Mr. Zhang Lan and supplemented by reasonable literary imagination, this book vividly depicts the magnificent life course of a democratic revolutionary, patriot and educator. He served as a governor of Sichuan Province, hosted the Morning Post and supported the New Culture Movement. As the president of Chengdu University, he adhered to the principle of inclusiveness, insisted on meritocracy and advocated ideological and academic freedom. He participated in the initiation and the organization of the China Democratic Political League, wrote China Needs Real Democracy, exposing the feigned democracy and real dictatorship of the Kuomintang. On the eve of liberation, he was unexpectedly imprisoned in Hongqiao Sanatorium because of his support to the Communist Party of China (CPC) and was nearly drowned by the Kuomintang. He served as vice chairman of the Central People's Government of New China and the first chairman of the Central Committee of the China Democratic League. In his life, Zhang Lan was "a man of sincerity". He loved his nation and country, treated the people as his mirror, and always stood in line with the CPC. The book not only vividly describes Zhang Lan's sincere friendship with Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai, Huang Yanpei and others, and his head-to-head confrontation with Chiang Kai-shek, Duan Qirui and Yang Sen, but also vividly portrays minor characters such as Qiu Yichun, Song Lanying, little Zhang Lun. The rich plot, the exquisite writing style and closeness to life can give readers a "talk" with Zhang Lan in the present and personally feel Zhang Lan's patriotic and progressive life.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        May 2017

        Commentary on Neo-Confucianist Zhou Dunyi's Works

        The Theory of Tai Ji Diagram and The Book of Tung

        by He Mingling

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