Marshall Cavendish
Topical, authentic and high quality books under the Marshall Cavendish Editions imprint provide general interest content that informs, entertains and engages readers.
View Rights PortalTopical, authentic and high quality books under the Marshall Cavendish Editions imprint provide general interest content that informs, entertains and engages readers.
View Rights PortalMMC EDIZIONI is a publishing house based in Rome.Born in 2001 as a generalist, along the time it has specialized almost exclusively in non-fiction, dedicated in particular (but not only) to the city of Rome.The main series, called "A walk with history" offers an alternative vision of the city through the historical reconnaissance and analysis of some of its urban furnishings that are not taken into consideration such as small fountains, clocks, inscriptions, sacred shrines, plaques. This series stands out for a particular graphic style and for the abundance of photographs, specially made for these books.Other series on Rome are instead dedicated to in-depth studies on specific historical and customs themes, or on the mysterious aspects of the city that also reveal its dark side.In the MMC catalogue are other non-fiction books on topics such as Music, Interculture, Anthropology and a series of stories for children encouraging solidarity, non-violence and respect for the environment
View Rights PortalThis book join a group of Literary Essays of Dulce María Loynaz.
Corinna Santa Cruz, geboren in Frankfurt am Main, studierte Romanistik in Frankfurt, Quito (Ecuador), Lissabon (Portugal) und Bogotá (Kolumbien). Sie ist als Übersetzerin und Lektorin für spanisch- und portugiesischsprachige Literatur tätig.
Book of poems written by the Miguel de Cervantes Awarded cuban poet Dulce María Loynaz.
Poetry Book of Dulce María Loynaz written as a love letter to the Egiptian King Tut Ank Amon.
Im Jahr 1936 holt der Vater die drei Töchter nach, aus der andalusischen Provinz mitten hinein in die Hauptstadt der Welt: New York. Hier sollen sie im Restaurant helfen. Doch als der Vater stirbt und das Geld kaum zum Überleben reicht, wissen sich Victoria, Mona und Luz nicht anders zu helfen: Sie verwandeln das väterliche Lokal in einen Nachtklub. Gemeinsam begeben sie sich auf ein verwegenes Abenteuer in den Häuserschluchten Manhattans. Sie begegnen der Liebe, verfallen der Leidenschaft zur Musik und kosten den süßen Geschmack der Unabhängigkeit (zum allerersten Mal) … María Dueñas hat einen ergreifenden Schwesternroman geschrieben. Ein Buch über drei starke Frauen, die sich einen Platz in der Fremde erkämpfen, über Familienbande und den Glanz der ersten großen Gefühle.
Graveyard Gothic is the first sustained consideration of the graveyard as a key Gothic locale. This volume examines various iterations of the Gothic graveyard (and other burial sites) from the eighteenth century to the twenty-first, as expressed in numerous forms of culture and media including poetry, fiction, TV, film and video games. The volume also extends its geographic scope beyond British traditions to accommodate multiple cultural perspectives, including those from the US, Mexico, Japan, Australia, India and Eastern Europe. The seventeen chapters from key international Gothic scholars engage a range of theoretical frameworks, including the historical, material, colonial, political and religious. With a critical introduction offering a platform for further scholarship and a coda mapping potential future critical and cultural developments, Graveyard Gothic is a landmark volume defining a new area of Gothic studies.
A dangerous challenge at sea through a rock arch battered by strong waves. She ends up seriously injured in a leg when her friend Aurelio arrives at the cove. Overcoming her pain, she hides her injuries from Aurelio and tells him the extraordinary story of her mother, which propelled her to undertake such a madness. The story begins 6 years ago in Tenerife, with Nayra's expulsion from Philosophy class for the third time in a week, causing Pablo, her father, to pick her up from school and embark on a long day of disputes, confessions, and finally, complicities between them. Walking around Santa Cruz, canceling classes and professional commitments, Pablo and Nayra spend the day discovering a personal and sentimental reality that surprises them. The problems Nayra mentions with a group of immigrant classmates, along with the aggression Nayra shows towards her mother, Lola, prompt Pablo to tell her the unfinished story with Andreea, a high-class Romanian prostitute. Pablo cannot control the level of intimacy of the tale despite his own amazement, hearing himself say things he thought were unspeakable. Nayra responds, between disputes and affection, interspersing her own confidences, some of them having a strong impact, like the adventure with an immigrant who arrived on the beaches of Fuerteventura during a summer excursion. Neither tells the most intimate details of their stories truthfully, but they are accessible to the reader. Despite frequent arguments due to the teenager's incisive and groundbreaking language, their complicity grows and they end up spending the day together, walking through different places in the city. The story with Andreea takes on dramatic tones that completely captivate the young woman. Two suicides, the chase by Romanian mafia, returning to her hometown, searching for Pablo, Andreea’s struggle to regain her dignity and her artistic capacity through painting, and the apparent disappearance of her father's life, capture Nayra’s attention. Despite the narrative tricks used by Pablo, when night falls and they reach home, Nayra connects the dots and is surprised to discover that her perfectionist and successful mother, a recognized painter from Santa Cruz, with whom she has had a very conflictive season, is Andreea Constantin, the Romanian immigrant her father met as a high-class prostitute. After an initial reaction of rejection due to the ignorance in which she was kept, she understands her mother's situation. All the questions she always had about many details of her life arise with the discovery. A few years after discovering her identity, Andreea disappears from home. A call from Romania alerts them to the discovery of two charred bodies near her birthplace and the presence of her old exploiter nearby, who cursed her for life through a Transylvania ritual when she abandoned prostitution. Knowing she was discovered in Tenerife, Andreea tried to keep her family away from danger and returned to her country, where she was easy prey for the mafia. Pablo and his daughter Nayra fly to Bucharest to identify Andreea’s body, which may have been brutally murdered and burned. When it seems the identification will be negative, a small detail of the clothing makes them doubt. Desolate, they receive medical and psychological support from the Romanian team, but it turns out to be a false lead. Andreea is rescued from a hideout and has survived due to a misunderstanding by her captors. Protected by the Romanian police, she later becomes a key witness whose testimony ends the dangerous band of her pimp. But that bravery comes at a price; 2 years later, she does not return from an art exhibition in Paris. The police believe that her exploiter’s curse was fulfilled by a nephew who visited him in prison shortly before his death and was seen in Paris during the days Andreea had the exhibition. After a year of anguish, Nayra can no longer bear the situation and decides to mourn her mother at the cove where she painted her last picture. It had as its background the rock arch symbolizing the risk of living and facing life’s challenges. Nayra considers her mother lost and throws Andreea’s ashes into the sea, symbolized by those of a magnolia branch she planted many years ago. With this, she internalizes the loss and the fighting values Andreea taught her. The exit from the volcanic cove is a song to the life that continues and to the young woman who represents it. The novel is dedicated to the memory of Andreea Constantin and the thousands of women sexually exploited around the world.
Wie junge Hunde im Käfig der Gesellschaft läßt Mario Vargas Llosa seine jugendlichen Protagonisten aufeinander los. Ihr Leben wird behütet von Bourgeoisie, Kirche und Militär, und doch bricht sich eine unterschwellige Gewalt Bahn. In Peru, das Mario Vargas Llosa bereits verlassen hatte, fiel der Text der Zensur zum Opfer; so war es ein aufstrebender spanischer Verlag in Barcelona, der 1967 die Erstveröffentlichung wagte, versehen mit 35 Schwarzweißfotografien von Xavier Miserachs. Der damals ebenfalls junge katalanische Fotograf hatte sich einen Namen gemacht als ›Bildeinfänger‹, und so zog er aus, die vitale Atmosphäre des Romans mit seinem eigenen Blick einzufangen. Entstanden ist ein eindrucksvolles Ensemble aus Text und Bildern, in dem beide für sich stehen können und ihre Ausdruckskraft gegenseitig noch verstärken. Jetzt ist der Band zum erstenmal auf deutsch erhältlich – in der brillanten Neuübersetzung der vielfach mit Preisen ausgezeichneten Susanne Lange.
Die erste illustrierte Biografie von Frida Kahlo: Inspiriert von der Intensität Frida Kahlos und ihren bekanntesten Bildern erzählt die spanische Künstlerin María Hesse in einer reich illustrierten Biografie vom Lieben und Schaffen der mexikanischen Ikone. Ihre Zeichnungen, die mit jenen Frida Kahlos eine beinahe magische Symbiose eingehen, werfen ein ganz besonderes Licht auf dieses einzigartige Leben. Ein Körper, gezeichnet von Schmerz und Leidenschaft, eine Fantasie bevölkert von betörenden wie verstörenden Bildern, ein begeisterungsfähiger und beharrlicher Blick auf die Welt – Frida Kahlos Anziehungskraft ist nach wie vor ungebrochen. Mit einer unvergleichlichen Willenskraft trotze sie den Bürden, die ihr das Leben zumutete, lebte mit einem freien Geist, liebte mit offenem Herzen und schuf Kunstwerke von einer strahlenden Wirkmacht. Für die Weigerung, im Schatten ihrer großen Liebe Diego Rivera zu leben, und für ihren mutigen Bruch mit den gesellschaftlichen Konventionen wird Frida Kahlo noch heute auf der ganzen Welt verehrt.
»Der verlorene Freund« erzählt von einer gedankenlosen Geste mit verhängnisvollen Folgen und der notwendigen Illusion menschlicher Nähe. Zwei Männer kommen ins Gespräch, lernen sich kennen, freunden sich an. Eines Tages stürzt der eine, ein passionierter Kunstsammler, sich aus dem Fenster, der andere bleibt ratlos zurück. Er nimmt, um die Beweggründe des Verstorbenen zu verstehen, Kontakt zu dessen Familie und Bekannten auf. Eine seltsame Geschichte zeichnet sich ab, die Spur führt ihn in eine gottverlassene Bergarbeitersiedlung voller sonderbarer Figuren und zurück zu einem dunklen Familiengeheimnis. Und während er sich dort in den Unwägbarkeiten eines anderen Lebens zu verlieren droht, macht er schließlich eine Entdeckung von niederschmetternder Einfachheit. Carlos María Domínguez, der große Solitär der südamerikanischen Literatur, hat einen großen kleinen Roman von eindringlicher Schönheit geschrieben, über Verlust und Verlorenheit und darüber, dass wir auch die nicht kennen, die uns vertraut sind.
Die erste illustrierte Biografie von Frida Kahlo: Inspiriert von der Intensität Frida Kahlos und ihren bekanntesten Bildern erzählt die spanische Künstlerin María Hesse in einer reich illustrierten Biografie vom Lieben und Schaffen der mexikanischen Ikone. Ihre Zeichnungen, die mit jenen Frida Kahlos eine beinahe magische Symbiose eingehen, werfen ein ganz besonderes Licht auf dieses einzigartige Leben. Ein Körper, gezeichnet von Schmerz und Leidenschaft, eine Fantasie bevölkert von betörenden wie verstörenden Bildern, ein begeisterungsfähiger und beharrlicher Blick auf die Welt – Frida Kahlos Anziehungskraft ist nach wie vor ungebrochen. Mit einer unvergleichlichen Willenskraft trotze sie den Bürden, die ihr das Leben zumutete, lebte mit einem freien Geist, liebte mit offenem Herzen und schuf Kunstwerke von einer strahlenden Wirkmacht. Für die Weigerung, im Schatten ihrer großen Liebe Diego Rivera zu leben, und für ihren mutigen Bruch mit den gesellschaftlichen Konventionen wird Frida Kahlo noch heute auf der ganzen Welt verehrt.
Marketing and management processes across industries can be very similar, but contexts vary where political intervention, public interest and local sustainability are involved. The rural business setting is especially intricate due to the assortment of different business opportunities, ranging from traditional agriculture, to tourism enterprise and even high-tech business. This important new textbook on the subject: - Examines key issues affecting rural enterprise and tourism - Explores the breadth of rural enterprise management and marketing across both developed and developing economies - Discusses strategies for business growth within a rural setting, such as knowledge development, proper planning and innovation - Uses a mix of case studies and theoretical content specifically selected to appeal to both student and practitioner readers Including pedagogical features and full colour throughout, this new textbook provides an engaging and thought-provoking resource for students and practitioners of tourism, rural business and related industries. ; Marketing and management processes are especially intricate for the rural business setting due to the assortment of different business opportunities. This important new textbook examines key issues, discusses strategies for growth and uses a mix of case studies and theoretical content across developed and developing countries. ; Introduction: (Ade Oriade and Peter Robinson) Part 1: Management and marketing rural tourism and enterprise in developed economies 1: Rural enterprise business development: the developed world context (Peter Robinson & Alison Murray) 2: Selling to consumers (Sammy Li, Roya Rahimi & Nikolaos Stylos) 3: Sustainability, CSR and Ethics: Developed economies perspective (Caroline Wiscombe) 4: Community engagement and rural tourism enterprise (Peter Wiltshier) 5: Social enterprise and the rural landscape (Caroline Wiscombe, Liz Heyworth, Sandy Ryder, Lucy Maynard & Charles Dobson) Part 2: Management and marketing rural tourism and enterprise: developing world context 6: The rural business environment in developing economies (Solomon Olorunfemi Olubiyo & Ade Oriade) 7: Marketing and Communications and Rural Business in developing countries (Abiodun Elijah Obayelu & Nikolaos Stylos) 8: Consumers and Rural Tourism in developing Economies (Vivienne Saverimuttu and Maria Estela Varua) 9: Sustainability and Ethics in rural business and tourism in the Developing World (Weng Marc Lim and Sine Heitman) 10: Community engagement, rural institutions and rural tourism business in developing countries (Anahita Malek, Fabio Carbone & Asia Alder) Part 3: Strategies for rural business management and growth 11: Challenges and Strategies for rural business operations in developed and developing Economies (Ade Oriade and Peter Robinson) 12: Developing and Growing Knowledge within rural tourism enterprises (Tony Greenwood and Jo Tate) 13: Collaborate to Innovate: Challenges and Strategies for rural business to innovate (Ainurul Rosli, Jane Chang and Maria L. Granados) 14: Strategies for rural business growth (Crispin Dale, Neil Robinson and Mike Evans) 15: Opportunities for growth: The rural tourism policy and planning perspective (Caroline Wiscombe and Steve Gelder) Conclusion: (Ade Oriade and Peter Robinson)
The demand for ecotourism and outdoor recreation is increasing, and the pressures on land use are becoming more obvious. A large part of the experience of ecotourism and recreational landscape depends on the maintenance of forested land. Effective management of tourism and recreation in forests can provide extra income to help offset the costs of sustainable timber production and encourage biodiversity conservation.This multi-author book considers the compatibility between tourism, forestry and conservation, the management of natural resources and the involvement of stakeholders and the community. Issues are presented through case studies from a range of countries and topics covered include National Parks, peri-urban forestry and wilderness management, as well as practitioner-oriented contributions.