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        October 2010


        Metabolic Tuning - Prävention - Therapie

        by Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft

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        Gefährliche Stoffe und Zubereitungen

        Gefahrstoffverordnung - Chemikalien-Verbotsverordnung - Richtlinien der Europäischen Gemeinschaft. Eine Einführung in die Gesetzes- und Gefahrstoffkunde, zugleich eine Vorbereitung auf die Sachkundeprüfung

        by Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft

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        Referenzwerte für die tägliche Nährstoffzufuhr

        zwischen wissenschaftlicher Ableitung und praktischer Anwendung

        by Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft

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        November 2007

        Medizin für Apotheker

        Ein Handbuch mit Grundwissen für die Praxis

        by Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft

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        December 2003


        Ein Kurzlehrbuch für Pflegeberufe

        by Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft

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        May 2023

        Homoeopathy for Cats and Dogs

        by Dr. Daniela Birkelbach

        Alternatives or supplements to conventional medicine for cats and dogs? Yes, homoeopathy provides holistic therapeutic approaches for our four-legged friends too! Whether they are suffering from anxiety, conjunctivitis, or a tick bite, this book describes the appropriate homoeopathic remedies. The author draws on her many years of experience as an animal healer and presents the most important symptoms and their treatment using homoeopathy.This handy paperback fits into a lab coat pocket and provides:- Basic information on homoeopathy for dogs and cats- Symptoms from A to Z- Characteristics of the most important single-remedy homoeopathic preparations

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        Anthroposophic Medicine

        Medicinal therapy for 350 disease pictures

        by Edited by Dr. Matthias Girke,Dr. Michaela Glöckler and Georg Soldner

        100 years after it was founded in Switzerland, anthroposophic medicine is nowadays an approach to treatment that is used worldwide. In this jubilee edition, 39 general practitioners and specialists experienced in anthroposophic therapy describe 350 disease pictures and their medicinal treatment – including Covid-19 – in understandable therapeutic concepts.

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        Micronutrient Advice Indications

        A workbook

        by Uwe Gröber

        In addition to taking their prescribed medicines, many patients wish to do something extra for their health. Micronutrient therapy offers a number of possibilities to improve the course of an illness, optimise its treatment or even prevent diseases from developing in the first place. Following many years of practical experience, the well-known author Uwe Gröber knows precisely which micronutrients are worth considering in various indications. In his workbook, he gives countless useful tips on the selection and use of micronutrients as well as on their suitability for different symptoms.

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        Amino Acids in Prevention and Treatment

        A selection for clinical practice

        by Uwe Gröber and Prof. Dr. Klaus Kisters

        In contrast to vitamins and minerals, for a long time, science paid only scant attention to amino acids, but this all changed when scientists Robert F. Furchgott, Louis J. Ignarro and Ferid Murad received the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 1998 for their work on amino acids. Pharmacist Uwe Gröber, Head of the Academy for Micronutrient Medicine in Essen and Prof. Klaus Kisters, MD, Head of the Department of Medicine at St Anna Hospital in Herne – both experts in micronutrient medicine – have reviewed the subject and explain clearly and in practical terms: ■ The importance of individual amino acids for our health ■ How they are optimally used in combination with vitamins, minerals and trace elements ■ Which diseases can be positively influenced in this way. ■ Effects on colds and influenza, cold sores, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, ADHD as well as stress and burnout are examined in more detail. A further chapter is devoted to amino acids and their use in sportsmen and -women.

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        Interactions between Medicines and Food

        by Prof. Dr. Martin Smollich and Dr. Julia Podlogar

        Interactions between medicines and foodstuffs may be just as clinically relevant as interactions between individual drugs. A single meal contains several hundred potentially interacting compounds that, in an individual patient, may be the deciding factor as to whether a treatment is successful or not. The resulting, sometimes serious risks are not known to most patients – nor to many physicians and pharmacists. This practical handbook enables anyone interested in applied pharmacotherapy to keep abreast of the complex field of drug interactions. The authors – proven experts in clinical pharmacology and pharmaconutrition – describe the most important interactions and give concrete recommendations for action. Tables and overviews permit fast access to potentially problematic combinations. This completely updated edition now also includes information about fruit juices and curcumin as well as a new chapter on food interactions in oncology.

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        Anthroposophic Medicines

        Advisory recommendationsfor self-medication

        by Birgit Emde and Juliane Riedel

        The selection of remedies in anthroposophic medicine is based on a differentiated human image – every patient appreciates such individualised recommendations! In the new edition of their work, the two authors provide clearly structured, comprehensible information and recommendations. The new chapter “Pharmacy practice” provides, for each indication: ■ Explanations of the anthroposophic approach to treatment, ■ Questions to the customer about their medical history and differential diagnosis, ■ Anthroposophic supplements to treatment for patients, who come to the dispensary with prescriptions or wishes for conventional medicines.

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        Biogenic Drugs

        Textbook of pharmaceutical biology

        by Prof. Dr. Eberhard Teuscher, Prof. Dr. Ulrike Lindequist and Prof. Dr. Matthias F. Melzig. In collaboration with Dr. Elke Langner, Prof. Dr. Timo Niedermeyer and Dr. Alexander Wenig

        The new Teuscher covers the range of relevant areas of biogenic drug substances and medicinal products. In its time-honoured way, it conveys knowledge about the ■ Nature, origin and processing of crude drugs ■ Structure, biosynthesis and metabolism of the constituents ■ Preparation, pharmacology and use of the active substances ■ Dosage and side effects of the medicinal products derived from them The book deals with both classically produced and genetically engineered antibiotics, hormones, enzymes as well as blood and immunological products. Completely new chapters discuss cytokines, gene therapy, use of stem cells and traditional Chinese medicine. For generations, the textbook and companion for both students and fully qualified professionals!

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        Nutritional Practice Infants, Children, Adolescents

        Concise advisory knowledge

        by Dr. Ute Alexy, Dr. Annett Hilbig and Frauke Lang. Edited by Prof. Dr. Martin Smollich

        Anyone giving responsible advice about questions on nutrition must have sound expert knowledge. This must not only be scientifically reliable, but must at the same time be relevant and practicable in the individual context. The concept behind the book series Nutritional Practice is to provide the necessary translation of current research results and guidelines into recommendations suitable for everyday use. In accordance with this consistent, practical approach, the focus is on the individual person in his or her particular stage in their life. The present volume is based on the various stages in life between infancy and adolescence. It therefore covers all questions about nutrition in health and disease from the first day of life to young adulthood

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