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Promoted ContentAnimal breedingJune 2003
Poultry Genetics, Breeding and Biotechnology
by William M Muir, Samual E Aggrey
This comprehensive research book represents the first complete integration of current knowledge in this area. It addresses issues associated with poultry breeding particularly by examining quantitative and molecular genetics and the uses of transgenic technology. A special section covers the important area of disease resistance and transmission.
Promoted ContentBiography & True StoriesMarch 1905
Alaska Days with John Muir
by Samuel Hall Young
Samuel Hall Young, a Presbyterian clergyman, met John Muir when the great naturalist's steamboat docked at Fort Wrangell, in southeastern Alaska, where Young was a missionary to the Stickeen Indians. In "Alaska Days With John Muir" he describes this 1879 meeting: "A hearty grip of the hand and we seemed to coalesce in a friendship which, to me at least, has been one of the very best things in a life full of blessings." This book, first published in 1915, describes two journeys of discovery taken in company with Muir in 1879 and 1880. Despite the pleas of his missionary colleagues that he not risk life and limb with "that wild Muir," Young accompanied Muir in the exploration of Glacier Bay. Upon Muir's return to Alaska in 1880, they traveled together and mapped the inside route to Sitka. Young describes Muir's ability to "slide" up glaciers, the broad Scotch he used when he was enjoying himself, and his natural affinity for Indian wisdom and theistic religion. From the gripping account of their near-disastrous ascent of Glenora Peak to Young's perspective on Muir's famous dog story "Stickeen," Alaska Days is an engaging record of a friendship grounded in the shared wonders of Alaska's wild landscapes.
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January 2020John Muir, Updated Edition
by Natalie Goldstein
From his early childhood in Dunbar, Scotland, through his wilderness wanderings in the American West, John Muir was always surrounded by natural beauty. Muir was able to use his love for nature to become a famed naturalist and advocate for wilderness preservation. His work and influence would lead to the establishment of Yosemite National Park and the Sierra Club, which began in 1892, making it the oldest environmental organization in the United States. Using Muir's own words, this eBook looks at the events that shaped his life and examines the development of his worldview, his love of nature, and his passion for preservation.
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March 1995Syllogismen der Bitterkeit
by E. M. Cioran, Kurt Leonhard
E. M. Cioran wurde 1911 in Rasinari bei Hermannstadt in Siebenbürgen als Sohn eines griechisch-orthodoxen Priesters geboren. 1928 bis 1931 Studium der Philosophie an der Universität Bukarest. Bis 1939 erschienen fünf Bücher in rumänischer Sprache. 1937 kam Cioran als Stipendiat nach Paris, wo er als freier Schriftsteller lebte. Er starb am 20.6.1995 in Paris.
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October 2001Cahiers 1957–1972
by E. M. Cioran, Verena Heyden-Rynsch
E. M. Cioran wurde 1911 in Rasinari bei Hermannstadt in Siebenbürgen als Sohn eines griechisch-orthodoxen Priesters geboren. 1928 bis 1931 Studium der Philosophie an der Universität Bukarest. Bis 1939 erschienen fünf Bücher in rumänischer Sprache. 1937 kam Cioran als Stipendiat nach Paris, wo er als freier Schriftsteller lebte. Er starb am 20.6.1995 in Paris.
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July 2019Der zersplitterte Fluch
by E. M. Cioran, Verena Heyden-Rynsch
»Das Paradoxe meines Wesens ist, daß ich eine Leidenschaft für die Existenz habe und zugleich alle meine Gedanken gegen das Leben richte.«E. M. Cioran, einer der glänzendsten französischen Essayisten und dem deutschen Publikum wohlbekannt, wird in den vorliegenden sechs Aphorismenfolgen nicht müde, uns immer wieder und jeweils neu mit dem zu konfrontieren, was unser Dasein entgrenzt und aufreißt. Sechs Variationen über das Sein zum Tode, die trotz ansteckender Bissigkeit und polemischer Schärfe nicht vom überheblichen Lächeln des Verstandes, sondern von einem aufbegehrenden, ungestillten und unstillbaren Zweifel begleitet werden.
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Humanities & Social SciencesJuly 2025A grand strategy of peace
Britain and the creation of the United Nations Organization, 1939-1945
by Andrew Ehrhardt
A grand strategy of peace is the first detailed account of Britain's role in the creation of the United Nations Organization during the Second World War. As a work of traditional diplomatic history that brings in elements of intellectual history, the book describes how British officials, diplomats, politicians, and writers - previously seen to be secondary actors to the United States in this period - thought about, planned for, and helped to establish a future international order. While in the present day, many scholars and analysts have returned to the origins of the post- 1945 international system, this book offers an exhaustive account of how the statesmen and more importantly, the officials working below the statesmen, actually conceived of and worked to establish a post-war world order.
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August 1981Theorien über primitive Religion
by Edward E. Evans-Pritchard, Karin Monte
Nach einer Darstellung der geistesgeschichtlichen Ausgangspositionen der kulturanthropologischen Forschung, den Problemen des Zugangs zu einer fremden Welt, der Materialauswahl und dem daraus resultierenden Zerrbild des »Primitiven«, diskutiert Evans-Pritchard psychologische (u. a. M. Müller, H. Spencer, E. B. Tylor, J. G. Frazer, S. Freud) und soziologische Theorien der Religion (u. a. E. Durkheim, M. Mauss, A. R. Radcliffe-Brown); ferner die Position von Lévy-Bruhl. Als Einleitung enthält dieser Band die Vorlesung »Sozialanthropologie gestern und heute«.
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Children's & YAPode me chamar de Dodô (You can call me Dodo)
by Daniella Michelin
Coexistence, harmony, respect, existence and resistance are central themes of the book Pode me chamar de Dodô, written by Daniella Michelin and illustrated by Elisa Carareto.
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Children's & YAA oficina do Cambeva (Cambeva's workshop)
by Lido Loschi
Cambeva's workshop is the first of four books of the collection "Presente de Vô" in partnership with Grupo Ponto de Partida. The book is a mixture of colours and elements that highlight the memory of the world, in which seekers of memories have the mission of bringing light and life to objects found in the travels of two characters: Zalém and Calunga. Cambeva is a restorer who, when the world lost its embrace, tried to reinvent it; he is the grandfather who mends dreams, forgotten things and lost emotions, to whom the seekers ask for help to fix something. In a magical universe, full of children, grandchildren, stories and memories of his lineage of restorers, when faced with this request for restoration, he makes room to bring back an emblematic figure who can no longer sing. A story about memories, care and affection...
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Children's & YAO sumiço do tatu (The disappearance of the armadillo)
by Marília Moreira
Haroldo, a minho, who as he relates to other animals in the garden brings to light issues such as friendship and respect, mixing a harmonic field with an inside-out view of the garden of a house inhabited by some strange animals, among them the (human) balance-beast.
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Literature & Literary StudiesApril 2020Interweaving myths in Shakespeare and his contemporaries
by Janice Valls-Russell, Agnès Lafont, Charlotte Coffin
This volume proposes new insights into the uses of classical mythology by Shakespeare and his contemporaries, focusing on interweaving processes in early modern appropriations of myth. Its 11 essays show how early modern writing intertwines diverse myths and plays with variant versions of individual myths that derive from multiple classical sources, as well as medieval, Tudor and early modern retellings and translations. Works discussed include poems and plays by William Shakespeare, Christopher Marlowe and others. Essays concentrate on specific plays including The Merchant of Venice and Dido Queen of Carthage, tracing interactions between myths, chronicles, the Bible and contemporary genres. Mythological figures are considered to demonstrate how the weaving together of sources deconstructs gendered representations. New meanings emerge from these readings, which open up methodological perspectives on multi-textuality, artistic appropriation and cultural hybridity.
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Business, Economics & LawNovember 2020Tourism in Development: Reflective Essays
by Peter U C Dieke, Brian E M King, Richard Sharpley, Ali Thompson
This book: - comprises reflective essays written by internationally-ranked scholars and tourism consultants with extensive experience, particularly in the developing world countries - considers extant themes, issues and challenges related to tourism and development - offers a critical and contemporary perspective on tourism's significance and role in development.
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The ArtsDecember 2007J. M. W. Turner
The making of a modern artist
by Sam Smiles, Alan Rutter
Alone of his contemporaries, J.M.W. Turner is commonly held to have prefigured modern painting, as signalled in the existence of The Turner Prize for contemporary art. Our celebration of his achievement is very different to what Victorian critics made of his art. This book shows how Turner was reinvented to become the artist we recognise today. On Turner's death in 1851 he was already known as an adventurous, even baffling, painter. But when the Court of Chancery decreed that the contents of his studio should be given to the nation, another side of his art was revealed that effected a wholescale change in his reputation. This book acts as a guide to the reactions of art writers and curators from the 1850s to the 1960s as they attempted to come to terms with his work. It documents how Turner was interpreted and how his work was displayed in Britain, in Europe and in North America, concentrating on the ways in which his artistic identity was manipulated by art writers, by curators at the Tate and by designers of exhibitions for the British Council and other bodies. ;
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Illustrated Guide to the Symbols of Spirit and Thought
by M B Jackson
Sigils are symbolic icons designed for a specific magical purpose. In modern times, Chaos magi-cians employ Sigils as Monograms of Thought, psychological symbols of intent and desire, created by the conjuror in their personal quest of mystical exploration. Fully illustrated guides to these magic symbols accompany full explanations from down through the millenia.
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September 2024Customer Experience Management in the Caribbean
Concepts, Case Studies and Challenges
by Leslie-Ann Jordan, Anne P. Crick, Paul Anderson, Elaine Commissiong, Noel M. Cowell, G. Anthony Ferguson, Koen Hietbrink, Jacqueline Huggins, Michelle McLeod, Candice Petgrave, Juliana Samuel, Trevor A. Smith, Tiersa Smith-Hall, Evora Mais Thompson, Sumit Verma, Nadane Y. Wright
Diving into the evolution of Customer Experience this text offers an insightful exploration of the paradigm shift from customer service to Customer Experience (CX) within the Caribbean context. Unveiling the dynamics of CX's influence on satisfaction, loyalty, and business profitability, this book delves into strategic planning, employee development, data-driven decisions, and emerging technological trends, and it fills a crucial gap in the literature with: - An array of Caribbean case studies; - Enhanced theoretical concepts and a deep appreciation of customer experience management in the Caribbean; - References of best practices to address critical issues affecting the delivery of a quality customer experience. Scholars and practitioners within customer service, services marketing, customer experience management and customer relationship marketing in the retail hospitality and tourism, financial, health care and education sectors will find this a valuable resource on CX's transformative power in this region and beyond.
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May 2022Tourism Transformations in Protected Area Gateway Communities
by Susan L Slocum, Peter Wiltshier, John Basil Read IV, Dorothee Bohn, Andrea Zita Botelho, Kelly S. Bricker, Robert S. Bristow, Karina H. Casimiro, Rosa Suárez Chaparro, Ana Cristina Costa, Kynda R. Curtis, Margaret J. Daniels, Edieser Dela Santa, C. Michael Hall, Manuel Ramón Gonzalez Herrera, Russell M. Hicks, Julie Judkins, N. Qwynne Lackey, Natalya Lawrence, Gustavo C. X. M. P. Machado, Gianna Moscardo, Jake Powell, Sidnei Raimundo, Mary Anne Ramos-Tumanan, Milena Manhães Rodrigues, Chris Ryan, Renato de Oliveira dos Santos, Jessica A. Schottanes, Ole R. Sleipness, Maria Anunciação Ventura, Therez B. Walker
Gateway communities that neighbour parks and protected areas are impacted by tourism, while facing unique circumstances related to protected area management. Economic dependency remains a serious challenge for these communities, especially in a climate of neoliberalism, top-down policy environments, and park closures related to environmental degradation or government budgets. The collection of works in this edited book provide bottom-up, informed, and nuanced approaches to tourism management using local experiences from gateway communities and protected areas management emerging from a decade of guidelines, rulemaking, and exclusive decision-making. Global perspectives are presented and contextualized at the local level of gateway communities in an attempt to balance nature, community, and commerce, while supporting the triple bottom line of sustainable tourism. While anticipating a post-COVID 19 global shift, readers are encouraged to think through transformation and resiliency in regard to how the flux of supply vs demand alters gateway community perspectives on tourism. Specific features of this book include: · Focus on transformations, which provides insight into the complex and dynamic nature of gateway communities. · Multidisciplinary, multi-cultural insights into protected area management. · Applied and conceptual chapters from global perspectives.
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