Oscar Wilde für Boshafte
by Oscar Wilde, Denis Scheck, Denis Scheck, Christina Schenk, Christina Schenk
»Bosheit ist ein Mythos, den gute Menschen erfunden haben, um die seltsame Anziehungskraft der anderen zu erklären.« Oscar Wilde
»Bosheit ist ein Mythos, den gute Menschen erfunden haben, um die seltsame Anziehungskraft der anderen zu erklären.« Oscar Wilde
»Bosheit ist ein Mythos, den gute Menschen erfunden haben, um die seltsame Anziehungskraft der anderen zu erklären.« Oscar Wilde
Gender-based violence (GBV) in travel and tourism is embedded within wider social structures of gender inequalities and discrimination. Even though it is pertinent to study GBV in all its forms, this book focuses on the multiple and interconnected manifestations of violence that women/girls encounter in tourism consumption and production (physical, sexual, emotional or socio-economic), while seeking to open the debate on violence against sexual minorities (LGBT) and discussing men/boys as victims and perpetrators of GBV. By engaging in a critical exploration of the theoretical landscape of GBV and case studies on GBV and sexual harassment, the book adopts a multidisciplinary perspective drawing on feminist, intersectional and post-colonial frameworks, bringing together contributions from academics and practitioners across the globe.
This book provides a comprehensive examination of conservative and right-wing responses to the Edwardian crisis in Britain (1901-1914). It stresses how the upsurge of right-wing extremism within and outside the Conservative party was accompanied by the crystallization of a culture of violence. The preparation, instigation or threatening of violent acts against all those who appeared to threaten the organic nature and vigour of the national community found expression in a myriad of ultra-nationalist organisations, citizen policing groups, private military associations, and paramilitary formations. The book innovatively reconstructs the belief system and the practices of those right-wing actors, which pursued the goals of military preparedness, "racial regeneration" and imperial unity, while defending the amorphous goals of authority, order and 'national efficiency' against the forces of radicalism and socialism. The book helps to cast light on the bellicose and authoritarian reflexes that traversed British conservatism in the turbulent prewar years.
»Bosheit ist ein Mythos, den gute Menschen erfunden haben, um die seltsame Anziehungskraft der anderen zu erklären.« Bis heute, 125 Jahre nach seinem Tod, gehört Oscar Wilde zu den beliebtesten und meist zitierten Autoren – nicht zuletzt wegen seiner Spitzzüngigkeit und dem Scharfsinn seiner Beobachtungen. Ob sich seine Polemik gegen überflüssige Zeitungen oder schlechte Literatur richtet, gegen geistlose Frauen oder langweilige Männer, gegen scheinheilige Moralvorstellungen oder die Ignoranz der Unkultivierten – immer ist sie treffsicher, brillant formuliert und äußerst unterhaltsam. Mehr als pure Gehässigkeit, ist sie Ausdruck des künstlerischen Selbstverständnisses Wildes, seine Extravaganz gegen die Meinung der anderen zu leben und seine Kunst, die elegante Schönheit und kritischen Geist verbindet, über die gesellschaftlichen Konventionen stellen zu dürfen.
In this groundbreaking book, you'll embark on a transformative journey that explores the unique challenges faced by women with ADHD in the later stages of life. This comprehensive guide offers invaluable insights, practical strategies, and empowering advice to help you navigate the complexities of ADHD and unlock your full potential. Uncover the secrets to identifying how ADHD can often be your superpower: Deep Dive into ADHD Symptoms: Gain a thorough understanding of how ADHD manifests in women over 40, including the often overlooked symptoms and their impact on daily life. Tailored Strategies for Success: From time management techniques to stress reduction strategies, this book provides you with a toolkit of practical solutions to enhance your productivity and overall well-being. Navigating Hormonal Changes: Understand the intricate relationship between hormonal fluctuations and ADHD symptoms. Clusterf#ck is your go-to resource for reclaiming control over your life and embracing your unique strengths. It's time to break free from the limitations of ADHD and unlock your true potential. Say goodbye to overwhelm and hello to a life filled with purpose, joy, and success
Theodor Storm wurde am 14. September 1817 in Husum bei Schleswig geboren und starb am 4. Juli 1888 in Hademarschen bei Holst an Magenkrebs. Von 1837 bis 1842 studierte er Jura in Kiel und nahm ein Jahr später eine Stelle als Advokat in Husum an. 1846 heiratete er seine Cousine Konstanze Esmarch. Mit ihr hatte er sieben Kinder; bei der Geburt des letzten Kindes starb Konstanze. Kurz nach seiner Hochzeit lernte Storm Dorothea Jensen kennen, mit der ihn eine leidenschaftliche Beziehung verband und die er als Witwer in zweiter Ehe heiratete. Aus politischen Gründen wurde er 1852 aus dem Amt entlassen und war fortan als unbesoldeter Assessor im preußischen Staatsdienst in Potsdam tätig. Er begegnete Franz Kugler, Theodor Fontane, Joseph von Eichendorff und Paul Heyse. Ab 1856 war er Richter in Heiligenstadt und ab 1864 Landvogt in Husum. 1874 wurde er Oberamtsrichter und ab 1879 Amtsgerichtsrat. Storm gilt als einer der bedeutendsten deutschen Vertreter des bürgerlichen bzw. poetischen Realismus, wobei neben seinen Gedichten besonders seine Novellen seinen Ruhm begründeten.
A moving exploration of the life and work of the celebrated American writer, blending biography and memoir with literary criticism. Since James Baldwin's death in 1987, his writing - including The Fire Next Time, one of the manifestoes of the Civil Rights Movement, and Giovanni's Room, a pioneering work of gay fiction - has only grown in relevance. Douglas Field was introduced to Baldwin's essays and novels by his father, who witnessed the writer's debate with William F. Buckley at Cambridge University in 1965. In Walking in the dark, he embarks on a journey to unravel his life-long fascination and to understand why Baldwin continues to enthral us decades after his death. Tracing Baldwin's footsteps in France, the US and Switzerland, and digging into archives, Field paints an intimate portrait of the writer's life and influence. At the same time, he offers a poignant account of coming to terms with his father's Alzheimer's disease. Interweaving Baldwin's writings on family, illness, memory and place, Walking in the dark is an eloquent testament to the enduring power of great literature to illuminate our paths.
"Huang Ni Street" is Can Xue's debut novel. The work describes people on a street and many things on Huangni Street. Huangni Street is always dirty, even the rain is gray. Can Xue made a detailed description of this street, but this description is different from the description of ordinary writers, with a big jump in thinking and no consistent storyline. There are simple characters and simple stories. Can Xue's first novel constructed Can Xue's very significant writing characteristics later, and these rich images give readers a very special reading experience. Can Xue breaks the usual thinking and framework of traditional novels, and has the typical characteristics of Can Xue from the beginning.
How Environmental Destruction Caused the Corona Pandemic and Why Ecological Medicine Can Save Us The corona crisis can repeat itself at any time. A book about the disease-causing mechanisms of environmental pollution, and an innovative guide out of the health crisis Clemens Arvay is an expert in the field of medical ecology. In WE CAN DO BETTER, he takes the current corona crisis as an opportunity to look far beyond and work out exactly why negative environmental factors are responsible for an increasing deterioration of public health. Yet the author also points the way out of the calamity, explaining how we ourselves and future generations can improve our health through a different approach to nature.It was only because of environmental factors that COVID-19 was able to become a pandemic. Thus, for Clemens Arvay the corona crisis represents a symptom of a much larger problem, namely, a natural habitat that is making humans sick. It is already known today that fine particulate matter intensifies not only corona but also influenza infections, thereby killing hundreds of thousands of people worldwide every year. Light pollution leads to a rapid increase in cancer, and even the abrasion of automobile tires inhibits our immune system. Clemens Arvay makes himself clear: this is our last chance to take control of the situation. After the corona crisis, we must never allow things to return to the way they were before. Arvay therefore calls for nothing less than an eco-medical revolution in healthcare; a different, less global and industrialized lifestyle. And he shows each and every one of us how we can utilize factors in our environment to protect our health, strengthen our immune system, and stay well. For readers of shinrin-yoku by Annette Lavrijsen
This novel by Can Xue presents a whole range of characters with strong personality, such as Joe, Maria, Vincent, Lisa, Reagan and Ida. They are full of vitality and are accordingly unsatisfied with their present status. They actively explore unknown field of life and firmly embark on the journey of spiritual exploration. The novel focuses the complicated and intertwining relationship between husbands, wives and lovers to uncover the hidden inner desire of each character. Boiling wild nature and advanced civilization collide with each other before they finally become one unity. For the readers, entering the world of these characters is like entering their own inner world.
This is a autobiography-style prose collection. Applying the unique writing technique, Can Xue has revealed the perceivable childhood inward world and all aspects of her childhood. Unlike her obscure novels, this collection attempts to grasp memory fragments through critical thinking and recall the childhood days. As a child, Can Xue is imaginative and obstinate, which has influence on her literary creation later. This spiritual autobiography serves as the key to the artistic world of Can Xue.
The novel narrates the “possible” amour of Lady X, which arouses the discussion of local people. Every character has his own view towards this event which even acquires a more vital status than the event itself. The characteristic narration style of Can Xue has imbued the ordinary event with distinct aesthetic connotation.
The Borderland has narrated the weird life of several strangers in Xiaoshi Town in the border area. Years ago, Liujin’s parents came to Xiaoshi Town in pursuit of love. They found that Xiaoshi Town was a place where everything was invisible rather than visible, and they had gradually discovered the way how the anomalies impacted people’s life. As an adult, Liujin decides to trace the road that her parents had taken in Xiaoshi Town. By virtue of contacts with various people in the borderland who possess unique sensory ability, she even gains some absurd and fantastic perspectives and imaginations towards things in the borderland such as snow mountains, snow leopards, geckos, birds and rocks.
The Operationalized Psychodynamic Diagnosis (OPD) is a form of multiaxial diagnostic and classification system based on psychodynamic principles, analogous to those based on other principles such as DSM and ICD. It is based on five axes: I = experience of illness and prerequisites for treatment, II = interpersonal relations, III = conflict, IV = structure, and V = mental and psychosomatic disorders (in line with Chapter V (F) of the ICD-10). After an initial interview lasting 1–2 hours, the clinician (or researcher) can evaluate the patient’s psychodynamics according to these axes and enter them in the checklists and evaluation forms provided. The new version, OPD-2, has been developed from a purely diagnostic system to include a set of tools and procedures for treatment planning and for measuring change, as well as for determining the appropriate main focuses of treatment and developing appropriate treatment strategies. Target Group: For psychodynamic psychotherapists, clinical psychologists, psychoanalysts, specialists in psychosomatic medicine, and psychiatrists.
The documentary "Hexi Corridor China's Wild West", with its rich humanistic materials and unique aesthetic perspective, has become a classic of domestic documentary. Hexi Corridor, a documentary book of the same name published by Gansu Education Press, reproduces the film on paper in the form of pictures and illustrations, bringing readers a new reading experience and aesthetic enjoyment. The book's chapters are arranged in the same chronological order as the documentary, with each chapter focusing on a different theme -- from the equestrians of the empire to the quiet Buddhist faces of the grottoes; From the reading of Confucian scriptures to the ringing of merchants' camel bells. In different dimensions, he wrote an epic of the Hexi Corridor, a meeting place of civilizations.
Lady Lv Fangshi is born in a family with many siblings. She was not a good-looking girl and no one in her family cared about her. All her family lived in two small and dark rooms with both warmness and horror. As a 21-year-old lady, Lv Fangshi had already met some guys. Zeng Laoliu, the carpet dealer, was quite mysterious to her though he was not the one that excited her most. Is the lifestyle of Lady Lv Fangshi ever possible? We could frequently be face with this kind of question in our daily life.