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        April 2024

        I love you…

        by Julien Tănase

        The book "I Love You..." is part of the trilogy..., "I love you, till death..." and "I love you, as long as my heart beats”, autobiographical love novels which include chapters from life in a couple of the writer Julien Tănase and his wife, Magdi, with whom he has been in a relationship for 30 years, all against the background of the events that Romania has gone through in recent decades, after the Revolution of '89. A trilogy about the endurance over time of a young couple in love, who have gone through events that are out of touch with reality in Romania where sleeping with a gun under the pillow, the fear of having their child kidnapped, and even the "wars" waged against the corruption of magistrates, politicians and the information systems of a civil society gripped by the widespread corruption in Romania, including the lawsuit invented by the DNA (National Anticorruption Directorate) to stop his work as a journalist and finally won by the writer, makes the autobiography of writer Julien Tănase a fascinating one that leaves you with a bitter taste in your mouth and a big question mark; ... "such things have happened and continue to happen in Romania"?... The writer Julien Tănase: "A friend in the Italian Police told me, and I quote him: "... if you had done in Italy what you did for your country, today a street would bear your name! But you had been dead!"

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        Health & Personal Development

        Kizere Wets The Bed

        by Safari Jean Marie Vianney

        Many children wet the bed.  This comic storybook takes us on the journey of Kizere trying to overcome it. Gladly, with the help from parents and friends, she overcame it.

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        Vom Anfänger zum Könner

        by Hay, Alex

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        August 2014

        The First Year of the Love Calendar

        by Wang Yuewen

        Sun Li, the protagonist of the novel, is a bestseller writer and his wife Xizi is the head of a university library. Their son Sun Yichi has been rebellious and unruly since childhood, remaining distant from his mother. Afraid of the exhaustion of his creativity, the middle-aged Sun Li begins to question the meaning of his writings. He thus suffers from serious insomnia and anxiety. Just at this time, his wife Xizi begins to have her own amorous secrets. Sun Li also finds himself unable to leave Li Qiao, director of New Evening Paper. These affairs have pushed their seemingly peaceful family life to the verge of collapse. The love calendar refers to the calendar that belongs only to Sun Li and his wife Xizi for their love. But such turbulent life experience has caused them to temporarily betray their love calendar … They eventually begin again the first year of their love calendar. Through the depiction of the love, marriage, and family life of Sun Li and Xizi, the novel becomes a retrospection of the spiritual tendency, emotional development and love pattern of the Chinese over the past 20 to 30 years. It also vividly outlines the changes of social mores in China over the past years in a figurative way. Even amorous entanglements are not devoid of elements of the officialdom, with honest and corrupt officials still on the scene. According to Wang Yuewen, this is an element of reality rather than of officialdom – “after all nobody can live in a vacuum space”.

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        December 2019

        The Professional Handbook of Cider Tasting

        by Travis Alexander, Brianna Ewing

        In recent years, with the rise of the craft beverage movement, the cider industry has been through a period of rapid commercial and non-commercial growth. Tasting and quality control is a core aspect of successful cider making and it is essential for industry and researchers to characterize cider using a standard, quantifiable metric. This book is a research-based text for understanding both the theory and practice of effectively evaluating the sensory properties of cider. The Cider Tasting Professional Handbook includes content on the physiological basis of sensory evaluation, effective profiling of sensory evaluation, types and styles of cider, origins of cider quality attributes and direction for pairing cider with foods. The book also: - Covers a broad range of cider tasting techniques with associated technical explanations. - Provides data and research-driven information. - Contains sample sensory evaluation sheets, a tasting wheel, and guidance for creating fresh cider sensory standards and the utilization of various apple cultivars. Including a summary of the current global cider styles, this is an invaluable resource for commercial cidermakers, non-commercial cidermakers, students on cider production courses, researchers and other industry and stakeholder personnel.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2023

        Love and revolution

        A politics for the deep commons

        by Matt York

        Based on award-winning research, Love and revolution brings classical and contemporary anarchist thought into a mutually beneficial dialogue with a global cross-section of ecological, anti-capitalist, feminist and anti-racist activists - discussing real-life examples of the loving-caring relations that underpin many contemporary struggles. Such a (r)evolutionary love is discovered to be a common embodied experience among the activists contributing to this collective vision, manifested as a radical solidarity, as political direct action, as long-term processes of struggle, and as a deeply relational more-than-human ethics. This book provides an essential resource for all those interested in building a free society grounded in solidarity and care, and offers a timely contribution to contemporary movement discourse.

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        January 2023 - December 2023

        A Chance for One Last Love

        by Hassan Dawood

        A sweeping historical saga about a city that defies the eroding power of time   In one of the first Arabic novels about the COVID-19 pandemic, relationships begin and end much like the pandemic itself. From his balcony in Beirut, Ezzat notices a solitary light on a lone balcony in the building opposite. From that moment, a connection begins to form across the empty space between the buildings, communicated through the air and signals.   The events unfold after the owner of the shadow steps out onto her balcony, confronting the voyeur. They share time, confusion... and desire. Ezzat and Tamer successively both fall in love with the same woman, and a cautious friendship develops between the two men. It soon evolves into more dangerous forms.   The story also portrays the experiences of other building residents during the pandemic, who imposed strict isolation on themselves. The protagonists, particularly the two elderly lovers, live on the edge of catastrophic expectations, as when they imagine that a woman pressing the intercom downstairs to ask for food could be a sign of an impending widespread famine. The story does not conclude in a stalemate but rather with losers.

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