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      • Reimheim Verlag Thorsten Zeller

        Home to poetry slammers / stage poets and their stages-texts as well as novels / fictional works. What have all our authors in common? They can perform on stages what make every reading quite entertaining. When a stage-experienced actor and poetry slammer writes a dragon-novel for yound readers / listeners, then it's beatuful to read, listen and his readings are always fascinating. That way, the young dragon Fionrir, princess Quirina and their most unusual pack gained a intensely interacting fanbase. As the other stage-performers do.

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      • Trusted Partner
        March 2020

        Im Alten Land

        by Birgit Haustedt

        Apfelbäume, so weit das Auge reicht, idyllische Fachwerkdörfer hinter dem Deich und am Horizont die Elbe: Das Alte Land ist eine uralte Kulturlandschaft am Wasser, die ihren eigenen Charakter bewahrt hat. Prächtige Bauernhöfe und Backsteinkirchen mit kostbaren Barockorgeln zeugen noch heute vom frühen Wohlstand der Altländer. Birgit Haustedt erzählt von den Anfängen im Mittelalter, von Deichbau und Sturmfluten, vom Alltag der kleinen Leute und von großer Handwerkskunst, von stolzen Bauern und mutigen Schiffern. Dazu ein Exkurs, welche Rolle das Alte Land in Lessings Leben und Goethes Faust spielte.

      • Trusted Partner
        Geography & the Environment
        June 2020

        New Land, New Life

        A success story of new land resettlement in Bangladesh

        by Andrew Jenkins, Natasha Haider, Bazlul Karim, Mihir Kumar Chakraborty, Kiran Sankar Sarker, Rezaul Karim, Robiul Islam, Nujulee Begum, Edward Mallorie, Koen de Wilde

        The Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna delta has newly emerged 'char' islands, resulting from the deposition of sediment, which are very vulnerable, socially, institutionally and environmentally. This book explains how the governments of Bangladesh and the Netherlands and the International Fund for Agricultural Development cooperated on a land-based rural development project to give settlers security and purpose. It details how they engaged communities and civil societies, and implemented an infrastructure aimed at reducing flooding, improving drainage, and providing adequate drinking water and sanitation. The book describes the project's application to crop and animal agriculture, and the development of value chains and encouragement of female participation. It considers the financial underpinning and infrastructure, as well as how to ensure the impacts of the scheme are enduring. The scheme serves as a model for support projects to vulnerable groups faced with climate change and other environmental challenges. This book is suitable for students, researchers, specialists and practitioners in rural development, water resources, land management and soil science.

      • Trusted Partner
        Soil & rock mechanics
        August 2011

        Soil Hydrology, Land Use and Agriculture

        Measurement and Modelling

        by Edited by Manoj K Shukla.

        Agriculture is strongly affected by changes in soil hydrology as well as by changes in land use and management practices and the complex interactions between them. This book aims to expand our knowledge and understanding of these interactions on a watershed scale, using soil hydrology models, and to address the consequences of land use and management changes on agriculture from a research perspective. Case studies illustrate the impact of land use and management practices on various soil hydrological parameters under different climates and ecosystems.

      • Trusted Partner

        Fifty Six Thousand Square Miles

        by Humayun Azad

        Humayun Azad has not spoken of any person in this book. He sheds light on a country and a nation in extraordinary prose in the novel style. He presented a touching part of the present as well as the future. No one has been so bold about the land of the fifty six thousand square miles – Bangladesh. The truth is exposed in a candid manner. The artistic quality of the book is parallel to a very little in the Bengali literature.

      • Trusted Partner
        Forestry & related industries
        December 2005

        Silvopastoralism and Sustainable Land Management

        by Edited by M R Mosquera-Losada, A Riguerio, Jim McAdam

        Agroforestry and silvopastoralism are ancient ways of managing forestland that should be encouraged as they increase productivity in the short, medium and long terms (in comparison with forestland), biodiversity (in comparison with farmland) and the sustainability of land (multi-product system). This book addresses important problems that need to be solved by indicating adequate means of managing forestry and grasslands. These problems are related to issues such as the multiple benefits of forests, fire and erosion risk reduction and countryside conservation. This book is based on papers resentedat a conference held in Spain in April 2004.

      • Trusted Partner
        Forestry & related industries
        December 2003

        Forests at the Land–Atmosphere Interface

        by Edited by Maurizio Mencuccini, John Grace, J Moncrieff, K McNaughton

        Forest ecosystems exist at the interface between the land and the atmosphere. Understanding the properties of this planetary boundary layer is very important for a number of related disciplines. This book presents an overview of topics that are of significance at this interface, starting at the scale of intra-leaf organelles, ranging to higher levels of organisation such as communities and ecosystems. It covers topics such as stomatal functioning, large scale processes, radiation modelling, forest meteorology and carbon sequestration. Based on proceedings of a conference to mark the retirement of Professor Paul Jarvis from the University of Edinburgh, the book contains contributions from leading international scientists. It will be of significant interest to researchers in forestry, ecology, environmental sciences and natural resources.

      • Trusted Partner
        True stories

        My Journey to the Land of Marines

        by Andriy Zelinskyi

        My Journey to the Land of the Marines is the diary of a chaplain and a Marine. During the war in the East of Ukraine, Father Andriy Zelinskyi was side by side with the soldiers, shared with them their anxiety and unrest, supported, gave last rites to his comrades-in-arms, looked into the eyes of death, and appreciated every new day. This book is about how important it is to strive for victory and understand that the most important victory is over oneself; about how important it is to dream, not to give up, and to believe in the insurmountable power of the good.

      • Trusted Partner
        Tourism industry
        October 2003

        Nature-based Tourism, Environment and Land Management

        by Ralf C Buckley, Catherine Pickering, David B Weaver. Edited by Ralf C Buckley, Catherine Pickering, David B Weaver.

        Tourism based on natural environments is a huge international industry and this industry needs access to land with scenery, native plants and wildlife. In turn, land managers need money to maintain their land and its natural resources. This book looks at the economic, social and environmental consequences of nature-based tourism. It discusses the importance of links and partnerships, as well as the conflicts,between commercial tourism interests and land management agencies. Born from the Fenner conference on Nature Tourism and the Environment, held in Canberra, Australia, 2001, the book includes selected proceedings which have been refereed and substantially revised.

      • Trusted Partner
        Tourism industry
        August 2008

        Nature-based Tourism, Environment and Land Management

        by Edited by Ralf C Buckley, Catherine Pickering, David B Weaver

        Tourism based on natural environments is a significant and growing international industry, and one that requires access to land with scenery, native plants and wildlife. In turn, land managers need money to maintain their land and its natural resources. This book looks at the economic, social and environmental consequences of nature-based tourism, and its effects on land managers. It discusses the importance of links and partnerships, as well as the conflicts between commercial tourism interests and land management agencies. Now in paperback, this book will be an essential resource for tourism students, as well as researchers and industry practitioners.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2021

        Ten Thousand Miles of Changsha

        by Tang Xiaodu

        This is a collection of poems, including poems on the theme of "Ten Thousand Miles of Changsha" organized by the Propaganda Department of the Changsha Municipal Party Committee, as a gift for the 100th anniversary of the founding of the party. The book contains more than 100 poems by ten poets, namely Li Qi's "Changsha Ballad", Hu Xian's "Da Lu Ji", Shen Wei "Chen Xiang: Changsha Star", Wang Ziliang's "Changsha, Five Concertos", Sun Xiaojun "Changsha Group Poems", Zhu Yu "Changsha Spring", Wang Liming's "Changsha Poems", Na Ye "Changsha Poems", Wei Jin "In Changsha, in the Spring of Poems and Songs", Liu Xiangdong "Changsha Xingye". Changsha's historical and humanistic "ancient", landscape city "green", revolutionary hot spot "red", and innovative creativity "blue" are all shining brilliantly in these poems born in spring.

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2012

        Pippi Langstrumpf 3. Pippi in Taka-Tuka-Land

        Das Hörspiel

        by Astrid Lindgren, Frank Gustavus, Cäcilie Heinig, Dieter Faber, Frank Oberpichler, Alexander Rieß, Jörg Busch, Peter Fricke, Frank Gustavus, Laura Maire, Lea Sprick, Flemming Stein, Achim Schülke, Jens Scheiblich, Marion Elskis, Peter Kirchberger, Andreas von der Meden, Katrin Engelking

        Land in Sicht! Die „Hoppetosse“ von Kapitän Langstrumpf sticht in See – und mit an Bord sind Pippi und ihre Freunde. Das Ziel heißt natürlich Taka-Tuka-Land, wo alle gemeinsam viele tolle Sachen erleben. Kaum zurück, entschließt Pippi sich, niemals erwachsen zu werden. Wie sie das wohl anstellen will? Aufwendig produziertes Hörspiel mit hinreißender Musik von Dieter Faber und Frank Oberpichler. Entdecke Oetinger Kinder-Hörbücher zum Mitfiebern und Träumen! Mit unseren Hörspielen für Kinder von 4 bis 8 Jahren werden die schönsten Kinderbuch-Klassiker von Astrid Lindgren lebendig wie nie zuvor, von Michel aus Lönneberga bis hin zu Lotta aus der Krachmacherstraße. Ob als Hörspiel oder als musikalisch unterlegte Lesung, mit unseren Hör-CDs tauchen Kinder in die kunterbunte Welt der berühmten schwedischen Kinderbuch-Autorin ein. Renommierte Sprecher*innen und eine sorgfältige Komposition machen jede unserer Audio-CDs zum Erlebnis für junge und jung gebliebene Hörer*innen. Dabei regen Hörbücher für Kinder die Fantasie an, erweitern den Wortschatz und fördern ganz nebenbei die Konzentration. Vom ersten Sonnenstrahl bis zum Einschlafen – ob zu Hause oder als Kinderbeschäftigung auf Reisen: Astrid Lindgrens Hörspiel-Geschichten begleiten Kinder jeden Tag aufs Neue dabei, die Welt für sich zu erobern!

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2022

        Earth Observation, Public Health and One Health

        Activities, Challenges and Opportunities

        by Stéphanie Brazeau, Nicholas H. Ogden

        This book focuses on the potential for Earth Observation (EO) to contribute to public health practice. Remote sensing experts from the EO community together with epidemiologists, modelling experts, policy makers, managers and public health researchers gathered at the One Earth-One Health workshop held at the Canadian Earth Observation Summit in Montreal in 2017. They shared how EO is being used to understand, track, predict, and manage infectious diseases and discussed the challenges and significant potential of using and developing EO data for public health purposes. The information provided by the workshop participants and members of the international community, has been compiled and substantially updated to reach EO community members and public health professionals interested in developing and applying EO and other geospatial applications in the risk assessment and management of public health issues. Major foci are mosquito-borne diseases, tick-borne diseases, air quality and heat, water-borne diseases, vulnerable populations and pandemics (including COVID-19).

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2013

        The Renaissance and Grand Voyage

        by Zhang Wushen

        This book helps the readers know the european Renaissance, religious reform. geographic discovery and the formation of a national government,USA.

      • Trusted Partner
        Management of land & natural resources
        September 2015

        Land-Use Change Impacts on Soil Processes

        Tropical and Savannah Ecosystems

        by Raghavan Dinesh, Arkalgud Ganeshamurthy, Subrata Ghoshal Chaudhuri, Heather D’Angelo, Krista L. McGuire, Caitlyn Gillikin, Dina C. Merrer. Edited by Francis Q Brearley, Andrew D Thomas

        This book examines the effects that land-use changes (notably agricultural intensification, logging, soil erosion, urbanisation and mining) have on soil characteristics and processes in tropical and savannah environments. It covers a range of geographical regions and environments as impacts of land use change are often site specific. The effects of land use change on various aspects of the soil ecosystem from both a chemical and biological perspective will be examined.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences

        Ukrainian Worlds of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Stories about History

        by Natalya Starchenko

        The vision of the Ukrainian history dominant in the Russian Empire and in the Soviet Union focused exclusively on the heroic Cossacks and disenfranchised peasants. There was no room in it for the local elites: the Ukrainian aristocracy (szlachta) of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. As the result of this biased perspective, Ukrainians to this day know very little about the life of those people. This book invites the readers to take a closer look at the Ukrainian aristocracy. This introduction is done in a somewhat unusual form, through true anecdotes from the life of aristocracy gleaned from court records and other sources from the time. We get glimpses of the elites not only in their best garbs but also in their well-worn home clothes. The book brings together 105 brief chapters that describe how these people saw themselves, how they fought and made peace, how they fell in love and got married, how unwavering they were in the defense of their rights in court. Last not least, these essays explore whether the Ukrainian elites were mere extras and viewers in history or its active makers, resolute and strong in their insistence on defending and expanding their rights and freedoms.

      • Trusted Partner
        Fertilizers & manures
        January 1994

        Soil Resilience and Sustainable Land Use

        by Edited by D J Greenland, I Szabolcs

        This book presents papers developed from the second workshop on the ecological foundations of sustainable agriculture (WEFSA II) held in late 1992 in Budapest. Written by eminent authorities from every continent, the book represents a major review and synthesis of the field and will be indispensable for all concerned with soil science, land use and sustainable agriculture.

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        Geography & the Environment
        July 2008

        Conserving Land, Protecting Water

        by Deborah Bossio, Deborah Bossio, Frits W T Penning de Vries, Kim Geheb, Kim Geheb, Line J. Gordon, Antonio Trabucco, William Critchley, Pay Drechsel, Hanspeter Liniger, Francis Gichuki, Lech Ryszkowski, Jules Pretty, Andrew Noble

        The degradation of land and water resources resulting primarily from agricultural activities has had enormous impact on human society. In order to alleviate this problem an advanced understanding of the state of our resources and the process of degradation is needed. Conserving Land, Protecting Water includes an overview of existing literature focusing on global patterns of land and water degradation and discussions of new insights drawn from successful case studies on reversing soil and water degradation and their impact on food and environmental security. ; Conserving Land, Protecting Water includes an overview of existing literature focusing on global patterns of land and water degradation and discussions of new insights drawn from successful case studies on reversing soil and water degradation and their impact on food and environmental security. ; Part 1: Land and Water Degradation: Assessment and Issues1.1: Learning from bright spots to enhance food security and to combat degradation of water and land resources.1.2: Land degradation and water productivity in agricultural landscapes.1.3: Land Degradation, ecosystem services and resilience of smallholder farmers in Makanya catachment, Tanzania.1.4: Political ecologies of bright spots1.5: Large scale fluxes of crop nutrients in food cause environmental problems at the sources and at sinks1.6: Carbon sequestration, land degradation and waterPart 2: Towards Better Land and Water Management2.1: Local Innovation in ‘Green Water’ Management2.2: Sustainability and Resilience of the Urban Agricultural Phenomenon in Africa2.3: Safeguarding water resources by making the land greener: knowledge management through WOCAT2.4: Bright basins - do many bright spots make a basin shine?2.5: The influence of plant cover structures on water fluxes in agricultural landscapes2.6: Investments in collective capacity and social capitalPart 3: ‘ Bright Spots’3.1: ‘Bright spots’: Pathways to ensuring food security and environmental integrity3.2: Ecosystem benefits of ‘Bright Spots’

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