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      • La Pollera Ediciones

        La Pollera's catalog includes narrative, essay, and chronicle of contemporary and classic authors.

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      • Hathaway Education - Westchester Publishing Services UK Limited

        At the heart of Hathaway Education is our commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion in education. Our materials have a strong emphasis on embracing cultural and ethnic differences, exploring various social values and belief systems, and celebrating both the differences and similarities that make us human. Graded readers play a key role in language progression. They provide a controlled environment for students to access stories and themes that will lead to greater motivation, and accelerated learning.

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        by HUGO N. GERSTL

        LA POLÍTICA DEL ODIO  – Una aguda y reveladora visión de la política norteamericana    De cómo obstruccionistas, medios de comunicación e intereses creados están convirtiendo a los Estados Unidos en un país del tercer mundo y CÓMO PODEMOS RECUPERARNOS    por HUGO N. GERSTL Los Estados Unidos están siendo destruidos de manera sistemática, no desde afuera por terroristas, sino desde adentro, por intereses creados. El país está siendo destruido por políticos, por presentadores de programa de entrevistas, magnates mediáticos y demagogos populistas, que procuran conservar su «territorio» a cualquier precio, obstruyendo la aprobación de leyes provechosas, mediante mentiras y acusaciones escandalosas, campañas negativas y agravios injustificados. Estos «redentores» no presentan ninguna idea constructiva que hayan concebido para ayudar a salir del atolladero en el que nuestro país se encuentra. En lo único que piensan los políticos es en ser electos y reelectos. El señuelo de USD 100.000 de honorarios de conferencista es un potente afrodisíaco. El señuelo del poder es un afrodisíaco aún más potente. Políticos, metemiedos, parlanchines y líderes empresariales se deleitan con su fama, su gloria y su autoproclamada sabiduría, en momentos en que el país está más endeudado que cualquier otra nación en la historia y cuando año a año avanzamos cada vez más rápido hacia la posibilidad de convertirnos en un país del tercer mundo. Si el público comienza a sumar dos más dos, la respuesta lógica debe ser cuatro. Pero hasta ahora, aún se puede hacer creer al estadounidense promedio que dos más dos equivale a cualquier número que a los maestros del rollo político se les ocurra. Lo peor es que más del 40% de los estadounidenses aceptan la política de miedo, cizaña y atropello, sin siquiera detenerse un momento a pensar qué es exactamente lo que estos traficantes del odio político ofrecen a cambio de echar a un lado a una facción y asegurarse para ellos mismos las ventajas del poder. Pero independientemente de las querellas políticas internas o externas, lo que hacemos es algo parecido a dos pulgas que se pelean para saber cuál de ellas es la propietaria del perro. Parece que no nos damos cuenta de que el tiempo y el dinero se nos han acabado, que ya no podemos permitirnos el lujo de astutas maniobras políticas y de inútiles y estúpidas reyertas. Aunque este oportuno libro señala a quién es el culpable, va también un poco más allá y cuenta cómo los Estados Unidos, la nación más poderosa del planeta, pueden recuperar el control de su destino y curar su propia enfermedad.    HUGO N. GERSTL obtuvo una licenciatura en ciencias políticas e historia de la Universidad de California en Los Ángeles (UCLA) y después cursó estudios y se graduó en la Facultad de Derecho de la misma universidad. Gerstl rechazó una invitación para postularse para el Congreso por el partido Republicano, ya que eso hubiera significado competir con su amigo y colega, el abogado León Panetta, que acababa de completar su primera cadencia en el Congreso. Gerstl es ampliamente conocido en todo el país hace ya cuarenta y seis años como abogado penalista y sigue siendo eternamente optimista acerca de la capacidad de recuperación del pueblo estadounidense.

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2023

        The Politics of Religious Tourism

        by Dino Bozonelos, Polyxeni Moira

        Addressing a dearth of literature in this area, this book provides a comprehensive overview and framework of study of the politics of religious tourism. Existing work shows awareness that politics is present but the approach has been one of benign neglect, and/or a priori assumptions about the role of politics in the management of sacred sites. Previous literature is fragmented into various perspectives and approaches that best serve different disciplinary interests. By understanding the politics of religious tourism through the various perspectives and approaches from the discipline of political science The Politics of Religious Tourism; · Focuses on how power is exercised regarding religious tourism. · Looks at the governing institutions of religious tourism including the role of relevant governmental bodies such as ministries of tourism or national tourism boards, ministries of religion and/or culture. · Covers the role and influence of religious governing institutions, such as state-supported church/mosque officials, and universities. It will be of valuable interest to researchers and students of religious tourism, pilgrimage, as well as related subjects such as political science, economics, sociology, tourism and religious studies.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        February 2023

        Politics, performance and popular culture

        Theatre and society in nineteenth-century Britain

        by Peter Yeandle, Katherine Newey, Jeffrey Richards

        This collection brings together studies of popular performance and politics across the nineteenth century, offering a fresh perspective from an archivally grounded research base. It works with the concept that politics is performative and performance is political. The book is organised into three parts in dialogue regarding specific approaches to popular performance and politics. Part I offers a series of conceptual studies using popular culture as an analytical category for social and political history. Part II explores the ways that performance represents and constructs contemporary ideologies of race, nation and empire. Part III investigates the performance techniques of specific politicians - including Robert Peel, Keir Hardie and Henry Hyndman - and analyses the performative elements of collective movements.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        November 2022

        The religion of Orange politics

        by Joseph Webster, Alexander Smith

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        Die Politik des Irrsinns

        by Hugo N. Gerstl

        Die Politik des Irrsinns / Hugo N. Gerstl   Amerikas Freunde und unsere Feinde kratzen sich am Kopf und denken: „Wenn man die Welt auf die Seite stellen würde, würden alle losen Nüsse in den Vereinigten Staaten landen.“ Das absurde Theater ist auf allen Fernsehgeräten, Smartphones und sozialen Medien ausgebrochen. Ein megareicher Emporkömmling, der systematisch jedes Segment der Gesellschaft in den Vereinigten Staaten vor den Kopf stößt, steht kurz davor, der nächste Präsident zu werden! Kandidaten leugnen die Anzeichen des globalen Klimawandels – egal, Gott wird uns beschützen, und da er ein christlicher Gott ist, wird er uns gleich noch dabei helfen, die Muslime loszuwerden! Kann sich jemand zwei ernsthafte Kandidaten für das höchste Amt in den Vereinigten Staaten vorstellen, die sich über die Größe ihrer Genitalien streiten? („Sie wissen, was man über Männer mit kleinen Händen sagt...“).  Willkommen bei Die Politik des Irrsinns, einem ernsthaften Blick auf die neueste Form des bizarren „Reality-TV“. Wenn höchstens 2 % der Kandidatenliste vernünftige, ernsthafte Kandidaten sind. Wenn es akzeptabel ist zu sagen: „Wollt ihr etwa einen Präsidenten mit so einer Nase?“ Wenn eine Kandidatengattin halbnackt in der Werbung posiert. Aber ob Sie es glauben oder nicht, Prediger 1:9 ist Realität: „Es gibt nichts Neues unter der Sonne.“ Der politische Irrsinn ist nicht in den Vereinigten Staaten erfunden worden, und selbst in Amerika waren wir schon einmal auf diesem Weg. Hugo N. Gerstl, Autor von The Politics of Hate (2012), seziert mit scharfem Skalpell den American Pie der Politik von 2016 und beschreibt, was wie ein undurchdringlicher tragikomischer Irrgarten der Verrücktheit erscheint. Er schließt optimistisch, mit den Worten eines ehemaligen Präsidenten, dessen Frau im Rennen um das Weiße Haus die Nase vorn hat: „Es gibt nichts Falsches an Amerika, das nicht mit dem geheilt werden kann, was an Amerika richtig ist.“ Eine englischsprachige E-Book-Ausgabe wurde im Herbst 2016 von Samuel Wachtmans Sons, Inc., CA, veröffentlicht. 250 Seiten, 15 x 22,5 cm.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        August 2010

        Dictionary of British Politics

        Second edition

        by Bill Jones, Bill Jones

        From Diane Abbott to Hugo Young via Keynesianism and Thatcherism, from Major to Millbank and from New Labour to Norman Tebbitt, this book is the ultimate student reference guide to British politics. The 2nd edition has been fully updated to take account of all the changes that have taken place in British politics since 2004. With over one thousand entries, the book covers the personalities, policies and institutions that have shaped British politics, with special emphasis on developments since the beginning of the twentieth century. This is the ideal instant reference book on British politics. It provides the reader with short, authoritative explanations and definitions of key terms, institutions, offices of state, political events, processes and policies as well as biographies of well known politicians, political thinkers, movements and theorists. Any student unsure of a term, an event, the details of the life of a prominent politician, or the inner workings of an institution can turn to this book for immediate assistance. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2024

        Better Hate than Never

        by Chloe Liese, Moon Notes

        Mit schönem Farbschnitt in der Erstauflage – Lieferung je nach Verfügbarkeit Der schmale Grat zwischen Herzflattern und Abscheu Katerina und Christopher haben sich als Kinder einen Hinterhof geteilt, aber als Erwachsene teilen sie nicht einmal die gleiche Hemisphäre. Bis Kate zu einem seltenen Besuch nach Hause kommt und die beiden wieder einmal aneinandergeraten. Trotz der Bitten ihrer Familien um Frieden ist Christopher nicht davon überzeugt, dass Kate bereit ist, ihre Fehde hinter sich zu lassen. Doch dann gesteht Kate ihm betrunken, warum sie immer so feindselig war. Daraufhin schwört Christopher sich, ein für alle Mal Frieden mit Kate zu schließen. So verlockend es auch ist, sich von ihren Gefühlen mitreißen zu lassen, so unsicher ist Kate sich, ob sie seinem charmanten Auftreten als guter Kerl trauen kann … Better Hate than Never: Wenn aus Feindschaft Liebe wird Ein Muss für alle RomCom-Liebhaber*innen: Band 2 der erfolgreichen Wilmot-Sisters-Serie von Chloe Liese. Lieben oder hassen: Tiefgründige Liebesgeschichte für New Adult Fans ab 16 Jahren mit dembeliebten Trope „Childhood Enemies”. Mitreißende Story: Eine moderne Neuinterpretation von Shakespeares „Der Widerspenstigen Zähmung“ mit einer Prise Spice. Aufregend: New Adult Romance über die komplexe Welt des Erwachsenwerdens mit all ihren emotionalen Turbulenzen. Toll ausgestattet in der Erstauflage: Softcover mit Klappen, farbig illustrierter Buchschnitt und coolem Lesezeichen zum Abtrennen.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        February 2017

        Conflict, Politics and Proselytism

        Methodist missionaries in colonial and postcolonial Burma, 1887–1966

        by Andrew Thompson, Michael D. Leigh, John M. MacKenzie

        This book is a study of the ambitions, activities and achievements of Methodist missionaries in northern Burma from 1887-1966 and the expulsion of the last missionaries by Ne Win. The story is told through painstaking original research in archives which contain thousands of hitherto unpublished documents and eyewitness accounts meticulously recorded by the Methodist missionaries. This accessible study constitutes a significant contribution to a very little-known area of missionary history. Leigh pulls together the themes of conflict, politics and proselytisation in to a fascinating study of great breadth. The historical nuances of the relationship between religion and governance in Burma are traced in an accessible style. This book will appeal to those teaching or studying colonial and postcolonial history, Burmese politics, and the history of missionary work.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2020

        Stop the Hatred!

        A Pamphlet Against Antisemitism

        by Sigmund Gottlieb

        The increasing hostility that Jews experience can no longer be explained away with fine rhetoric. Antisemitism is taking hold in a menacing way at the heart of society. Sigmund Gottlieb addresses his wake-up call to the population at large: stand up – not only against right-wing extremist violence and radical Islamism, but also against hatred in the social media, against unfair criticism of the state of Israel, against anti-Jewish abusive language in the school playground, against trivializing reports in the media and day-to-day indifference. The resurgent talk of ‘packed suitcases’ in Jewish communities is a moral indictment. And it is intolerable.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2024

        Peace and the politics of memory

        by Annika Björkdahl, Susanne Buckley-Zistel, Stefanie Kappler, Johanna Mannergren Selimovic, Timothy Williams

        This important book provides new understandings of how the politics of memory impacts peace in societies transitioning from a violent past. It does so by developing a theoretical approach focusing on the intersection of sites, agency, narratives, and events in memory-making. Drawing on rich empirical studies of mnemonic formations in Cyprus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Rwanda, South Africa and Cambodia, the book speaks to a broad audience. The in-depth, cross-case analysis shows that inclusivity, pluralism, and dignity in memory politics are key to the construction of a just peace. The book contributes crucial and timely knowledge about societies that grapple with the painful legacies of the past and advances the study of memory and peace.

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        77 days of February. Ukraine between two symbolic dates of the Russian war ideology

        by Marichka Paplauskaite (Compiler), Authors: Inna Adrug, Anna Argirova, Kateryna Babkina, Tetyana Bezruk, Oleksandra Gorchynska, Inna Zolotukhina, Vera Kuriko, Olena Livytska, Olga Livytska, Svitlana Oslavska, Marichka Paplauskaite, Eva Raiska, Anya Semenyuk, Zoya Khramchenko, Margarita Chimyris, Iryna Yaroshynska

        As a child, she could not understand why people in films about the blockade of Leningrad were always lying down. And when Mariupol was besieged by the Russians, and she and her husband lived for many days without water, food and heat under constant shelling, she realized that when you lie down, you save strength and energy. "77 Days of February" included reports written by journalists of the Reporters media in the period between February 23 and May 9 — two symbolic dates for Russian military ideology. The invasion of Russian troops into Ukraine stopped the number of days and pushed Ukrainians back to the intervening time, where February — the month of the beginning of the great war — still lasts. In the meantime and in these candid stories, there is pain, fear, hatred, and sometimes despair. But the main thing is hope. This is a bare nerve and an honest voice of the new Ukrainian reality.

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        Journey in Trumplandia: The Rise of Populism in America

        by Tiberiu Dianu

        The book is a collection of essays about the transformation of America, which has turned from a united nation to one more divided than ever. Some pundits predict that, if things don’t change, another civil war could occur. Have we reached a point of no return? Hopefully, America is mature enough to learn from its mistakes and avoid further scars along its evolving history. "Trumplandia is a welcome addition toward understanding current events, Washington’s international policy, and the present American society; a society polarized and divided as it has not been since the Civil War.” NICHOLAS DIMA, Ph.D., Adjunct Professor and Research Associate, Nelson Institute, James Madison University, Virginia. "The book is fascinating. It provides background to, and insights into [the] current and past political history as well as offering a personal view... of the country and society. Presented in thematic form in chapters and sections, the insights offered provide a suggestive radiography...” Dr. DENNIS DELETANT, OBE, School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University, Washington DC. "There has been this backsliding in... what a truly functioning rule-of-law state is, that has proper separation of co-equal powers, which, if you don’t keep working on that, you backslide. And I am even worried about that here, in the United States right now, about backsliding.” OBIE MOORE, Esq., OLM Advisors LLC, Washington DC “Indeed, Trumplandia should be a welcome addition to any scholar, student or layman’s library, especially in its international edition. If anyone loses sleep over its challenging assertions, then it will have been well worth it.” ERNESTO MORALES HIZON, Ph.D. Candidate in American and Comparative Politics at Claremont Graduate University, Member, Integrated Bar of the Philippines ABOUT THE AUTHOR: TIBERIU DIANU has practiced law in Romania (as a corporate lawyer, judge, senior counselor at the Ministry of Justice, university professor and senior legal researcher), and in the United States (as a legal expert for the judiciary). He published several books and a host of articles in law, politics, and post-communist societies. Tiberiu currently lives and works in Washington, DC.

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        Business, Economics & Law
        June 2025

        Foundations of social ecological economics

        The fight for revolutionary change in economic thought

        by Clive L Spash

        This book explores radical dissent from orthodox mainstream economics, and sets out a theoretically grounded vision for the emerging paradigm of social ecological economics. At the heart of this paradigmatic shift lies an acknowledgement of the inextricable embeddedness of economies in biophysical reality and social structure. The struggle for this transformative vision unfolds through a critical examination of mainstream environmental thought, followed by a nuanced evaluation of contributions from Marxists, socialists, critical institutionalists, feminists and Post-Keynesians grappling with the urgent environmental crisis. Synthesising insights from these diverse and heterodox schools, the book navigates the philosophical underpinnings of science, embracing a critical realist approach that challenges not only mainstream economic thought but also eclectic pluralism, relativism and strong constructionism. The question of what constitutes revolutionary science is explored in light of works by Kuhn, Schumpeter and Neurath, emphasising the pivotal role of values and ideology in works from Marx to Gramsci. Building on these radical and philosophical foundations, the book articulates a preanalytic vision of social ecological economics, dismantling entrenched notions of growth and efficiency in favour of a framework centered on social provisioning and needs embedded in ethics. In a thought-provoking conclusion, the book applies its analytical lens to the multiple crises of modernity within industrialised capital-accumulating economies. An agenda for social ecological transformation toward diverse alternative economies emerges, providing a compelling call to action in the face of contemporary challenges.

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        Biography & True Stories
        June 2022

        The punk rock politics of Joe Strummer

        by Gregor Gall

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        Business, Economics & Law
        February 2025

        The political economy of Turkey’s integration to Europe

        Uneven development and hegemony

        by Elif Uzgören

        This book examines Turkey's integration with Europe within structural dynamics of globalisation from a critical political economy perspective. Critical approaches have been sidelined within European Studies. Turkish enlargement is not an exemption. The analyses are based on original data generated by 109 interviews conducted in 2010, 2017 and 2023 with five categories of actors: representatives of capital and labour, political parties, state officials, and struggles around ecology, patriarchy and migration. It argues that the pro-membership was hegemonic in the 2000s which was contested by two rival class strategies, Ha-vet and neo-mercantilism. In the 2010s, pro-membership is no longer hegemonic within rising critical tone of social forces supporting rival class strategies. Unevenness of Turkey's trajectory of integration to Europe is likely to be consolidated through market integration and management of migration through transactional approach.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        May 2025

        The politics of Unbelonging

        Understanding and challenging racialisation of Roma in Europe and beyond

        by Andreja Zevnik, Andrew Russell

        This book offers a comprehensive study of racialisation of Romani communities in Europe (and beyond). Drawing on the idea of unbelonging it demonstrates how Romani communities are placed in a position of visceral visibility by local, national and international institutions as well as public media discourses. It shows how such positionality impacts the ability of Roma to self-represent politically and build capacity for change. From the position of unbelonging the book offers an account of Romani agency which both challenges the mainstream representations of Roma but also develops an alternative none-nation-state sense of belonging. In doing so the book outlines an account of Romani alternative expressions in order to take control of their relationship with their own history, future, knowledge, and identity, and the rest of the society.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 2010

        Politics and provincial people

        Sligo and Limerick, 1691–1761

        by D. A. Fleming

        This ground-breaking study is the first to systematically examine the politics and political culture of provincial Ireland. The book compares two distinct localities that provide differing perspectives on how politics and power manifested itself in provincial Ireland: Sligo in the north west and Limerick in the south west. Drawing on a wealth of previously unknown and under-utilised contemporary material, David Fleming focuses on individuals who were determined to shape the political landscape and those who were affected by their actions. The book challenges many accepted models of how Ireland and the Irish were governed. While the propertied élite dominated many aspects of the political process, individuals and groups from the professional, mercantile, rural and other sections of society - the 'middling orders' - were also active in local institutions and office-holding. Their story, recounted here, reveals a far more complex set of relationships. Politics and provincial people is a carefully constructed story of people's motivations, ideas, and actions, and offers new insights into the complexity of their lives and the Irish political landscape. ;

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        April 2020

        US politics today

        by Edward Ashbee, Bill Jones

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