77 days of February. Ukraine between two symbolic dates of the Russian war ideology
by Marichka Paplauskaite (Compiler), Authors: Inna Adrug, Anna Argirova, Kateryna Babkina, Tetyana Bezruk, Oleksandra Gorchynska, Inna Zolotukhina, Vera Kuriko, Olena Livytska, Olga Livytska, Svitlana Oslavska, Marichka Paplauskaite, Eva Raiska, Anya Semenyuk, Zoya Khramchenko, Margarita Chimyris, Iryna Yaroshynska
As a child, she could not understand why people in films about the blockade of Leningrad were always lying down. And when Mariupol was besieged by the Russians, and she and her husband lived for many days without water, food and heat under constant shelling, she realized that when you lie down, you save strength and energy. "77 Days of February" included reports written by journalists of the Reporters media in the period between February 23 and May 9 — two symbolic dates for Russian military ideology. The invasion of Russian troops into Ukraine stopped the number of days and pushed Ukrainians back to the intervening time, where February — the month of the beginning of the great war — still lasts. In the meantime and in these candid stories, there is pain, fear, hatred, and sometimes despair. But the main thing is hope. This is a bare nerve and an honest voice of the new Ukrainian reality.
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Author Biography
Inna Andrukh is a journalist and the founder of “Green Stage”—a unique cultural and social project designed to create an open creative space in the city for live communication and exchange of ideas, inspiration, and creativity.
Hanna Arkhirova is a journalist, philologist, translator from Spanish, and traveler.
Kateryna Babkina is a known Ukrainian writer (poet, novelist, screenwriter, and playwright).
Tatiana Bezruk is a journalist and reporter.
Oleksandra Horchynska is a journalist at the news media NV (New Time).
Inna Zolotukhina has been working in the mass media since 1993. She worked in Chechnia, Dagestan, Somalia, Syria, Libya, Georgia, South Ossetia and other troubled regions.
Vira Kuryko is a reporter, the author of several books (The Street of Those Involved: Lukyanenko’s Chernihiv Case and Mazepa. The Right to a Saber).
Olena Livytska is a reporter, journalist for the online media “Pershyi” (Lutsk).
Olga Omelyanchuk is the full-time journalist for Reporters. S
Svitlana Oslavska is an independent journalist, reporter, cultural researcher.
Marichka Paplauskaite is a Ukrainian reporter; co-founder and editor-in-chief of Reporters online magazine.
Ania Semeniuk is a journalist and reporter from Uzhhorod.
Zoia,Khramchenko (pseudonym) is a journalist and reporter from Kherson.
Marharyta Chymyrys is a communications consultant and a former journalist.
Iryna Yaroshynska is a journalist and the coordinator of the “EYES” project, designed to record war crimes.
Bibliographic Information
- Publisher Laboratory
- Publication Date 2022
- Orginal LanguageUkrainian
- ISBN/Identifier 9786178203399
- Publication Country or regionUkraine
- Pages224
- ReadershipGeneral
- Publish StatusPublished
- Original Language Title77 днів лютого. Україна між двома символічними датами російської ідеології війни
- Original Language AuthorsМарічка Паплаускайте (Укладачка), Авторки: Інна Адруг, Ганна Аргірова , Катерина Бабкіна, Тетяна Безрук, Олександра Горчинська, Інна Золотухіна, Віра Курико, Олена Лівіцька, Ольга Лівіцька, Світлана Ославська, Марічка Паплаускайте, Єва Райська, Аня Семенюк, Зоя Храмченко, Маргарита Чимирис, Ірина Ярошинська