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      • Sri Senbaga Pathippakam

        Sri Senbaga Pathippakam is one of the best publishers in Tamil language. We have published more than 1000 titles including ancient Sangam Tamil literature, research books in Tamil literature and language, mythological books, historical fiction and non-fiction, short stories, cooking books, etc. We also specialize in books for children, bilingual and trilingual dictionaries for the reference of students and general public. We publish Sahitya Academy & Tamilnadu government award winning books. One of our renowned books, 'Thirukkural', a scripture common to every walk of human life irrespective of gender, race or community is a must read for everyone on this planet. It is published in various sizes and design. 'Oviyakkural (Thirukkural with paintings)' portrays Tamil tradition and culture through paintings. Our religious publication about Vainavam and Saivam is popular among scholars. 'Kambar Kavi Inbam' portrays the beauty of poetry as described in Kambar's Ramayanam in Tamil language.

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      • Institut Terjemahan Buku Malaysia

        ITBM is a government -linked limited company and its capital base is wholly owned by the Minister of Finance Incorporated (MKD). The administration of ITBM is supervised by the Ministry of Education Malaysia. Established to elevate the translation industry in Malaysia, handling matters related to translation, interpreting and knowledge transfer at all levels whether national or international. Also responsible for strengthening and increasing the publication of original works by local writers to boost the book industry in Malaysia.

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      • Trusted Partner
        February 2017

        Die Eroberung von Mexiko

        by Bernal Díaz del Castillo, Georg Adolf Narciß, Anneliese Botond, Georg Adolf Narciß, Tzvetan Todorov

        Der Zusammenprall zweier Kulturwelten – die Chronik eines der folgenreichsten Geschehnisse der frühen Neuzeit Die Eroberung Mexikos und der Untergang der Azteken: Bernal Díaz del Castillo, der sich als Fußsoldat den Truppen des spanischen Konquistadors Hernán Cortés angeschlossen hatte, war Augenzeuge dieses Geschehens. Und er hat der Nachwelt mit seinen Aufzeichnungen eine der zuverlässigsten und informationsreichsten Quellen hinterlassen. Anders als Hernán Cortés in seinen Briefen an Kaiser Karl V. beschönigt Díaz del Castillo nichts: Er schildert anschaulich das grausame Vorgehen mit Kreuz und Schwert gegen die Eingeborenen, berichtet von den Intrigen unter den Spaniern, der Suche nach Schätzen und der ungleichen Aufteilung der Kriegsbeute, dem Unwillen der Soldaten, die sich zu Recht betrogen fühlten und sich dennoch der Faszination durch Cortés nicht entziehen konnten.

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        May 2007

        Gesammelte Werke

        Band 2: Das kurze Leben. Abschiede. Für ein Grab ohne Namen

        by Juan Carlos Onetti, Jürgen Dormagen, Gerhard Poppenberg

        »La vie est brève«: Chansonweisheit, nächtlich gesungen im Salon der Señora Mami in Buenos Aires. Doch »man kann viele Male leben, viele mehr oder minder lange Leben«. Juan María Brausen, illusionsloser Texter in einer Werbeagentur, macht nach einer schweren Operation seiner Frau die Erfahrung, daß er nicht zu einer einzigen Existenz verurteilt ist. Hinter der dünnen Wand der Nachbarwohnung hört er die Lebensäußerungen der Prostituierten Queca, und in Gedanken wird er zu Juan María Arce, ihrem brutalen Geliebten. Zugleich phantasiert er sich in die Gestalt des Arztes Díaz Grey, Hauptfigur eines Drehbuchs, an dem er schreibt. Als die Queca von ihrem Zuhälter ermordet wird, identifiziert Brausen sich mit dem Mörder und flieht, als Juan María Arce, nach Santa María, in die von ihm entworfene Stadt, wo sich sein Weg mit dem von Díaz Grey kreuzt. Das kurze Leben, 1950 erschienen, hat Onettis Ruhm begründet: ein herausforderndes, ebenso faszinierendes wie hartes Stück Literatur. Noch stärker verdichtet, enigmatisch bei erster Lektüre und immer leuchtender beim Wiederlesen, sind Onettis Kurzromane Abschiede und Für ein Grab ohne Namen von 1954 und 1959. Die Übersetzungen von Curt Meyer-Clason und Wilhelm Muster wurden von den Herausgebern für diese Ausgabe Satz für Satz revidiert, so daß Onetti, dieser nur scheinbar dunkle Jahrhundertautor, ganz neu zu lesen ist. Der Band enthält einen ausführlichen Anhang mit Anmerkungen, Zeittafel, Bibliographie und Nachwort.

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        February 1988

        Geschichte der Eroberung von Mexiko

        by Bernal Díaz del Castillo, Georg Adolf Narciß, Anneliese Botond, Georg Adolf Narciß, Tzvetan Todorov

        Diaz del Castillo berichtet von den Intrigen zwischen den Spaniern, ihrem Vorgehen mit Schwert und Kreuz gegen die Eingeborenen, den weiteren Feldzügen in Honduras auf der Suche nach noch mehr Schätzen, der ungleichen Aufteilung der Kriegsbeute durch Hernan Cortes, dem Unwillen der Soldaten, die sich zu Recht betrogen fühlen und doch stets aufs neue Cortes’ Faszination erliegen.

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        August 2021

        Für ein Grab ohne Namen

        by Juan Carlos Onetti, Wilhelm Muster

        Im Zentrum der Geschichte: eine junge Frau mit einem Ziegenbock, die an einem geschäftigen Bahnhof in Buenos Aires Männer um Geld angeht. Es sei Rita gewesen, erzählt oder gesteht Jorge Malabia dem Arzt Díaz Grey, ein ehemaliges Dienstmädchen, das er als Jugendlicher in Santa María ohnmächtig begehrt hat. In den sechs Kapiteln des Romans verschiebt und verändert sich die rätselhafte Geschichte der Frau und ihres Ziegenbocks, wenn weitere Männerstimmen sie – wie in einem Kampf um Deutungshoheit – erzählen.In Onettis Erzählkunst wird daraus ein dichtes Welttheater um Schuld, Begehren, Trauer und etwas, das dies alles übersteigt.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 2022

        Crossing borders and queering citizenship

        Civic reading practice in contemporary American and Canadian writing

        by Zalfa Feghali

        Can reading make us better citizens? In Crossing borders and queering citizenship, Feghali crafts a sophisticated theoretical framework to theorise how the act of reading can contribute to the queering of contemporary citizenship in North America. Providing sensitive and convincing readings of work by both popular and niche authors, including Gloria Anzaldúa, Dorothy Allison, Gregory Scofield, Guillermo Gómez-Peña, Erín Moure, Junot Díaz, and Yann Martel, this book is the first to not only read these authors together, but also to discuss how each powerfully resists the exclusionary work of state-sanctioned citizenship in the U.S. and Canada. This book convincingly draws connections between queer theory, citizenship studies, and border studies and sheds light on how these connections can reframe our understanding of American Studies.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        November 2000

        The world of El Cid

        Chronicles of the Spanish Reconquest

        by Rosemary Horrox, Simon Maclean

        Makes available, for the first time in English translation, four of the principal narrative sources for the history of the Spanish kingdom of León-Castile during the eleventh and twelfth centuries. Three chronicles focus primarily upon the activities of the kings of León-Castile as leaders of the Reconquest of Spain from the forces of Islam, and especially upon Fernando I (1037-65), his son Alfonso VI (1065-1109) and the latter's grandson Alfonso VII (1126-57). The fourth chronicle is a biography of the hero Rodrigo Díaz, better remembered as El Cid, and is the main source of information about his extraordinary career as a mercenary soldier who fought for Christian and Muslim alike. Covers the fasincating interaction of the Muslim and Christian worlds, each at the height of their power. Each text is prefaced by its own introduction and accompanied by explanatory notes. ;

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        January 2013

        The world of El Cid

        Chronicles of the Spanish Reconquest

        by Simon Barton, Richard Fletcher

        Makes available, for the first time in English translation, four of the principal narrative sources for the history of the Spanish kingdom of León-Castile during the eleventh and twelfth centuries. Three chronicles focus primarily upon the activities of the kings of León-Castile as leaders of the Reconquest of Spain from the forces of Islam, and especially upon Fernando I (1037-65), his son Alfonso VI (1065-1109) and the latter's grandson Alfonso VII (1126-57). The fourth chronicle is a biography of the hero Rodrigo Díaz, better remembered as El Cid, and is the main source of information about his extraordinary career as a mercenary soldier who fought for Christian and Muslim alike. Covers the fascinating interaction of the Muslim and Christian worlds, each at the height of their power. Each text is prefaced by its own introduction and accompanied by explanatory notes.

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        Pink Tongue Out, Blind Female Cat

        by Maria Paz Guerrero

        “Himpar editores inaugurates its poetry collection with the new book by María Paz Guerrero, one of the most audacious voices of contemporary Colombian poetry. This book is no exception to Guerrero's quests: it is experimental, full of heartbreaking humor and combines the exploration of the animal with popular speech and the materiality of flesh and language. María Paz Guerrero's third collection of poems is inhabited by a series of characters: a blind cat that hits herself against everything she comes across; bodies that undergo medical examinations to measure the progress of the disease in their organs; legs that can barely hold on until they collapse; a language that unravels like a kite's pita; repetitions and verses crossed and transformed by songs by Héctor Lavoe, Henry Fiol and Simón Díaz. The structure of the book is also novel. It has a unity that is configured from the repetitions of characters and verses that reappear slightly transformed, each time. It differs from books that gather a multitude of singular poems. For its part, the language seems very simple, almost spoken, with a strange syntax, cut, broken. It is a bet on a musical poetry with some raw images, which differentiates it from the metaphorical poetry of abstract images.”

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        Business, Economics & Law
        July 2018

        Gender Equality and Tourism

        Beyond Empowerment

        by Stroma Cole, Lucy Ferguson, Daniela Moreno Alarcón, Carlos Costa, Marília Durão, Zélia Breda, Fiona Eva Bakas, Paola Vizcaino Suárez, Belén Martínez Caparrós, Meghan Muldoon, Wendy Hillman, Kylie Radel, Heather Jeffrey, Isis Arlene Díaz-Carrión, Hazel Tucker, Inês Carvalho

        Does tourism empower women working in and producing tourism? How are women using the transformations tourism brings to their advantage? How do women, despite prejudice and stereotypes, break free, resist and renegotiate gender norms at the personal and societal levels? When does tourism increase women's autonomy, agency and authority? The first of its kind this book delivers: A critical approach to gender and tourism development from different stakeholder perspectives, from INGOs, national governments, and managers as well as workers in a variety of fields producing tourism. Stories of individual women working across the world in many aspects of tourism. A foreword by Margaret Bryne Swain and contributions from academics and practitions from across the globe. A lively and accessible style of writing that links academic debates with lived realities while offering hope and practical suggestions for improving gender equality in tourism. Gender Equality and Tourism: Beyond Empowerment, a critical gendered analysis that questions the extent to which tourism brings women empowerment, is an engaging and thought-provoking read for students, researchers and practitioners in the areas of tourism, gender studies, development and anthropology. To access a presentation delivered by Stroma Cole as well as an interview with her, please visit

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        Science & Mathematics
        April 2018

        Invasion Biology

        Hypotheses and Evidence

        by Jonathan M. Jeschke, Tina Heger, Sabrina Amador-Vargas, Tim M. Blackburn, Raul Rennó Braga, Phillip Cassey, Simon Debille, Martin Enders, Felix Erhard, Alejandro G. Farji-Brener, Gordon A. Fox, Pablo García-Díaz, Lorena Gómez Aparicio, James Griesemer, Julie L. Lockwood, Christopher J. Lortie, Caroline Müller, Regina Nordheimer, Petr Pysek, Samuel M. Scheiner, Julian Starzer, Olena Torchyk, Jean Ricardo Simões Vitule

        There are many hypotheses describing the interactions involved in biological invasions, but it is largely unknown whether they are backed up by empirical evidence. This book fills that gap by developing a tool for assessing research hypotheses and applying it to twelve invasion hypotheses, using the hierarchy-of-hypotheses (HoH) approach, and mapping the connections between theory and evidence. In Part 1, an overview chapter of invasion biology is followed by an introduction to the HoH approach and short chapters by science theorists and philosophers who comment on the approach. Part 2 outlines the invasion hypotheses and their interrelationships. These include biotic resistance and island susceptibility hypotheses, disturbance hypothesis, invasional meltdown hypothesis, enemy release hypothesis, evolution of increased competitive ability and shifting defence hypotheses, tens rule, phenotypic plasticity hypothesis, Darwin's naturalization and limiting similarity hypotheses and the propagule pressure hypothesis. Part 3 provides a synthesis and suggests future directions for invasion research

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