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      • Granta Books

        Granta Books is one of the most independent-minded and prestigious literary publishers in the UK.

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      • Hardie Grant UK Ltd.

        Hardie Grant is a leading independent publisher of non-fiction. We create beautiful, award-winning books across a range of subjects including Food and Drink, Home and Craft, Gardening and Nature, Travel and Gift, Wellness and Self-Help, Astrology and Witchcraft.  With offices in Melbourne, Sydney, London and San Francisco, our titles are sold all over the world.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        January 2013

        Joan of Arc

        La pucelle

        by Craig Taylor

        This sourcebook collects together for the first time in English the major documents relating to the life and contemporary reputation of Joan of Arc. Also known as La Pucelle, she led a French Army against the English in 1429, arguably turning the course of the war in favour of the French king Charles VII. The fact that she achieved all of this when just a seventeen-year-old peasant girl highlights the magnitude of her achievements and also opens up other ways of looking at her story. For many, Joan represents the voice of ordinary people in the fifteenth century; the victims of high politics and warfare that devastated France. Her story ended tragically in 1431 when she was put on trial for heresy and sorcery by an ecclesiastical court and was burned at the stake. This book shows how the trial, which was organised by her enemies, provides an important window into late medieval attitudes towards religion and gender, as Joan was effectively persecuted by the established Church for her supposedly non-conformist views on spirituality and the role of women. Presented within a contextual and critical framework, this book encourages scholars and students to rethink this remarkable story. It will be invaluable reading for those working in the fields of medieval society and heresy, as well as the Hundred Years' War.

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        May 2025

        Livestock Immunity to Ticks

        by Johann Schröder

        As arthropod ectoparasites, ticks threaten the wellbeing of the animals whose habitat they share. They cause skin damage from their bite wounds, secrete toxins, transmit pathogens, and can also induce allergic reactions and infected wounds. For more than a century, domestic animals have undergone chemical tick treatment as part of their husbandry routine. However, this reliance on chemicals is non-sustainable, and ignores the existence of other possible avenues of tick management. Covering recent developments in the field, this book considers avenues such as: - Managing infestations through both natural tick control and human intervention - Innate tick resistance - Naturally acquired adaptive immunity - Technological developments and successes such as vaccination schemes The book also takes into consideration the barriers any one of these solutions may face on the road to commercialization. Livestock Immunity to Ticks provides a comprehensive and up-to-date resource for researchers and students of immunology, parasitology and entomology.

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        Geography & the Environment
        November 2013

        1 Angel Square

        The Co-operative Group's new head office

        by Len Grant

        This book charts the building of 1 Angel Square, the remarkable new head office for The Co-operative Group in Manchester's new NOMA district. Combining text and photographs to illustrate the building from commissioning to completion, Len Grant has interviewed the whole project team - clients, architects, engineers, project managers and builders - and has had unreserved access to document the creation of this already award-winning structure. The design of 1 Angel Square by the architects 3DReid, is currently the UK's highest BREEAM (Building Research Establishment's Environmental Assessment Method) rated office building to date, and it is set to be one of the most sustainable buildings in Europe. 1 Angel Square, the book, is an intimate record of this fascinating building. Some of the impressive facts include: 3,157 internal and external window panels make up the façade; there are 10,500 data and power outlets; it sits on 539 foundation piles, with an average depth of 18 metres below ground; and there are approximately 22km of power cables. This book will be required reading for students of architecture and construction, sustainability studies and urban planning, and for those with an interest in the history of one of the world's great businesses. ;

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        August 1988

        Die Prinzessin von Sibirien

        Maria Wolkonskaja und ihre Zeit

        by Sutherland, Christine

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        January 2013

        The Madmen of Bethlehem

        by Osama Alaysa

        Adopting the story-within-a-story structure of Arabian Nights, author Osama Alaysa weaves together a collection of stories portraying centuries of oppression endured by the Palestinian people.   This remarkable novel eloquently brings together fictional characters alongside real-life historical figures in a complex portrayal of Bethlehem and the Dheisheh Refugee Camp in the West Bank. The common thread connecting each tale is madness, in all its manifestations.   Psychological madness, in the sense of clinical mental illnesses such as schizophrenia, finds expression alongside acts of social and political madness. Together, these accounts of individuals and communities provide a gateway into the histories of the city of Bethlehem and Palestine. They paint a picture of the centuries of political oppression that the Palestinian people have endured, from the days of the Ottoman Empire to the years following the Oslo Accords, and all the way to 2012 (when the novel was written).   The novel is divided into three sections, each containing multiple narratives. The first section, “The Book of a Genesis,” describes the physical spaces and origins of Bethlehem and Dheisheh Refugee Camp. These stories span the 19th and 20th centuries, transitioning smoothly from one tale to another to offer an intricate interpretation of the identity of these places.   The second section, “The Book of the People Without a Book”, follows parallel narratives of the lives of the patients in a psychiatric hospital in Bethlehem, the mad men and women roaming the streets of the city, and those imprisoned by the Israeli authorities. All suffer abuse, but they also reaffirm their humanity through the relationships, romantic and otherwise, that they form.   The third and final section, “An Ephemeral Book,” follows individuals—Palestinian and non-Palestinian—who are afflicted by madness following the Oslo Accords in 1993. These stories give voice to the perspectives of the long-marginalized Palestinian population, narrating the loss of land and the accompanying loss of sanity in the decades of despair and violence that followed the Nakba, the 1948 eviction of some 700,000 Palestinians from their homes.   The novel’s mad characters—politicians, presidents, doctors, intellectuals, ordinary people and, yes, Dheisheh and Bethlehem themselves—burst out of their narrative threads, flowing from one story into the next. Alaysa’s crisp, lucid prose and deft storytelling chart a clear path through the chaos with dark humor and wit. The result is an important contribution to fiction on the Palestinian crisis that approaches the Palestinians, madness, and Palestinian spaces with compassion and depth.

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        January 1980

        Die seelische Krise

        Vom Zusammenbruch zur Heilung

        by Sutherland, Stuart

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2001

        Was wisst ihr schon vom Erwachsenwerden!

        Das Elternhandbuch für die Teenagerzeit

        by Grant, Wendy

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      • Trusted Partner
        January 1999

        Was wisst ihr schon vom Erwachsenwerden

        Das Elternhandbuch für die Teenagerzeit

        by Grant, Wendy

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2013

        Die Tribute von Panem 2. Gefährliche Liebe

        by Suzanne Collins, Maria Koschny, Die Tribute von Panem

        Die Liebe kommt ins Spiel: Hunger Games geht in die zweite Runde. Sechs Monate sind vergangenen, seit Katniss und Peeta die Hungerspiele gewonnen haben. Sie sind längst in ihren Distrikt zurückgekehrt und hoffen auf eine friedliche Zukunft. Vor ihnen steht nun die Tour der Sieger – und noch eine schwere Aufgabe: Gerüchte machen die Runde, dass sich Widerstand gegen das Kapitol regt. Die Spur führt zu Katniss und Peeta, in deren gemeinsamen Erfolg viele den Beginn einer Revolution sehen. Präsident Snow sieht seine Macht von Katniss untergraben und droht jeden umzubringen, den sie liebt, sollten ihn Katniss und Peeta nicht davon überzeugen können, ein tatsächlich glückliches Liebespaar zu sein. Eine scheinbar einfache Aufgabe, wären da nicht Katniss´ Gefühle für Gale. Der Druck, der des Kapitols auf das Volk und der auf Katniss, nimmt immer weiter zu. - Die packende Fortsetzung von Suzanne Collins Mega-Erfolg. - Für Fans gut erzählter Fantasy, dystopischer Abenteuer und starker Protagonistinnen. - Verfilmt als Tribute von Panem – Catching Fire mit Jennifer Lawrence als Katniss Everdeen und Donald Sutherland als Snow. - Wenn du Das Lied von Vogel und Schlange liebst und wissen willst, wie es in Panem weitergeht. - Gekürzte Ausgabe

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        August 2013

        Die Tribute von Panem 2. Gefährliche Liebe

        by Suzanne Collins, Maria Koschny, Sylke Hachmeister, Peter Klöss, Markus Langer, Eduardo Garcia, Matthias Scheuer, Die Tribute von Panem, Frank Gustavus, Hanna Hörl

        Die Liebe kommt ins Spiel: Hunger Games geht in die zweite Runde. Sechs Monate sind vergangenen, seit Katniss und Peeta die Hungerspiele gewonnen haben. Sie sind längst in ihren Distrikt zurückgekehrt und hoffen auf eine friedliche Zukunft. Vor ihnen steht nun die Tour der Sieger – und noch eine schwere Aufgabe: Gerüchte machen die Runde, dass sich Widerstand gegen das Kapitol regt. Die Spur führt zu Katniss und Peeta, in deren gemeinsamen Erfolg viele den Beginn einer Revolution sehen. Präsident Snow sieht seine Macht von Katniss untergraben und droht jeden umzubringen, den sie liebt, sollten ihn Katniss und Peeta nicht davon überzeugen können, ein tatsächlich glückliches Liebespaar zu sein. Eine scheinbar einfache Aufgabe, wären da nicht Katniss´ Gefühle für Gale. Der Druck, der des Kapitols auf das Volk und der auf Katniss, nimmt immer weiter zu. - Die packende Fortsetzung von Suzanne Collins Mega-Erfolg. - Für Fans gut erzählter Fantasy, dystopischer Abenteuer und starker Protagonistinnen. - Verfilmt als Tribute von Panem – Catching Fire mit Jennifer Lawrence als Katniss Everdeen und Donald Sutherland als Snow. - Wenn du Das Lied von Vogel und Schlange liebst und wissen willst, wie es in Panem weitergeht. - Ungekürzte Ausgabe

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        January 2009

        Die Männerbändigerin

        Wie ich meinem Mann das Zuhören beibrachte und andere Kunststücke

        by Sutherland, Amy

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