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      • Sunono Publishing

        Sunono Publishing is an independent publisher rooted in Scotland with deep Arabic heritage. Contact: Feda Shtia: WhatsApp +447379842287

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      • Our Sunday Visitor

        OSV is the largest English-language Catholic publishing house in the United States. Founded in Huntington, Indiana, in 1912 by Father (later Archbishop) John Francis Noll, OSV publishes Catholic periodicals, a wide range of trade books, parish products, Bibles, and Vatican documents, and Spanish, bilingual, and English religion curricula and sacrament preparation materials, all designed to foster an encounter with Christ. Learn more about OSV Publishing and the other products and services that OSV offers to serve the Church at

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      • Trusted Partner
        January 2015

        Regular Script of the Greating Learning by Sun Xiaoyun

        by Sun Xiaoyun

        China enjoys a profound civilization. Among countless classics, some are of rich meaning and deep insights, which has influenced people’s personality, mindset, morality and appreciation of beauty. These classics serve as a door to the understanding of Chinese culture. This series offers readers a way to learn classics through the calligraphy of master Sun Xiaoyun.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2015

        Regular Script of Dao De Ching by Sun Xiaoyun

        by Sun Xiaoyun

        China enjoys a profound civilization. Among countless classics, some are of rich meaning and deep insights, which has influenced people’s personality, mindset, morality and appreciation of beauty. These classics serve as a door to the understanding of Chinese culture. This series offers readers a way to learn classics through the calligraphy of master Sun Xiaoyun.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2015

        Regular Script of the Doctrine of the Mean by Sun Xiaoyun

        by Sun Xiaoyun

        China enjoys a profound civilization. Among countless classics, some are of rich meaning and deep insights, which has influenced people’s personality, mindset, morality and appreciation of beauty. These classics serve as a door to the understanding of Chinese culture. This series offers readers a way to learn classics through the calligraphy of master Sun Xiaoyun.

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        Sun Jianguang: Regimen and Healing with Traditional Chinese Medicine

        by Sun Jianguang

        With the aim of scientifically guiding people to enhance physical fitness and prevent and treat diseases with traditional Chinese medicine regimens, the author writes this book from seven aspects to provide a systematic introduction of the theories and methods of traditional Chinese medicine regimens. The book offers readers a deeper insight into such aspects as Chinese medicine taking, daily regimens, and basic self-treatment. The Chinese medicinal materials selected in this book are all commonly used, and the selected health-preserving medicinal diet has been verified by long-term TCM clinical trials to have significant health_x0002_preserving effects while being authentic, low-cost, easy, and convenient to use.

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        Chinese Folk Shadow Play

        by Sun Jianjun

        Written by the famous folk art researcher and professor of the Art College of Tsinghua University Sun Jianjun, this book contains a large number of valuable pictures and detailed studies on Chinese folk shadow play. As a textbook or a comprehensive reading on the contemporary folk shadow play studies of China, this book is of value to artists and collectors.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        April 1998

        Angela Carter

        by Aidan Day

        This full scale study discusses Angela Carter's fiction in chronological order, and notes that although her themes are fairly consistent throughout her work, consistency of theme is not the same as repetition. The new angles and emphases that develop are partly from Carter's immersion in the changing intellectual debates of the times and, concurrently, arise from the reading she was doing at the different stages of her life, which stretched from the medieval through de Sade to Foucault. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2007



        by Cathy Day, Dirk Gunsteren

        Lima, Indiana 1884. Der erfolgreiche Unternehmer Wallace Porter ist am Ende. Seine junge Ehefrau liegt im Sterben, ihr Traum von Abenteuern in Amerikas Westen wird für immer ungelebt bleiben. Da schlägt der ärmliche Zirkus Hollenbach in der Kleinstadt sein Quartier auf. Aus einer Laune heraus kauft Porter den bankrotten Wanderzirkus. So wird die Provinzstadt Lima Jahr für Jahr zum Winterquartier des »Great Porter Circus« und zur Heimat für Hochseilartistinnen, Clowns, Dompteure und Akrobaten. Über Jahrzehnte und Generationen hinweg verschmelzen so die Sippen des Zirkus mit den Bewohnern der Kleinstadt Lima, prägt der Zirkus ihre Lebensläufe.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2021

        He Yumin precise diet anti-cancer wisdom: how to eat bowel cancer

        He Yumin Precise Diet Anti-cancer Wisdom

        by Sun Lihong

        This book is based on the best-selling book "How to eat when you have cancer", based on Professor He Yumin's 40 years of clinical, scientific research and teaching experience in cancer diet and nutrition, as well as the appeals of hundreds of anti-cancer and anti-cancer audiences across the country. , And carefully proposed a personalized and targeted guidance program for the diet of patients with bowel cancer. Specifically for patients with bowel cancer, referring to the latest authoritative research materials at home and abroad, starting from "three mouths and one cancer, bowel cancer eaten", it introduces the effects of nutrients and phytochemicals in food on bowel cancer, and recommends it in daily life Common anti-cancer foods also list the bad eating habits that lead to bowel cancer. Propose reasonable, accurate, and personalized dietary guidance programs for patients during different periods of surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy, and finally correct the patients' wrong dietary concepts by identifying dietary errors. This book can bring help to patients and their families, and effectively improve and enhance the clinical treatment effect and quality of life of patients!

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2020

        Shangtang Book

        by Sun Huifen

        This is a classic novel constructed by literature on the mundane world of the countryside. In the eyes of the world, Shangtang is just a little-known and insignificant village on a vast map; in the author's writing, it is an existence worth treating as a life, and a microcosm of contemporary Chinese rural areas. From a bird’s-eye panoramic perspective, the work describes its geography, politics, transportation, communications, education, trade, culture, marriage, and history in turn. It is mixed with natural depictions of rural landscapes such as houses, streets, old wells, and roads. The vivid silhouettes of the characters, they live and die in love and hatred, and indifferent life and death, all their weaknesses and virtues are swayed freely on them, forming the spiritual territory of Shangtang.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2025


        by Ben Alderson-Day

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2018

        All of this is true

        Ruhm kann tödlich sein

        by Peñaflor, Lygia Day

        Als die Freunde Miri, Soleil, Jonah und Penny sich mit der exzentrischen Bestsellerautorin Fatima Ro anfreunden, glauben sie, dass ihr Leben endlich den ersehnten Kick bekommt. Sie teilen sich gegenseitig ihre tiefsten Geheimnisse mit und gründen sogar einen Fan-Club für die Autorin. Diese wiederum lässt die Clique hautnah an ihrem Leben teilhaben - bis sie plötzlich in ihrem neuen Buch ein skandalträchtiges Geheimnis verrät, das eine tödliche Tragödie auslöst. Die Schülerinnen müssen sich entsetzt eingestehen, dass in dieser Freundschaft niemand ehrlich gespielt hat.

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        August 2021

        Aloha und alles auf Anfang


        by Annicken R. Day, Elke Ranzinger

        Maya Williams ist eine hart arbeitende Karrierefrau, ehrgeizig und ambitioniert, an die Spitze eines New Yorker IT-Unternehmens zu gelangen. Eines Tages erhält sie ihre Chance: Sie soll ihren Chef bei einer Investorenkonferenz auf Hawaii vertreten. Nach ihrem Vortrag wird sie nicht befördert, sondern gefeuert – und ihr bisheriges Leben komplett über den Haufen geworfen. Durch die besondere Atmosphäre Hawaiis sieht sie das Leben, die Arbeit, die Liebe und sich selbst in neuem Licht. Bis sie nach einigen Monaten auf der Insel ein Angebot bekommt, von dem ihr altes Ich immer geträumt hatte … Aloha und alles auf Anfang ist eine Hommage an Hawaii und gleichzeitig ein inspirierender, charmanter Roman voll positiver Energie, der Mut macht, das Glück zu suchen und seine Träume zu leben.

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2021

        Aloha und alles auf Anfang


        by Annicken R. Day

        Maya Williams ist eine hart arbeitende Karrierefrau, ehrgeizig und ambitioniert, an die Spitze eines New Yorker IT-Unternehmens zu gelangen. Eines Tages erhält sie ihre Chance: Sie soll ihren Chef bei einer Investorenkonferenz auf Hawaii vertreten. Nach ihrem Vortrag wird sie nicht befördert, sondern gefeuert – und ihr bisheriges Leben komplett über den Haufen geworfen. Durch die besondere Atmosphäre Hawaiis sieht sie das Leben, die Arbeit, die Liebe und sich selbst in neuem Licht. Bis sie nach einigen Monaten auf der Insel ein Angebot bekommt, von dem ihr altes Ich immer geträumt hatte … Aloha und alles auf Anfang ist eine Hommage an Hawaii und gleichzeitig ein inspirierender, charmanter Roman voll positiver Energie, der Mut macht, das Glück zu suchen und seine Träume zu leben.

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