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      • National University of Singapore Press

        The NUS Press Story NUS Press publishes academic books and journals, as well as general non-fiction. Our home market is Singapore and Southeast Asia, but our books are distributed internationally. We publish books of special relevance to Southeast Asia and we maintain a disciplinary focus on the humanities and social sciences. Books and memoirs meant mostly for a general audience and to be sold in bookshops are published under our Ridge Books imprint. We publish some 30 books a year.   NUS Press currently publishes two academic journals: China: An International Journal (for the East Asian Institute at NUS) and Southeast of Now: Directions in Contemporary and Modern Art in Asia.  We are accepting new journal proposals. Please contact us at if you are interested to start a new journal. For more, see Journals.   The National University of Singapore Press is heir to a tradition of academic publishing in Singapore that dates back some 60 years, starting with the work of the Publishing Committee of the University of Malaya, beginning in 1954. Singapore University Press was created in 1971 as the publishing division of the University of Singapore. The University of Singapore merged with Nanyang University in 1980 to become the National University of Singapore, and in 2006 Singapore University Press was succeeded by NUS Press, bringing the name of the press in line with the name of the university.   Our publishing mission is to enable the dissemination and creation of knowledge through the publishing of scholarly and academic books; and to empower learning, innovation and enterprise for the Singapore- and Asia-focused global community. All NUS Press books must be approved by a Publishing Committee, drawn from the ranks of the academic staff at the National University of Singapore. NUS Press is currently managed by Peter Schoppert. Previous Director Paul Kratoska remains onboard as Publishing Director.

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      • Singapore Book Publishers Association (SBPA)

        The Association represents the interests of Singapore publishers who are engaged in a wide range of publishing, marketing and distribution activities in both print and digital formats. From 22 member companies at its inception, the Association has grown to accommodate more than 70 members who publish in all four official languages of Singapore. Since its inception, the SBPA's objective has been to develop and strengthen the book ecosystem of Singapore in partnership with other like-minded organisations.

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      • Trusted Partner
        Plant ecology
        December 2016

        Plant Biodiversity

        Monitoring, Assessment and Conservation

        by Edited by Abid A Ansari, Sarvajeet Singh Gill

        Plants are important components to the ecosystem. They are the base of the food chain and play a significant role in energy flow and biogeochemical cycling of nutrients between terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. They must constantly fight against the environmental modifications, however, that threaten to cause global species extinction and habitat destruction. A new multidisciplinary science has evolved to deal with the crises confronting biological diversity. It has two goals: first, to investigate human impacts on biological diversity and second, to develop practical approaches to prevent extinction of species. This book is a practical update on our knowledge on monitoring, assessment and conservation of plant biodiversity in aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems and related fields. It includes a general overview of plant biodiversity, investigates a wealth of factors affecting and hindering plant biodiversity before exploring in depth methods of monitoring, assessing and conserving our plant species. Globally relevant, this book is a valuable resource for all researchers, professionals and students of botany and plant biodiversity studies.

      • Trusted Partner
        Science & Mathematics
        September 2019

        Plant Adaptation to Environmental Change

        Significance of Amino Acids and their Derivatives

        by Naser A Anjum, Sarvajeet Singh Gill, Ritu Gill

        Plants constantly cope with unfavourable ecosystem conditions, which often prevent them reaching their full genetic potential in terms of growth, development and productivity. This book covers plants' responses to these environmental changes, namely, the modulation of amino acids, peptides and amines to combat both biotic and abiotic stress factors. Bringing together the most recent developments, this book is an important resource for researchers and students of crop stress and plant physiology.

      • Trusted Partner
        Science & Mathematics
        October 2018

        Corporate Social Responsibility

        Win-win Propositions for Communities, Corporates and Agriculture

        by S P Wani, K V Raju, Anand K. Singh, Aviraj Datta, O.P. Chaturvedi, S.K. Dasgupta, Gajanan Sawargaonkar, Girish Chander, A.V.R. Kesava Rao, Kaushal K. Garg, Mukund D. Patil, G. Pardhasaradhi, K Srinivas, Raghavendra Sudi, Inder Dev, Kiran J. Petare, Nagaraju Budama, Rajesh Nune, Ramesh Singh, A. N. Rao, Prabhakar Pathak, D.S. Prasad Rao, C. Srinivasa Rao

        This book examines the design and implementation of corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities in rural areas, based on collaboration between well-known corporates and an international research organization. Researchers used various scientific tools and methods to enhance rural livelihoods and improve sustainable natural resources management. Including three chapters covering the philosophy and practices of CSR, this book covers emerging policies and their implications in India. Eight case studies based on actual practices explore climate-resilient agriculture, water footprint, improving livelihoods, diversification of crop pattern, enhancing crop productivity, and sustainable development in low rainfall regions. Five further chapters cover soil health improvement, improving rural wastewater management and enhancing rural livelihoods, based on various case studies. The book offers macro and micro perspectives of CSR work and its critical benefits to both community and natural resources. This book covers: Philosophy and practices of corporate social responsibility. Impact studies on improving livelihoods and sustainable development of natural resources. Process steps across various CSR initiatives. Distinct features of each corporate agency. This book will be useful to corporates, individuals involved in CSR work as well as students and researchers focused on agricultural development and the sustainable development of natural resources.

      • Trusted Partner

        A Partir de Rien

        by Ron Adam

        A Partir de RienUn thriller apocalyptique par Ron Adam Tout comme dans les tragédies grecques, l’Amérique va droit à la collision inévitable avec l’ultime menace : la combinaison fatale de l’Islam fanatique avec les armes nucléaires et les ressources énergétiques les plus riches du monde. Le 11 septembre 2001, Osama Bin Laden a démontré au monde comment on pouvait aisément retourner les dollars américains et la technologie des Etats-Unis et les utiliser comme un boomerang frappant droit au cœur de l’Amérique. Il est à la fois facile et terrible d’imaginer ce qui peut arriver si un tel zèle fanatique réussit à s’équiper de la puissance monstrueuse des armes nucléaires.Un coup d’œil rapide à la carte montre que les Etats-Unis ont appris la leçon et que les guerres en Afghanistan et en Iraq doivent juste refermer le cercle autour de la menace véritable – l’Iran.A Partir de Rien vous entraîne dans le tourbillon qui balaie le monde, depuis une guerre locale dans le Golfe Persique, en passant par un coup d’état militaire en Russie - la nouvelle ancienne alliée de l’Iran – jusqu’à un véritable holocauste nucléaire.L'équipe d'un sous-marin américain, constituée d'hommes uniquement, qui sans le vouloir, a joué un rôle actif dans la destruction de l’humanité, découvre au lendemain de la catastrophe que c’est sur ses épaules qu’incombe d’accomplir la tâche opposée – recréer la race humaine – A Partir de Rien. Après neuf mois passés sous l’eau, ils vont émerger vers une île lointaine du Pacifique sur laquelle les conditions peuvent de nouveau supporter la vie. Equipés des technologies les plus sophistiquées, ils emportent avec eux deux douzaines d’ovaires fertilisés congelés, qui sont chacun destinés à devenir une nouvelle Eve, et qui, ensemble, constitueront les mères d’une nouvelle humanité.Cependant les « Adams » sont malheureusement trop nombreux sur cette île ! Plus d’une centaine d’hommes attendent impatiemment que les 24 petites filles grandissent pour mûrir et devenir des femmes, et le combat pour prendre contrôle de cette précieuse « ressource » est par conséquent inévitable.Ces hommes découvrent que la nature humaine ne peut être changée. Même après la guerre ultime qui a tout détruit, l’homme continuera à se servir de la force pure pour obtenir ce qu’il veut et pour résoudre les disputes.En dépit de sa trame pessimiste, le livre est essentiellement optimiste et est guidé par la foi dans la loi de l’histoire : il se peut que les bons doivent souffrir et payer un lourd tribut mais, à la fin du compte, ils gagneront.L’auteur : un pilote de chasse, officier naval et ingénieur supérieur de Hi-Tech. Ron Adam a mené une carrière militaire impressionnante, du service dans un sous-marin et un torpilleur de la marine israélienne en passant par l’aviation israélienne comme pilote de chasse, capitaine sur un porte-avions, instructeur de vol et officier du personnel de guerre électronique. Possédant un diplôme d’ingénieur en électronique, Adam a dirigé un programme de défense de 1,2 milliards de dollars et a également fondé trois entreprises start-up dans le high-tech. Aujourd’hui, Adam est ingénieur-conseil supérieur dans les industries aéronautiques et il partage son temps entre la technique de haut niveau et l’écriture de livres et de scénarios. Il est marié et a trois enfants.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2008

        Der Zug nach Pakistan


        by Khushwant Singh, Axel Monte

        Das Grauen begann im Jahr 1947: Die Engländer waren gerade abgezogen, Indien und Pakistan wurden geteilt und Menschen ihrer Religionszugehörigkeit entsprechend umgesiedelt – mit verheerenden Folgen. Es kam zu einer der größten Vertreibungen der Geschichte, zehn Millionen Menschen waren auf der Flucht. Familien wurden getrennt, Frauen vergewaltigt, Hunderttausende getötet. Von diesem Trauma Indiens erzählt Khushwant Singh in seinem Roman. Noch ist die Idylle in dem Dorf Mano Majra nahe der Grenze vollkommen. Muslime, Hindus und Sikhs leben hier friedlich miteinander, die Bewohner haben ihren Alltag auf die vorbeifahrenden Züge abgestimmt. Für Aufregung sorgt nur hin und wieder Jaggat, der Dorfganove. Die Männer haben Respekt vor ihm, schon wegen seiner Statur, über die sie ehrfürchtig sprechen. Jaggat kommt immer wieder ins Gefängnis, sein Vater und sein Großvater wurden als Kriminelle sogar gehängt. Obwohl er selbst der Sikhreligion angehört, hat er eine heimliche Liebschaft mit einem muslimischen Mädchen. Eines Tages hält zu einer ungewöhnlichen Zeit ein Zug in Mano Majra. Etwas Unheilvolles, etwas Gespenstisches geht von ihm aus: Der Zug ist voll mit Leichen ermordeter Sikhs. Das Grauen hat auch Mano Majra erreicht, jetzt zählt auch hier nur noch, wer welcher Religion angehört. Der Roman erschien erstmals 1956, heute ist er in Indien ein Klassiker. Khushwant Singh erzählt anhand von zahlreichen Einzelschicksalen in erschütternder Weise von der größten politischen,, sozialen, menschlichen Katastrophe Indiens, vom abrupten Wandel einer friedlichen Welt in die Hölle des Krieges, der noch heute grausame Nachwirkungen zeigt: im Kaschmirkonflikt, in blutigen Ausschreitungen zwischen den Religionsgruppen, in der Zerstörung von Moscheen und Tempeln.

      • Trusted Partner
        Plant pathology & diseases
        February 2010

        Management of Fungal Plant Pathogens

        by Gordon Dryden, Allan T Lisle, Arun Omprakash Arya, Ashok Kumar, Nawal Kishore Dubey, Priyanka Singh, A O Ogaraku, Pramila Tripathi, Marina Sisterna, María Rosa Simón, Sebastian A Stenglein, Neeta Sharma, Abhishek Tripathi, Marta Mónica Astiz Gassó, Silvina Larran, Santiago Schalamuk, S.K. Gond, M S Patil, S Nandy, Analiá Edith Perelló, Prasad R Acharya, María Virginia Moreno, María Cristina Isabel Noelting, Shuzhen Zhang, Anuja Gupta, Gustavo Dal Bello, Saikat Kumar Basu, Cecilia Mónaco, Ayman M H Esh. Edited by Arun Omprakash Arya, Analiá Edith Perelló.

        This book reviews research into pathogenic fungi in a diverse selection of economically important crops, including fruits and cereals. The establishment and management of fungal plant diseases, using conventional and ecofriendly methods is discussed with an emphasis on the use of microorganisms and biotechnology. Chapters also examine the role of microbes in growth promotion, as bioprotectors and bioremediators and presents practical strategies for using microbes as well as botanicals in sustainable agriculture. Providing knowledge of plant-pathogen interactions, management strategies and techniques, this will be a useful resource for students, researchers and extension workers in biology and plant pathology.

      • Trusted Partner

        LOGIC – A First Course

        by Prof. A. Blum

        LOGIC – A First Course Prof. A. Blum A rigorous first course in logic for students of philosophy. The book aims to teach a natural deduction technique and to give a thorough intuitive understanding of the metatheory of elementary logic. Prof. Blum, one of Israel’s leading philosophical logicians, has published over 40 articles on logic and related subjects in international journals, and is Professor Emeritus of Philosophy at Bar-Ilan University. 192 pages, 16.5X23.5 cm

      • Trusted Partner

        LOGIC – A First Course

        by Prof. A. Blum

        A rigorous first course in logic for students of philosophy. The book aims to teach a natural deduction technique and to give a thorough intuitive understanding of the metatheory of elementary logic. Prof. Blum, one of Israel’s leading philosophical logicians, has published over 40 articles on logic and related subjects in international journals, and is Professor Emeritus of Philosophy at Bar-Ilan University. 192 pages, 16.5X23.5 cm

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA
        November 2019


        by Tanu Shree Singh and Sandhya Prabhat

        Ani’s life has turned dark ever since his mother left. The little specks of light, Grandma, Dobby and not even ice cream can get through the haunting walls created by Ani’s growing fear. Struggling to let others love him, he anxiously waits for his mother to return, delving deeper into the darkness and refusing to see the splashes of colour around him.  Tanu Shree Singh’s poignant tale of a child waiting for his mother, a cancer patient, is told with exceptional depth and economy of words. The masterful hand-drawn digital, textured illustrations of Sandhya Prabhat depict a jarring juxtaposition of Ani’s dark world and his brightly coloured surroundings, mellowed by the gentle narrative which beautifully captures the essence of the tale.

      • Trusted Partner
        Botany & plant sciences
        December 2011

        Invasive Alien Plants

        An Ecological Appraisal for the Indian subcontinent

        by A S Raghubanshi, A Sathyanarayana, A S Yadav, Aijaz Hassan Ganie, Anzar A Khuroo, B A Wafai, C Muthumperumal, C N Pandey, D Adhikari, Daizy R Batish, G H Dar, G P Sharma, G C. S. Negi, Gurpreet Kaur, H P Singh, Irfan Rashid, Irshad A Hamal, Ishwar Singh, J P N Rai, J K Patterson Edward, Kavitha Sagar, L Arul Pragasan, M L Khan, M Pant, Manzoor A Shah. Edited by J R Bhatt, J S Singh, S P Singh, R S Tripathi, Ravinder K Kohli.

        Invasive alien species are a major threat to biodiversity and ecosystems throughout the world. In India, a country with four of the world's most important 'biodiversity hotspots', the invasion of alien plants means risking a national ecological disaster with major social and economic consequences. Currently, there is insufficient information about invasive alien plants; their distribution, rate of spread and adaptability to new environments. This book reveals existing and potential invaders, evaluates the level of risk they pose to native species and suggests steps to manage spread and limit damage. Invaluable to policy-makers, this book is also required reading for researchers of invasive plants worldwide.

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      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        April 2022

        A new naval history

        by Quintin Colville, James Davey, Katherine Parker, Elaine Chalus, Evan Wilson, Barbara Korte, Cicely Robinson, Cindy McCreery, Ellie Miles, Mary A. Conley, Jonathan Rayner, Daniel Spence, Emma Hanna, Ulrike Zimmerman, Max Jones, Jan Rüger

        A New Naval History brings together the most significant and interdisciplinary approaches to contemporary naval history. The last few decades have witnessed a transformation in how this field is researched and understood and this volume captures the state of a field that continues to develop apace. It examines - through the prism of naval affairs - issues of nationhood and imperialism; the legacy of Nelson; the socio-cultural realities of life in ships and naval bases; and the processes of commemoration, journalism and stage-managed pageantry that plotted the interrelationship of ship and shore. This bold and original publication will be essential for undergraduate and postgraduate students of naval and maritime history. Beyond that, though, it marks an important intervention into wider historiographies that will be read by scholars from across the spectrum of social history, cultural studies and the analysis of national identity.

      • Trusted Partner
        Technology, Engineering & Agriculture
        September 2018

        A History of Pesticides

        by Graham A Matthews

        In this fascinating book, Graham Matthews takes the reader through the history of the development and use of chemicals for control of pests, weeds, and vectors of disease. Prior to 1900 only a few chemicals had been employed as pesticides but in the early 1940s, as the Second World War raged, the insecticide DDT and the herbicide 2-4-D were developed. These changed everything. Since then, farmers have been using a growing list of insecticides, herbicides and fungicides to protect their crops. Their use has undoubtedly led to significant gains in agricultural production and reduction in disease transmission, but also to major problems: health concerns for both users of pesticides and the general public, the emergence of resistance in pest populations, and environmental problems. The book examines the development of legislation designed to control and restrict the use of pesticides, the emergence of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) and the use of biological control agents as part of policy to protect the environment and encourage the sustainable use of pesticides. Finally, the use of new technologies in pest control are discussed including the use of genetic modification, targeted pesticide application and use of drones, alongside basic requirements for IPM such as crop rotations, close seasons and adoption of plant varieties with resistance to pests and diseases.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        October 2018

        Leaving Is a Return

        by A Lai

        “Leaving Is a Return” is the latest collection of essays by writer A Lai. It is divided into four series. The first part is “bronze years”: the meditation and recollection of the hometown. The second part is called “ideal country of vegetation”: a unique understanding of flowers and trees and Rural Movement, in the author's pen, it is an ideal country. The third part is “dust has not fallen”: it is the author's reading notes, as well as the knowledge of literature and reading experience. The fourth part is “music and poetry”: the author's creative experience and writing process and his understanding of many years of writing career. Leaving Is a Return gives us a lot of insights in seemingly ordinary things. The author compares the layers of the mountain to the "staircase" and says "My soul will go to heaven by stepping on these ladders." The author turns his eyes to nature and whispers with the vast world. These beautiful words can let us comprehend the spiritual space of A Lai.

      • Trusted Partner

        A. W. Schlegels Shakespeare-Übersetzung

        Untersuchungen zu seinem Übersetzungsverfahren am Beispiel des Hamlet

        by Gebhardt, Peter A

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA
        March 2020

        Amelie Trott and the Earth Watchers

        by Moyra Irving

        This is the extraordinary story of how one small girl stopped a planetary catastrophe. It’s a very timely book, written for the child in us all, with a forceful message about the power of young people to transform the world - a theme currently demonstrated by brave young heroes like Greta Thunberg. And with magical synchronicity, the very week Greta began her lone vigil outside the Swedish government last year, over 1,000 miles (1,897 km) away in the fictional world of books, Amelie Trott took to Parliament Square, London - on a mission to avert the End of the World. It’s a family drama with an international feel - set mainly in England but with episodes in Washington DC and around the world.

      • Trusted Partner

        Born in A Great Era

        by A Record of Changes in Contemporary Lifestyle

        1978-2018, a big era. Reform and opening up have profoundly affected the changes in the way of life of the Chinese people. The manuscript replays the development of social life in China over the past 40 years of reform and opening up. It mainly sorts out the great changes in our lives in the past 40 years from the aspects of clothing, food, housing, market, love, and play. Adhering to the purpose of "a magazine and the body temperature of an era", the manuscript has a unique perspective and rich details, which can be regarded as a brief history of alternative life with warmth in this era.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        A oficina do Cambeva (Cambeva's workshop)

        by Lido Loschi

        Cambeva's workshop is the first of four books of the collection "Presente de Vô" in partnership with Grupo Ponto de Partida. The book is a mixture of colours and elements that highlight the memory of the world, in which seekers of memories have the mission of bringing light and life to objects found in the travels of two characters: Zalém and Calunga. Cambeva is a restorer who, when the world lost its embrace, tried to reinvent it; he is the grandfather who mends dreams, forgotten things and lost emotions, to whom the seekers ask for help to fix something. In a magical universe, full of children, grandchildren, stories and memories of his lineage of restorers, when faced with this request for restoration, he makes room to bring back an emblematic figure who can no longer sing. A story about memories, care and affection...

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