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        Children's & YA

        Le serpent magique

        by Olivier Timma

        "Le serpent magique" tells one of the most famous legends of the Fang Béti cultural area: the crossing of the Sanaga by the Béti people in the middle of the seventeenth century. This legend features three great heroes: Ngaη Medza'a, "the serpent man", Nnëbodo "savior of men" and Kolo-Kunu "master of the word". Through this album, the author takes the reader through the mythical and fantastic universe of the history of the Beti people.

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        LE MUR, ETC. (French Edition)

        by Hamutal Bar -Yosef

        LE MUR, ETC. par Hamutal Bar-YosefLe mur est un recueil de dix-huit nouvelles merveilleusement écrites et dont certaines sont fondées sur des faits véridiques. Le célèbre écrivain israélien Amos Oz a qualifié ce recueil de « particulièrement puissant et émouvant »Hamutal Bar-Yosef a créé dans Le mur, etc. un récit composé de « tranches de vie » tragi-comique, quelquefois grotesque et qui décrit la condition humaine comme l’abîme béant qui sépare les désirs de la réalité. Elle y exprime une grande empathie et un respect considérable pour les personnages qu’elle décrit et elle pénètre leur monde intérieur avec une sensibilité stupéfiante.Hamutal Bar-Yosef est bien connue en Israël comme écrivain, poète, traductrice et universitaire. Elle est née dans un Kibboutz de parents qui ont perdu leur famille dans la Shoa. Son seul frère a été tué en 1948 pendant la guerre d’Indépendance d’Israël. À l’âge de vingt ans, l’auteur a épousé le dramaturge p Words Yosef Bar-Yosef dont elle a eu quatre enfants; l’un d’entre eux s’est suicidé à l’âge de seize ans. Elle a subvenu aux besoins de sa famille en travaillant comme professeur dans une école secondaire et, par la suite, en rédigeant des guides pédagogiques. L’auteur n’a soutenu sa thèse de doctorat qu’après l’âge de quarante ans, devenant alors professeur de littérature hébraïque à l’Université Ben-Gourion. Elle a écrit huit ouvrages d’érudition mais également quinze livres de poésie et ces derniers lui ont valu de nombreux prix prestigieux. Son recueil de nouvelles Le mur (intitulé à l'origine Musique) a remporté le prix ASI (Association des Ecrivains Israéliens).Le professeur Bar-Yosef a traduit des œuvres de poésie et des romans depuis l’anglais, le français et le russe.

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        November 2024

        Agrarian Systems and Climate Change

        by Hubert Cochet, Olivier Ducourtieux, Nadège Garambois, Elsa Champeaux, Hubert Cochet, Olivier Ducourtieux, Samir El Ouaamari, Mathilde Fert, Nadège Garambois, Thérèse Hartog, Jean-Luc Paul, Philippe Le Clerc, Niel Verhoog, Esther Laske, Thibault Labetoulle, Ulysse Le Goff, Léa Radzik, Céline Tewa, Lucie Thibaudeau, Louis Thomazo, Charlotte Verger-Lécuyer, Florie-Anne Wiel

        This book examines the link between global change and impacts and adaptation at the local level, combining a systemic approach and connecting different scales of analysis. It unravels the complex ties between the scenarios developed at global, continental, regional scales of analysis and farmers' concrete experiences, lived at the territorial level. In addition to this great discrepancy in terms of scales of analysis and understanding of processes, there is a need to relate the multi-generational scale of possible climatic changes to that of agricultural practices carried out on the agricultural season level. Based on the detailed study and comparison of a dozen contrasting local situations in sub-Saharan Africa and South-East Asia, the authors highlight the processes and trajectories which explain the high exposure to the hazards of different groups of farmers, as well as their unequal capacity to adapt. They explain the causes of this vulnerability and illustrate the weight of past and current choices in terms of agricultural, environmental and trade policies. Finally, they present the adjustment modalities and the past and current transformations of peasant practices moving towards a reduction in exposure to hazards, a reduction in vulnerability, and better adaptation to global changes: climate change, demographic growth, increased competition for access to resources, changes in relative prices and market fluctuations, deregulation and decline in public support, etc. In conclusion, they outline possible paths in terms of adaptation and proposals for political measures to support producers.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        September 2018

        Shakespeare by McBean

        by Adrian Woodhouse

        Shakespeare by McBean collects 300 images, many never before published, taken by the renowned photographer Angus McBean. Incorporating images from every one of Shakespeare's plays performed at the RSC, with some from the Old Vic, between the years 1845-62, it is a veritable who's who of the British stage. Richard Burton, Vivien Leigh, Robert Donat, Alec Guiness, Michael Redgrave, Peggy Ashcroft, Laurence Olivier, Edith Evans, Paul Scofield, Diana Rigg, Anthony Quayle, Charles Laughton, John Gielgud, Peter O'Toole and Dorothy Tutin are just some of the names that appear. Angus McBean was an exceptional talent, whether he was transforming the photography of rehearsals, inspiring the Beatles, or entertaining his admireres with his light-hearted espousal of surrealism in portraiture. In a career lasting half a century his influence can be seen in everything from advertising to pop culture.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        May 2020

        The 'desegregation' of English schools

        by Olivier Esteves

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        October 2011

        Die rote Prinzessin

        Ein revolutionäres Leben

        by Sofka Zinovieff, Aurelia Batlogg

        Prinzessin Sofka Dolgorukij (1907-1994) war eine ungewöhnlich schöne, kluge und eigensinnige Frau. Ihr Lebensweg führte aus den Palästen von St. Petersburg quer durch das Europa des 20. Jahrhunderts, bis in ein schlichtes Cottage in Cornwall. Neben ihrer Begeisterung für den Kommunismus, mehreren Ehemännern und zahlreichen Liebhabern nahmen in ihrem Leben die Literatur und der Film – sie war die persönliche Assistentin von Sir Laurence Olivier – und ihr Kampf für Gerechtigkeit eine wichtige Rolle ein. Einfühlsam erzählt Sofka Zinovieff das Leben ihrer Großmutter – eine Biographie über ein Leben, wie es romanhafter nicht hätte sein können.

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        January 1988

        Der letzte Brief

        Die Schreckensherrschaft der Französischen Revolution in Augenzeugenberichten

        by Blanc, Olivier / Französisch Pätzold, Brigitte

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        October 2012

        Die Liebende

        by Albert Ostermaier

        Mit sämtlichen Gefühls- und Spielarten der Liebe wird der Pariser Polizeikommissar Olivier konfrontiert. Er hat eine Frau zu verhören, die von sich behauptet sie verwandle die Männer nach dem Akt in alle möglichen und unmöglichen Gestalten, sie entstelle ihre Rivalinnen, bringe Liebhaber und Liebhaberinnen um. Zunächst glaubt der Kommissar, es mit einer Verwirrten zu tun zu haben. Dann begreift er, daß die Person ein ungeheures Wissen um Gefühle von Liebe und Haß, Zuneigung und Zerstörung hat. Immer wieder hört er die Bänder ihres Verhöres ab um dem Geheimnis dieser Frau auf die Spur zu kommen. Am Ende dieser großartig komponierten, spannenden und weit ausgreifenden Erzählung finden die Polizeikollegen den Kommissar ermordet auf.

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        April 2021

        Leprosy and identity in the Middle Ages

        From England to the Mediterranean

        by Elma Brenner, François-Olivier Touati

        For the first time, this volume explores the identities of leprosy sufferers and other people affected by the disease in medieval Europe. The chapters, including contributions by leading voices such as Luke Demaitre, Carole Rawcliffe and Charlotte Roberts, challenge the view that people with leprosy were uniformly excluded and stigmatised. Instead, they reveal the complexity of responses to this disease and the fine line between segregation and integration. Ranging across disciplines, from history to bioarchaeology, Leprosy and identity in the Middle Ages encompasses post-medieval perspectives as well as the attitudes and responses of contemporaries. Subjects include hospital care, diet, sanctity, miraculous healing, diagnosis, iconography and public health regulation. This richly illustrated collection presents previously unpublished archival and material sources from England to the Mediterranean.

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        August 2008

        Five Directors

        Auteurism from Assayas to Ozon

        by Edited by Kate Ince

        Auteurism - the idea that a director of a film is its source of meaning and should retain creative control over the finished product - has been one of film studies' most important paradigms ever since the French New Wave of the late 1950s and early 1960s, and the adoption of the term auteur by Andrew Sarris. Through the popular, controversial and critically acclaimed films of Olivier Assayas, Jacques Audiard, the Dardenne borthers, Michael Haneke and Francois Ozon, this book looks into how the meaning of 'auteur' has changed over this half-century, and assesses the current state of Francophone auteur cinema. It combines French philosophical and sociological approaches with methodologies from the Anglo-American fields of gender studies, queer theory and postmodernism. This volume will be of interest to researchers and students of film studies, European cinema and French and Francophone studies, as well as to film enthusiasts.

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