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      • Sandu Publishing Co., Limited

        Established in 2001, Sandu Publishing (China) embraces a global vision ever since. Specialized in international design and visual communication, Sandu keeps abreast with the latest design trends and diffuse outstanding and all-round design information. So far Sandu has published Chinese and English books and magazines in more than 70 countries worldwide. Amongst Design 360°, Asian Pacific Design and a series of professional design books are highly appreciated by design institutes and designers. For more info, please go to and

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        Lam Chua: Travel Notes on Food 2

        by Lam Chua

        Lam Chua: Travel Notes on Food 2 is a sequel to Lam Chua: Travel Notes on Food, involving Mr. Chua's travel notes and random thoughts on his trip for savoring food, especially his new articles as well as his Weibo post about delicacies, anecdotes and scenery during 2018 to 2020. What Mr. Chua delivers to us in this book goes beyond just travelling and food, but more of his refreshing insight into life's ups and downs.

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        Food & Drink

        Lam Chua: Travel Notes on Food

        by Lam Chua

        Lam Chua: Travel Notes on Food involves Mr. Chua's travel notes and random thoughts on his trip for savoring food. He experiences around the world from Moscow to Buenos Aires, feasting your eyes on European and American styles and customs; he travels around China from Dalian of Liaoning to Sheung Wan of Hong Kong, savoring local culture and cuisines; he talks about food from cup noodles and sauce to fish roes and curry, airing opinions and making comments in passionate language. Besides, the book is illustrated by the Hong Kong talented artist as well as Mr. Chua's dedicated illustrator Ms. Meilo So. Her loose, flowing, and easily recognizable style add more appeal and interest to the book.

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        Picture books
        May 2017

        Over the Hill Together

        by Da Chuzhe

        From the fifth year of their marriage, Sumiko had to receive treatment in hospital for the acute pain caused by multiple rheumatoid arthritis. From that time on the disease had seized her. From 1982, Sumiko had to lie in the bed or rely on a wheelchair for the significant dysfunction of the upper limbs and the paralysis of the lower limbs, so she had to let her husband see to her daily life. And Oochuje took care of her basically all by himself unless he had a business trip and he would hire a care worker. This illustrated book elaborately depicts the story between them, including how they met and fell in love with each other during childhood, their daily conversations, their poems as well as their relentless fighting against disease. At the final part of the book, it mainly records the last thirty-three days from December 1997 to January 1998 during which the couple spent together until Sumiko had passed away. The words of the book is selected and the drawings simple yet profound through which one will be deeply touched for the deep and unchangeable love. “Over the hill” in common sense is an expression for death, but it means a whole new world for Oochuje and Sumiko where they would also walk side by side. Their love and cherish for each other was well beyond life and death for they never ceased to bring happiness for each other. And their love story has also enriched the world with pure beauty and wonder of love.

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        January 1986

        Strawberry Hill

        Horace Walpole und die Ästhetik der schönen Unregelmäßigkeit

        by Miller, Norbert

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        April 2008


        Warum wir erst anfangen, die Welt zu verstehen

        by Sandra Mitchell, Sebastian Vogel

        Eine neue Herausforderung für die Wissenschaft: Die Welt ist komplex, also sollten es auch unsere Vorstellungen von ihr sein. Viele Disziplinen der Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften haben sich lange an diese Maxime gehalten. Die Naturwissenschaften aber haben traditionell nach einfachen, universalen und zeitlosen Gesetzen gesucht. Damit wollten sie die "schwirrende Verwirrung" ("blooming, buzzing confusion", William James) erklären, die die ungeschulten Sinne dem Geist präsentieren. Aber dieses Unternehmen ist gescheitert. Sandra Mitchell zeigt, daß uns die Komplexität der lebendigen Welt dazu zwingt, unsere Denkmodelle radikal zu revidieren und nach einer adäquateren Erkenntnislehre zu suchen. Dazu hat die Systemtheorie Vorgaben geliefert, die seit einigen Jahren von der Komplexitätstheorie spezifiziert worden sind. Komplexe Systeme – wie die Welt, in der wir leben – zeichnen sich unter anderem durch Emergenz und Relationen aus: Was auf der Makroebene sichtbar wird, ist erst durch Wechselwirkungen zwischen den Elementen des Systems zu erklären. Wohin zum Beispiel ein Vogelschwarm fliegt, hängt nicht nur von den Individuen ab, sondern vor allem von Feedbackprozessen zwischen ihnen. Mitchell fordert deshalb: Wer die Welt verstehen will, muß auch verstehen lernen, warum das Ganze tatsächlich mehr ist als die Summe der einzelnen Teile.

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        October 2021

        Notting Hill im Schnee


        by Wake, Jules

        Aus dem Englischen von Bettina Ain

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        January 2004

        Die Memoiren der Fanny Hill

        (originalgetreu übertragen nach der Erstausgabe von 1749)

        by Cleland, John / Deutsch Nosbüsch, Erika

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