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      • Robert Lecker Agency

        Robert Lecker Agency is a dynamic literary management and consulting firm devoted to securing and advancing the careers of its client authors. The Agency draws on 30 years of publishing experience to obtain profitable and fair contracts with North America’s fastest growing publishers. Robert Lecker has worked extensively in trade publishing and has an established track record as an editor, coordinator, and subsidiary rights manager. RLA specializes in books about entertainment, music, popular culture, popular science, intellectual and cultural history, food, and travel. However, we are open to any idea that is original and well presented. We are also receptive to books written by academics that can attract a broad range of readers.

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      • Editions Robert Laffont S.A.

        Founded in 1941, Éditions Robert Laffont publish works of all genres, from fiction to non-fiction.   Several collections are known by bookshops and readers alike and feature in Laffont's repertoire: "Bouquins", the library of the honest man; "Pavillons", which - since its creation - has been bringing the best of nternational literature to French shores; "Réponses" (health, psychologie, family life); "R", our collection for young adults; and "La Bête Noire" (thriller, detective and crime fiction). Countless novels, political, topical and historical documents, as well as biographies, memoires and essays make up the rest of our work. Robert Laffont publishes well-reputed French and foreign writers. Robert Laffont's objective has not changed: to remain open-minded, to surprise, to inform, to move, to entertain, and to provoke!

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      • Trusted Partner
        Insecticide & herbicide technology
        December 2000

        Evaluating Indirect Ecological Effects of Biological Control

        by Edited by Eric Wajnberg, John K Scott, Paul C Quimby

        A major concern for biological control has always been the risk of indirect unwanted effects on the ecology of other organisms. Our understanding of the ecological and evolutionary processes underlying these effects has until now been limited and experimental methods sometimes lacking. This book presents the key papers from of the first International Organisation for Biological Control global symposium, held in Montpellier, France, in October 1999. It addresses the issues and concerns involved in biological control, and assesses the current status of evaluation of the ecological effects.

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        Biography & True Stories
        June 2014

        A Biography of Paul Watzlawick

        The Discovery of the Present Moment

        by Andrea Köhler-Ludescher

        This book, the world's first biography of Paul Watzlawick, written by his great-niece, describes the life of this philosopher, therapist, and best-selling author. Paul Watzlawick had a talent for languages and he led an adventurous life, from his childhood in Villach to studying in Venice after the war, to analyst training under C. G. Jung in Zurich, an attempt at establishing himself in India and then in El Salvador as a therapist, and finally to the Mental Research Institute (MRI) in the United States, headed by Don D. Jackson, a venerable scientist. This marked the beginning of the second half of his life, his amazing career as a communication researcher, a pioneer of systemic therapy, a radical constructivist, and a great thinker regarding the divisions between East and West. With many letters, lectures, interviews, and statements from contemporary witnesses and family members, this book makes Paul Watzlawick accessible as a human being and as a spiritually inspired, leading 20th century thinker. It includes a variety of unpublished material from Watzlawick, and introduces a comprehensive and exciting picture of the scientist and cosmopolitan person, Paul Watzlawick.   Target Group: For people interest in Paul Watzlawick, communication sciences, systemic therapy, and constructivism.

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        January 2019

        Robert Bresson

        by Keith Reader

        This book provides a comprehensive introduction to the work of Robert Bresson, one of the most respected and acclaimed directors in the history of cinema.. The first monograph on his work to appear in English for many years dealing not only with his thirteen feature-length films but also his little-seen early short Affaires publiques and his short treatise Notes on cinematography.. The films are considered in chronological order, using a perspective that draws variously on spectator theory, Catholic mysticism, gender theory and Lacanian psychoanalysis.. The major critical responses to his work, from the adulatory to the dismissive, are summarized and analyzed.. The work includes a full filmography and a critical bibliography.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2008

        Robert Walser

        Sein Leben in Bildern und Texten

        by Bernhard Echte, Bernhard Echte

        Robert Walsers Biographie ist von spannender Rätselhaftigkeit. Zeit seines Lebens verlief sein Weg am Rande der literarischen und bürgerlichen Welt, so daß er in den Zeugnissen seiner Zeitgenossen kaum Niederschlag fand. Und Walser seinerseits vermied es, sein Leben irgendwie anders zu dokumentieren als in seiner Literatur. Dort aber spielt er mit seiner Biographie – phantasierend und verwandelnd, so daß die Texte von seinen Lebensumständen mehr verschweigen als verraten. In mehr als 20jähriger Forschung ist es dem Herausgeber gelungen, eine Fülle unbekannter Materialien und Bilder zusammenzutragen. Annähernd 1000 zeitgenössische Bilddokumente erlauben es, Walsers Lebenswelt in einer Nähe und Dichte kennenzulernen, wie es bislang nicht möglich war. »Sein Lebensbild wird nie komplett geschrieben werden können. Schon scheint mancher seinen Charakter zu umkleiden versucht zu haben.« Robert Walser

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        August 2001

        Röschitz am Meer

        Gedichte der Jahre 1999 bis 2001

        by Paul, Johannes Wolfgang

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      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        January 1991

        Das fehlende W

        Ein Wiener Kriminalroman

        by Hinterberger, Ernst

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      • Trusted Partner
        April 2001

        Lexikon der populären Irrtümer Österreichs

        Über 250 kapitale Missverständnisse, Vorurteile und Denkfehler

        by Mayer, Horst Friedrich / Adaptiert von Sedlaczek, Robert

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        November 2001

        Geflügelte Worte aus Österreich

        Über 1000 populäre Zitate und ihre genaue Herkunft

        by Mayer, Horst Friedrich / Adaptiert von Sedlaczek, Robert

      • Trusted Partner
        October 1999

        Und die Erde wird weinen

        Die Indianer Nordamerikas - ihre Geschichte, ihre Spiritualität, ihr Überlebenskampf

        by Wilson, James / Englisch Enderwitz, Ulrich; Englisch Hentschel, Rüdiger

      • Trusted Partner
        Agriculture & related industries
        July 2003

        Advances in Stored Product Protection

        by Edited by Peter F Credland, David M Armitage, Christopher H Bell, Paul M Cogan, Ed Highley

        The International Working Conference on Stored Product Protection, held every four years, is the premier world forum for the presentation of research results and reviews on the safe storage of durable foodstuffs, of which cereal grains, pulses and oilseeds make up the largest components. This book presents the proceedings of the 8th conference, held in York, UK, in July 2002. This book highlights work on the pests and diseases that may cause spoilage, adverse health effects and loss of the crop after harvest, and discusses new techniques for the safe, effective and environmentally friendly management of stored commodities. With nearly 200 keynote, oral and poster papers and contributions from leading experts from around the world, the contents cover the future of stored product protection and the impacts of global issues, food safety, chemical and physical control, and processing and applications.The volume will interest applied entomologists, plant pathologists, postharvest biologists, and agricultural engineers.

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        Animal husbandry
        March 2010

        Encyclopedia of Applied Animal Behaviour and Welfare

        by Edited by Daniel S. Mills, Jeremy N. Marchant-Forde, Paul D. McGreevy, David B. Morton, Christine J Nicol, Clive J. C. Phillips, Peter Sandøe, Ronald R. Swaisgood

        Welfare research has established a range of scientific indicators of stress, welfare and suffering in animals that can be applied to all aspects of improving their welfare through good housing and management, and the topic continues to grow in importance among both professionals and the public. The practical focus of this authoritative, comprehensive encyclopedia aims to promote the understanding and improvement of animals’ behaviour without compromising welfare. Under the editorial direction of Professor Daniel Mills, the UK’s first specialist in veterinary behavioural medicine, over 180 international experts have contributed a wealth of fully cross-referenced entries from concise definitions to detailed short essays on biological, practical, clinical and ethical aspects of behaviour and welfare in domestic, exotic, companion and zoo animals.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2003

        Das Leben Robert Walsers

        Eine dokumentarische Biographie

        by Robert Mächler, Robert Mächler

        »Robert Mächler hat die flüchtigen Spuren von Robert Walsers Leben so sorgfältig und verläßlich wie überhaupt gesichert. Wer Robert Walser kennen lernen will, kann sich Mächler anvertrauen. Er findet einen zuverlässigen, umsichtigen Führer und er wird angesichts dieser sachlichen Dichtervita, dieses Bildnisses eines so armen wie reichen Mannes vielleicht von Erschütterung, gewiß aber von Zuneigung und Bewunderung angerührt werden.« Jochen Greven »Mächler hat geschildert und erfaßt, was es zu erfassen gab. Peinlich und aufregend genau wird vom Biographen Kombination, Möglichkeit und Faktum nebeneinandergestellt. Es wird nichts verschwiegen aus dem verschwiegenen Leben, aus diesem lebenslangen Lebensversteck.« Karl Krolow Robert Mächler wurde 1909 in Baden/ Aargau geboren. Nach humanistischen Studien an der Universität Bern war er als Journalist und Schriftsteller tätig. Er starb 1997.

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