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      • Books Tatin Giannaro / Dr. Olga-Tatjana Rauch

        Contemporary fiction with strong female characters. Realism combining elements of suspense with elements of humor. Multi-layered stories about modern-day life and love, society and human beings. In focus: women and their own view of the world. Universal emotions, desires and human values, a portrait of society and a documentation of recent historical events. Young women in foreign countries. We publish novels, narrations, poems, and short stories.

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      • Tatsunoie

        Tatsunoie consists writing, designing and binding by hand in Japan. My books may not be standard. However, some heightened sensitivity pursue to the promises of life. I try to each customer can feel their own feeling efficiently, so drawing and writing minimize. There is a strong bind between sentence and drawing. It is close to riddle. You can feel new emotion when you read and read. And the sentences written in Japanese and English.

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      • Trusted Partner
        September 2013

        Rights in the Law

        The Importance of God's Free Choices in the Thought of Francis Turretin

        by Bruce, James E.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2006

        Seiltänzer des Paradoxalen

        Aufsätze zur ästhetischen Wissenschaft

        by Wellbery, David E.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 1999


        Ecology, Evolution and Behaviour

        by David E Walter, Heather C Proctor

        There are over 40 000 named species of mite, and if estimates for unnamed species are included, then up to 1 million may grace the planet. By comparison, there are approximately 40 000 species of vertebrates, half of them fish, alive today. Mites are predators, parasites, herbivores and detritivores. They live in the dark depths of the ocean, in the lungs of birds, on the leaves of rainforest plants, and in human clothes and bedding. They are vectors of disease, vital players in soil formation, and important agents of biological control. Despite the grand diversity of mites, these small arthropods are often overlooked, and even trained biologists can be unaware of their significance.This books aims to fill the gap in our understanding of these intriguing creatures. It surveys life cycles, feeding behaviour, reproductive biology and host-associations of mites, without requiring prior knowledge of their morphology or taxonomy. The text is richly illustrated with line drawings and photographs. Topics covered include evolution of mites and other arachnids, mites in soil and water, mites on plants and animals, sperm transfer and reproduction, and mites as models of ecological and evolutionary theories.

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        Mafia-Opfer John F. Kennedy

        by Scheim, David E

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        Animal husbandry
        October 1998

        Response in the Yield of Milk Constituents to the Intake of Nutrients by Dairy Cows

        by P C Thomas, David E Beever, P J Buttery, J C MacRae, J D Oldham. Edited by Geoffrey Alderman.

        This report reviews the energy and protein requirement systems for dairy cows currently used in Britain and presents a new approach, along with the outline of a model for its implementation. Current systems give little consideration to the responses of the animal to changes in the nutrient supply, or to interactions between dietary constituents in their effects on digestion and metabolism. Neither do they predict any effect on the partition of nutrient use between milk and body, or changes in the yields of milk fat, protein and lactose, which determine the commercial value of the milk. Therefore the systems, although not inaccurate, lack relevance to the current needs of UK milk producers. Models which embody concepts of nutrient supply and utilization are reviewed and their development as viable alternatives is considered. It is concluded that a new diet formulation system for dairy cows should aim to predict voluntary feed intake, the partition of nutrient use between milk production and tissue deposition, and the short and long-term of effects of nutrition on fat, protein and lactose yields. The physical and biological characteristics of the cow must also be recognized and incorporated into any model for response prediction. The report is also published in Nutrition Abstracts and Reviews - Series B: Livestock Feeds and Feeding. It is an authoritative review for advanced students, research workers and advisors in animal nutrition and in dairy science and technology.

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      • Trusted Partner
        January 1997

        EQ für Kinder - Beliebt und glücklich, nicht nur schlau

        Wie Eltern die Emotionale Intelligenz ihrer Kinder fördern können

        by Shapiro, Lawrence E / Übersetzt von Löhr-Gößling, Anne

      • Trusted Partner
        Agriculture & related industries
        February 2002

        Public Concerns, Environmental Standards and Agricultural Trade

        by Edited by Floor Brouwer, David E Ervin

        There is currently great concern among the public in general, and consumers in particular, about the quality of the environment in relation to agriculture. Such concerns focus on issues such as pollution from agriculture, the quality of landscapes, animal welfare and food safety. As a result, many countries have developed a range of standards, codes of good practice and other policy measures.This book reviews these issues and relates them to agricultural trade and competition. Features include chapters on world trade and trade liberalisation as well as individual chapters on the situation in the European Union, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Japan and developing countries.

      • Trusted Partner
        Animal husbandry
        September 2000

        Modelling Nutrient Utilization in Farm Animals

        by David E Beever. Edited by John P McNamara, James (Jim) France

        This book describes current research in modelling nutrient use in farm animals, from cellular to ecosystem level. The chapters are developed from papers presented at a satellite meeting of the 9th International Symposium on Ruminant Physiology, held in South Africa in October 1999.Excellent papers from a top list of contributorsEditors of great reputationCovers the current topics of interest

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      • Trusted Partner
        January 1956

        Pauli Sententiarum.

        Fragmentum Leidense (Cod. Leid. B.P.L. 2589).

        by Archi, G. G.; David, M.; Levy, E.; Marichal, R.; Nelson, H. L. W.

      • Trusted Partner
        Agronomy & crop production
        March 2011

        Agrobiodiversity Management for Food Security

        a Critical Review

        by Jillian M Lenné, David Wood, Ken E Giller, Jonathan Gressel, Rodomiro Ortiz, John Witcombe

        Agrobiodiversity provides most of our food through our interaction with crops and domestic animals. Future global food security is firmly anchored in sound, science-based management of agrobiodiversity. This book presents key concepts of agrobiodiversity management, critically reviewing important current and emerging issues including agricultural development, crop introduction, practical diversity in farming systems, impact of modern crop varieties and GM crops, conservation, climate change, food sovereignty and policies. It also addresses claims and misinformation in the subject based on sound scientific principles.

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        A History of the Original Brazilian Martial Art

        by Mestre Ricardo (Cachorro)

        Capoeira, an original Afro-Brazilian discipline, is not so easily defined due to its numerous facets, as a deadly martial art, an exotic dancing discipline, inspired by an ancient far-away culture.  Nearly four hundred years of slave trade brought to Brazil an envyingly cultural heritage, composed of a continuous influx of different ethnic groups, which, concomitant with the different native, African and European regional expressions and its rich constant geopolitical changes, has produced a singular, colorful and vibrant multicultural and multiethnic society engaged in their new Brazilian identity.  From the XVIII to the XIX century, the harsh conditions with which black slaves were treated led to increasing numbers of slave revolts in the Americas, where escaped slaves forming independent Maroon communities in French, Hispanic, British and the Netherlands Antilles, and the Quilombola communities in Brazil, organized fighting guerrilla wars against the plantation masters and owners, giving rise to campaigns against slavery in Europe and the abolition of slavery in the Americas. Capoeira became the result of Brazil’s own diasporic experience, a branch of a large tree which grew into a unique and complex social art that cannot be dissociated from its historical and anthropological perspectives.  The Amazing History of Capoeira, written by expert Brazilian capoeira Mestre Ricardo Cachorro, unveils the Age of Exploration and the resulted Atlantic slave trade, unfolding African slavery in Europe as early as in the 15th century, much before black slaves were taken to the New World. The enchanting saga of the Akindele family from the beautiful Yoruba kingdom of Adágún L}wá will take you deeply into pre-colonial Africa and to the lands of newly explored Bahia de Todos os Santos in 1531, where the almost sacred history of capoeira began.   From the new findings in Africa to the discoveries in Brazil, this captivating book navigates through the Feitorias and Capitanias – the sugarcane mills of the 17th century – the real and virtually unknown cradle of capoeira. It brings to surface beautiful historic and cultural aspects of the colonial periods with its arts, music and religion, the African melting pot which was formed from the blend of ancient African cultures and the new Afro-Brazilian rural and urban settings and, finally, the old and the modern founders of capoeira.  The Amazing History of Capoeira is a delicious treat for all Capoeira's lovers, practitioners, and instructors who want to know more about this original Afro-Brazilian discipline, as well as students of history, anthropology, art, music, theatre, and related fields – all the way from the academic researcher to the curious history & culture lover.  An English-language edition was  published in fall 2012. 224 pages, 16.5X24 cm with full-color photographs& B/W illustrations. And if it also makes you desire to actually practice the art of capoeira in the roda, you will be most welcome then to read: UNKNOWN CAPOEIRA: Secret Techniques of the Original Brazilian Martial Art

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        by Mestre Ricardo (Cachorro)

        LA DESCONOCIDA CAPOEIRA: Secretos ocultos de la capoeira brasileña original por Mestre Ricardo (Cachorro) Capoeira es un arte marcial desarrollado por esclavos africanos en Brasil a partir del siglo XVI, como resultado de la fusión de diversos grupos étnicos que originalmente trajeron consigo a Sudamérica su identidad cultural, así como su simiente de libertad. A pesar de la sólida evidencia de la influencia de una gran variedad de otras formas de artes marciales africanos, la capoeira es esencialmente una expresión brasileña, con muchos aficionados y profesionales que la practican en todos los continentes. Aunque la capoeira valora muchos de sus aspectos culturales e históricos, que nadie se lleve a engaño, ?pues se trata de un sistema de lucha eficaz y mortífero! Como resultado de su desarrollo a través de los años, la capoeira se ha convertido en el arte marcial más rico, espectacular y hermoso del mundo. No obstante, la mayoría de los capoeiristas no saben que, en las manos de un profesional serio y disciplinado, este fascinante arte marcial puede convertirse en un arma graciosamente atlética y también mortal. En este libro aprenderá los secretos de la capoeira, tal y como se ejecuta en la roda o en un combate real. Maniobras, combate cuerpo a cuerpo y técnicas aéreas se describen en detalle a un nivel de perfección, mediante cientos de ilustraciones. En los diagramas se explican maniobras especiales, jamás antes publicadas en el mundo de las artes marciales. Además, los lectores tienen libre acceso a apasionantes archivos animados en formato GIF, para presenciar las numerosas maniobras que se presentan en el libro. Mestre Ricardo, alias Cachorro, graduado del Grupo Bantus de Capoeira del Mestre Adilson en Morro do Pavão y Pavãozinho —barrios pobres y marginados en medio de los ricos suburbios de Río de Janeiro— fue el primer Mestre del Grupo Capoeira de la Asociación Cristiana de Jóvenes en la isla del Gobernador, habiendo recibido dicho honor en 1975. Al año siguiente se convirtió en Mestre certificado de la FCP, la primera Federación de Capoeira de Río de Janeiro y en el mismo año presentó a la capoeira en un programa de televisión en vivo filmado en Carolina del Norte, patrocinado por la Asociación Cristiana de Jóvenes (YMCA) local. En la década de 1970, Mestre Ricardo fue integrante del equipo de gimnasia olímpica del Club de Fútbol Fluminense de Río de Janeiro, donde se especializó en ejercicios de suelo. Durante su carrera como profesional de capoeira, Ricardo aprendió y practicó boxeo, karate Shotokan y judo, como medio para comprender mejor los mecanismos de movimiento del cuerpo involucrados en diversas artes marciales. Se prevé la publicación de una versión en inglés americano, en el otoño de 2009. Otra nueva obra de la serie de Capoeira: La increíble historia de la Capoeira

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        Sport & leisure industries
        August 2012

        Managing Outdoor Recreation

        by Robert E Manning, Laura E Anderson

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        Les secrets cachés de la capoeira

        by Mestre Ricardo (Cachorro)

        La capoeira, cette inconnue Les secrets cachés de la capoeira brésilienne originale par Mestre Ricardo (Cachorro) La capoeira est un art martial développé par les esclaves africains au Brésil à partir du 16ème siècle, résultant de la fusion de différents groupes ethniques qui avaient originellement apporté avec eux leur propre identité culturelle en Amérique du Sud, en même temps que leur esprit de liberté. En dépit de la forte évidence des influences d'une diversité d'autres formes des anciens arts martiaux africains, la capoeira est essentiellement une expression originale brésilienne avec de nombreux adeptes et de fans enthousiastes sur tous les continents. Bien que la capoeira tienne en haute estime ses aspects culturels et historiques, il ne faut pas s'y tromper : il s'agit d'une méthode de combat efficace et mortelle ! A la suite de son développement au long des années, la capoeira est devenue l'art martial le plus riche, le plus spectaculaire et le plus beau de la planète. Cependant, ce que même la plupart des capoeiristas ne savant pas, c'est que cet art martial fascinant peut devenir une arme à la fois athlétique et gracieuse, mais aussi mortelle entre les mains (et les pieds) de n'importe quel adepte le pratiquant de manière disciplinée et sérieuse. Dans ce livre, vous apprendrez les secrets particuliers de la capoeira telle qu'elle est exécutée dans une roda ou dans un véritable combat. Les mouvements, le combat au sol et les techniques aériennes sont entièrement décrits au niveau de la perfection, à l'aide de centaines d'illustrations. Des diagrammes expliquent des manœuvres spéciales encore jamais publiées dans l'univers des arts martiaux. De plus, les lecteurs disposeront du libre accès à de passionnants fichiers animés GIF illustrant les nombreux mouvements présentés dans le livre. Mestre Ricardo, connu de son surnom de Cachorro, qui appartenait au Grupo Bantus de Capoeira de Mestre Adilson, à Morro do Pavão e Pavãozinho – un bidonville frappé de pauvreté planté au milieu des riches banlieues de Rio de Janeiro – fut le premier Mestre du groupe de Capoeira du YMCA à Governor’s Island, à New York, obtenant cet honneur en 1975. L'année suivante, il devint un Mestre licencié par la Première Fédération de Capoeira de Rio de Janeiro, la FCP, et la même année il présenta la capoeira dans une émission de télévision en direct filmée en Caroline du Nord, patronnée par la section locale du YMCA. Dans les années 1970, Mestre Ricardo était un membre de l'équipe de gymnastique olympique du Fluminense Football Club de Rio de Janeiro, où il se spécialisa dans les exercices au sol. Au cours de sa carrière professionnelle d'adepte de la capoeira, Ricardo a étudié et pratiqué la boxe, le karaté Shotokan et le judo, les utilisant pour mieux comprendre les mécanismes de mouvement du corps rencontrés dans les différents arts martiaux. Une édition en anglais pour l'Amérique du Nord a été publiée en automne 2009.

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