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        September 2021


        by Shi Bin, Ren Qiongjin

        This is a manuscript that focuses on the survival and inheritance of traditional craftsmen in Hunan. From February 2016 to December 2018, which lasted 3 years, the author searched for 40 folk craftsmen in Hunan, and conducted personal interviews with these craftsmen who insisted on traditional craftsmanship, and recorded the inheritance and adherence to traditions with text and photos. Huxiang craftsman spirit of craftsmanship. The interviewees are roughly divided into two categories, one is with a family history, the longest being up to 9 generations; the other is a lifelong apprenticeship. They are all handmade and do not rely on large-scale machinery and equipment at all. Among the interviewees, 20 have entered the “intangible cultural heritage” list at the national, provincial, municipal, and district levels, and have a certain social reputation and status, such as Long Jitang, a silverware maker in Xiangxi, and a ceramic smelter in Changsha Tongguan. Liu Zhiguang; The remaining 20 are folk traditional craftsmen, pure craft earners scattered in the streets and lanes, such as the incense maker who follows the traditional manufacturing method and the last knifeman in the river. Among them are the elderly, the middle-aged, and those born in the 1980s who are dedicated to traditional craftsmanship. Some of the projects interviewed have developed prosperously, some have few successors, and some are in jeopardy. The manuscript is recorded with a combination of text and pictures. The text is mainly traced from the profound family production background and inheritance of several generations. The family history and inheritance history of the craftsman is described in a literary way. The text is concise and exquisite; the pictures are true and true. Accurately conduct a large number of samples during the crafting process to give readers a sense of appreciation and presence. The manuscript not only truly reflects the current status of Hunan handicraft practitioners, but also a record of traditional handicraft culture. It is a clear evidence of the spiritual inheritance of Hunan craftsmen and the preservation of the beauty of daily life that we once possessed.

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        by André Kubiczek

        René, the protagonist from Kubiczek’s successful novel A Sketch of Summer, whom we meet again in this story, is sent to a boarding school in Halle an der Saale at the end of summer 1985. The school offers a few select students the opportunity to attend university in Moscow after graduation. Despite the chance to swap the provinces for the sister state, René remains unimpressed: "Who jumps for joy at the chance to study the communist system?" Or perhaps not unimpressed, but captivated by other things, as boarding school means being away from your parents. Having girls close by. Lots of prohibitions. Prohibitions are really fun. And: "280 German marks bursary, just like that, for doing nothing. Whichever way you look at it, it’s a win."

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        Children's & YA
        July 2017

        Quest for Fire

        by Feng Jiannan

        Quest for Fire tells an interesting and enlightening story of Sui-Ren Shi having tried various ways and finally managing to make a fire by rubbing sticks.

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        December 2020

        Growing up under the Red Flag —The Image History of Changde in the 70th anniversary of the Founding of New China

        by Ren Minzheng, Zhao Youqiang, Zheng Yan

        Using photos and historical records, this book recalls the typical events, characters and occasions that reflected the times and history in the past 70 years since the liberation of Changde city.

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        January 2017

        Nanjing Never Cries

        by Zheng Hong

        Set in the city of Nanjing during the time of the Sino-Japanese war (1937-1945), this novel tells the story of four people caught up in the violence and tumult of these years: John Winthrop and his MTI classmate, the brilliant Chinese physicist Calvin Ren (Ren Kewen) and his wife. They work at Nanjing's National Central University on a secret project to design and build warplanes to enable the Chinese to defend themselves against Japanese bombers. John enjoys his new life in Nanjing. He helps a lovely and determined yound lady Chen May with her English, falling a little in love with her; he shops for antiques; meets with Chiang Kai-Shek and Madame Chiang. But when the Japanese invade, there is no safe place in the city. The Japanese murder, torture, and rape indiscriminately. May's whole family are killed; John works in a shelter for women and children; Calvin's family flees the city while Calvin, weakened by overwork, stays behind to work on the warplane project. Each tries to survive against the odds. Vivid and disturbing, Nanjing Never Cries offers a compelling story of the horror of war and the power of love and friendships.

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        How Animals Hammer, Drill and Strike

        Tool Use in the Animal Kingdom

        by Peter-René Becker

        From insects to fish as well as birds and primates: the use of tools is amazingly widespread in the animal kingdom. It’s a misnomer to presume that humans are distinguished by tool use and conscious capacity. So where is culture initiated? The biologist Peter-René Becker has evaluated numerous studies and cites plenty of evidence for the use of the hammer and anvil, lances, bait or sponges. Animals also use “tools as social implements”. Ultimately, the depth of man’s conscience singles him out from other animals.

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        Biography & True Stories
        June 2017

        Questions beside the Xiangjiang River

        Reflections of Chinese Revolutionaries and Heroes

        by Zhang Zhichu, Chen Xianchun

        This book mainly introduces alarming questions issued by the revolutionaries or heroes such as Mao Zedong, Liu Shaoqi, Ren Bishi, Hu Yaobang, Zhu Rongji, Hua Guofeng, Peng Dehuai, Lei Feng, etc. beside the Xiangjiang River. The questions are the reflections about the universe and the country, the society and the people, which shows their love for the people, courage to assume, and pursuit of truth. The book uses "questions" as clues to further talk about stories in detail of these revolutionaries and heroes in terms of how to answer the questions they raised, and that how they struggled to find answers in their life.

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        Mountain · Twelve

        by ShaLuoShuangShu

        "Fu Long Ji" takes the Wuyun Mountain as the diverging point, and contains 12 stories such as "Moving Wood", "Forgetting Vine", "Hua Ren" and "Xue Pu". It tells the story of 12 kinds of strange flowers and herbs on the mountain. For example, in "Snow Puff", it starts from the perspective of the human protagonist "Granny" to tell the story of her getting together with "Snow Puff" because of fireworks. In the second half, it tells the story from the perspective of "Snow Puff" to tell what she thinks and does when she sees the heroine trapped in a fire. This book is not about love between men and women, but about human desires.This book illustrates the author's thoughts on human nature through a deeply interesting story and beautiful illustrations.

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        The Arts
        November 2009

        René Magritte

        Beyond painting

        by Patricia Allmer

        René Magritte: Beyond painting offers a rethinking of Magritte's art from a position informed by contemporary developments in art theory. The book employs a wide range of literary and philosophical/cultural theoretical frameworks to analyse Magritte's art. It offers close readings of specific images, paying attention to neglected aspects of Magritte's work, discussing the significance of cabinets of curiosities and encyclopaedias, trompe l'oeil, framing and forgeries. It addresses a range of intertextual relations between Magritte's work and that of other Surrealist artists and the art-historical tradition. This book explores how Magritte's art challenges conventional notions of originality, canonicity and coherence, revealing his work as being shaped by co-operations and co-options. It demonstrates that uncertainty, incoherence and negation lie at the core of Magritte's oeuvre. ;

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        February 1999

        Büroalltag unter der Lupe

        Schwachstellen von Arbeitsbedingungen erkennen und beheben. Ein Praxisleitfaden

        by Ducki, Antje; Niedermeier, Renate; Pleiss, Cordula; Lüders, Elke; Leitner, Konrad; Greiner, Birgit; Volpert, Walter

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        Büroalltag unter der Lupe

        Schwachstellen von Arbeitsbedingungen erkennen und beheben - ein Praxisleitfaden

        by Ducki, Antje; Niedermeier, Renate; Pleiss, Cordula; Lüders, Elke; Leitner, Konrad; Greiner, Birgit

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        October 2005

        Tests unter der Lupe 5

        Aktuelle psychologische Testverfahren – kritisch betrachtet

        by Herausgegeben von Fay, Ernst

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        October 2003

        Tests unter der Lupe 4

        Aktuelle psychologische Testverfahren – kritisch betrachtet

        by Herausgegeben von Fay, Ernst

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