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      • Chas Maistriv

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      • BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT

        BCSis committed to making IT good for society and has over 70,000 members,including students, teachers, professionals and practitioners. Through a wide range of global communities, we foster links between experts from industry, academia and business to promote new thinking, education and knowledge sharing. BCSpromotes continuing professional development through a series of respected IT qualifications, professional certifications and apprenticeships, and provides practical support and information services for its customers around the world.

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      • February 2014


        The Pre Modern Dynamics in Eastern India


        The Volume is an effort to address the issue of the growth and development of Urbanization in the region from the Proto-historic period right up to the medieval time. The transformation of rural economy into urban economy is a complex process while the variables of those forces are the major contributing factors largely determining the nature, shape and character of an urban growth. In a vast country like India, the development of material in the numerous ecological zones. From the pre-historic period, regional forces played the most significant role in the development of Indian culture. In this anthology the researchers have investigated the process of urbanization in specific context within this region. They have also focused on the economic factors, especially trade, which determines the course and momentum of urbanization. The discourse will provide the readers a review of the scope of current research on the subject.Chief Editor, Ratnabali Chatterjee, retired as Professor, Department of Islamic History and Culture, Chief Editor, Ratnabali Chatterjee, retired as Professor, Department of Islamic History and Culture, University of Calcutta in 2006 and honorary Director of Women’s Studies Research Center, member of Women’s Commission, West Bengal.

      • Thriller / suspense
        December 2018

        Open Couplets

        by Torsa Ghosal

        Somewhere in the dingy lanes of north Kolkata, a young girl born to a family of idol-makers learns to carve goddesses with her own hands, a right that her artisan father had reserved for her brother. But, years later, when Ira Chatterjee—a breezy, jet-setting ethnographer born in the same neighbourhood—comes looking for the girl, no one knows where to find her.

      • Horticulture
        June 2020

        Climate Change and Greenhouse Gases Emission

        by Pratap Bhattacharya

        The book Climate Change and Greenhouse Gases Emissions presents the principles, practices along with key messages on different relevant issues on climate change and greenhouse gases (GHGs) emissions in agriculture. The other important feature of the book is that techniques of GHGs measurements at field level with examples are presented which could be useful for practical studies. The book should give students a good foundation in climate change studies and inspire them to take up further studies in the advanced area of environmental sciences.

      • August 2019

        Commercial Entomology

        by Anil Kumar, Nagendra Kumar & Hari Chand

        Commercial entomology is a specialized field of attraction under entomology. In spite of the fact that insect and their products are known since ages, much literature is not available on commercial entomology. Authors of the chapters of the book have profound knowledge of different aspects of biology and management of insects especially in their field of contribution. So, their inputs are valuable for the development of commercial entomology in India. Importance has been given to Apis spp., silk worm, lack insect etc. while planning the chapters. The chapters of the book start from the honey bees and their management by Dr. Suday Prasad. Production technology for bee products and pests of honeybees and bee poisoning has been explained by Dr. Hari Chand and Mr. Beer Bahadur Singh in the 2nd and 3rd chapter, respectively. These chapters describe different valuable bee hive products, processing, uses and their composition for promotion of beekeeping development. The chapters on sericulture, lac culture, biological control, insect pests of medical importance, insect pests of cattle and poultry etc. have also been included in this book.

      • Agriculture & farming
        June 2020

        Medicinal and Aromatic Plants

        Utilization and Conservation Techniques

        by Gopal Shukla ,Bidhan Roy, Vineeta & Sumit Chakravarty

        Medicinal and aromatic plants (MAPs) are invaluable natural resources of use to human race, without which the survival of human/ animal race is incredible. There is an enormous diversity of plants which are put into medicinal, beauty care and culinary purposes. Cultivation of commercially important medicinal plants is in high demand as the global community is growing towards a green and herbal oriented approach. India as a country has thousands of years old traditional medicinal systems which rely solely on medicinal plants. There is a gradual loss of medicinal plants with the increasing demand of plant derived drugs. Majority of medicinal plants are still collected from the wild. This doesnt meet the demand and thereby pave ways to adulterants. The over extraction and ignorant activities cause biodiversity loss. Farm production of MAPs in these days is extremely vulnerable to underlying climate risk. Sustainable management of these resources requires urgent attention for environmental stability and improvement of livelihood. New income generating opportunities are opening up for rural populations and in particular for small-scale farmers as well as marginal farmers through MAPs cultivation. New generation are not well aware of the various uses of many plants to which it was put before. Thus there is an urgent need to spread the knowledge and conserve the wild populations of medicinal plant diversity in various forest areas of India. Considering the importance of the MAPs, an attempt was taken in this edited book to understand and highlight the role of MAPs in livelihood improvement and income generation through cultivation, conservation and utilisation. Most of the chapters in this book dealt with individual medicinal plants in detail. Two chapters have also been included on pests and diseases management of MAPs. Nowadays, IPR issues are more important. One chapter has been included on IPR issues on medicinal plants. A chapter also devoted on value addition of the medicinal plant products.

      • Agricultural science
        January 2014

        Bioinformatics in Agriculture

        Tools and Applications

        by M. Balakrishnan, M. & Dam Roy

        The book deals with various tools and applications of bioinformatics in the fields of: o agriculture, corals, structural bioinformatics, data-mining, text-mining; o medicinal plants, antibiotics, protein structure prediction, drug design; o gene expression, micro-arrays, proteomics, molecular phylogenic location of the Indian Liver Fluke, rough sets to predict protein structural class; o artificial neural networks for prediction of amino acids levels, plant systems biology, molecular modeling, homology modeling, bio-efficacy of indigenous bacillus through in-silico approach; o fresh aquaculture and fisheries, pesticides and insecticides, databases and tools development in the relevant area. The book would be of much use to the person working in the field of agricultural biotechnology, bioinformatics, computer science and applied statistics.

      • Zoology & animal sciences
        June 2020

        Impact of Climate Change on Livestock Health and Production

        by Gangadhar Nayak, Kautuk Kumar Sardar, Bhabesh Chandra Das & Debiprasanna Das

        This volume of 30 chapters contributed by reputed authors covers: Diversification of livestock and crops. Integration of livestock systems with forestry and crop production. Drought and heat wave tolerant varieties. Strategies for reduction of Green House Gases emission from ruminants. Application of GIS and remote sensing technologies. Breeds with inherent genetic capabilities to adapt to climate change. This book also takes into account the climate change adaptation, mitigation practices, and policy frameworks for promotion of sustainable livestock and poultry production.

      • Sustainable agriculture
        September 2018

        Cutting Edge Technology for Agricultural Sustainability

        by A. Zaman & Sagar Maitra

        The book contains 33 chapters pertaining to sections on (i) water resource management (ii) irrigation water management (iii) soil resource management (iv) sustainability in agriculture and (v) crop management and productivity with the content contributed by eminent researchers throughout the world. The book will come as an important contribution to the latest agricultural technologies in bridging up the gap of scientific information to the researchers and policy makers in different relevant field of specialization.

      • Agriculture & farming
        January 2015

        Climate Resilient Crops for The Future

        by K.V. Peter

        Concise Oxford Dictionary defines Resilience as recoiling; springing back; resuming its original shape after bending, stretching, compression etc. With five components of crop production –space, water, energy, light, nutrients- limiting, there are stresses on crops to perform at threshold input yielding optimum output. Droughts and floods, cold and heat waves, forest fires, landslides and mud slips, ice storms, dust storms, hailstorms, thunder clouds associated with lightening and sea level rise are throwing new challenges to farming. This dangerously narrow level of food base prompts to widen the base of grains, vegetables, fruits, spices, industrial crops, mushrooms and aromatic plants. The emphasis so far was more on terrestrial plants, forest plants and lesser on lower plants. The aquatic plants-fresh water, brackish water, marine- were not much explored for edible use except by Chinese and Japanese. Halophytes, bryophytes, ferns and sea weeds are so far climate resilient. The Indo-Burmese Centre of origin (Hindustan centre including North East) is abode of several plants of possible vegetable, fruit and spicy value. The New Life styles consequent to migration for employment have brought newer food and dietary patterns. The urbanization and smaller family size are leading to pre-cooked foods and visitation to restaurants. s on bryophytes, halophytes, microalgae, chasmophytes, pseudocereals, medicinal mushrooms, speciality mushrooms, palmyrah palms, bramakamal, tropical tuber crops, dragon fruits, broad dhaniya, plants for dyes, kale and ornamental ginger are authored by eminent working scientists from 21 Universities and Research Institutes in Japan and India. The crops for the future especially climate resilient are to be identified and promoted in an emerging production scenario of new life style foods and convenient speciality foods getting attention by the new generation. The present book Climate Resilient Crops for the Future carries 17 chapters authored by men of eminence in respective areas concerning to the above areas.

      • Geography & the Environment
        January 2011

        Numerical Methods and Models in Earth Science

        by Parthasarathi Ghosh

        "Understanding earth systems and its dynamic behavior requires objective insights into the complex observational data sets and their interrelationships. Drawing meaningful inferences from such data is not always an easy task as the deterministic relationships between various geological variables often remain obscured. These interrelationships need to be determined empirically through the analysis of a large set of data and validated through numerical simulations. The ever widening horizon of techniques of numerical analysis and simulation now provides a good number of tools to aid the interpretation. However, due to the inherent complexity of earth science data, expert supervision is required at all stages of analysis from collection to dissemination. This ensures that the most appropriate methodology is adopted and the results remain consistent with the geological principles. Discussions on these practical issues often lie beyond the scope of textbooks and this is precisely where this book is placed. In this book eminent geoscientists present their experiences in analyzing and managing earth science data as well as in designing numerical models to simulate earth processes. Apart from giving a discourse of their own approach towards a particular research problem they also discuss at length the relative merits of alternative methodologies. These seven authoritative articles, richly illustrated, will be a valuable resource for research students and professionals interested in research and teaching in various branches of earth science like, tectonics, GPS geodesy, sedimentology, geographical information science, and evolutionary biology."

      • Databases
        October 2019

        Data Science for Professionals

        by Prof. N.C. Das

        The book is meant for a wide-spectrum of readership-empirical scientists, consultants, technocrats, advertisers, researchers and students learning Data Science for conducting small replicated or non-replicated experiments / demonstrations. It deals with two-factor three-level designs to be conducted only in six experimental units. For this an exhaustive set of 9c6=9c3 = 84 designs have been generated. Least Square algorithm has been applied for estimating separate effect of each component and their interaction along with fitting of response surface; meeting both the objectives for any factorial experiment. Of them seventy-six could be found as valid or estimable designs and the rest as non-estimable ones. Value of the determinant obtained for Least Square Matrix for each such design has been the indicator of its D-optimality status: the same could also be obtained from geometric structure of the designs. Such exhaustive search ascertains (8+4) D-optimal designs; of them only (1+3) are hitherto known. Also, rotatable feature of any such design does not affect its D-optimality status. A simple method SAME has been devised to meet the said twin objectives, thus escaping matrix formation and related operations. Each such design could be combined to form pair of replicates or blocks of an experiment so as to fetch statistical significance test based on ANOVA and fitting the response surface.

      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        May 2021

        Reproductive Politics and the Makings of Modern India

        by Mytheli Sreenivas

        In modern India, reforming individual reproduction, through changing marriage practices or the introduction of birth control, became a means to shape the life of the population as a whole. Mytheli Sreenivas traces moments when social actors questioned the wide-ranging, complex, and sometimes contradictory politics of reproduction, asking how practices associated with biological reproduction, and the social meanings attached to these practices, became the target of public debate and contestation. She reveals the intimate imbrication of population concerns with reproductive politics and the economy, and suggests that the ideologies and institutions that encouraged the government to intervene in the reproductive lives of its subjects were not mid-twentieth-century inventions, but arose from concerns that first took shape in colonial India. Exploring the wide implications of these policies and programs, Sreenivas challenges some of the fundamental assumptions that underpin reproductive politics today, in India and transnationally.

      • May 2020

        How to Thrive in Professional Practice

        A Self-care Handbook

        by Mordue, Stephen J

        Through a range of self-care activities, this book will help you to look after yourself so that you are fit to face the demands of your profession.

      • December 2021

        Queering Chinese Kinship

        Queer Public Culture in Globalizing China

        by Lin Song

        What does it mean to be queer in a Confucian society in which kinship roles, ties, and ideologies are of such great importance? This book makes sense of queer cultures in China—a country with one of the largest queer populations in the world—and offers an alternative to Euro-American blueprints of queer individual identity. This book contends that kinship relations must be understood as central to any expression of queer selfhood and culture in contemporary cultural production in China. Using a critical approach—“queering Chinese kinship”—Lin Song scrutinizes the relationship between queerness and family relations, and questions Eurocentric queer culture’s frequent assumption of the separation of queerness from blood family.   Offering five case studies of queer representations across a range of media genres, this book also challenges the tendency in current scholarship on Chinese and East Asian queerness to understand queer cultures as predominantly counter-mainstream, marginal, and underground. Shedding light on the representations of queerness and kinship in independent and subcultural as well as commercial and popular cultural products, the book presents a more comprehensive picture of queerness and kinship in flux and highlights queer politics as an integral part of contemporary Chinese public culture.

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