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        Sports & outdoor recreation
        January 2000

        Tourism and Development in Mountain Regions

        by Edited by Pamela Godde, Martin Price, F M Zimmermann

        This book discusses the importance of mountain regions, and the precariousness of mountain tourism in the context of ecosystem and cultural conservation. It includes case studies of mountain tourism existing alongside environmental sustainability and community well being. The text presents an integrated approach to mountain-based tourism, balancing the needs of local communities, tourists and environmental conservation.

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        February 2012


        Die fiesesten Reiseziele der Welt

        by Price, Catherine

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        Die Chandos-Falle


        by Price, Anthony

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        March 1992

        Ein ganzer Mann

        Roman. Aus dem Amerikanischen von Maria Carlsson

        by Reynolds Price, Maria Carlsson

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2023

        Golden Mummies of Egypt

        Interpreting identities from the Graeco-Roman period

        by Campbell Price, Julia Thorne

        Golden Mummies of Egypt presents new insights and a rich perspective on beliefs about the afterlife during an era when Egypt was part of the Greek and Roman worlds (c. 300 BCE-200 CE). This beautifully illustrated book, featuring photography by Julia Thorne, accompanies Manchester Museum's first-ever international touring exhibition. Golden Mummies of Egypt is a visually spectacular exhibition that offers visitors unparalleled access to the museum's outstanding collection of Egyptian and Sudanese objects - one of the largest in the UK.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        October 2025

        Early modern drama and the theatre of war

        Militarism, conflict and disruption in the plays of Shakespeare and his contemporaries

        by Bronwen Price, Hilary Hinds

        This volume explores the disruptive effects of militarism, war and social unrest in early modern drama. Engaging with Simon Barker's seminal work on dramatic representations of war and militarism, contributors highlight what often lies hidden beneath the surface of martial narratives, treating them as formative interventions in contemporary discourses, whether in justifying war, excluding dissident voices or shaping cultural identities. Discussions include new examinations of militarism, the figure of the soldier and early modern theories of war in Shakespearean tragedy, history and comedy, alongside antimasque and dramatic satire by lesser-known playwrights. The essays investigate how ideas of war underpin emerging concepts of gender, leadership, marriage and the family, as well as the continuing mobilisation of Shakespearean drama in the context of modern armed conflict. Together, they offer rich new contributions to the current lively critical debates on this topic.

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        Animal husbandry
        October 2008

        Principles and Applications of Domestic Animal Behavior

        by Edward O Price

        In order to understand and manage animals in their natural or captive environments we must first understand why animals do what they do and recognize limitations in their ability to adapt to different environments. Drawing on the author’s considerable experience in both teaching and research, this introductory-level textbook describes the basic principles underlying animal behavior and how those concepts can be used in managing the care of domestic and captive wild animals, covering four key themes: development of behavior, biological rhythms, social behavior and behavioral aspects of animal management. Extensively illustrated with many practical examples and over 150 photos and figures.

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        Veterinary medicine
        November 2002

        Animal Domestication and Behavior

        by Edward O Price

        Written by a world authority on animal behaviour this is a highly original contribution to the subject that covers behaviour and domestication of farm, zoo and companion animals. This book synthesizes existing knowledge of the process of domestication and how it has affected the behaviour of captive wild and domesticated animals. Three broad themes are addressed in the Chapter structure :Genetic contributions to the process of domestication, Experimental contributions to the process of domestication and The process of feralization (i.e. the adaptation of domesticated animals when returned to their natural habitat).

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        May 1987

        Ein langes glückliches Leben

        Roman. Aus dem Amerikanischen übersetzt von Margaret Sander

        by Reynolds Price, Margaret Sander

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