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      • Balans Publishers

        Balans is an independent publisher of quality non-fiction in the areas of history, politics, economy, biography, science, nature writing, memoirs, current affairs, religion and psychology. With our dedicated team, we publish approximately 40 new titles per year.

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      • Institut d'Estudis Baleàrics

        One of our main goals is the consolidation of the Balearic Islands as a structured cultural market, the promotion of the islands' music, performing arts, literature and visual arts by means of grants, international actions and formative seminars in cultural affairs. The Institut d’Estudis Baleàrics coordinates, alone or in partnership with other departments of the Government of the Balearic Islands, the Institut Ramon Llull or the Institut Català d'Empreses Culturals, the institutional presence of the Balearic Islands in strategic events for the promotion of our culture overseas.   Every year, our area of literature, thought, comics and illustration calls for grants to cover travelling and accommodation expenses of Balearic authors, and expenses for publishing books and producing promotional material for Balearic authors. Please, check our calls on our webpage for literature grants.

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      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 2024

        Exhibiting Irishness

        Empire, race and nation, c. 1850-1970

        by Shahmima Akhtar

        Exhibiting Irishness analyses how exhibitions enabled Irish individuals and groups to work out (privately and publicly) their politicised existences across two centuries. As a cultural history of Irish identity, the book considers exhibitions as a formative platform for imagining a host of Irish pasts, presents and futures. Fair organisers responded to the contexts of famine and poverty, migration and diasporic settlement, independence movements and partition, as well as post-colonial nation building. My research demonstrates how Irish businesses and labourers, the elite organisers of the fairs and successive Irish governments curated Irishness. The central malleability of Irish identity on display emerged in tandem with the unfolding of Ireland's political transformation from a colony of the British Empire, a migrant community in the United States, to a divided Ireland in the form of the Republic and Northern Ireland.

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        September 1998

        Einmal Bali und zurück

        Von Geistern, Haien und Vulkanen

        by Künnemann, Horst

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2016

        Death and security

        Memory and mortality at the bombsite

        by Charlotte Heath-Kelly. Series edited by Peter Lawler, Emmanuel Pierre Guittet

        Making a bold intervention into critical security studies literature, this book explores the ontological relationship between mortality and security. It considers the mortality theories of Heidegger and Bauman alongside literature from the sociology of death, before undertaking a comparative exploration of the memorialisation of four prominent post-terrorist sites: the World Trade Centre in New York, the Bali bombsite, the London bombings and the Norwegian sites attacked by Anders Breivik. By interviewing the architects and designers of these reconstruction projects, the book shows that practices of memorialisation are a retrospective security endeavour - they conceal and re-narrate the traumatic incursion of death. Disaster recovery is replete with security practices that return mortality to its sublimated position and remove the disruption posed by mortality to political authority. The book will be of significant interest to academics and postgraduates working in the fields of critical security studies, memory studies and international politics.

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        Geography & the Environment



        by Bettina Weiguny

        Greta Thunberg is not alone: there is now a worldwide movement. Young female rebels are taking to the world stage. They are campaigning for clean drinking water, opposing the gun lobby, mobilising against child marriage and child labour. In order to achieve their goals, they are speaking at the United Nations General Assembly in New York, at the Economic Forum in Davos, at climate conferences or at the "March for Our Lives" in Washington. Their influence is immense; a single speech can shake global corporations such as Siemens. Behind the young activists, just a Tweet away, stands a whole generation. The book introduces the key players, for example Emma González and the Indonesian sisters, 10 and 12 years old, who managed to bring about the prohibition of single use plastic on Bali, but it also follows up the fundamental issues: who brings them out onto the streets, what motivates them?

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        Biography: general


        by Oksana Zabuzhko, foreword

        "TEURA. SOFIA YABLONSKA" is a project that presents an outstanding Ukrainian female photographer, writer, traveler, and film documentarian Sophia Yablonska. It combines a photo album and 3 books of traveling prose from the literary heritage of Sofia Yablonska (1907-1971) Sophia was called "Theura" - a red bird - and thus recognized as female native of the island of Bora Bora, where she was one of the first to appear with a photo and film camera. In Indochina, Egypt, Ceylon, Bali, Tahiti, New Zealand - everywhere in the world, she filmed a "live" picture of life, and not fashionable productions at that time. The photo album, which was printed in Ukrainian and French (separate versions) with the support of the UKRAINIAN CULTURAL FOUNDATION, includes her photos from a trip around the world in the 1930s. Foreword - Oksana Zabuzhko (Kyiv) Photos from the archive of Natalie Udin, Yablonska's granddaughter (Paris) Biography: Veronika Khomenyuk and Andrii Benytskyi (Lviv) Photo captions: Natalka Beshta (Bangkok) Selection of illustrations and design (almost curators): Maria Norazyan and Ilya Pavlov, Grafprom studio (Kharkiv) Project manager: Lidia Likhach"

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2009

        Glück ist ein vorübergehender Schwächezustand


        by Tankred Dorst, Ursula Ehler

        Schallück ist lange genug Schauspieler, er kennt alle Regeln und Rollen, mit denen das Leben sich in Szene setzt. Deshalb durchschaut der in die Jahre gekommene Held der neuen Erzählung von Tankred Dorst das Spiel, als nach einer Aufführung eine Frau in seinem Alter in seine Kabine kommt, um ein Autogramm für ihre 15jährige Tochter zu erbitten. Doch dann begegnet er der Tochter – und seine resignative Abgeklärtheit gegenüber jeder neuen Erfahrung zerrinnt. Und so beginnt Dorsts leichtsinnige und schwergewichtige Erzählung über das Glück und die die Suche nach dessen Dauer: Denn diese Laura ist eine doppelgesichtige Erscheinung: Sie vermittelt einerseits das Gefühl, mit ihr könne das Leben wieder ganz von vorne anfangen, andererseits nutzt sie diese Aufbruchsgefühle, um ihre Interessen durchzusetzen. Bis nach Bali reisen Mutter, Tochter und Schauspieler – nur um zu erkennen, daß Glück in der Tat eine vorübergehende Schwäche ist. Das heißt in Tankred Dorsts hintersinniger Erzählung über die großen Themen des Lebens zugleich: Keiner kann sich wappnen gegen das Überraschende und Neue – weshalb das Glück zwar stetes begrenzt, aber jederzeit wieder versucht werden kann.

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        Business, Economics & Law
        December 2017

        Tour Operators and Operations

        Development, Management and Responsibility

        by Jacqueline Holland, David Leslie

        With a focus on the creation and distribution of packaged holidays, this text covers the fundamentals of business and the relationship between tour operators and destinations. With particular reference to the sustainability of both parties, it reviews the impacts and influences of tour operations and practices on destinations within the overriding context of tour operator responsibility. It addresses the entirety of this key component of the tourism sector, and reflects the shift in recent years from traditional 'sun, sea and sand' holiday to more bespoke packages. Taking into account tour operators as a growing factor among the major emergent economies of the world, this book is: - The first textbook to provide such in-depth content of tour operators and operations. - Written by authors with industry, research and teaching experience. - A wealth of information regarding popular eco, nature and adventure trips, as well as myriad niche and special interest products. Full of international and highly topical case studies, exercises and discussion questions, Tour Operators and Operations: Development, Management and Responsibility is a fundamental text for students of tourism.

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        Plant physiology
        May 2008

        Plant Membrane and Vacuolar Transporters

        by Tracey A. Cuin, Jay Morris, Toshio Sana, Tzvetina Brumbarova, Jon K. Pittman, Yongchao Liang, Bibin Paulose, Katsuhiro Shiratake, Uwe Ludewig, Nobukazu Shitan, Tetsuro Mimura, Savita Dahiya. Edited by Pawan K. Jaiwal, Rana P. Singh, Om Parkash Dhankher.

        While information on the roles and regulation of transporters for all major nutrients and metabolites in plants has increased significantly, a synthesis of this research has been lacking. Based on current research in genomics and proteomics, this book clarifies the identification and characterization of plant membrane and vacuolar transporters. Transporter functions such as mineral nutrition, cell homeostasis, storage and stress responses are examined with a focus on enhancing nutrient use efficiency in crops, and increasing crops’ ability to withstand nutrient stresses and improve nutrient storage.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2021

        Zhangjiajie•“Me and My Motherland”

        by Zhangjiajie•“Me and My Motherland”Editorial Board

        Zhangjiajie• is a book organized and edited by the Propaganda Department of the Zhangjiajie Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China. At the beginning of 2019, the Propaganda Department of the Zhangjiajie Municipal Party Committee learned about the news of Zhangjiajie, the birthplace of "My Motherland and Me", and then began a long period of time. Argumentation and planning, the book is composed of 4 chapters: "Birth", "Anthem", "Story" and "The Square". The work uses a large number of little-known song creation details, interesting stories and praises to the landscape and humanities of Zhangjiajie. It restores the creation process of the song "Me and My Motherland" for readers. At the same time, through a large number of incisive essays, multi-dimensional and multi-perspective presented Zhangjiajie people's praise of the motherland in all aspects.

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        Business, Economics & Law
        June 2019

        China-Africa Economic and Trade Cooperation:

        Case Studies and Plans

        by Secretariat of the First China-Africa Economic and Trade Expo Organizing Committee

        China-Africa Economics and Trade Cooperation: Case Studies and Plans comes in 3 languages: Chinese(2 volumes), English(2 volumes), and French(2 volumes). This book series include 101 excellent case studies , which related to 21 Chinese provinces and cities and 31 countries in Africa, containing agriculture, manufacturing, commerce and trade, infrastructure, industrial parks, energy and mining, financing and other fields in China-Africa economic and trade cooperation. This set of books is practical and useful for all readers. In addition, the book gives the vivid interpretation on the concept of common prosperity, win-win cooperation, mutual negotiation and construction, shared innovation and progression of Belt and Road Initiative.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        December 2017

        Selected Works of Culture and History in Hunan

        Volume 5

        by Hunan Research Institute of Culture and History

        The book is divided into several parts, such as the study of Hunan culture, historical stories, Hunan famous characters, folk customs, appreciation of scenery in Hunan, Hunan art and literature, etc., to show Hunan's history, culture and events from different perspectives. The book is supported with theories, historical materials, and also is of interest. It is of positive significance to the advancement of the research and development of Hunan culture.

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