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      • Verlagsgruppe Patmos

        Patmos - Thorbecke - Grünewald - Eschbach - Schwaben - Ver Sacrum The list of Verlagsgruppe Patmos offers a wide range of titles, covering psychology, self-help, memoirs, parenting, spirituality, religion and theology, as well as gift books and children´s books, mostly for First Communion. Our imprint Thorbecke specializes in books on cookery, lifestyle and gardening, on the one hand, as well as books on history and cultural history, on the other hand.

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      • Sri Senbaga Pathippakam

        Sri Senbaga Pathippakam is one of the best publishers in Tamil language. We have published more than 1000 titles including ancient Sangam Tamil literature, research books in Tamil literature and language, mythological books, historical fiction and non-fiction, short stories, cooking books, etc. We also specialize in books for children, bilingual and trilingual dictionaries for the reference of students and general public. We publish Sahitya Academy & Tamilnadu government award winning books. One of our renowned books, 'Thirukkural', a scripture common to every walk of human life irrespective of gender, race or community is a must read for everyone on this planet. It is published in various sizes and design. 'Oviyakkural (Thirukkural with paintings)' portrays Tamil tradition and culture through paintings. Our religious publication about Vainavam and Saivam is popular among scholars. 'Kambar Kavi Inbam' portrays the beauty of poetry as described in Kambar's Ramayanam in Tamil language.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        December 2005

        Pat Barker

        by John Brannigan, Daniel Lea

        This book provides a comprehensive account and critical analysis of the literary career of Pat Barker. It offers readings of Barker's innovations in narrative form, her revisionist perspectives on history, class and gender, and her preoccupation with themes of trauma, haunting and terror. It also analyses the reasons for her success and significance as a novelist. The chapters draw on contemporary theories of critical realism, gender and social identities, memory and narrative, in order to outline the debates with which Barker's work has consistently engaged. Brannigan argues that Barker is one of the most important writers in modern English literary history. She is principally renowned and widely acclaimed for her 'Regeneration' trilogy, the last volume of which, 'The Ghost Road', won the Booker Prize in 1995. In recent novels, Barker has continued to deal with controversial and shocking themes, including child murderers and the meanings of 'terror' in the contemporary world. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        January 1985

        Der Grosse Pat Mallet

        Die nicht immer himmlischen Vergnügungen der Erdenbürger

        by Mallet, Pat

      • Trusted Partner
        The Arts
        July 2024

        Pasticcio opera in Britain

        History and context

        by Peter Morgan Barnes

        This study overturns twentieth-century thinking about pasticcio opera. This radical way of creating opera formed a counterweight, even a relief, to the trenchant masculinity of literate culture in the seventeenth century. It undermined the narrowing of nationalism in the eighteenth century, and was an act of gross sacrilege against the cult of Romantic genius in the nineteenth century. In the twentieth century, it found itself on the wrong side of copyright law. However, in the twenty-first century it is enjoying a tentative revival. This book redefines pasticcio as a method rather than a genre of opera and aligns it with other art forms which also created their works from pre-existing parts, including sculpture. A pasticcio opera is created from pre-existing music and text, thus flying in face of insistence on originality and creation by a solo genius.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        July 2018

        R. S. Thomas

        by Christopher Morgan

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2024

        Anticlerical legacies

        by Elad Carmel

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2023

        Posthuman Journey Trilogie

        by Pat To Yan, John Birke, Ulrike Syha

        Das zentrale Motiv der Reise verbindet diese Trilogie: Wohin die Figuren auch gehen, sie sind in einem Transitzustand, in Umbruchssituationen, auf der Flucht und auf der Suche nach den Bedingungen für eine freie Gesellschaft. Eine kurze Chronik des künftigen China erzählt eine Bewegung gegen den Strom: Alle fliehen vor dem Krieg in den Süden des Landes, während »Der Außenstehende« die Rückreise antritt ins Zentrum der Katastrophe, um sich mit seiner verdrängten traumatischen Geschichte zu konfrontieren. Eine posthumane Geschichte beginnt mit einem Soldaten, der vom Homeoffice aus feindliche Gebiete bombardiert. Als sein Sohn ohne Gesäß geboren wird, reist er an den Kriegsort und versucht Verantwortung für die eigene Schuld zu übernehmen. Überall im Universum Klang ist der philosophischste Teil der Trilogie. Er spielt im All und auf einem noch unbekannten Planeten. Die Erde wird von einem schwarzen Loch geschluckt. Ein Mann versucht seine Geliebte wiederzufinden, die dabei in einen anderen Bewusstseinszustand transformiert wurde. Pat To Yans Szenarien sind bevölkert von mythologisch inspirierten und allegorischen Figuren, zwischen Mensch und Tier, zwischen Mensch und Androide. Sie bewegen sich stets in parallel existierenden Bewusstseinsebenen und Timelines. Seine vom magischen Realismus beeinflusste Schreibweise erzählt vom Sterben, Leben und Überleben in politisch repressiven Systemen. »Wenn du über die Grausamkeit der Realität schreiben willst, darf es nicht realistisch sein.« Das unheimliche Mädchen aus Teil 1, Eine kurze Chronik des künftigen China

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2008

        Robert Walser

        Sein Leben in Bildern und Texten

        by Bernhard Echte, Bernhard Echte

        Robert Walsers Biographie ist von spannender Rätselhaftigkeit. Zeit seines Lebens verlief sein Weg am Rande der literarischen und bürgerlichen Welt, so daß er in den Zeugnissen seiner Zeitgenossen kaum Niederschlag fand. Und Walser seinerseits vermied es, sein Leben irgendwie anders zu dokumentieren als in seiner Literatur. Dort aber spielt er mit seiner Biographie – phantasierend und verwandelnd, so daß die Texte von seinen Lebensumständen mehr verschweigen als verraten. In mehr als 20jähriger Forschung ist es dem Herausgeber gelungen, eine Fülle unbekannter Materialien und Bilder zusammenzutragen. Annähernd 1000 zeitgenössische Bilddokumente erlauben es, Walsers Lebenswelt in einer Nähe und Dichte kennenzulernen, wie es bislang nicht möglich war. »Sein Lebensbild wird nie komplett geschrieben werden können. Schon scheint mancher seinen Charakter zu umkleiden versucht zu haben.« Robert Walser

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        The Arts
        January 2019

        Karel Reisz

        by Colin Gardner

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        Science & Mathematics

        Hydroponics and Protected Cultivation

        A Practical Guide

        by Lynette Morgan

        A comprehensive, practical text which covers a diverse range of hydroponic and protected cropping techniques, systems, greenhouse types and environments. It also details the use of indoor plant factories, vertical systems, organic hydroponics and aquaponics.Worldwide hydroponic cropping operations can vary from large, corporate producers running many hectares of greenhouse systems particularly for crops such as tomato, cucumber, capsicum and lettuce, to smaller-scale growers growing fresh produce for local markets.Included in this book:Detailed technical information to help growers and students to design and run their own hydroponic operations.In-depth research to explain the factors that influence plant growth, produce quality, post-harvest life and hydroponic plant nutrition.New advances such as the use of organic nutrients and substrates, completely enclosed indoor plant factories and the growing number of small-scale, non-commercial applications.Hydroponics and Protected Cultivation is fully illustrated with colour images and photographs to illustrate key topics and help identify problem areas. It is suitable for growers, researchers and students in horticulture. Table of contents 1: Background and History of Hydroponics and Protected Cultivation 2: Greenhouses and Protected Cropping Structures 3: The Greenhouse Environment and Energy Use 4: Greenhouse Operation and Management 5: Hydroponic Systems – Solution Culture 6: Substrate-based Hydroponic Systems 7: Organic Soilless Greenhouse Systems 8: Propagation and Transplant Production 9: Plant Nutrition and Nutrient Formulation 10: Plant Health, Plant Protection and Abiotic Factors 11: Hydroponic Production of Selected Crops 12: Plant Factories – Closed Plant Production Systems 13: Greenhouse Produce Quality and Assessment 14: Harvest and Postharvest Factors

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        The Arts
        January 2019

        Robert Bresson

        by Keith Reader

        This book provides a comprehensive introduction to the work of Robert Bresson, one of the most respected and acclaimed directors in the history of cinema.. The first monograph on his work to appear in English for many years dealing not only with his thirteen feature-length films but also his little-seen early short Affaires publiques and his short treatise Notes on cinematography.. The films are considered in chronological order, using a perspective that draws variously on spectator theory, Catholic mysticism, gender theory and Lacanian psychoanalysis.. The major critical responses to his work, from the adulatory to the dismissive, are summarized and analyzed.. The work includes a full filmography and a critical bibliography.

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2010

        Das Atelier im Grünen. Henri Matisse - Die Jahre in Issy

        by Peter Kropmanns

        1909 hatte Henri Matisse den Trubel in Paris satt und zog nach Issy-les-Moulineaux – gerade mal sechs Kilometer entfernt von der Hauptstadt. Dem rechteckigen, zweigeschossigen Anwesen, das zum neuen Zentrum seines Lebens werden sollte, schloß sich ein kleiner Park an, in dem Matisse sein „Atelier im Grünen“ einrichtete. In Issy empfing er seine Künstlerfreunde und Galeristen, hier entstanden weltberühmte Werke wie „Der Tanz“ oder „Das rote Atelier“. Der Kunsthistoriker Peter Kropmanns erzählt mit profundem Detailwissen von dem alles verändernden Ortswechsel des Malers; der Band enthält zusätzlich historische Fotografien aus Issy und Reproduktionen zahlreicher Matisse-Werke aus dieser Zeit: Ein wunderbares Geschenk für Kunst- und Gartenfreunde!

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        March 2006

        The new Bergson

        by Gerard Greenway, John Mullarkey

        Henri Bergson, central to European philosophy at the beginning of the C20th, is returning to that position at the beginning of the C21st. Bergson's legacy reaches across the disciplines of philosophy, humanities and the arts, and has especial relevance for recent film and video studies (in the area of time, change and difference). This collection includes an original essay by Gilles Deleuze, translated into English for the first time. Hugely impressive international cast including not only Deleuze, but also Worms, Gunter, Ansell Pearson and Timothy S. Murphy. The first in the acclaimed Angelaki Humanities series. ;

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        March 2003

        Das Leben Robert Walsers

        Eine dokumentarische Biographie

        by Robert Mächler, Robert Mächler

        »Robert Mächler hat die flüchtigen Spuren von Robert Walsers Leben so sorgfältig und verläßlich wie überhaupt gesichert. Wer Robert Walser kennen lernen will, kann sich Mächler anvertrauen. Er findet einen zuverlässigen, umsichtigen Führer und er wird angesichts dieser sachlichen Dichtervita, dieses Bildnisses eines so armen wie reichen Mannes vielleicht von Erschütterung, gewiß aber von Zuneigung und Bewunderung angerührt werden.« Jochen Greven »Mächler hat geschildert und erfaßt, was es zu erfassen gab. Peinlich und aufregend genau wird vom Biographen Kombination, Möglichkeit und Faktum nebeneinandergestellt. Es wird nichts verschwiegen aus dem verschwiegenen Leben, aus diesem lebenslangen Lebensversteck.« Karl Krolow Robert Mächler wurde 1909 in Baden/ Aargau geboren. Nach humanistischen Studien an der Universität Bern war er als Journalist und Schriftsteller tätig. Er starb 1997.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2020

        Encephalitis, Second Edition

        by Alan Hecht D.C., Ona Bloom, and Jennifer Morgan

        Encephalitis is a brain inflammation that can come on suddenly and be fatal—is most commonly caused by a virus, but may also be the result of bacterial infection. Chapters include: Encephalitis Virus Human Genome Project (HGP) Immune System and Viral Infections Etiology of Encephalitis Glia Diagnosis and Treatment of Encephalitis Viral Encephalitis Prevention of Encephalitis

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        August 2021

        Rules and ethics

        Perspectives from anthropology and history

        by Morgan Clarke, Emily Corran

        This book investigates the pronounced enthusiasm that many traditions display for codes of ethics characterised by a multitude of rules. Recent anthropological interest in ethics and historical explorations of 'self-fashioning' have led to extensive study of the virtuous self, but existing scholarship tends to pass over the kind of morality that involves legalistic reasoning. Rules and ethics corrects that omission by demonstrating the importance of rules in everyday moral life in a variety of contexts. In a nutshell, it argues that legalistic moral rules are not necessarily an obstruction to a rounded ethical self, but can be an integral part of it. An extended introduction first sets out the theoretical basis for studies of ethical systems that are characterised by detailed rules. This is followed by a series of empirical studies of rule-oriented moral traditions in a comparative perspective.

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