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      • Trusted Partner
        March 1999

        Die Geburt des Mondes

        Schwarze Geschichten aus Kuba

        by Lydia Cabrera, Guillermo Cabrera Infante, Susanne Lange

        Guillermo Cabrera Infante wurde 1929 in Gibara, Kuba, geboren. Mit 12 Jahren kam er nach Havanna und nach einem kurzen Studium an der Escuela de Periodismo, der Journalistenschule, arbeitete er als Journalist. Er war Mitgründer der Cinemateca de Cuba und leitete diese von 1951 bis 1956. Ab 1954 schrieb er, unter dem Pseudonym "G. Caín", Filmkritiken für die Wochenzeitschrift Carteles. Er kämpfte gegen das diktatorische Regime Batistas, und seine Eltern waren Mitgründer der kubanischen Kommunistischen Partei. Nach der kubanischen Revolution war er einige Jahre Direktor des nationalen Filminstituts und Chefredakteur der Literaturbeilage Lunes de Revolución, die 1962 eingestellt wurde. Guillermo Cabrera Infante wurde im gleichen Jahr zum Kulturattaché der kubanischen Botschaft in Belgien ernannt. 1965 legte er sein Amt nieder und ging ins freigewählte Exil. Der Autor brach damals, noch vor dem berühmten Padilla-Fall, mit dem Regime Fidel Castros, das die Intellektuellen auf Kuba immer stärker verfolgte und zensierte. Seit 1967 lebte Cabrera Infante in London. Der Autor wurde mit seinem Roman Tres tristes tigres, 1967, (dt. Drei traurige Tiger, 1987) bekannt, der den Preis Biblioteca Breve in Spanien 1964 gewann. Dieser Roman gilt als eines der Hauptwerke der lateinamerikanischen Literatur. Zu den bedeutenden Werken Cabrera Infantes gehören außerdem: Holy smoke (dt. Rauchzeichen, 1990), Vista del amanecer en el trópico (dt. Ansicht der Tropen im Morgengrauen, 1995), Así en la paz como en la guerra (dt. Wie im Kriege also auch im Frieden, 1996), La Habana para un Infante difunto und Cine o sardina (dt. Nichts als Kino, 2001), eine mitunter giftige Liebeserklärung an das Kino. 1997 erhielt Guillermo Cabrera Infante den renommierten Premio Cervantes. Guillermo Cabrera Infante starb am 21. Februar 2005 in London.

      • Trusted Partner
        Technology, Engineering & Agriculture
        November 2019

        Biotechnology of Fruit and Nut Crops

        by Richard E Litz, Fernando Pliego-Alfaro, Jose Ignacio Hormaza, Stephen W Adkins, Nuria Alburquerque, Maria Luisa Badenes, Luciana Baldoni, Araceli Barceló-Muñoz, Pedro M. Barros, A.T. Basford, Muhammad Ajmal Bashir, Diego Silva Batista, J. Biddle, Manuel Blasco, J. R. Botella, Patrick Brown, Lorenzo Burgos, John E. Carlson, Luis A. Cañas, Elisabeth Carmona, David Chagné, Rekha Chaudhury, Elisabeth Chevreau, V. E. Chhatre, Yelda Özden Çiftçi, C. Claflin, Yuval Cohen, Elena Corredoira, Valerio Cristofori, Niccolò Cultrera, Abhaya Dandekar, Maurecilne Lemes da Silva, Sadanand A. Dhekney, Leo D’Souza, Ofere Francis Emeriewen, Kate Evans, M. Faize, Fábio Gelape Faleiro, Ana Paula Farinha, Vicente Febres, Yolanda Ferradás, Antonio Figueira, Maureen M.M. Fitch, Henryk Flachowsky, M. Foale, Svetlana Y. Folimonova, María Victoria González, Isabel María González-Padilla, Julie Graham, Dennis J. Gray, Magda-Viola Hanke, Smitha Hegde, Jose Ignacio Hormaza, Uma Jaiswal, Nikki Jennings, Hülya Akdemir

        This book covers the biotechnology of all the major fruit and nut species, with persimmon, pomegranate and loquat included for the first time and colour illustrations illustrating the crop species and their wild relatives. Family by family, it details well-established techniques such as protoplast culture, in vitro mutagenesis and ploidy manipulation, but also newer approaches such as genomics, genetic transformation and marker-assisted selection.

      • Poetry
        June 2018

        Hotel Hastings

        by Eduardo Padilla

        ¿Cómo podría describirles el Hotel Hastings? Traté de comenzar por algo sencillo. Una silla —me dije—, tiene que ser fácil describir una silla. Lo primero que tuve que hacer fue ponerme de pie. Dice el budismo que el esfuerzo arruina toda naturalidad. O eso me dijo Buda mientras nos aburríamos haciendo fila. Él también parecía estar de pie, pero con Siddhartha no se puede saber muy bien nunca qué es lo que está diciendo. Tiene una bien ganada reputación de bromista pesado. Pero no nos desviemos aunque, claro, es fácil desviarse si el hotel está — ¿lo dije ya? — en una isla de existencia dudosa. No desesperen. Eso no va a ayudarles. No, al menos, para alcanzar la santidad que aquí, en una habitación cualquiera, ha iluminado a un tipo que ve crecer su cáncer con la convicción que otros dedican a espiar el movimiento de las plantas cuando no hace viento. ¿Les parece sospechoso? De seguro es solamente su miedo a parecer sospechosos. Lo repito: no se preocupen por nada. Ignoro si ser policía sea muy difícil, pero les recomiendo que mejor sean lectores. Finalmente, si les incomoda tanto que esto sea un hotel, pueden contarles a sus amigos y parientes —cuando vuelvan— que sólo estuvieron en un libro de poemas.

      • Unico grande amore

        A trip through Italy thanks to football

        by Toni Padilla

        This trip through Italy is not intended to arrive as soon as possible. The guide is Toni Padilla, who, accompanied by a ball, and based on themes such as death, music, cheese or stickers, is impregnated with the country's double soul. Here are the majestic Italy and the Italy massacred by prejudices, lying on this journey from north to south and from east to west. The raw material of the stories, which are only on the author's radar, are the walks through the homeland of Benito Mussolini, Rafaella Carrà or Francesco Totti. Its pages are a map where memories are celebrated and goals are savored. Written with detailed prose and a leisurely gaze, they seem from another era, now that we don't have time for everything. But calcium is in no rush to get off this train.

      • November 2019

        My Grampas Garden

        by Valerie Padilla

        Album book that portrays the value of ties, created from a daily experience, and what they leave in each person. Talks about family relationships, deals with the issue of bereavement. Libro album que habla acerca de la importancia de la creacion de relaciones humanas.  temáticas, Vìnculo, duelo,

      • Sociology: work & labour
        June 2002

        Diversity in Engineering

        Managing the Workforce of the Future

        by Committee on Diversity in the Engineering Workforce, National Academy of Engineering

        This report contains fifteen presentations from a workshop on best practices in managing diversity, hosted by the NAE Committee on Diversity in the Engineering Workforce on October 29-30, 2001. NAE (National Academy of Engineering) president William Wulf, IBM vice-president Nicholas Donofrio, and Ford vice-president James Padilla address the business case for diversity, and representatives of leading engineering employers discuss how to increase the recruitment, retention, and advancement of women and underrepresented minorities in engineering careers. Other speakers focus on mentoring, globalization, affirmative action backlash, and dealing with lawsuits. Corporate engineering and human resources managers attended the workshop and discussed diversity issues faced by corporations that employ engineers. Summaries of the discussions are also included in the report.

      • Self-help & personal development
        February 2020

        Comunicar en la Universidad y en la vida profesional

        by Jiménez Yáñez, Ricardo María

        ¿Te gustaría redactar con fluidez un examen, un informe o un trabajo académico? ¿Quieres escribir correos electrónicos eficaces? ¿Te bloqueas al hablar delante de otros? ¿Quieres exponer en público con seguridad y convicción? Este libro de comunicación escrita y oral se dirige a universitarios y a profesionales que quieran expresarse mejor. En él se presentan las claves para dar fluidez a las ideas y para lograr escribir y hablar con claridad, precisión y corrección, incluso con elegancia. El autor de esta obra cuenta con 30 años de experiencia en las aulas.

      • August 2007

        The Treasure in Your Heart

        Yoga and Stories for Peaceful Children

        by Sydney Solis

        Help create peaceful children and a peaceful world with this book that teaches the universal wisdom of yoga philosophy using multicultural, interfaith stories to bring peace and character education to children and families. This book, for teachers and parents to share with children, has 26 teaching tales culled from the world's many faith traditions. It features such gems as "Mohammad and the Cat" (about kindness), "Brahma's Tears" (about unity), "Calming the Storm" (about courage), and "Conejito and the Wax Doll" (about anger management). Plus, there are many stories from African, Buddhist, Jewish, and Sufi traditions as well. This book also focuses on meditation and relaxation-for children to improve health and literacy-and features follow-up activities and the classic Storytime Yoga method of including yoga poses scripted with the stories!

      • Biography & True Stories

        Geography of Venezuela: a culinary experience, Limited Edition, XXI Century

        XXI Century - Limited Edition

        by Ramón David León; Author / Daniel León; Julio León; Editors

        This new edition offers a particular version, which presents the first Volume, which contains thirty carefully selected biographies, and their recipes, from a total of ninety-three, that are included in the original book (published in 1954). In this special edition, our intention has been to take advantage of the chronicles, individualizing them for each state of Venezuela, the insular region and the Esequibo territory that is under claim, including the biographies of four national dishes: The Venezuelan Hallaca, Arepa Criolla, Pabellón from Caracas and Christmas Stuffed Turkey.

      • Geography
        May 2020

        Geografía Gastronómica Venezolana: Edición Especial Siglo XXI

        Con recetas de 49 excelentes chefs venezolanos en la diáspora.

        by Ramón David León Author: Ramón David León; Daniel León; Editor; Julio León, Editor

        This book first came out in 1954 and it’s considered one of the pioneers in trying to paint a picture of our cuisine. The second volume boasts the other 63, and 49 remaining recipes, prepared by several Venezuelan chefs that are in exile. It wasn’t possible to write down the recipes for all biographies, since some include entries about the tabaco del guácharo, coffee, white rum, and pollo cañero (a type of toad eaten in the Orinoco Delta), among others. The new edition of Geografía gastronómica venezolana also includes a photographic journey with panoramic images from emblematic Venezuelan locations.

      • Geography
        October 2020

        Geografía Gastronómica Venezolana; Edición Especial Siglo XXI

        Con recetas de 79 excelentes chefs venezolanos

        by Ramón David León, Author; Daniel León, Editor; Julio León, Editor

        New edition of the history classic and culinary book, which was written by Ramón David León in 1954, whose original title is: “Gastronomic Geography of Venezuela”, by adapting it to the twenty-first century. The third volume, which gathers the original work of the 93 biographies with their 79 illustrated recipes, is still under development and is expected to be published in July 2020. This volume will also include five Venezuelan songs on MP3 format, from several Venezuelan musicians, and 60 panoramic 360º photographs.

      • Science & Mathematics
        January 2011

        Applied Veterinary Andrology and Frozen Semen Technology

        by M. Shukla

        This book is aimed to fill this void in literature by providing insight into various applied aspects of veterinary andrology, frozen semen technology and artificial insemination with the help of relevant illustrations based on authors experience and research in the subject. Theoretical aspects of the subject have been deliberately omitted as ample literature on the topic has already been published. This book has been written to supplement the requirements of the scientists and Managers working in frozen semen production station, Semen Quality Control Laboratories, Andrological Diagnosis Laboratories and students of Andrology and Artificial Insemination. It incorporates the topics mentioned in syllabus for Practical course of Andrology and Artificial Insemination of undergraduate students of Veterinary Science. This will also be helpful to the graduate students of Animal Reproduction or Veterinary Andrology as a teaching aid.

      • Lifestyle, Sport & Leisure
        February 2022

        Away Days

        by Álvaro de Grado

        There is no better journalism than the one that is done on the ground, there is no better literature than the one that takes us far from home and there is no better passion than the one that is breathed in the stands during a football match in England. Álvaro de Grado made a decision in 2013 that changed his life: moving to Manchester. This book is the journey of someone who, from that day on, always plays as a visitor. It is the x-ray of a unique way of feeling football that emerges in the Premier League stadiums but also in the most modest fields. This book does not give news, it narrates the adventures and misadventures of a correspondent. It tells stories about a land and a people to whom the ball owes everything.

      • Literary studies: general
        February 2018


        by BARANDA LETURIO, Nieves; CRUZ, Anne J.

        Aunque ignoradas en las historias literarias y culturales, durante los siglos XVI y XVII existieron en España decenas de mujeres que buscaron un espacio en el territorio de las letras. Después de más de treinta años de estudios especializados durante los cuales se han exhumado innumerables documentos y se han desarrollado y probado metodologías específicas para entender a las escritoras como mujeres integradas en su tiempo, es posible llegar a producir un libro como este. Esta historia y guía de investigación representa un avance radical en el conocimiento de las escritoras del Siglo de Oro, porque recoge los resultados más relevantes y los utiliza para configurar un panorama en el que la literatura escrita por las mujeres se plantea, por fin, bajo unos perfiles específicos. Se prescinde de la historia de las individualidades para mostrar en qué medida las escritoras dialogaron con su entorno y modularon los temas, los géneros o la retórica para responder a sus necesidades expresivas.

      • Biblical studies & exegesis
        September 2019

        El amigo del novio ("The Friend of the Bridegroom")

        Juan el Bautista: historia y teología ("John the Baptist: History")

        by Roberto Martínez Rivera

        A pesar de la frecuencia con la que muchas personas escuchan mencionar a Juan Bautista en las liturgias y otras celebraciones, su figura permanece siendo un tanto desconocida o resulta enigmática. Sin embargo, su importancia en el Nuevo Testamento es incuestionable. Jesús le dedica el mayor halago que persona alguna haya recibido: "Les aseguro que, entre los nacidos de mujer, no ha aparecido uno mayor que Juan el Bautista…" (Mt 11,11); y el historiador Flavio Josefo emplea más espacio en el Bautista que en el propio Jesús. Pero, ¿quién fue verdaderamente Juan? ¿Fueron él y Jesús primos, como popularmente se dice, o solo parientes, como expresamente indica el evangelio de Lucas (1,36)? ¿Por qué se dejó bautizar Jesús por Juan con "un bautismo para el perdón de los pecados" (Mc 1,4) si él no tenía pecado? El presente estudio aborda estas y muchas otras interrogantes de carácter histórico pero también teológico sobre Juan Bautista, todavía hoy venerado en numerosos templos y liturgias alrededor del mundo como "el amigo del novio" (Jn 3,29).   Despite the frequency with which many people listen to the mention of John the Baptist in liturgies and other celebrations, his figure remains largely unknown or proves enigmatic. Nevertheless, his importance in the New Testament is unquestionable. Jesus dedicates to him the highest praise anyone has ever been given: “Truly I tell you, among those born of women there has not risen anyone greater than John the Baptist…” (Matthew 11:11); and the historian Flavius Josephus dedicates more space in the Baptist than in Jesus himself. But who really was John? Were he and Jesus cousins, as it is popularly said, or just relatives, as the Gospel of Luke 1:36) clearly states? Why did Jesus allow himself to be baptised by John with “a baptism for the forgiveness of sins” (Mark 1:4) if he was free from sin?

      • Tingle

        Anthology of Pinay Lesbian Writing

        by Jhoanna Lynn B. Cruz

        Most of the forty-nine works in the book were specifically solicited from the writers I know in response to the question, “What makes you tingle as a lesbian?” Literally, the sensation of “slight prickles, stings, or tremors,” the excitement. I purposely didn’t give any more qualifiers to that prompts. I wanted the writers themselves to define the terms and enact them on the page. And while the word “tingle” is a homonym for the Tagalog word for “clitoris,” many of the pieces submitted were not about sex at all. But all the pieces are about a spark of recognition, whether at the beginning, the middle, or the end, that one loves a woman as a woman. Tingle is the flint. Here we are taking our stories of women loving women in our own hands and making ourselves visible on our own terms. When the initial thrill of desire is past, the tingle is ultimately the recognition that what we have found cannot remain in the dark—we must love and be loved in the light.

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