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      • Editora Jandaíra (Pólen Producao Editorial Ltda.)

        Jandaíra is an independent publisher of books by Brazilian authors who are thought-provoking and daring for children and adults.Originally Pólen Livros, it was born to explore new horizons, to establish partnerships, new ideas and to value voices. With a focus on women, contemplating the greatest diversity of feminine universes, she started her catalog with works written by and for women, to tell the feminine vision of stories, the world, society. And as a perspective for a new future, children came with themes to be discussed by people of all ages.In 2020, in partnership with the Sueli Carneiro seal, we achieved wide reach in bookstores throughout Brazil! With the seal coordinated by the philosopher and writer Djamila Ribeiro and with eight titles published initially; the diversity most present in our books, made us recognized as the publisher that embraces causes, from motherhood to self-knowledge, from feminism to anti-racism, from literature to non-fiction and children.

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        Children's & YA

        Broken Heart

        by Alexander Asatiani

        Cracked Heart tells the entire life story of a heart-shaped jewel box that becomes more and more precious for the reader, the older it gets. Even though it breaks and loses some of its external beauty, it gains a different kind of aesthetic when it’s put back together.

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        August 2023

        Verfassende Urteile

        Eine Theorie des Rechts

        by Sabine Müller-Mall

        Gerichte nehmen mit ihren Urteilen großen Einfluss auf Verfassungsentwicklungen. Wie aber können diese Urteile Verfassungen erweitern, verdichten oder verändern? Und was heißt es überhaupt, rechtlich zu urteilen? Um verfassende Urteile über ihre Rechtsförmigkeit zu erklären, rekonstruiert Sabine Müller-Mall in ihrem scharfsinnigen Buch Verfahren juridischen Urteilens. Sie entwirft nicht nur eine grundlegende Perspektive auf den Zusammenhang von Recht und Konstitutionalisierung, sondern auch eine Theorie des Rechts, die das Urteilen zum Ausgangspunkt nimmt.

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        Omni Learning Center Guide to Geography

        by Lorraine Gerstl

        MEET THE MOST IMPORTANT FRIEND YOU’LL EVER HAVE! Think of your family, your closest friend, a beloved pet. It’s only natural you’d want to know everything you can about them.  But we scarcely ever think how much we don’t know about the one friend we could never live without — the Earth, the only home we’ll have throughout our entire lives. We study geography because we want to learn about anything that has to do with Earth or anything that lives on Earth. This delightful, comprehensive book will teach you, step-by-step: To understand basic physical systems that affect our everyday life. To learn the location, physical, and cultural characteristics of places in order to function more effectively in our interdependent world. To understand how geography has always played – and always will play – important roles in the evolution of people, ideas, places, and environments. To develop a mental map of your community and the world so you can understand the “where” of places and events. To explain how human and physical systems have arranged and changed the surface of the Earth. To understand the relationship between the physical environment and society. To provide insight for wise management decisions about how the planet’s resources should be used. To understand global interdependence and to become a better global citizen. Learning geography helps us develop an understanding of the interdependence of our world and how we are connected through location, place, movement, region, history, and culture.  This understanding helps build awareness for cultural diversity — how and why people live the way they do. About the Author:  Lorraine Gerstl, truly a woman for all seasons, has taught thousands of children both in her native South Africa and in the United States. She has produced, directed, written, and acted in plays, musicals, and variety shows. A nationally recognized mentor teacher and a star of Omni Learning Center’s YouTube broadcasts and both live and virtual Omni classes, she’s traveled extensively on five continents, is an editor, internationally published writer, and a teacher who won’t hesitate to stretch her students’ reach for the stars. She still relishes her favorite title of all: “Mom.” 156 Pages, OMNI Learning Center Educational Guides,2020. ______________ OMNI Learning Center Educational Guides: Guide to Study for Success, Guide to Geography, Guide to Manners & Etiquette, Guide to Reading Comprehension Strategies, Guide to Theater in the Classroom.

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        Omni Learning Center Guide to Manners and Etiquette

        by Lorraine Gerstl

        Maanners are polite behaviors that reflect an attitude of consideration, kindness and respect for others. They are learned behaviors to be used every day to make a good impression on others and to feel good about yourself. Good manners go beyond opening doors and writing thank you notes. The really polite person is tuned in to other people's feelings and can put herself or himself in another person's shoes. Using good manners encourages others to act in a similar fashion.Etiquette expresses consideration, respect, and honesty, the three qualities that stand behind all the manners we have. Etiquette is timeless and crosses cultural boundaries, unlike manners, which can change over time and differ around the world. Without proper manners and etiquette, the customs of polite society would soon disappear and we would act more like animals and less like people.Good manners are a powerful source of self-confidence and help facilitate life’s relationships in general. Manners are important for considering the feelings of other people and being the kind of person others will like and respect., “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you,” the Golden Rule, exists in every culture on the planet.Good manners impress people and put them at ease. And people who are impressed and relaxed are more likely to respect you and agree to your requests. Manners make the world a better place. Best of all, good manners don’t cost a thing. You can have the very best for free!Lorraine Gerstl bestselling author of Omni Guide to Reading Comprehension Strategies, is truly a woman for all seasons! She taught deaf children in her native South Africa before migrating to the United States, where she raised her own children, then recommenced her teaching career on California’s Monterey Peninsula, where she taught for nearly three decades at Robert Louis Stevenson Lower School and Santa Catalina as its beloved third grade teacher. Since her “retirement” in 2017, she and Margie Lotz, a colleague from Santa Catalina, formed Omni Learning Center, which provides educational enrichment for home schoolers. Omni has recently expanded into teaching unhoused women at Gathering for Women not only to return to the active workforce, but to reclaim self-respect and social validation. Lorraine has produced, directed, and acted in plays, musicals, variety shows, picked up a National Disney Teacher of the Year nomination, and traveled a good slice of the world in the process. An editor and internationally published writer, who won’t hesitate to stretch her students’ reach to the stars, she still revels in her favorite title – “Mom.”76 Pages, OMNI Learning Center Educational Guides, 2020.______________OMNI Learning Center Educational Guides: Guide to Study for Success, Guide to Manners & Etiquette, Guide to Theater in the Classroom, Guide to Reading Comprehension Strategies.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        March 2023

        Sleep and its spaces in Middle English literature

        Emotions, ethics, dreams

        by Megan Leitch

        Middle English literature is intimately concerned with sleep and the spaces in which it takes place. In the medieval English imagination, sleep is an embodied and culturally determined act. It is both performed and interpreted by characters and contemporaries, subject to a particular habitus and understood through particular hermeneutic lenses. While illuminating the intersecting medical and moral discourses by which it is shaped, sleep also sheds light on subjects in favour of which it has hitherto been overlooked: what sleep can enable (dreams and dream poetry) or what it can stand in for or supersede (desire and sex). This book argues that sleep mediates thematic concerns and questions in ways that have ethical, affective and oneiric implications. At the same time, it offers important contributions to understanding different Middle English genres: romance, dream vision, drama and fabliau.

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        Zoology & animal sciences
        May 2021

        Nutrition and Feeding Organic Cattle

        by Robert Blair

        Organic cattle farming is on the increase, with consumer demand for organic milk and meat growing yearly. Beginning with an overview of the aims and principles behind organic cattle production, this book presents extensive information about how to feed cattle so that the milk and meat produced meet organic standards, and provides a comprehensive summary of ruminant digestive processes and nutrition. Since the publication of the first edition, global consumers have increasingly become concerned with the sustainability of meat production. Here, Robert Blair considers the interrelationships of sustainable practices and profitability of organic herds, reviewing how to improve forage production and quality, and minimizing the need for supplementary feeding using off-farm ingredients. This new edition also covers: - Managing a recurrent shortage of organic feed ingredients, due to increased GM feed crop cultivation worldwide - Current findings on appropriate breeds and grazing systems for forage-based organic production - Diet-related health issues in organic herds and the effects of organic production on meat and milk quality. Required reading for animal science researchers, advisory personnel that service the organic milk and beef industries and students interested in organic milk and meat production, this book is also a useful resource for organic farming associations, veterinarians, and feed and food industry personnel.

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        The report of mountain patrol · gene editor baby: clown and history

        by Wang Liming

        It's a grand scientific writing plan of Professor Wang Liming. He plans to spend 30 years continuously observing and analyzing the progress and major events of life science in the world, and finishing the book year by year. Gene editor baby: clowns and history is the * edition of this series. Professor Wang Liming combed the 26 life science events that may affect the whole human beings in this year, focusing on 8 of them. He uses a professional eye to dispel the fog and restore the truth of events, so that readers can understand the scientific logic from these vivid events, and understand where human life science exploration has reached and where it will go.

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        Children's & YA

        Missing Bugs and Grass

        An Invitation Letter from Nature

        by Xue Tao

        An Invitation Letter from Nature series is Xue Tao's first set of nature-themed picture books. Since childhood, Xue Tao has enjoyed getting along with the plants and animals in nature and felt the rise and fall of all beings with a sensitive heart. This set of picture books for nature and ecology education just pays tribute to nature, as well as to a vibrant childhood.   An Invitation Letter from Nature series focuses on the theme of nature in the form of transitions through the four seasons. It currently has five books: Epic of Mountain Forests, Day and Night of the Little Wooden House, One Year of Me and Tree, Missing Bugs and Grass, Birds and Little Beasts as Companions. Each book has its own theme, just like five different landscape paintings, presenting different life experiences.   Missing Bugs and Grass depicts the changes of bugs and grass in four seasons, which is in fact a metaphor for the journey of human life.

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        by S. M. ZAKIR, EYQA ZAQUE

        Zahir, Syed and Ake are inhabitants of low-cost flats in a Malaysian city. The three men embodied different ideologies: Zahir is an elder who depicts the conservative society, Syed is a progressive man trapped in the dust of modernity, while Ake is a 90s guy preoccupied with anarchy. They became part of a new community that struggles to survive while adapting to modernity. Unwittingly, these three men are sucked into the vortex of reformation which shaped Malaysia’s modern history. Tales of their daily lives are often ignored and forgotten by history; much like the frothy waves that eventually disappeared after crashing against the shores.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2007

        Geliebte Jane

        Die Geschichte der Jane Austen

        by Jon Spence, Ursula Gräfe

        Bis heute begeistert Jane Austen die Welt mit ihren Werken, ihrem Witz und ihrer Weisheit. Inspiriert von der Begegnung zwischen der jungen Jane Austen und dem Iren Tom Lefroy, erzählt Geliebte Jane einfühlsam, wie aus einer jungen Lady die berühmte Schriftstellerin Jane Austen wurde.

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        Brave new city

        Smart Cities - a survaillance-nightmare?

        by Peter Schaar

        The dream of the ideal city is as old as the city itself. Since real cities often develop chaotically, the idea of perfecting them, even tearing them down if necessary, and rebuilding them according to the prevailing patterns of thought is an obvious one. The latest manifestation of this utopia is the smart city - the intelligent city, packed with the latest technology and extensively digitised. But will air taxis and hyperloops, ubiquitous sensors, access control systems and data-driven management really make the city of the future a better place to live? Are they the answer to the enormous challenges facing today's fast-growing metropolises? Or will the supposed administrative paradise ultimately mutate into a digital juggernaut?

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        June 2025

        Jane Austen – Stolz und Leidenschaft

        Romanbiografie | Das Leben der Queen of Romance

        by Maxine Wildner

        Steventon, ein idyllischer Ort in Hampshire – hier wächst Jane Austen in einem Pfarrhaus zusammen mit sieben Geschwistern auf. Sie hat freien Zugang zur Bibliothek ihres Vaters und erhält eine für die damalige Zeit ungewöhnlich umfassende Bildung. Schon früh entwickelt sich Jane zu einer bemerkenswerten jungen Frau, die ihrer Zeit weit voraus ist. Sie beansprucht für sich das Recht, ihren Partner frei zu wählen, und ihr Leben ist geprägt von Romantik und Leidenschaft. Drei Männer gibt es in ihrem kurzen Leben: ihre große Liebe Tom Lefroy – ihr Mr Darcy, den sie aber nicht heiraten darf –, der reiche Mr Witherton, dessen Antrag sie ablehnt, weil sie keine Zuneigung empfindet, und der intrigante Philipp Trevelyan, der Jane begehrt, aber verrät. Jane Austens lebenslange Leidenschaft aber gehört dem Schreiben. Sie schuf unvergessliche Romane über die Verstrickungen der Liebe, die bis heute weltweit ein Millionenpublikum begeistern.

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        June 2009

        Mit Jane Austen durch England

        by Elsemarie Maletzke, Markus Kirchgessner

        Elsemarie Maletzke ist den biographischen und literarischen Spuren Jane Austens durch England gefolgt und entführt uns in die wunderbare Welt der Schriftstellerin und ihrer Romane. Jane Austen reiste gern. Sie erkundete Südengland von Devon bis Kent; sie fuhr nach London, an die See und nach Bath. Was sie sah, gefiel ihr ausgezeichnet, und als gute Patriotin konnte sie sich nicht vorstellen, daß es anderswo schöner sein könnte. Mit ihren Augen und durch ihre Romane sehen wir noch immer die klassischen Straßen von Bath – heute Weltkulturerbe –, das Cottage in Chawton, wo sie schrieb, die Salons, in denen sie tanzte, und die geschwungene Kaimauer von Lyme Regis, von der im Roman Anne Elliot oder die Kunst der Überredung Louisa Musgrove in Kapitän Wentworths Arme springen will und auf dem Pflaster landet.

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        Animal husbandry
        November 2012

        Camel Meat and Meat Products

        by A E Bekhit, Msafiri Mbaga, Mohammed Tageldin. Edited by Isam T Kadim, Osman Mahgoub, Bernard Faye, David Favis-Mortlock, Mustafa Farouk.

        Camel meat has many benefits as a meat product. It has low fat content and is highly nutritious, and has potential to be used to combat hyperacidity, hypertension, pneumonia and respiratory disease. This book reviews up-to-date literature on camel meat and meat products, carcass and meat quality characteristics, muscle structure, post-mortem analysis and the nutritive value to humans. A comparatively small component of global meat consumption, camel meat has the potential to undergo an explosion of production worldwide, and currently farming for camel meat in Asia, Africa, Latin America and Australia is undergoing significant expansion. The potential of camel meat in helping to meet projected world food shortages, and being sustainably farmed, is also explored by the editors.

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        Animal physiology
        November 1998

        Grass for Dairy Cattle

        by Edited by Jerome H Cherney, Debbie J R Cherney

        With the current interest in the environmental and economic sustainability of dairy farming, grass forage crops have emerged as a potential solution to some of the nutrient management problems now encountered on intensively managed dairy farms. The expansion and reintegration of grass-based systems into the mainstream of dairying systems will require a major paradigm shift involving economic, social and ecological, as well as biological factors.This book examines the role of grass in milk production in sustainable agricultural ecosystems. It provides a current summary of the role of grass in dairy cattle systems, including the breeding, management, storage, feeding and economics of grass for both lactating and dry dairy cows. Written by leading specialists from Australia, Europe, New Zealand, North and South America, this is an essential reference source for researchers, dairy industry professionals and advanced students of forage and dairy cattle nutrition.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        October 2023

        Humanitarian extractivism

        by Kristin Bergtora Sandvik

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        August 2016

        Nursing and psychology/psychiatry

        by Klaus Kaufmann Mall

        Why do people act and behave the way they do? What is going on inside of them? To answer these questions, which may be going through many nursing professionals’ minds, basic psychological knowledge is essential. This title will help all those confronted with these kinds of questions in their daily nursing practice. It provides an overview, using case studies, over the most common mental illnesses, outlining symptoms, causes, progression, and treatment options. This title highlights the mental illnesses as well as provides insight into challenges and opportunities the nursing profession provides for those working in the field. Target Group: Nursing practitioners, Nursing Students.

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